Gu Siwei didn't expect that someone would speculate on his thoughts now. Not only did they speculate, they also took into account his various hobbies as a man.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaomei actually got into her own company and became a serious white-collar beauty.

At this moment, Lao Gu was wrapped in a military coat and waving the whip in his hand. The whip pulled out a whip flower in the air and made a snapping sound.

The big green mule pulling the sled, with its hooves flying, stepped steadily on the snow and pulled the sled up the hillside.

Gu Siwei originally thought that the snow-capped mountains along the way might take longer than before. Who knew that he would not know until he started running that the big green mule's walking on the snow was not much different from usual, even It was even faster when going downhill.

It is precisely because of this that at around three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Siwei and his party had already seen the factory town in the mountain nest.

After urging the big green mule, Gu Siwei said to his wife, sister and brother-in-law behind him: "We'll be there soon."

"I saw it," Sicui said excitedly.

At this moment, Sicui was also wrapped in a military coat, but she was not only wrapped in the military coat, but inside the military coat there was a small iron cover, which was probably not cold, because Sicui's little face was now rosy. Yes, like a ripe little apple.

Hu Yanqiu's expression was the same. There was also a hand-heating stove under her military coat. It was filled with charcoal and covered with a layer of animal skin, so even though it was warm, it would not burn her hands because of its exquisite design. , so the charcoal in the stove does not leak out, let alone run around in the stove cavity.

You have to refer to this thing. Many years later, we unearthed incense from the Tang Dynasty. The design of that thing can be said to be quite ingenious.

Hu Yanqiu saw that his brother's face was a little rough, so he took out the stove in his arms and handed it to his brother.

Hu Yanping took one look and pushed him back: "It's not cold, hey!"

As soon as he said it was not cold, the boy subconsciously sniffed.

There are only two stoves in Gu Siwei's home. They were originally made for himself and his sister. Now that he has married a wife, Gu Siwei's naturally belongs to her. As for the brother-in-law, unless there are three of them, how can it be his turn.

"Take it if you are told." Hu Yanqiu couldn't bear to see his brother being frozen.

Gu Siwei spoke at this time: "You'd better put it away, you have a child in your belly now. Although it's a little colder here in Yanping, when you get there, your whole body will feel warm as soon as you drink the ginger soup..."

Gu Siwei was only halfway through what he said when Sicui took out the stove from his arms and put it into Hu Yanping's arms.

"Use mine, I'm not cold at all now," Sicui said.

Hu Yanping was not willing to accept it and immediately said: "I'm not cold either?"

Sicui was a little annoyed and clenched her fist at Hu Yanping: "Believe it or not, I beat you cold?"

Now Hu Yanping was honest and hugged the stove without saying a word. After holding it for less than two minutes, Hu Yanping asked Gu Siwei: "Brother-in-law, this little stove is so warm. How did you think of it?"

"What's unexpected about this?" Gu Siwei smiled.

At this time, the spread of knowledge was slow, so many people didn't know that we still had such a national treasure design. Therefore, Hu Yanping didn't know that the so-called brother-in-law's idea was just copying the creativity of the ancients.

"Then why don't you make more?" Hu Yanping asked again.

Sicui said at this time: "It was just me and my brother at that time. He made two and thought it was enough. When it was done, it was already too cold, so he didn't use it as soon as he saved it. If he hadn't wanted to Even when I woke up, I couldn’t remember this thing.”

After hearing this, Hu Yanping closed his mouth again and felt the warmth coming from his chest.

"The temperature is so low this year, and the snow is heavy. I haven't seen such heavy snow in many years."

Hu Yanqiu looked around at the silvery white surroundings. The thick snow almost covered everything on the mountain. You must know that there are evergreen trees more than ten meters high in this mountain.

Now it was covered with snow and it was all white. If Hu Yanqiu wasn't so familiar with the terrain here, he wouldn't know where it was.

"Just do it. Anyway, we have food at home and we don't lack anything. What does it matter if we do it a little bigger?" Gu Siwei said carelessly.

Hu Yanqiu thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Yes!"

The Lao Gu family has a lot of food. Hu Yanqiu, as the headmistress of the family, naturally knows that, among other things, the leaked vermicelli alone is enough for the whole family to eat until the beginning of spring, not to mention the cabbage, potatoes and so on. of.

Not to mention the Gu family, even in the village, everyone's life is better than in previous years because of the good harvest. The first reason for this is because the villagers feel that the mountain god is merciful, and the second is that everyone pays more attention to seeds than in previous years. There were many people who helped Gu Siwei with his work and shared some food.

Although they still can't eat well, eating enough is hardly a big problem for the Sixth Team.

It is precisely because of this that when I returned to the village in the morning, everyone in Maodong's house was smiling. Some old people even played mahjong together. You can hear the laughter of the villagers at the door of every house. Voice.

After crossing the top of the mountain, the speed of the big green mule went up twice, and this speed made Gu Siwei feel that it was a bit too fast. Looking at the road below, it seemed that the slope was not any slower than it is now, so Gu Siwei turned My feet stepped on the snow, trying to act as a brake.

However, Gu Siwei soon discovered that his foot brake had no effect, so Gu Siwei jumped directly from the sled and acted as an accelerator.

Hu Yanping took a look and knew that his brother-in-law wanted to slow down. There were too many such situations along the way. Hu Yanping was not stupid. Seeing his brother-in-law like this, he quickly returned the warm blanket in his arms. Sicui also slid off the sled and began to use her body to slow down the sled.

Today's sleds are not pulled by big green mules, but rely on the weight of the body.

With Gu Siwei and Hu Yanping braking, the speed of the sled slowly stabilized. Just when Gu Siwei breathed a sigh of relief, the big green mule in front slipped directly and his whole body fell on the snow. , so it tried to struggle to get up, but unfortunately, it couldn't get up when it was anxious.

In this way, the big green mule, like a sled, relied on its own gravity to slide down the slope.

Gu Siwei still has the ability to save Daqing Mule at this moment. It will be good if he can stabilize the current situation. The rest is up to God.

But fortunately, this slope is not very long, about two hundred meters, and it doesn't take long to get from the top to the bottom of the slope. When we reach the last hill, we naturally stop.

Waiting for the sled to stop, Gu Siwei and Hu Yanping, who were acting as human brakes, were already sweating profusely, and their coats couldn't be worn at all.

Taking off his coat, Gu Siwei fanned himself with his hat.

"Finally we're here!"

"Is there another episode today?"

Gu Siwei saw that on the side of the hill facing the factory, there were still people selling vegetables where vegetables were sold, so he found it very strange.

Hu Yanqiu also stretched his head curiously: "Yes, is there anyone selling vegetables today?"

Sicui said at this time: "Brother, brother, don't just watch others selling vegetables. Give the big green mule a hand, it can't get up."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei turned his head and found that the Daqing mule was slipping on the ground, so he walked over and wanted to help the Daqing mule, but the problem was that the Daqing mule weighed several hundred kilograms, and there was no room for Gu Siwei's help. It can be moved with help.

After helping the big green mule several times, it still didn't get up. Not only did it not get up, but the ground under it was a bit damaged, which naturally made it even harder for it to get up.

"Hey, brother-in-law, you are so stupid!"

Hu Yanping came over and stretched out his hand to Gu Siwei: "Give me your coat?"

"What?" Gu Siwei was a little confused.

"Give it to me and you'll know." Hu Yanping didn't wait for Gu Siwei to take it. He stretched out his hand and took his brother-in-law's military coat.

Under Gu Siwei's gaze, the boy put his military coat under the big green mule's front hooves.

Now the big green mule stepped on something, and he got up immediately.


Gu Siwei was so speechless.

"Why don't you use your coat?" Gu Siwei took the coat that his brother-in-law had returned, looked at the messy hoof marks on it, and asked the boy.

Hu Yanping said: "It's your wife who's pregnant, and it's not my wife who's sitting on the sleigh. I can't use your coat and use mine, right?"


Hu Yanqiu immediately became happy after hearing this.

Sicui giggled along with her sister-in-law after hearing this.

"You forgot, your military coat belongs to me too." Gu Siwei really had no way to refute his brother-in-law's words, so he had to talk about the coat.

Hu Yanping wrapped his coat tightly: "It's yours, but I won't take it from you. I took it from my sister's hand. Why don't you ask her to go?"

Gu Siwei had no choice but to raise his finger at his brother-in-law.

As a result, my brother-in-law returned one as soon as I erected it.

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble and hurry up," Hu Yanqiu said.

"Where to go first?" Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Of course I went to the hospital first. My parents are definitely not at home now."

"I'll inform my parents," Hu Yanping immediately volunteered.

"Okay, you go notify your parents, while we go to the hospital. Oh, by the way, Siwei, where are the mules?" Hu Yanqiu asked.

Gu Siwei said: "Put it in the yard of the scrapyard last time. Don't worry, someone will take care of it. Every time I come over, I give you something. When I get there, I'll put you down first. I'll drive the car there and then borrow it." A bicycle...".

"It's not that expensive. Let's go ahead and arrange the mules... We can just meet at the hospital," Hu Yanqiu said.

In a few words, Hu Yanqiu arranged the matter.

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