Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 380 Da Mao’s half full

It was already the early morning of the next day when we returned to Erdaoguaizi.

Qiao Qisheng and the others were still awake and had been worried about whether Gu Siwei would be able to arrive on time, so they were all surprised when they saw Gu Siwei come back.

"Come back so soon?" Qiao Qisheng quickly pulled Gu Siwei into the tent and directly moved the stove in front of Gu Siwei with his feet.

Gu Siwei stretched out his hand to warm the fire and asked, "Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes, yes, what do you want to eat, rice or something?" the middle-aged officer said.

Gu Siwei said: "Eat what you want quickly. Are these things available here now? If not, prepare. I will go back to the village first. If there is any, I will rest here for a while and send it directly to the top."

As he said this, Gu Siwei took out the list written by Li Zhengda.

The middle-aged officer took it and glanced at it, then asked strangely: "What do they need these for now? Also, what do they need so many condiments for? Is it possible that they still have a Manchu banquet on the mountain?"

"I forgot to mention that they eat meat up there every day. I don't know where they got the wild boar meat. Anyway, I saw a lot of it. It won't hurt if I bury it in the snow in this weather. Some of it is eaten." Gu Siwei He stretched out his hand and leaned into the fire source. After doing this several times, he felt that his body was getting a little warm.

Although Gu Siwei wears a lot of clothes, we are in the mountains now, and it is still early in the morning. The temperature is probably below minus ten degrees, so Gu Siwei just wears a towel with a jacket and a military coat on top. I can't resist it.

If there was no space, just this one would really freeze to death if thrown into the wild.

"Where did you catch the wild boar?" Qiao Qisheng asked curiously.

Gu Siwei replied: "Then I don't know. If you want to ask, wait until he comes down next spring and ask yourself."

At this time, the middle-aged officer walked to the door of the tent, called someone outside, and handed the list in his hand to the person. The person took one look and said that he had it all, so the middle-aged officer asked him to go down and get ready.

"What are you doing when you come back? Hurry up and get someone to prepare food. I have been working hard for so long and I haven't eaten yet."

When Qiao Qisheng saw the middle-aged officer coming to sit down, he immediately reminded him.

"I forgot about this. What do you want to eat? We have noodles, canned food, rice, etc., but we have to wait a while, right?" said the middle-aged officer.

"Come quickly and feed Da Mao, our big bear," Gu Siwei said.

"I am very sure of that!"

The officer said and ran out again.

Gu Siwei chatted with Qiao Qisheng about Li Zhengda's situation in the mountain.

"I didn't expect this old boy to have such abilities. I thought it was almost time to collect his body, but who would have thought he was still alive and well."

Hearing Gu Siwei tell Li Zhengda's general situation, Qiao Qisheng felt relieved. As soon as he felt relieved, he started to joke about his old friends.

Gu Siwei didn't have anything to say. He just warmed himself by the fire quietly and listened quietly to Qiao Qisheng talking about Li Zhengda with a smile on his face.

After listening to it for a while, Gu Siwei was moved by the friendship between the two. Although Qiao Qisheng said it in a relaxed way, under this kind of relaxation, the kind of care for his friends was not fake at all.

Putting himself in Li Zhengda's position, Gu Siwei thought about it for a while, but he didn't think of anyone around him who would definitely miss him as much as Qiao Qisheng.

Sicui and his wife would definitely be so worried that they would not be able to eat or sleep at night. As for friends, Song Rui was not very similar, nor could anyone else. As for Wei Na, it was not within the scope of Gu Siwei's imagination to talk to these people. Friendship doesn't mean it's impossible. Don't talk about whether it's useful or useless before your identity is established.

After pondering for a long time, Gu Siwei actually felt a little envious of the friendship between Li Zhengda and Qiao Qisheng.

Just as he was thinking about it, the middle-aged officer came back. Not only did he come back, he also brought a bowl of noodles to Gu Siwei.

It was really a bowl of noodles, and oh my God, the bowl he used was just like a small basin.

In such a big bowl, there is a bowl full of noodles. Gu Siwei thinks that there must be at least two kilograms of noodles in this bowl. This is dried noodles, not the kind of instant noodles that come in bags.

In addition to the noodles, there were also pieces of luncheon meat on the noodles. Almost all the luncheon meats Gu Siwei saw came in flat boxes, and the largest ones were only 340g. The pile of luncheon meats in this bowl made Gu Siwei It feels like it's almost as big as half my face.

It's one finger thick, about eleven or twelve centimeters in diameter, and half a knuckle thick.

You thought there was only one piece?

Then you are wrong again, just six slices. No matter how Gu Siwei thinks, the amount will not be less than one and a half kilograms.

"Too much!"

Gu Siwei looked at the big bowl in a daze for a second and then said.

The officer smiled and put the bowl into Gu Siwei's hand: "Can't a young man in his twenties eat this little food? When I first joined the army, I only had such a bowl, at least two bowls! Our company commander almost cried after eating it Made a sound...".

"Can I compete with you? You all train all day long." Gu Siwei held the bowl and really didn't know where to start.

There are only two things in the bowl in front of you, noodles and luncheon meat. There are no green vegetable leaves at all. I heard that there are vegetable leaves, and you can even see the soup. The main thing is a benefit.

Gu Siwei picked up a chopstick and put the noodles into his mouth. After taking a bite, he found that the taste was pretty good. He opened his mouth and asked, "Lard?"

The noodles are not made with vegetable oil, but lard. The lard is cooked directly from the noodles. Before the noodles are put into the bowl, lard is put in the bowl, soy sauce is added, and a little MSG is added.

"How is it?" the middle-aged officer asked with a smile.

"Very good" Gu Siwei nodded.

"That's right, our cooking team is famous throughout the army...".

"Okay, I'm just complimenting you. Let me tell you this. The pickled fish you ate in the cafeteria the day before yesterday was invented by someone else. Isn't it embarrassing for you to show off your cooking class?"

Qiao Qisheng smiled and said to the officer.

"Really or not?" The officer looked at Gu Siwei, and then his eyes fell on Qiao Qisheng's face, with a look of disbelief.

Qiao Qisheng said: "Of course it is true."

The middle-aged officer then asked Gu Siwei: "Well, can you teach us the cooking class? That stuff is so delicious. If the recipe is kept secret, then forget it."

"What's wrong with this!" Gu Siwei said while sucking the noodles.

Maybe he was really hungry, but Gu Siwei felt that the lard noodles became more and more fragrant the more he ate them.

When the officer heard this, he immediately shouted outside the tent: "Chen Bing, run over here!"

"I don't have time now. Firstly, I don't have the ingredients, and secondly, I have to sleep for a while. When you prepare the things, I have to go into the mountain," Gu Siwei said quickly.

The officer patted his head when he heard this: "I forgot about this, it's important!"

At this time, the man from the cooking team had already arrived at the tent door and saluted the officer in the room: "Report!"

"Okay, it's okay. You can go back. I'll let you come over and learn how to cook when I get the chance."

The guy in the cooking class was also confused by his boss. He turned around and went back to do his own thing with a confused look on his face.

Gu Siwei would definitely not be able to finish such a large bowl of noodles. In fact, he only ate half of the bowl, and the rest was not wasted. With Da Mao here, if there would be anything left, that would be too disrespectful to Da Mao.

After eating, Gu Siwei folded his clothes and lay down for a while. The officer and Qiao Qisheng were afraid of affecting Gu Siwei's rest, so they left the tent.

As soon as the two people came out of the tent, they saw a group of warriors surrounding Da Mao next to the fire.

"What are you doing around it? Stop working?" the officer yelled.

Everyone is very familiar with him, and the soldiers also know his temper. What kind of tone means he is not really angry, and what kind of tone means he is angry. Now this tone is obviously not angry.

"This bear is too edible."

A little soldier turned to look at his boss and nuzzled the bear's fur with his mouth.

"Of course bears can much!"

Halfway through the words, the officer saw the cans next to Da Mao and was stunned because there were more than a dozen empty cans next to Da Mao.

This is a large military can, each one weighing one kilogram. Now I simply counted around twenty boxes around Da Mao.

"Eat, eat!"

The officer said this through gritted teeth. There was nothing he could do. There were still supplies waiting for Da Mao to be transported to the mountain. How could this be done without letting Da Mao eat enough.

However, such an edible big hair made him scratch his head a little. He had to think about how to write a report if so many cans were eaten by bears.

Gu Siwei, who was already asleep at this time, forgot to tell these cutest people that Da Mao should not be fed too full, because if you want to feed Da Mao to fullness, you might even sell your pants.

According to Gu Siwei's current understanding of Da Mao, if this guy is really ferocious, he can eat a nearly ninety kilogram wild boar. Even if the bones are removed, this is enough.

But these people didn't know. They thought that Da Mao had to work and bear heavy loads, so he kept feeding him.

As a result, the officer's sweat was reduced by feeding him.

"My mother-in-law!"

One of the soldiers even spoke his native dialect.

"Are you still feeding?"

"Hey!" the officer said through clenched teeth: "How can we transport things up if we don't feed it?"

Gu Siwei came out at this time, and he just narrowed his eyes for a while. In fact, it was mainly to put on a show, to show that he was working hard, and to gain emotional points.

When you do good deeds, you have to leave a name and make a big show of it. Lao Gu has always been very clear on this point.

When Gu Siwei came out, he was stunned when he saw a pile of cans and boxes piled up next to Da Mao by the light of the camp fire.

"You feed it all?" Gu Siwei asked.

"Yes, how can it work if it is not fed?"

Gu Siwei said after a while: "Fortunately, I woke up early. If you really fed it, it would stop working."

Everyone was shocked.

"Isn't this enough?" Qiao Qisheng asked in surprise.

Gu Siwei glanced at the can box on the ground: "It's early, it's not even half full yet, it's only a few dozen kilograms."

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