Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 385 Let’s go home!

Gu Siwei arrived at the tent of the temporary command post. As soon as he entered, he saw sitting next to the middle-aged officer, a young man wearing glasses, who was polite and polite, and had a camera hanging around his neck.

He is about thirty years old and has a strong wine background, which shows that the young man is a standard cultural person.

"Siwei, this is reporter Zhang from Military Daily. After hearing about your deeds, he came to interview you and wanted to tell your story to more people...".

After hearing this, Gu Siwei subconsciously stretched out his hand and scratched his ears, thinking: Let me go, buddy, have you become a model now?

As for what reporters heard about Gu Siwei's deeds, how could Gu Siwei believe it? In fact, the higher-ups were preparing to publicize Gu Siwei's story.

The situation between the army and the people is very different, let alone a role model like Gu Siwei who works hard to support the army.

Gu Siwei was not polite either. Anyway, he was so thick-skinned that he even took a turn for the worse and simply ignored his own posing.

"Hello, hello, I am a loyal reader of Military Daily." Gu Siwei said immediately.

Reporter Zhang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and thought to himself: You are from a place like this, and you are from the mountains. It sounds so refreshing to say that you are a loyal reader of Military Daily!

As soon as I heard about the Military Daily, I knew it was run by the military. Although it was also published locally, what kind of place did it have to be? At least it has to be at the level of the County Armed Forces Department to have a military daily. How could Gu Siwei be a loyal reader?

"I was deeply moved after listening to Mr. Gu's story. He traveled dozens of miles on mountain roads every day for more than ten days to deliver supplies to the trapped troops. This spirit is particularly inspiring. I heard that you can only sleep less than three hours a day... …”.

Gu Siwei, this shameless man, had completely forgotten the fact that he had to sleep in the space every day until he couldn't fall asleep with his eyes closed. He nodded solemnly, and then said seriously that it was not hard at all and he would go all out for the construction. , our people in Shimo Village all love the People’s Army.

What Gu Siwei didn't expect was that things were simpler than he thought. The reporter asked Gu Siwei a few more questions. They were not profound questions, but how did you think of helping our soldiers and so on? How could Gu Siwei answer the question wrong? So the reporter's question was very accurate, and Gu Siwei's answer was also quite standard.

In the end, Gu Siwei carried a lot of supplies on his back, very heavy ones, and took a few photos in the ice and snow. Some were wiping sweat, some were sitting on the snow to rest, and there was snow in one hand and dry food in the other. Jiao looked up at the sky, looking like he was fighting against the heaven and the earth.

Once these photos are taken, this interview is complete.

Reporter Zhang didn't have time to chat with Gu Siwei here. After the interview was over, he had to go up the mountain to interview Li Zhengda and those people.

By the way, Da Mao was not included in the promotion. Let alone the photos, there was not even a word about Da Mao. However, it is useless for a bear to have these false reputations. It feeds so much meat every day, and Gu Siwei suspects that Da Mao may not want to return to Yinsong Cliff.

Gu Siwei returned to his temporary small tent here. There was nothing to pack. He didn't bring much when he came. Now he has most of what he needs to bring with him, which is a bed provided by the army. A quilt, two blankets, etc. can only fit in a backpack.

It's time to leave, but Gu Siwei is so reluctant to leave here. Maybe it's because every man has a military dream in his heart. Although Gu Siwei has not been a soldier, he has been living with these soldiers for more than ten days. I think it makes up for some regrets.

Smiling, and taking one last look at the tent where he was waiting for the occasion, Gu Siwei gently lifted the curtain and walked out.

When Gu Siwei came out, he was stunned.

Because in front of Gu Siwei, there was a neat line of soldiers. The middle-aged officer held two horses in his hands with a smile on his face and was looking at Gu Siwei.

There were two large silk flowers on the foreheads of the two horses, which were the same as the other large silk flowers on Da Mao's chest at the moment.

Just when Gu Siwei was in a daze, two soldiers holding big red flowers came over and put the big red flower around Gu Siwei's neck.

"Comrade Gu Siwei, after research and decision by the head of our department, our department would like to express our most sincere gratitude for your help in this mission~!"


Before Gu Siwei could react, there was a burst of applause.

"thanks, thanks!"

For a moment, Gu Siwei felt that a little bit of sand seemed to have fallen into his eyes due to the wind. Fortunately, the sand was quite small, and it did not affect the image that Lao Gu always considered handsome.

"In order to thank you,... I decided to give you two retired military horses as a gift!"

Gu Siwei really didn't expect that he was helping because of the relationship between Li Zhengda and Qiao Qisheng, and because the relationship between the military and civilians in our country was not just for fun. Gu Siwei had never suspected this, and he could still stand by and watch if he could help.

"Comrade Gu Siwei, come and take the reins."

"This, this!"

Gu Siwei hesitated a little.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he walked over and took the reins.

Waiting for the moment when Gu Siwei took over the reins, the audience burst into applause again.

For the help provided by Gu Siwei, how could this side not want to give a certain reward? Because of this, the middle-aged officer specifically asked Qiao Qisheng and asked Gu Siwei what he was missing.

Qiao Qisheng thought for a while, and as far as he knew, Gu Siwei's side was short of big animals, because Qiao Yitong said that once, all the animals Gu Siwei borrowed from the livestock production team were borrowed.

After receiving this news, the army studied it and decided to select two horses in better condition from the military horses to be eliminated and give them to Gu Siwei.

How could an officer who had been with Gu Siwei for more than ten days be polite when he went to pick a horse? He directly picked the two best military horses and brought them to Gu Siwei.

The two horses are not tall horses, but they are short in shoulder height. With a shoulder height of about 1.4 meters, they are not tall horses, but they can still be seen.

Some people may think that this horse must be tall and tall.

In fact, this is a misunderstanding. You have to look at what the horse is used for. For ceremonial purposes, a tall horse is naturally good. It looks mighty and majestic. But in other places, a tall horse may not be good.

The mountainous side is suitable for draft horses of medium height but strong physique.

If you are pulling a cart, you must use a tall and strong draft horse.

If it's a horse race, a thoroughbred horse with thin and long legs for short distances is the best choice.

Long-distance racing is the world of Arabian horses.

In short, different horses have different uses and are suitable for different occasions.

Like here, the most suitable ones are actually the local ponies. They are small, just a little bigger than a donkey, have a small body, and have a low center of gravity, which is especially suitable for walking on mountain roads.

But when it comes to the most adaptable livestock in the mountains, it is not the horse. Mules are actually the best mountain tool livestock.

Generally, horses have a characteristic, that is, they are easy to get sick, which is very troublesome. However, mules born from donkeys and horses are very good in this regard. They have the physique of horses and the ease of feeding of donkeys. They are raised in the mountains. Whether it is carrying things or riding, it is first-class.

Why did the troops give Gu Siwei horses, but only two of them?

The reason is also very simple. The first batch of mountain horses from the north of the Great Wall were not adapted to the local climate. Especially during this period, they could hardly be used normally. They were always sick and almost all lay down.

The main reason for lying down is that horses from other places cannot endure the hardships of the local area and cannot adapt to the humid and cold climate here, which is completely different from the dry and cold climate in their place of origin.

As a result, these horses became loose after doing a little heavy work, and they could not work for several days. The progress of the army could not be delayed. In the end, it was really unbearable, so they had to eliminate this batch of horses and replace them with mules or local horses. Mountain horse.

Although he couldn't do heavy work, he could still pull simple things, so the army gave two horses to Gu Siwei as a reward.

Gu Siwei naturally grinned happily. He originally wanted to buy livestock, so he couldn't always borrow Yang Chuanwu's big green mule. No matter how good the big green mule was, it still belonged to someone else, and the borrowing price was really not low.

If you want to buy, it is not easy to buy at this time. There is no livestock market at all. At this moment, almost all animals are from public to public. If there is a private livestock, the price is not low, and the quality is very likely to be bad.

This is easier to understand. Who would be willing to sell a good animal or a strong animal?

Just like that, under the farewell of the soldiers, Gu Siwei took Da Mao and two horses out of the camp and got on the boat. When he got to the other side, he got off the boat and rode on horseback all the way towards the factory.

With his own horses, Gu Siwei was even more willing to feed them. He just threw the two horses into the space without defining a range for them, and just let them eat as they pleased.

When I told Hu Yanqiu and the others, they naturally said that the horses were being fostered elsewhere.

Next, Gu Siwei's life became a bit leisurely.

Do nothing all day long!

Doing nothing day after day!

Another half month passed, and Gu Siwei really couldn't bear it.

In daily life here, at my father-in-law's house, I can drink with people like Xu Congwen at most, but I can't drink often. People have to work, and not only work, but everyone is a workaholic. Drinking once in a while is fine, every day. Who has time to chat with Gu Siwei?

After walking around outside, Gu Siwei felt a little depressed.

Hu Yanqiu saw it and said with a smile: "Who out there is annoying you?"

Gu Siwei raised his head and sighed: "Daughter-in-law, spring plowing is about to begin. I'm going to go home first...".

"Brother, you want to go home? I'll go back with you. My body is almost hairy here."

Sicui in the room immediately became energetic when she heard that she was coming home. She suddenly came out of the room and stared at Gu Siwei with her big eyes blinking.


Gu Siwei really wanted to say, he is your brother and I want to go back, and your family will take care of your sister-in-law, but when the words reached his throat, how could he say them out.

Just when Gu Siwei was hesitating, Hu Yanqiu said: "You go back? How can you go back alone? We are in jail here and you go home and be happy by yourself? No, we have to go together!"

Gu Siwei was stunned for a moment and looked at his wife and said, "You don't want to stay here anymore?"

"Nonsense, it's almost killing me." Hu Yanqiu said with a smile, "I thought you ran out every day and liked it here."

Gu Siwei blurted out: "I like shit, I'm almost bored to death."

"Me too," Sicui said.

So the three of them looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"walk home!"

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