"Hey, why are you so stunned? You just happened to be back. Come with me to the factory tomorrow to see if there is a boy or girl in your belly."

Hu Yanqiu looked beautiful for a while. He looked up and saw his husband in a daze. He thought he was crazy with joy, so he spoke out.

Hu Yanqiu didn't know that Gu Siwei was frightened. He was originally a childless person. Decades later, many young people in education think this way. Whether you call it selfish or irresponsible, in the real world That's it. Young people are not willing to have children, and they don't want to lose their pursuit of life for the sake of children.

Now it's not enough for you to tell him that you have six children.

He must have felt that for at least twenty years in the future, he would not be able to travel happily or enjoy the world between two people. A series of impossibilities were placed in front of him. It would be strange if he was not dumbfounded.

"Do you still want to go see it?" Gu Siwei said subconsciously: "Didn't you just find out, and now you have to go see it?"

Hu Yanqiu said: "Are you tired? If you are tired, we will stay overnight for two days."

Hu Yanqiu saw that Gu Siwei didn't seem to want to go, so he said.

"It's okay, I'm not tired at all. If you want to go, let's go," Gu Siwei said quickly.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Uncle Tao just said, it's almost four months now."

"Huh?" Gu Siwei asked: "You haven't felt anything for so long?"

Hu Yanqiu said: "I'm also surprised. I don't feel anything at all. I just felt a little tired two days ago and couldn't bring myself to do anything. I didn't take it seriously at first, but this morning I smelled the smell of smelly fish and suddenly I couldn't. It happened that Uncle Tao came over and asked the uncles at home to get a blackboard for the school Zhuangzi went to. He checked it and the result was that I was pregnant."

"Do you feel better now?"

Hearing that his wife said she was pregnant, Gu Siwei became concerned.

Hu Yanqiu said: "No, I just can't smell the smell of fish. Everything else is fine. I think these three are better behaved than the boss, second, and third."

The boss, the third child, and the third child in the family are good?

Gu Siwei didn't know how his wife noticed it, but he didn't notice it anyway.

From the time these three little ones were born until Gu Siwei went to Hong Kong City at five months old, they stayed up every night and stayed up all night. You have to be held by someone. If you can't hold it, you have to walk. Whenever you stop, they will howl at the top of their lungs.

Three little things can endure a person together. Think about it, can the average person bear it?

That is to say, Gu Siwei usually has nothing to do, and he has the space at hand. He can sleep whenever he wants. Even if he doesn't sleep, he is still full of energy. If it were a normal dual-income family without the help of the elders, these three boys could make their parents go to heaven on the spot. .

Hu Yanqiu slept until dawn every night and had never experienced the excitement of her three sons at night. Therefore, in her imagination, her three sons were first-class good children who never cried or made trouble. , she doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

Forget it, let's not mention this to my wife, Gu Siwei thought.

"Then we'll set off tomorrow morning," Gu Siwei said.

Hu Yanqiu looked at the door and saw no one there, so he asked in a low voice: "How is it over there?"

Gu Siwei said: "Whatever, it's just like that, there's nothing to worry about. Don't worry, there's no loss to our family property over there.

Hey, the family property has not been lost, but I have suffered a big loss."

Hu Yanqiu asked curiously: "If the family property is not lost, what do you lose?"

"Looking at six children, they will get married and take wives in the future... Bah! This time, the three of them are all daughters, and I want to be the one who receives the bride price," Gu Siwei said, biting his back teeth.


Hu Yanqiu was amused by Gu Siwei's expression: "Everyone hopes to have more boys, the better. If you are good, I hope you will have more daughters."

At this time, the idea of ​​many children and many blessings was still mainstream. Not only was it mainstream, it was also strongly advocated. There is strength in numbers. The leader’s words inspired a generation of Chinese people to take the lead in producing a population.

At this time, any family did not have a few children. Two or three children were considered to have just passed the test. Five or six children were the standard, and ten or so were not uncommon.

"Boy, it's too annoying. Just one of us will be enough. One by one, they will marry wives. I don't know how to fight against us old couple. My daughter is so nice. My daughter can buy me a drink." Gu Siwei said happily about his daughter.

"It's as if we can't afford to drink, so we have to force our children to buy it. There is a place in front of us. What kind of wine do we want to drink?" Hu Yanqiu said angrily.

"It's different, forget it, even if you tell me, you can't understand it," Gu Siwei said: "The situation over there is good. You can go and have a look when you find a suitable opportunity. Hey, it seems that the house on the top of the mountain still needs to be prepared. A few sets, otherwise whoever has it or who doesn’t will still be in trouble in the future.”

After hearing this, Hu Yanqiu said: "If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Let's just prepare some necessary things for the child. If everything is prepared, wouldn't the child become a dandy in the old society? We as parents can't I want to arrange the path for the children, and they have to walk their own path. Otherwise, everyone will be stupid and lazy. If you are happy, I am not happy."

"It's not a good thing if all of them are shrewd! Hey, having two stupid ones might also be a good thing."

Gu Siwei has seen countless dramas involving rich families competing for property. Not to mention other places, the rich people in Hong Kong are still fighting for less?

Gu Siwei did not have the ability to ensure that his children would not fight, and Gu Siwei felt that even if he faced so much money and had no room, he would definitely be able to resist fighting, let alone these children.

Who doesn’t know the benefits of having money?


Gu Siwei got a headache when he thought that if he kicked off his feet, his children might fight each other.

"What are you thinking about? It seems like something big has happened to you," Hu Yanqiu asked.

Gu Siwei looked at his wife and sighed: "That's because you don't know how much money we have now. You would be worried if you knew."

Hu Yanqiu smiled: "I really want to go take a look when I have time. Oh, by the way, how is Zhang Xiaomei now?"

Gu Siwei thought for a moment and then remembered who Zhang Xiaomei was.

"Didn't I ask you to go and see how her life is going now? She is alone there. Although she has an uncle, she is not her real parent. There may be some difficulties. We can help if we can. handle".

Hu Yanqiu said.

You think Hu Yanqiu is talking about Zhang Xiaomei, but in fact Hu Yanqiu is worried about what will happen to Zhang Xiaomei and her husband. He originally brought the two of them together, but now he is afraid that something will happen. This is the difference in Hu Yanqiu's thinking between having children and not having children.

Based on Hu Yanqiu's imagination of Hong Kong, a city that is not too big is almost the same as a provincial capital. In other words, there are only a few steps away. The two of them will definitely bump into each other often. In this way, they have not seen each other before, but they have seen each other for a long time. Well, we are in a foreign land and something might happen.

She didn't know that Hong Kong City was not a provincial capital, or that it was much bigger than a provincial capital. It would be ridiculous to meet every day.

Gu Siwei scratched his forehead: "I really forgot about this."

When he arrived at the Hong Kong City, Gu Siwei, besides transporting people, money or other things, he didn't remember Zhang Xiaomei. He didn't even know that Zhang Xiaomei worked in his company and was doing a decent job.

Pan Baofeng and others were careful to remind him, but now that Gu Siwei's worth is increasing day by day and his power is getting stronger, how could Pan Baofeng and others dare to interfere in his private life.

"Then you must ask next time."

Hu Yanqiu knew that her husband was not panicking. She had lived with Gu Siwei for so long and knew what it was like for her husband to lie. It was obvious that nothing she was worried about had happened.

"Then remind me," Gu Siwei said casually.

"What did you bring back?" Hu Yanqiu asked again.

"What else can I bring? I can't bring anything good, so just bring some clothes and some daily necessities." Gu Siwei took the basket and started to show his wife what he had brought back.

There must be a lot of things in Hong Kong, but Gu Siwei didn't get much back. Too many things were eye-catching and could not appear in China, so what Gu Siwei brought back were older clothes and daily use items. Things, such as shampoo, must be put in random bottles, otherwise the secret will be easily exposed.

After showing it off, Gu Siwei began to divide the things. Everyone had something, most of them were clothes, and of course there were some materials. For this, he needed help from people in the village.

This was done deliberately by Gu Siwei, so as to provide some women in the village with a chance to make money.

Anyway, that's what happened. Gu Siwei also knew that the life of the villagers was not rich. In addition, Liu Dezhu's matter was right in front of him. Gu Siwei also said that the things he gave were far more than the market price.

Hu Yanqiu was pregnant again, with triplets again. The good news spread quickly throughout the village. Of course, everyone expressed envy. At the same time, they secretly inquired about triplets both times. Could it be that they were born from food? What medicine did you take, or what did you eat?

This kind of thing is not enough for outsiders.

Early the next morning, Gu Siwei and Hu Yanqiu tidied up, and the couple rode to the factory hospital on horseback.

When they arrived at the factory, Lu Yihui knew that her daughter was pregnant with triplets again, so she naturally wanted to show off in the factory.

At this time, Lu Yihui was very proud. The people who used to say that girls from the Hu family could not have children would now be criticized by others when they quarreled with others to prove that what they said was nonsense.

Everyone was happy, but Gu Siwei was not happy at all, because after inspection, it was found that there were still three boys in Hu Yanqiu's belly this time.

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Gu Siwei.

I originally thought that twice, twice, one out of three opportunities, that is, one out of six, how could I have a soft and sweet little girl in my arms? Who would have thought, who would have thought.

Hu Yanqiu was naturally happy. As a woman of this era, she felt that even if she died, she would still be able to hold her head high and speak when she saw the ancestors of the Lao Gu family. Six sons in three years, this achievement is enough to make her proud.

When Hu Yanqiu discovered that Gu Siwei was depressed sometimes, he almost frightened Gu Siwei to the point where he sat on the ground.

Hu Yanqiu said this: Isn’t she just a girl? Just wait until next time to be born again!

Gu Siwei's first reaction was: Come again!

This made Gu Siwei feel that 90% of his life was finished. If triplets were born again, Gu Siwei felt that he would not be able to show off even if he died, but he must not do it again. He would rather not have a daughter than have another child. Oh, it's going to kill me.

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