Gu Siwei had no intention of drinking tea anymore and ran over to install furniture for a while. He was in a bad mood and pretending was not smooth, so he put the matter aside and went out for a walk alone.

After going up the mountain, I casually strolled to the storage cave, opened the heavy wooden door, and went in to look at the pickle jars, stored potato vermicelli, and the like.

While waiting to come out of the storage hole, he happened to see a swarm of bees, so Gu Siwei got some honey into his stomach and happily tasted this year's new honey, and his mood gradually improved.

Just as I was about to leave, I looked up at the hive hanging on the cliff and thought I should expand the number of bees in my house. Now that there are more fruit trees and flowers at home, why not keep more bees and produce more honey? Well, there are many bee colonies blocking it, so we can get more honey from the space in the future.

Thinking of this, Gu Siwei went back and started looking for big tree trunks that were about the thickness of a bucket. He drew lines every one meter and two meters, sawed these trees into sections of about one meter and two meters, hollowed out the stamens from the middle, and cut the two ends. Then use wooden boards to block it up, leaving an opening for the bees to enter and exit.

Such a simple hive is almost completed. After it is completed, hang it in the fruit flower forest and put the queen bee in it. As for how to retain the queen bee, this is too simple for Gu Siwei.

It was getting dark, and Gu Siwei had not finished a single beehive. However, this matter was not too urgent. If he couldn't finish it today, he would do it tomorrow. If he couldn't finish it tomorrow, there would be the day after tomorrow. Gu Siwei took the time by himself, and there was no one else. Is it still a big deal for Gu Siwei to supervise his work a few days early and a few days late? !

Back in the big house, Gu Siwei found that his daughter-in-law Hu Yanqiu was talking happily about Zhuangzi going to school.

"Fourth dimension, fourth dimension!"

When Hu Yanqiu saw Gu Siwei back, he shouted happily to Gu Siwei.

"Looks like it's done?"

Gu Siwei knew that it would definitely happen. As long as Yang Chuanwu was not a fool, he would definitely accept Hu Yanqiu, even if she didn't know a single Chinese character, she would still accept him, because after accepting him, not to mention Sicui and Hu Yanping would be under his control. Even Gu Siwei couldn't escape.

Hu Yanqiu nodded and said: "Well, when Brother Chuan Wu heard that I wanted to be a teacher, he immediately said happily that he had wanted to mention it to me for a long time. He was afraid that the children at home would need more people to take care of him, so he didn't mention it. He said that I could do it on my own. That's a great thing to bring up... I said that our children are getting older and can no longer herd sheep, so I thought of taking them to school with me. In this way, I can take care of the children and teach them to read. Both are correct."

Hearing what his wife said, Gu Siwei glanced at his six silly boys and saw that they didn't seem to realize what going to school meant to them. It meant that they could no longer sleep until they wake up naturally every day like now. , and then he caught something to play with while throwing out cigarettes.

At this time, several little fools were looking at their mother eagerly, with cute stupidity appearing on their childish faces, as if they were quite looking forward to going to school.

Suddenly, Gu Siwei felt that it was not a bad thing for his daughter-in-law to become a teacher. At least his six little monkeys would be taken to the village by her, and he could live a little more peacefully.

"What do you think?"

Obviously he had already made up his mind, but Hu Yanqiu still asked about Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei is not stupid, and he is going against his wife at this time. Even though he disagrees, her wife will not beat and scold you like women decades later, or at least give you cold violence.

It was impossible for Hu Yanqiu to do this at this time. She will only slowly convince herself again. Before she convinces herself, it is impossible to become this teacher.

But now it seems to Gu Siwei that there is room for maneuver in this matter, because the advantages of this matter outweigh the disadvantages. The six skin monkeys of his are no longer at home causing trouble in heaven!

"Well, that's a good idea. Although it's a bit early to start primary school, it's not too young. It's also good for children to get started early... It's good to be less than 20 years old after graduating from college."

I talked a lot, but the bottom line is that my daughter-in-law is doing a great job, and I agree with my hands and feet.

Hu Yanqiu was obviously very satisfied with her husband's answer.

But soon, Hu Yanqiu added: "It's just that children have very few textbooks. They can't do without textbooks. The main reason is that they lack mathematics and foreign languages."

"Stop, do you also teach foreign languages?" Gu Siwei was stunned for a moment.

If there are no textbooks, then Hu Yanqiu said that if the school does not have these things, you should go to Hong Kong City to get them.

Hu Yanqiu said: "I don't teach, Yanping teaches. Didn't you say that Yanping's foreign language learning is quite good, so let Yanping teach him. Sicui teaches mathematics."

Gu Siwei said: "Does Yanping have enough time?"

Gu Siwei doesn't want Hu Yanping to teach him, because although Hu Yanping is his brother-in-law, Gu Siwei's expectations for Hu Yanping are not much lower than Sicui's.

Let's put it this way, Gu Siwei transferred a large part of his feelings towards his brother from another world to Hu Yanping. Naturally, he didn't want Hu Yanping to waste time on unnecessary things.

According to Gu Siwei's inner arrangement, waiting for the college entrance examination to resume, Sicui and Yanping took part in the first college entrance examination. With their level, is it still a problem to pass the Qingbei test? If it is a problem, Gu Siwei is not in vain. Teach me, you must know that people outside are busy making trouble now.

Even if you can't go to Qingbei, there will definitely be no problem with the remaining C9. According to what Gu Siwei learned from Xu Congwen, many university teachers now fear that their knowledge level is not high.

After finishing college, Gu Siwei will arrange for his two children to study abroad.

Of course, forget about washing the dishes. Although Lao Gu doesn't have much cash in his pocket now, there is still no problem in supporting his two children to study abroad comfortably in the United States.

After studying abroad, he would definitely have to come back. Gu Siwei was not interested in cultivating talents for the Americans. It was up to the two of them to do whatever they wanted to do when they came back.

But Gu Siwei hoped that the two of them could go to university to teach, educate people or engage in scientific research. Teach the young people in China your vision and advanced knowledge that you have developed abroad.

It has to be said that young people like Gu Siwei, who were born in the new era, are quite steadfast in their patriotism.

Hu Yanqiu didn't know about her husband's arrangements, and Gu Siwei had no way to explain it. There were too many flaws. How did you know that the college entrance examination would be resumed in 1977 and that the first batch of students would be admitted in the winter of that year? How do you know that in the future, the three worlds will almost always be talented people in all walks of life.

The explanation is unclear. Gu Siwei has no problem with his brain, so how can he say it?

"What's the delay? It's just a good time to systematically organize what he has learned. Only when he can explain it to others and understand it clearly can he truly master the knowledge. It is also an exercise for them."

Hu Yanqiu, who was in high spirits, said immediately.

When Gu Siwei heard this, he thought to himself: Yes, this piece of shit Yang Chuanwu was completely pinched to death.

"Do you want to teach your children?" Gu Siwei turned around and asked Hu Yanping.

Hu Yanping thought for a moment and said, "I think it's quite interesting."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei looked at Sicui again.

Sicui said: "I think it's good to be a teacher. Uncle Wu also said that being a teacher will give you face and money. I think it's good."

When Gu Siwei heard this, he almost covered his face. His girl... Oh, I won't say it anymore, she will burst into tears if I say it.

When others heard this, they still didn't know why they, the elder brother, had abused her, even if they had to earn such a small amount of money.

"That's okay, but your study time can't be occupied, and your daily homework must be completed on time. You can't sacrifice your study time just to teach students."

After hearing Gu Siwei's words, Hu Yanping was a little dumbfounded. He was willing to be a teacher firstly because he felt that being a teacher was prestigious, and secondly because he felt that he could be lazy. Who knew if being lazy would turn out to be lazy now.

Half of the original fun was gone, it would be weird if he could laugh again.

"what do you teach?"

Gu Siwei saw that his wife was so interested, so although he felt unhappy, he still wanted to put on a show to make his wife happy for a while.

Hu Yanqiu said: "I will teach the children first, simply learn pinyin, and one, two, three, four and so on."

"Oh, that's pretty good." Gu Siwei nodded and said it was good, but he didn't know what was good about it.

Hu Yanqiu continued: "Not only that, Brother Chuanwu also wanted me to be the temporary principal. Originally, I didn't want to do it. I thought that Uncle Tao was suitable to be the principal, but who knew that Uncle Tao and Brother Chuanwu both wanted to be the principal. They thought I was the most suitable and unanimously advised me to take on this responsibility...".


Gu Siwei cursed in his heart that Yang Chuanwu was not a thing, he was trying to trick Hu Yanqiu into death.

Oh, no, you are pushing yourself into the fire pit.

Gu Siwei's heart began to bleed at this moment: I didn't expect that you really know people and faces but don't know their hearts. You, a thick-eyed Yang Chuanwu, are also full of evil!

as expected!

Hu Yanqiu continued: "I still have some ideas about the school. I don't know if it is mature or not. It's hard to say now. I will discuss it with you later."


The embarrassment on Gu Siwei's face could almost be dragged to the ground.

"Well, if I am busy with school affairs in the future, I may not be able to cook. You have to be more patient." Hu Yanqiu was a little embarrassed.


Just as Gu Siwei said it was okay, a few old guys over there started talking again.

"That's okay, we will cook if you don't want to. Don't worry, be your principal. Comrade Principal Hu, we believe you will do a good job..."

Now Gu Siwei wants to lift his foot and kick these old guys from Yinsong Cliff into the river, so that they can wake up and let them know who is really good to them now. It is him, Gu Siwei, and Not the thick-eyed traitor Yang Chuanwu!

"Then I will trouble you elders more. Oh, by the way, I am thinking, please have time to tell the children revolutionary stories. Don't let the children forget why the older generation of revolutionaries threw their heads. Sprinkle your blood to build this country! Let your children grow up and continue to contribute to New China...".


Zhou Guang took the lead and cheered first.

Gu Siwei sincerely admires the passion of people in this era. This kind of passion can be easily discovered. But a few decades later, everyone has enough food and clothing to drive a car, but most people don’t. Without this kind of passion and this kind of spirit, people are really at a loss. When did they lose this kind of spirit?

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