Gu Siwei had just returned from the United States. This trip, Gu Siwei brought a lot of things to the United States. In addition to people, there were four full cabinets of brand-name bags and clothes, covering almost the most popular styles this year. As for the production level, there is a foundry here. They all have the same workers and the same machines. How much difference can the workmanship have?

Originally thinking of going back to Shimo Village to see the sales effect in the United States, Gu Siwei hurried back after receiving a call from here.

As soon as Pan Baofeng received Gu Siwei, he told him about it.

"They invited me?"

"Well, boss, I sent someone over to invite you five days ago, but you were not there at the time. They left an invitation..." Pan Baofeng said a lot.

Who is the most powerful person in Hong Kong? Many people will talk about the new four major families, the old four major families, etc., but the most powerful people in Hong Kong at the moment are the British and British businessmen. Underneath the British are their Chinese lackeys. These people are now at the top of the pyramid of Hong Kong society.

As for Chinese capital, it can only come from behind. Are there any outstanding Chinese capitals? There must be some, but many of them just follow the British and pick up some soup.

There is nothing strange about the colony. If the north was not too powerful and the British did not dare to offend it too much, the fate of the Hong Kong side would definitely not be much better than that of Africa.

Pan Baofeng said that the people who invited Siwei were half British and half their lackeys. Others might feel honored to attend any party invited by them, but Gu Siwei had no sense of honor, nor did he feel the same way as Qi Rongyan. All he had was curiosity.

Gu Siwei was a little strange, because he had no contact with these people at all, and it was a bit unexpected to invite him to a cocktail party all of a sudden. But where could Gu Siwei hide? It's just that he didn't know. If he knew, he would definitely go and take a look. Take a look. Take a look and see what the cocktail party held by these bastards and foreign devils looks like.

Nodding, Gu Siwei said that he understood, and then returned home in the car.

After going home to take a shower and take a rest, Gu Siwei put on his best suit and made himself look smooth and pink. Not to mention such a tall person, Gu Siwei wore a suit with broad shoulders and waist. , really has a bit of a human-like temperament.

After changing clothes, Pan Baofeng drove Gu Siwei away in his car. He didn't know how many meters away. Anyway, the gathering place was also at the top of the mountain. To be honest, riding a bicycle is faster than riding a car, but I can’t help but ride in this car.

I happily accepted the invitation and chatted with a bunch of old men for a while, and then everyone started dancing and all this messy stuff. Gu Siwei dancing? It's not much different from the duck on the shelves. I originally thought it was just a simple party, but my current status as the chairman of Marvel has already been taken advantage of.

As a result, the facts quickly gave Gu Siwei a big coin pocket, telling him that there was no good feast, and he himself became a dish and was eaten by others.

Gu Siwei pulled the tie around his neck and walked downstairs quickly.

Just when Gu Siwei walked out of the small living room, an elderly man in the living room, who the British often miss, used standard British English with a London accent to the people around him, and said: "Young man Shen can still hold his breath."

"I'm afraid I have already scolded our eighteen generations of ancestors in my heart."

A Chinese face with age spots on his face took a sip from the cigar in his hand, exhaled the smoke quietly, and said with a smile, still in English.

"Young people have to have a long memory. If they suddenly jump out and run rampant with a big gold brick in their hands, it is easy for them to fall and get killed."

Another old man with Asian appearance had an indifferent attitude on his face, as if the young man who just walked out of the door was not in his concern.

The old man didn't take it to heart at all that just now, several people teamed up to snatch the young man's hand.

For him, it was indeed a small matter. He had done this many times in his life, and this matter could no longer move him. Don't talk about it, even cigarettes (soil) were sold by him with the British. Grabbing a few buildings is nothing.

As for business ethics and honesty and trustworthiness, they are all bullshit to the people in front of them. Making money is the most important thing.

When the stolen money is placed next to the earned money, who can tell which one is clean and which one is dirty?

Aren't they all the same? Money is money, regardless of whether it is clean or dirty. The most important thing is whose money belongs to you, not whether it is clean or not.

"Okay, let's talk about other issues. Now that we have obtained all the land around us, the next step is how to distribute the benefits." At this time, the old British man stood up with a cigar in one hand and red wine in the other.

Gu Siwei got into the car and Pan Baofeng drove him out of the villa.


As soon as he went out, Gu Siwei looked back at the luxurious Victorian villa behind him and sneered.


Pan Baofeng knew that his boss was really angry. An angry boss is not scary. The scary thing is when his smile is cold.

"It's okay. Some people really think that they are the God of this port city. Is it your turn? Bah! What the hell?" Gu Siwei muttered.

Now Gu Siwei knows why people are looking for him. The buildings he bought before happened to be near the newly planned subway. Originally, the two buildings did not cost Gu Siwei any money, but now that the subway is connected, any fool will know that. How much are the buildings worth?

The most critical thing is that Gu Siwei still holds these buildings in his hands and has not sold them. They are all tenants. If these buildings were sold, they would still have some concern, but now, dealing with Gu Siwei one by one is better than dealing with thousands of people. It's much easier for people.

Now these people want to get these buildings at a trivial price, and they also said in front of Gu Siwei that these buildings will be facing the subway in a very advantageous location, and you have to give them up.

As for the complementary taste? There must be one, and they gave Gu Siwei a price range they thought was appropriate.

That's right, it's within other people's scope. As for what the scope is and how big it is, that person has the final say.

They didn't give Gu Siwei any choice. Whether to sell or not was not Gu Siwei's consideration. They gave Gu Siwei a choice, the choice of signing.

Gu Siwei quickly made a choice, well, he signed it timidly, because as long as he still wanted to hang out in Hong Kong City, he really had to sign this.

If you have money, the rules are for you. If you have the power, the rules can be changed for you. If you have neither power nor power, the rules are for you.

Now the rules prepared by others for Gu Siwei came, and a big-eared guy slapped him in the face for no reason, without considering his thoughts at all, because his thoughts were not important in the eyes of others.

Gu Siwei could lift the table and knock out all the old guys in the room, but what happens after they are knocked out? Flee back to Shimo Village and give up everything here?

That was definitely impossible. Gu Siwei still knew how to choose between losing a bone and losing a litter of meat, so Gu Siwei wisely chose the pot of meat he was holding in his hand, and simply became very single.

Gu Siwei has matured a bit, and he has finally made some progress in nourishing his Qi in these days.

But things can be done, so how can I endure this tone?

If others can endure it, how can Gu Siwei endure it?

If this can be tolerated, in the words of Captain Jia: When I had no space, you guys bullied me, and now that I have space, you are still bullying me. Didn’t I get that space for nothing?

One or two dead people must be killed, otherwise Gu Siwei can hold back his breath until the day God takes away his life.

I don’t know if the proud old guys in the room just now would regret provoking this god of murder just now if they knew that the young people who had just left the house were thinking about who to kill.

Hanging someone up is a trivial matter. For Gu Siwei, some people live in a world where they waste food. It doesn't matter if you waste food, but it's not good if you do things without rules and regulations.

Especially if this kind of irregularity falls on his old Gu Si, he deserves to die.

Before this incident, Gu Siwei thought that he would stock up on some houses, engage in real estate, and wait for the reopening to go back and enclose the land and have some fun. Only now did he realize that his thoughts seemed a bit too naive. Despite his apparent strength, he was unable to protect his wealth.

No matter how you say it, you have to survive in 1997. The reputation of British people is women's underwear. No, not even other people's underwear.

What the hell... Gu Siwei wanted to curse.

Just like what was said in the movie, Gu Siwei was eating hot pot and singing, and his heart was filled with the joy of causing trouble for the people in the future. Who knew that the people in the future didn't cause trouble for him before he knew it, but a group of serious bandits actually started it? He was robbed.

This group of gangsters didn't even cover their faces. A group of gangsters from the big class just blatantly robbed Lao Gu. Is this something human beings did?

How to protect one's own wealth and prevent those who covet it from reaching out? How can this be done? Gu Siwei's little brain began to stir.

When the car stopped in his yard, Gu Siwei could think of two things.

One is forming cliques.

The second is to take advantage of the situation to protect oneself.

It's easy to understand how to form a clique. Gu Siwei felt that he was not suitable for this kind of life.

What would a man do with so many messy, so-called friends who share the same bed with him?

The only thing left seems to be to use the power to protect oneself. What power is the power of people? Now Gu Siwei's men are just these small fish and shrimps. Of course others are not afraid of him. Why is Zhao Sanle so scary now? There are so many people under him.

Gu Siwei naturally cannot go back and follow Zhao Sanle's example of raising thugs. What he wants to raise are workers. If Gu Siwei now has more than 20,000 workers in the factory, I am afraid that when those few talked to him just now, they would not be like sending away a wild dog. So easy.

When Gu Siwei returned home, he took care of himself in the room and began to sort out the things he could do. Things that he didn't care about before now have to stand up.

What is something that is used by many people and makes money? It must be a labor-intensive enterprise. What kind of labor-intensive enterprise is suitable for Laogu now?

Clothing, toys, etc.

He does have a clothing factory and a toy factory, but the clothing was transferred to Zhao Sanle and he switched to producing fake brand names. A few days ago, he just shipped a batch of LV, Burberry, etc. to the United States to satisfy the needs of the American market. The desire for famous brands is gone. It's not appropriate to take it back now.


This is the way to go, but in the face of a highly homogenized toy market, how can Gu Siwei support a factory with tens of thousands of people? It must be unique, otherwise Gu Siwei cannot continue to smuggle toys to the United States, right? Then the damn toys have to be transferred to Zhao Sanle?

As an experienced person, Gu Siwei's mind was not so stupid that he could not be saved. After thinking about it, he set his sights on a gold mine.

What gold mine?

The game industry and surrounding areas, if this is not a gold mine, then what is a gold mine?

Thinking of this, Gu Siwei slapped his thigh directly and shouted: "Why did I forget this matter! My Dabidou Company can't just be disgusting."

Just as Gu Siwei was muttering, there was a knock on the door from outside.

Sister Qin's voice came over: "Sir, Mr. Yu is here."

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