Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 428 Return to Zhuangzi

Gu Siwei is a little upset today. He has just been punished for free, but he still can't get angry. If he kills someone now, then Gu Siwei will be more suspicious. As for putting on a windbreaker and showing up with a typewriter, I guess the British I would rather kill him by mistake than let him go.

"Wait a minute, let me take a pen and paper and take notes. Damn it, selling a movie is actually so fun." Yu Wei muttered and was about to stand up and touch his desk for pen and paper.

Gu Siwei was not interested in staying here with him anymore, so he jumped up from the sofa and said: "You stay here, I have to go home and sleep."

"Young people drink and pick up girls at night. How old are you? You go home and go to bed so early. Are you a little energetic? You are not even as good as people my age." When Yu Wei saw that Gu Siwei was about to leave, he said sarcastically .

Gu Siwei didn't care, he simply said: "I'm not good at that kind of situation, the noise makes my head hurt."

As he spoke, the man had already walked outside the door.

Seeing his boss coming out, Pan Baofeng immediately stood up, led Xiaopao to the door and opened the door and pressed the elevator ahead of his boss.

When he got home, he had nothing to say. After eating a little midnight snack, Gu Siwei went into the house to sleep.

The next step is to jump back and forth between work and home, and life is more regular than that of the elderly.

After staying here for almost another week, Gu Siwei waited for the glass he ordered to arrive, and then took the glass home with him.

The journey went smoothly. Although the blockade became stricter, for Gu Siwei, whether it was strict or not was the same thing.

When he got home, Gu Siwei stayed in the space all night. When it was dim the next day, he emerged from the space and walked into Zhuangzi.

At this time, there were no farmers who had not gotten up. Every household was busy in the fields, taking care of the little land at home.

"Siwei, you're back! How was your harvest?"

The villagers had not seen Gu Siwei for a while. When they saw him appearing in the village, they all put down their work and greeted Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei smiled and replied: "I was lucky this time. I met two big sellers and they gave me a good price."

"Brother Siwei, if you go into the mountains again next time, you can take me with you. I can carry the basket for you and save you some trouble."

A boy of thirteen or fourteen years old said to Gu Siwei.

Obviously this kid wants to learn Gu Siwei's skills.

"You, you'd better go to school honestly, you can't bear this hardship."

Of course Gu Siwei would not agree. How could he teach others.

"Oh, by the way, you don't go to school early in the morning. Is today the weekend?" Gu Siwei asked.

The boy replied: "No, I went to school after I finished my work in the fields. It's not yet seven o'clock. School starts at seven o'clock, and the first class is Teacher Hu's foreign language class."

"Oh, don't mention this. I've got your textbooks and I'll pick them up later," Gu Siwei said.

"Is the textbook here?" The boy's eyes lit up when he heard this. He looked at Gu Siwei and asked, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Gu Siwei said: "Can I carry that thing on my back? It's so heavy. I'll get it later. In addition to some textbooks, there is also glass used in the school."

"Do you need help?"

As soon as everyone heard about the school, they immediately started asking.

Gu Siwei said: "I just came back. Waiting for me to take a breath, there will be about three or five people. Young people are all doing physical work, and they have to be careful. There is no need for rough hands and feet. Glass is all fragile." "If Guan Jian is broken, he might even hurt someone."

"Okay, wait a minute...Hey, here we go, pass on the troops, Siwei is back, pick a few people...".

"I heard it, Third Uncle!"

After Yang Chuanwu finished speaking with a smile, he walked to the other side of the river and asked Gu Siwei opposite: "Did you get the glass?"


"Where did you get it?" Yang Chuanwu asked curiously.

"What a coincidence. The old customer who wanted my things had a batch of leftover ones in the factory, some of which were broken. I saw that some of them were still intact and bought them back..." Gu Siwei said simply. After talking about it, he couldn't go into details. You have to lie less, and you will make mistakes if you talk too much.

Yang Chuanwu didn't really ask. What he was most concerned about was not where Gu Siwei got it, but how much it would cost the village.

"What... forget it, you go back first, I will find a few young men later, and we will go there together," Yang Chuanwu said.

Gu Siwei responded and continued walking forward.

When I arrived at the door of Sun Qiumei's house, which was Gu Siwei's former yard, I found a bunch of little kids in the yard, with at least twenty heads of various sizes, six of which belonged to my family.

A bunch of little kids were sitting on a small bench. They didn't look like monkeys in the past at all. They were all extremely honest.

Normally, Gu Siwei would have wondered if someone had drugged these little monkeys, but now he wouldn't think so, because each of these little monkeys held a little book in their hands, and he didn't care. You can understand it or not, but everyone is watching it with gusto.

Gu Siwei stood at the door of the yard and looked in. Good guy, a boy with a half-snot on his face and wearing crotchless pants with his nipples exposed was concentrating on reading Dream of Red Mansions. He didn't know how he could read it as he had just been weaned. in.

Could it be that this kid is the reincarnation of Mr. Tengger, and he always likes to look at the illustrations in literary classics?

"Brother, you are back"

Sicui walked out of the house. When she saw Gu Siwei, her eyes lit up and she ran out quickly.


Only then did the six boys from Gu Siwei's family realize that their father was back. Although they usually didn't talk to him much, they hadn't seen him for a month and they suddenly felt a lot more cordial.

One by one, they ran over and hugged Gu Siwei's legs, making Gu Siwei happy for less than a minute.

Why was it less than a minute? That’s because after being intimate with me, Gu Siwei, the little ones started to stretch their heads to see what was in the basket behind me and whether they had brought back anything delicious. .

Children with bigger farts eat much more interesting things than their biological fathers.

Gu Siwei looked at the group of leather jackets around him, and the desire for a daughter came to his heart again.

Of course, this thought just passed by, and Gu Siwei was afraid that if he was born again, if this happened again, he might not be able to cry well in the next life even if he wanted to.

Six sons were bad enough, but if he had nine, when he was half-dead and fighting over the family property, it would probably be enough to keep the news pages busy for several months.

"elder brother!"

Sicui was very doting on her six little nephews. She stretched out her hands to rub one forehead and another. She didn't feel annoyed at all when looking at her little nephews, and her mouth was filled with happiness.

"When you get food, share it with everyone, don't eat alone."

At this time, Hu Yanqiu came out. She saw that each of her sons was holding a piece of chicken cake, so she said to her sons.

As soon as Hu Yanqiu opened his mouth, the six skinned monkeys immediately became obedient and began to share the contents of the basket with the other children without caring about tasting it themselves.

"You're back? How are things going?" Hu Yanqiu looked forward to it.

What she was looking forward to was not her husband's safe return. Of course she was looking forward to it, but not as strongly as before. Now she went out three to five times a year, and Hu Yanqiu didn't care much about it anymore.

Now she is concerned about whether the textbooks she wants have been obtained, and the quality of the textbooks, etc.

The children here have been attending classes for several days, and they don’t even have a single textbook, let alone students, and they don’t even have teachers. How can this be done?

Gu Siwei said: "It's all done, I'll be there soon... where is our boat? Is it here?"

"It must be here, otherwise how would we go back? Well, it's next to the school building in the west," Hu Yanqiu said.

Gu Siwei felt a little strange, so he opened his mouth and asked: "Why did you move to the west? No, isn't the old house good?"

"What's good? Uncle Li said that the children must have a place to play sports. After all, they must get a basketball stand or something. Besides, the old house can be used after repairs. Let's just build a new one here for the children and pick a bigger one. The place was free, so everyone picked back and forth, which one was bigger, which one had flatter terrain, and the rocky land in the west was the best."

Hu Yanqiu and Gu Siwei talked about it. After he left, everyone made a new decision on the location of the school.

How could Gu Siwei have the time to care about this? He turned around and walked away: "I'll bring the things back."

Hu Yanqiu didn't say much, but asked behind him: "Is the thing heavy?"

"It's heavy, but you can't move it. Yang Chuanwu has already found someone over there, so you don't need to follow."

As he said this, Gu Siwei was already outside the yard.

After walking about a hundred meters to the west and passing a small stone hill, Gu Siwei saw a scene that he found incredible. Four wooden house foundations stood in the originally empty stone field.

There are a bunch of old men, not to mention a few from Gu Siwei's family, but also people in their fifties and sixties and up in the village. It feels like everyone who can move is here.

"You guys are fast enough"

Gu Siwei was quite surprised when he saw that the foundations of the four houses were completed.

"What's the point? If it hadn't been for a few light rains in the past few days, the grass in the ground was growing like crazy, and everyone was working here." Li Fanghai put down the chisel in his hand and grinned at Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei gave them a thumbs up: "You are really... you are really powerful in numbers."

"The next step is an easy job, just increase it." Guo Xiangping rode on the first base log and said happily to Gu Siwei.

Looking closer, Gu Siwei found that these pieces of wood had only been peeled off, and there were no grooves dug to fit in with the upper and lower wooden pillars like his.

"Can this round thing live?" Gu Siwei was a little doubtful.

"We have experts here. Let alone building this house, it won't be a problem even if it is bigger. In the past, people built the wooden pagoda of Heian Temple, so building this thing is trivial."

"Where is the expert?" Gu Siwei was a little curious.

"What a coincidence. I went back to the county yesterday, but I'll be back the day after tomorrow," Guo Xiangping said.

Gu Siwei became interested in this ancient riveting method and was going to squat down and take a look at the doorway.

Who would have thought that as soon as he squatted down, Hu Yanping's voice came from behind: "Brother-in-law, my sister asked me to ask you why you haven't gone to transport your things. What are you doing squatting here?"

have to! Gu Siwei, stop looking and just work honestly first.

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