Gu Siwei glanced at the people who were looking at him, and opened his mouth and said: "If you want to go out and have a try, I have a way here, but it's not a serious way. It depends on your own wishes. Just say it once, if you ask me again I will definitely not admit it.”

"What, can you eat enough?" Tao Kaichuan looked at Gu Siwei with bright eyes.

Gu Siwei nodded, then shook his head.

"Why are you still nodding and shaking your head? Can you eat enough?" Tao Kaichuan asked.

Gu Siwei said: "How can there be a full meal in this world without paying for it? If you are brave, you can not only be full, but also eat well. If you don't have this courage, you can only starve." .

Zhang Cheng listened and said: "Tell me about it."

Gu Siwei said: "It's very simple, escape to Hong Kong."

"Fleeing to port? What port are you fleeing to?" Tao Kaichuan was a little confused and asked Gu Siwei with a blank look on his face.

Gu Siwei looked at the remaining people and found that the rest were also confused. He couldn't help but said: No way, so simple, you don't even know how to escape to Hong Kong?

"You don't know how to escape to Hong Kong?" Gu Siwei asked.

Everyone shook their heads together.

Gu Siwei stopped arguing with them and said directly: "I just want to escape to Hong Kong City. I can have enough food there. Do you want to go?"

"Can I have enough food over there?"

After Tao Kai finished the story, he asked: "Then can I take my mother and younger brothers and sisters with me?"

"If you think you can run over, then take it with you," Gu Siwei replied to him.

After hearing this, Zhang Cheng said to Tao Kaichuan: "You are taking your mother and your brothers and sisters with you on such a long journey. Do you want their lives?"

Tao Kaichuan said nothing. He wanted to ask but was stopped by Zhang Cheng's eyes.

Gu Siwei saw everything in his eyes, but he had no expression. He deliberately recruited these people, but it didn't mean that they had to do it. It was just that Gu Siwei was very angry now, and sometimes it was unavoidable to be a bit ostentatious.

"how to get to?"

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and asked: "Then tell us there must be a way, right?"

"If you want to go, go to a village called Yujiaqiao in the Yangtze River Province and find a man named Liu. Just tell a man named Su who arranged for you to go," Gu Siwei said.

"Are you a spy?"

Du Hongxing suddenly looked at Gu Siwei with a wary look on his face, and subconsciously raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

Gu Siwei smiled: "Spy, if I were a spy, what would I tell you?"

Zhang Cheng said at this time: "Hongxing, don't talk nonsense, he is not a spy."

"Okay, I'll say this again, it's up to you whether you go or not." Gu Siwei said with a smile, stood up, and patted his butt.

He said: "Everyone, have a rest and hurry up and hurry up."

After saying that, Gu Siwei hooked his hand at Du Hongxing, meaning to return my gun to me.

Du Hongxing returned the gun to Gu Siwei, and Gu Siwei put it in his arms and got on Li Zi's back, yelling and continuing on his way.

For the next little while, no one spoke. It wasn't that no one spoke, but Zhang Cheng and a few of them muttered, while Gu Siwei was the only one in front who said nothing.

In the evening, he rushed back to the village. Gu Siwei was going to arrange accommodation for a few people. Who knew that a few boys were quite stubborn and insisted on taking their things and going back overnight.

Gu Siwei was not polite here and just picked up a few sheep and let them drive all the way back to the radar battle, while he went home and slept happily.

He slept happily until he woke up naturally. When he opened his eyes, the sun was already high. Someone followed him and rode hard for a long time. Gu Siwei was really tired. He lay down on the bed and fell asleep until now.

After getting up, brushing his teeth and washing his face, Gu Siwei found that his own breakfast was left in the pot. As for others, they had already gone to work in the village.

While eating breakfast, Gu Siwei looked at the empty home, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It was too quiet. Without his six little monkeys, it seemed that the family was missing thousands of troops.

After eating, Gu Siwei washed all the dishes and chopsticks, and then prepared to plant cherries.

Yes, he planted cherry trees on the cleared hills near the village. Firstly, he can make money after re-opening them. Secondly, it can be regarded as greening. Anyway, he has nothing to do now, so it is good to have one thing to do. of.

For now, Gu Siwei is not planning to mobilize the villagers or anything. He just doesn't like letting people do things. What he wants is for someone to follow him, which means that if he sees himself planting cherries, he will do it spontaneously. Plant along with it.

Gu Siwei's idea is the same as before, that is, it is good to follow his own, and he will not force anyone who is not willing to follow him. Just don't be jealous when the time comes.

Growing cherries is very simple. Soak the cherry seeds in warm water for a day, remove the shells and leave the kernels inside, and then place them in a cool place for two or three days before planting.

Gu Siwei naturally doesn't have to take so long, but he just wants to use space to get seeds, such as soaking seeds to get kernels, etc., all done outside.

Humming a little tune and soaking the sludge, Gu Siwei soaked the cherry kernels.

I was happily working here when I suddenly heard Sicui's voice.

"elder brother!"

Gu Siwei turned his head and saw that Sicui was running toward him with a trot.

"No class?" Gu Siwei asked curiously.

Sicui said: "I have no classes in the morning."

"What's the matter with your return at this time?" Gu Siwei looked at the watch on his wrist and found that it was only ten o'clock, so he asked curiously.

Sicui said: "Come back and cook. By the way, brother, my sister-in-law said that if you have nothing to do in the future, you will cook for everyone."

"That's no problem," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

He didn't really like the work of building a house. Maybe it was because he was so traumatized when building a big house, so now he didn't like the work of chopping wood. Everyone knew that he didn't want to do it, so they didn't call him.

Of course, no one said anything about him, and no one commented that he was lazy or anything, because in the eyes of the villagers, a man like Gu Siwei who can feed and clothe his wife and children is a successful man. It's nothing, not to mention that there are so many people in Gu Siwei's family. No matter how crooked they are, they can't find fault with the Gu family in this matter.

"You don't have to come back so early tomorrow. Why don't you cook some food? By the way, did you say what everyone wants to eat for lunch?" Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui said: "It's a big pot of food. What else can I have? But there is no need to stew rice today. My sister-in-law, Meiling and Chunya have steamed a large batch of steamed buns together. We can just transport them with the vegetables later." .

"Don't they come home to eat?"

Gu Siwei was a little surprised. Why didn't he go home to eat in such a short time, and why he had to send it to the field?

Sicui said: "Today they are preparing to build the mountain ridge. The work is a bit tight. Besides, running back and forth will also waste time. It only takes one or two people to send them off."

Gu Siwei just asked without thinking about what to say. When Sicui said this, he closed his mouth and started cooking.

Big pot dishes are easy to make, and Gu Siwei’s big pot dishes are even better. The reason is too simple, because Gu Siwei’s family has meat, and the bacon is paired with various aquatic products from the river, plus oil and salt. Not tasty.

The brother and sister set up their cooking style.

Sicui took some soaked things, such as egg whites, yuba and the like, and soaked them in clean water. Then she went to the storage hole and took out the cabbage. She put aside the old cabbage to reveal the new cabbage inside, and cut it into two with a knife. The valves are immersed in clean water and cleaned.

Gu Siwei took the bacon that had been soaked in the morning at home and cut it into three-finger-wide and half-finger-thick slices. Heat oil in a pan, put the bacon into the pan and stir-fry, waiting for the aroma to come out. After frying for a while, add some dried vegetables and the like, cover the pot and simmer.

When the stew is almost done, I throw the soaked egg white meat, yuba and vermicelli together with the cabbage into the pot, cover the pot and continue to stew.

After simmering for ten minutes, open the lid and a large pot of food is ready. At this time, add soy sauce, MSG and so on. If there are thousands of sheets or something, you can put them in at this time and stir them together. Take it out and pour it into a large wooden vegetable bucket, and the cooking task is completed.

Even if the rice is ready, you still have to be lucky.

Whether it is a large vegetable bucket or a large rice bucket, it can be put into the backpack. This is for sure, because the folks in the mountains usually use backpacks to carry things. If things like the big rice bucket cannot be put into the backpack, then it is wrong. It's not convenient for the folks to transport it. How could this happen?

The vegetable bucket was put into the backpack. Gu Siwei originally planned to carry it on his back. He felt that the vegetable bucket must be heavier than the steamed bun basket.

After trying it, I realized that the weight of the vegetables and the wooden barrel was not as good as these steamed buns.

"Did your sister-in-law steam steamed buns or steamed stones?"

Gu Siwei curiously took a wrinkled head and weighed it in his hand. He felt that this thing was really heavy. As soon as I tried it, I knew that this steamed bun did not rise very well, or even didn't rise very well. It was just a dead dough pancake, but it was steamed very thick, and it weighed as much as a brick when held in my hand.

"I haven't given out many of these steamed buns. The sister-in-law said that several people who will come over to help will also send some out later."

After hearing what Sicui said, Gu Siwei understood why his wife made such steamed buns. To put it bluntly, it was to give the villagers an excuse to earn some food.

"Then I'll carry this, and you carry the food," Gu Siwei said.

Sicui hummed, then picked up the basket containing the vegetable bucket and prepared to carry it on her body.

When Gu Siwei saw it, he helped his sister put the basket on her back, while he easily carried the basket containing the steamed buns on his back.

The brother and sister each carried their baskets on their backs, climbed off the cliff, got on the boat, and sailed all the way downstream.

They did not go to the village, but went directly to the place where the new school building was built and leaned against the cliff. The brother and sister parked the boat and carried the basket up the cliff.

"dinner time?"

Seeing Gu Siwei's brother and sister approaching, Lu Yan, who was riding on the gable wall and working, shouted at Gu Siwei.

"time to eat".

"It's time to eat." After hearing this, Lu Yan threw down his gloves and slid down the gable wall. At first glance, he looked like a man of dozens of years old, like a young man.

After working all morning, everyone was hungry, especially people like Ma Chunya and Wu Meiling. They had eaten something to cushion their stomachs in the morning and were already hungry now.

When the food came, everyone was not polite. They took basins and bowls and lined up in front of the vegetable bucket.

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