Tick, tick, tick!

The rainwater fell from the eaves, hit the ground, and fell into the small puddles where the rain had dripped before, making a crisp sound.

Gu Siwei stood at the door, wearing a raincoat and changing his shoes.

He took his bare feet out of his slippers and put them into the rain boots lying beside him.

"What are you going for?"

Hu Yanqiu happened to come out to pour water at this time, and asked when he saw Gu Siwei dressed up.

Without looking back, Gu Siwei continued to insert his other foot into his rain boots, and said at the same time: "I have to go to the mountain to see my saplings to make sure they don't get washed away by the water."

Hu Yanqiu said: "Didn't you say that you look pretty good? You can't even withstand this little rain?"

Twenty days have passed since I decided to plant trees on the bald hill. During these twenty years, Gu Siwei did not plant every day, but whenever he had time, he would bring the saplings he had cultivated and plant them on the hill. There are about three to four hundred plants scattered in the forest.

The main force was Gu Siwei. Hu Yanqiu and the others hardly interfered because they were busy with school matters.

Gu Siwei didn't have to worry. Anyway, when he had time, whether he felt happy or annoyed, he took some seedlings to plant trees, which gradually became a pastime for Gu Siwei to pass the time.

"The ones planted early can probably survive, but the ones planted later are a bit harder to say. First, they were planted late and the roots are not deep enough. Second, the soil on the slopes there is also loose, and it is easy for them to survive in the ravines. The water submerged the seedlings," Gu Siwei said.

"Dad, where are you going?"

The second child, Zhong Lin, stuck out his head from the room and asked Gu Siwei.

"Go and see my cherry trees in the mountains," Gu Siwei said before going out.

Zhong Lin immediately said: "Dad, can you take me with you?"

"What are you doing on a rainy day?" Gu Siwei directly rejected his son.

Zhong Lin said: "I can work for you, why can't I go?"

"You work? I can't afford you." Gu Siwei saw through his son's little thoughts at a glance. To put it bluntly, he just didn't want to stay at home.

The reason is even simpler. His aunt would watch him study when he stayed at home. After studying Xi, he would have to learn painting from Grandpa Lu, poetry from Grandpa Tao, or learn calligraphy from Grandpa Zhou. In short, he would learn this and that. Yes, how could such an older child like it?

It's not right to say that he doesn't like it. For example, Gu Siwei's youngest son, Shu Li, is a good student who can learn well even if he sits still.

I don't know if there is something wrong with the names of the second and fifth children. One is Zhonglin and the other is Zhongyi. They are both like monkeys without buttocks and have no interest in learning anything.

You say you are not interested, but these two boys are learning well. They are really a little clever, they know a few things, and they learn very fast. Or maybe it is like this. They don't pay much attention to what they learn, and they feel very confused.

On the contrary, Bo Qi, the eldest member of the family, is really serious about his studies, has a first-class attitude, and writes stroke by stroke, but he is slower than his younger brothers in learning everything.

The third child is mediocre, with no talent at all, and everything is just so-so.

As for the fourth boy, Boren, his studies are all average, but he is the only one who is really talented in playing musical instruments. Once he has his hands on any instrument, he can play it well in a short time, no matter how he plays it. How about this? Anyway, being able to play the tune really made Gu Siwei, an old father who couldn't understand music, happy for a long time.

"Dad, take me there, I'm very obedient." Zhong Lin immediately pestered his father.

Hu Yanqiu said at this time: "Just take him with you. He doesn't study hard. I just want to follow you to do some work. I can plant a fruit tree or something in the future and support myself."

"Thank you mom!"

Gu Siwei angrily slapped a chestnut on the boy's head: "Do you think this is a compliment to you?"

"It's good to be able to support yourself, didn't you tell me that?" Zhong Lin grinned, rubbing the place where his father knocked him, and responded with a smile.

"I told you to remember this firmly. Why can't you remember what I said?" Gu Siwei said with a smile and then said: "Change clothes and rain boots."

"Lao Wu, Zhong Yi! Let's go and plant cherries with dad."

When the boy heard this, he immediately yelled at the top of his voice into the room.

Whoa, a little head popped out of the door: "Go outside?"

"Have you finished your homework?" Gu Siwei asked Lao Wu.


Lao Wu was a little stuck, and it was clear at first glance that this guy hadn't finished writing.

"How many more are there?" Zhong Lin asked.

"Give me another five minutes," Zhong Yi said.

Gu Siwei thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, you write slowly, don't be in a hurry, or else you won't be able to pass the test."

"I know, dad, when have I ever been lazy?" Zhong Yi said a word and retreated into the house as soon as he heard that his father wanted to wait for him.

When Hu Yanqiu came back from pouring the water, he saw Mr. Gu Siwei sitting at the door and the other changing clothes, so he said, "Oh, don't forget, bring a fish when you come back. Let's have fish stew tonight."

"Okay" Gu Siwei nodded.

It's so easy to eat fish here. Just... don't be direct. Look for grass flowers and cubes, and these two guys will catch a big fish for you in minutes.

"By the way, how many other families are planting trees with you now?" Hu Yanqiu asked casually, holding the cup and taking a sip of tea.

Gu Siwei said: "There are only two families now, sister-in-law Meiling's family, and Ma Chunya's family. Brother Chuanwu is half of the family. What his family grows is almost half less than sister-in-law Meiling's family."

In the first two or three days, there were still many people planting crops with Gu Siwei, but after a week the number of people began to decrease, and after ten days there were only three families left, and each of them couldn't find the grass in the field, just drying grain at home. excuse, I won’t come.

Gu Siwei had no intention of forcing everyone to plant trees. Although he had a big plan in mind, he never told the villagers.

This is Lao Gu's problem. He never treats those who are determined to follow him, but he also never imposes on those who are on both ends of the spectrum. He just wants people to understand: Follow me, Lao Gu, and you will have flesh. eat!

"Everyone is busy with home affairs, so it's normal not to plant trees with you."

Hu Yanqiu also understands that if you say this thing makes money, a lot of people will definitely follow you. But now no one thinks that planting cherry trees on the mountain can make money.

This idea may seem strange after decades, but at this time it was very normal. Everything was distributed by the state, and there was almost no commodity economy. You could sell it with a basket weighing three to five kilograms, and it was like a mountain. , where can you sell thousands of trees?

Therefore, the villagers initially felt that the greening trees were easy to follow, but soon they lost motivation, which is normal. There are really not many people who are interested in doing such hard work.

"How is the construction of your school building going?" Gu Siwei asked.

The couple is busy with their own work, and there is almost no overlap in their respective busy matters. Since Gu Siwei has been busy planting trees, he no longer cooks the big pot. Hu Qiu and others set up a pot nearby. In the morning I just went there with the rice and vegetables.

It's even simpler for Gu Siwei. When a person wants to do something, he can do it a little, and when he doesn't want to do it, he can just deal with the fruits in the space.

Now the whole family has to eat together at night.

Today is a special situation, because it is raining outside, and it is impossible for the school building to dry in the rain, so everyone stays at home.

"In a few days, children will be able to attend classes in the new classrooms. However, if there are several classes together, it will take several months to separate them by class." Hu Yanqiu briefly explained the progress of the school building these days to Gu Siwei. one time.

As soon as the couple finished chatting, Zhong Yi ran out of the room.

"Let's go, I've finished writing it," Zhong Yi said cheerfully.

When Hu Yanqiu saw it, he said to Gu Siwei: "A sheep is herding a group of sheep, so take all the children with you."

"Ah, Mom, why? They haven't finished their homework yet." Zhong Yi felt that this was too unfair.

Hu Yanqiu said with a smile: "I have done other homework seriously. Even if I haven't finished it now, I will finish it when I come back. What about you? You will be cunning."

"Boqi, Boren, you all go with your dad to the hills to see the cherry trees," Hu Yanqiu shouted into the room.

After hearing this, Shu Li replied: "Mom, I'm not going. I have to learn Liu Tai from Grandpa Lu later. Besides, it's raining outside."

Bolin also said: "Mom, I'm not going either. I still have a lot of questions that I haven't finished yet. There are some things I'm doing now that I'm not sure about. I'll let my aunt explain them to me later."

"Mom, I want to practice the flute, so I won't go."

Well, except for two little things that look like penisless monkeys, the remaining four are actually not interested at all.

Hu Yanqiu said: "After studying for so long, let's go out and do some exercise."

"Not going".

When Hu Yanqiu heard that the children in the room were so determined, he said to the three men at the door: "Then you three go ahead."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei took his two sons and went out.

As soon as the three masters went out, they met Zhou Guangxian.

"What are you doing? Looking at the weather, the rain won't stop anytime soon, and it may get even heavier." Zhou Guang first saw that the three of them were dressed like this and were about to go out, so he asked curiously.

Gu Siwei said: "Go and see the cherry tree saplings, don't get flooded or anything like that."

Zhou Guang first said: "How about I go and see it with you?"

"Please say goodbye. It's raining and the mountain is slippery. Don't hurt you," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Zhou Guangxian said: "Who are you looking down on? Let me tell you, the way I feel now can kill a cow."

"I know, I know, each of you can kill a cow now, and you don't know when you can kill it. Our family has delicious beef," Gu Siwei joked.

The old men were well taken care of by Gu Siwei. Although the work was quite heavy, their mental and physical conditions were no better than when they first arrived.

"If you want to eat beef, you have to pay for it," Zhou Guangxian said with a smile.

Gu Siwei glanced at him. Of course he had to buy beef, and it was not easy to buy at this time. Gu Siwei's family had pigs and sheep, but not a single cow, so this beef was also a hot commodity in Lao Gu's family.

Thinking of beef, Gu Siwei thinks that next time he goes to Hong Kong, he must get some cows to raise and raise them. Not only eating meat, but also drinking milk, how can the nutrition of his six sons keep up?


While Gu Siwei was thinking wildly, he waved his hand to Zhou Guang first, and walked towards the cliff mouth with his son.

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