"Why are you so distracted?"

Hu Yanqiu found out that her husband had deserted again, so he asked.

After coming back to his senses, Gu Siwei smiled: "I was just thinking about how to deal with a few old guys, let them get used to it, and kill them."

Hu Yanqiu didn't take his husband's words of killing him seriously at all, and just smiled when he heard this.

"It's raining heavily, it's time to drain the fields," Hu Yanqiu said.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said to his wife: "You don't need to do this, I'll go."

With that said, Gu Siwei came to the door, put his raincoat on him again, walked into the rain and prepared to go to the warehouse to get a shovel. Before he got to the door, he saw Lu Yan and others coming out with shovels and wearing raincoats.

"What are you doing out here?"

Zhou Guang first felt strange when he saw Gu Siwei, so he asked one more question.

Gu Siwei said: "Put water into the fields."

Zhou Guang first said: "What's the use? Don't damage the crops in the fields. Go, go, and play!"

The old man was still a little unhappy.

Li Fanghai smiled at Gu Siwei and said, "You'd better not go. We've had enough. As for you, it's better to go back home and drink tea."

"Go, don't hinder our eyes here," Yu Yingzhi also said.

Gu Siwei said: "Hey, I can really do this job."

"I know, you're doing a pretty good job, but I don't need you now. Go back." Zhou Guang said to Gu Siwei first, then walked past Gu Siwei with a disregarding attitude.

Seeing a few old guys walking past him, Gu Siwei was a little unconvinced: "I really...".

"I know," the old guys replied lightly to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei felt really speechless. He wanted to work but people still didn't want him, so he had to turn back.

"Don't want you?" Hu Yanqiu asked.

Before Gu Siwei could answer, his brother-in-law Hu Yanping jumped out: "Just don't. Last time I asked him to water the peanuts, and they almost drowned them. That's why I went to take a closer look...".

"Which year's almanac is there and you still mention it?"

Gu Siwei rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law.

"What year did it happen? It happened last year," Hu Yanping said.

Gu Siwei said: "I think you eat too much every day. From now on, your meals will be halved. You still have a bad memory after eating so much. What are you doing after eating?"

Hu Yanping curled his lips: "Fasis!"

Hu Yanqiu didn't want to talk to these two people at all, and turned back to the house.

Gu Siwei felt that there was no point in arguing with his brother-in-law, so he went back to the house. After entering the house, he saw that his wife was practicing sewing clothes again, and she had to come out after staying for a while.

He couldn't stay in the big house anymore, so Gu Siwei moved to the place where his brother-in-law lives. It used to be Gu Siwei's study, but now his brother-in-law has been living here for several years, so this place has become his residence and also functions as a reading room. .

The books here are all filled with little people's books. About 30% of the little people's books that Gu Siwei bought over the years are here. These books are all in good condition.

Let me say here that this is not Hu Yanping's credit, but Sicui's credit. Gu Siwei handed over all these villain books to Sicui's management.

Sicui was very attentive and meticulous in everything she did. She took good care of these books. Even her little nephews, the six little monkeys of Gu Siwei's family, had to press their buttons when they came to read the books. Follow her rules, otherwise you will have a white butt when you come in and a red butt when you go out.

There is one set at Gu Siwei's home in the Little Man Library, one at school, and another set that is displayed in Gu Siwei's space as a collection.

After taking a copy of Sui and Tang Dynasties, Gu Siwei casually placed it on the floor and started to turn it over.

After watching it, I could tell what it was like, and then I started to think about it, wondering whether it could be made into a game during the Sui and Tang Dynasties? For example, games like Three Kingdoms.

play games?

Gu Siwei didn't know what stage the game was in now.

Thinking of this, he also thought about whether the patent he had handed over before had been obtained or not, and when he left, he asked Guan Youpeng to go to the United States and Japan to check how the arcade was going.

I originally thought that there would be nothing going on in Hong Kong City, but who knew that when things calmed down here, I found that there were quite a few things going on.

Gu Siwei was just thinking about things when suddenly someone approached him with a very wretched temperament.

Feeling someone approaching, Gu Siwei turned his head and realized it was his brother-in-law, so he moved aside.

Gu Siwei moved this way, and the shy Hu Yanping also moved this way.


As soon as he heard the sound of brother-in-law, Gu Siwei felt that the hairs on his arms were about to stand up.

"If you have something to say, please don't do this to me." Gu Siwei said simply, without even looking at his brother-in-law, and continued to flip through the little book in his hand.

"Otherwise, my brother-in-law is more generous."

As soon as he raised his head, the tall hat was placed on Gu Siwei's head.

Gu Siwei glanced at his brother-in-law: "I am your brother-in-law now. What did you do just now?"

Hu Yanping said with a flattering smile: "I didn't just... Bah, just now I was blind and couldn't see the mountain. You, sir, have a lot."

Gu Siwei finally understood. This kid must not have thought of asking for anything just now, but now that he thought about it, it would be different.

He didn't want to agree, but Gu Siwei was quite curious about what this boy wanted. His sister Hu Yanqiu didn't agree, so she turned to quarrel with him.

"What do you want to buy?" Gu Siwei asked with a smile.

"Hey, how about you be my brother-in-law?" Hu Yanping grinned.

"What, you still want to be my brother-in-law?" Gu Siwei said angrily.

Hu Yanping said nonsensically: "Then it's not a big deal. We can't be each other's brothers-in-law."

"Get out!"

Gu Siwei was amused by this kid.

"Tell me what you want or what you want to do. If it works, I'll agree. If it doesn't, I won't."

"Look at what you said, there's something wrong with what you said!" Hu Yanping said.

Gu Siwei stopped looking at him and continued to flip through the little book in his hand, muttering: "One~!"


"I'll be honest, brother-in-law, I think I'm very excited to be a teacher. Let's do this. Sicui will study hard at home, and the school affairs will be left to me..." Hu Yanping said.

"How can your boy be so good?"

Gu Siwei suspected that there was something wrong with the boy's mind.

This is the first time in his life that Lao Gu heard this guy talking about rushing to work. He used to hide and hide whenever he could. Why did he change his gender today?

Thinking of this, Gu Siwei subconsciously looked outside the house and found that it was still raining outside and there was no sign of the sun rising in the west.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hu Yanping felt a little awkward when his brother-in-law looked at him.

"There must be something wrong with this," Gu Siwei said firmly.

Hu Yanping said: "What are you talking about? I have grown up and now I have a sense of responsibility! Really, I am not so suspicious of others."

Gu Siwei looked at him, expressionless without saying a word, as if his eyes could penetrate his heart.

"If you don't agree, just don't agree. Why are you looking at me like a spy? Seriously."

With that said, Hu Yanping turned around and left.

When Gu Siwei saw the boy leaving the house and closing the door, he turned his eyes back and continued to focus on the little book and read happily.

After flipping through a few little books, it was time to cook at noon.

There is still nothing to say about lunch today. The big pot dish, with vegetables and meat on top of white rice, is considered a first-class delicacy nowadays.

After lunch, I continued to read the little book, during which my brother-in-law came to chat with me a few times.

Gu Siwei didn't know what this kid was thinking. How could he think that everyone would agree with his method and let Sicui come back to study while he taught the children.

On the other hand, I guess everyone has no objections, but on his side... Bah!

Gu Siwei felt that this boy must have some conspiracy.

Regarding this matter, Gu Siwei and his wife had a good discussion while lying on the bed at night, but they did not exchange any useful information, so they decided to put the matter aside for the time being.

The light rain stopped that night, and early the next morning, the sun, which had not shown its head all day, jumped out impatiently.

As soon as the sun comes up, those who need to work go to work, those who need to go to the fields go to the fields, and those who need to go to school have to go to school with their textbooks under their arms.

Gu Siwei naturally continued to plant his cherry trees, and he just didn't have to worry and just planted them slowly. Nothing happened anyway.

Gu Siwei's planting speed is much slower than that of Ma Chunya's family. First of all, they only have three people. Ma Chunya has two children. From time to time, Sun Laibao will finish working in the fields. Come and do me a favor.

On this day, Gu Siwei appeared on his hillock again after lunch, and was about to plant the first cherry sapling this afternoon, when he suddenly heard a thunder in the sky.

"Is there thunder at this time?"

Gu Siwei straightened up and looked up at the sky above his head. He found that the sky was blue and there was no sign of rain at all.

Gu Siwei was confused when another sound rang out.

Now Gu Siweiming came out, and the sound came from the east.

"Sister-in-law, is the mining factory over there mining?"

Gu Siwei shouted loudly to Ma Chunya who was not far away.


"I said……".

Gu Siwei thought for a moment, then raised his foot and moved almost thirty meters towards Ma Chunya, and then continued to shout: "I said the stone factory is mining?"

"Well, I'm sure, didn't you hear the two blasts of cannons?" Ma Chunya nodded and said.

"Do evil".

When Gu Siwei heard that it was indeed the case, he shook his head and continued to go back to his hillock to plant trees.

After planting about twenty plants, Gu Siwei was ready to take a rest. He walked to a sunny place and sat down on a big rock.

As soon as I sat down, I looked up and saw Sister-in-law Meiling coming over, holding a porcelain jar in her hand.

"Siwei, come here and have a drink. I made tea here."

"Wu Meiling, I won't go back at noon today. I brought a basket over."

Ma Chunya also came over at this time to join in the fun.

Gu Siwei took the water jar, took a sip and gave a thumbs up to sister-in-law Meiling: "Is this herbal tea?"

"Well, I prepared it myself. Sister-in-law Chunya, you can also try it. I prepared the herbal tea myself." Wu Meiling took another jar and poured a cup for Ma Chunya.


"Why does it smell like medicine?"

As soon as Ma Chunya took a sip, her face turned bitter.

"Sister-in-law, this is herbal tea."

Gu Siwei felt that Ma Chunya must have never drank Wong Lo Kat. Although the tea was not sweet, the taste of herbal tea was quite good.

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