Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 451 Making an idea

Yang Chuanwu waited for Gu Siwei to come back and asked Gu Siwei: "Do you get a good deal if you sell the chicken?"

Yang Chuanwu just listened to the entire conversation between the two. Let alone Yang Chuanwu, everyone nearby listened.

Suddenly the factory wanted ten chickens, and everyone was curious about the price.

It's just that not only Yang Chuanwu, but also Guo Shengshui didn't know the price, because the final payment was not brought back to Guo Shengshui, but to Wu Daorong in person every time Gu Siwei went there. As for Guo Shengshui's benefits, they were one or two packs of cigarettes or one or two tubes of noodles given by Gu Siwei.

At this time, these two items were hard currency, especially cigarettes. Guo Shengshui used them in exchange for money and couldn't bear to smoke them.

At this time, no one was thinking of cheating for money. The trust between people was at stake.

It will be settled when it is said to be settled, and not even a penny will be lost to you. At this time, people think that one is one, and two is two. There is no misappropriation, no withholding, but it is given to you. To kick back this idea.

Of course, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, so someone will definitely do this, but the people Gu Siwei met, such as Wu Daorong, would never have thought that they could not do this.

"It's a good deal!"

Gu Siwei said.

Yang Chuanwu moved his lips a few times, obviously wanting to ask about the price, but he never asked. This thing is too sensitive. Unless someone tells him, otherwise it would be disrespectful to ask.

This is why many people know that Gu Siwei has a wealthy customer who wants mountain goods, but no one asks. It’s not that others don’t want to ask, but that this thing is against the rules, and even if you open your mouth, it is impossible for others to tell you. of.

Gu Siwei knew, but he couldn't say that it wasn't that he was interested in the money, but that if the business was given to others, how would he 'make' money, and some people would doubt the rationality of the money.

However, he is not afraid of being robbed by others, because Wu Daorong wants not only chickens, but the most important thing is to get "game" from Gu Siwei. That's much more difficult than chicken.

"Okay, then I'll go find Hu Yanqiu and tell her, is she still at the school?" Yang Chuanwu asked.

Gu Siwei nodded: "She must be over there."

Yang Chuanwu nodded, waved to the two of them, turned around and walked down the hill along the way he came, pushed the wooden basin into the river and rowed the wooden basin to the other side, first sent the wooden basin back home, and then headed towards Walked around the school.

It was impossible for Hu Yanqiu not to agree to the loan. She cared less about money than Gu Siwei, so when Yang Chuanwu mentioned it, Hu Yanqiu nodded in agreement and asked him to come and get the money tomorrow.

After returning home, Yang Chuanwu sat cross-legged on a chair in the yard, smoking a cigarette and thinking about things.


Thinking too much, Yang Chuanwu was burned by the cigarette butt in his hand. He jumped up when he felt the pain. As a result, the cigarette butt got on his body again, burning a hole in his clothes.

"Ouch, mine is indeed cold."

This made Yang Chuanwu feel very distressed. This thing was very valuable. Yang Chuanwu had saved money for a long time, and he bought it from someone else. Now that a good piece of clothing had a hole in it, how could he not feel distressed? . Although the hole is not obvious and is located almost up to the armpit, it is definitely a broken hole.

At this time, Yang Chuanwu's daughter-in-law Liu Kailan came in. Seeing her husband grabbing his clothes and mumbling something, she said: "What are you thinking about sitting on the chair in the middle of the day? That's all. What’s the matter with all the noise, someone robbed you of your money?”

"I was really robbed of my money, look!"

Yang Chuanwu pulled the hole and asked Liu Kailan to open it.

Liu Kailan took a look and immediately said: "What kind of cigarettes do you think you smoke? If you want to smoke, don't you know how to change into clothes? Look at the nice clothes I got for you, take them off!"


"Bon, what are you doing?" Liu Kailan said angrily.

Yang Chuanwu thought for a while and took off his clothes. Liu Kailan had already entered the room and came out with a sewing plaque. He pulled up a stool and sat directly next to her husband. He took the clothes and took a look at the clothes. After finding the hole, he began to pick out the threads and rags in the plaque.

"It's better to mend it. I will still wear this clothes when I go out," Yang Chuanwu said.

Liu Kailan said: "I know, I don't know where you are going so crazy. You have burned a hole in your good clothes."

Yang Chuanwu thought for a moment, said nothing, and finally let out a long sigh: Hey!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that her husband's mood was not right, Liu Kailan couldn't help but become concerned. Although she would complain that her husband had ruined his clothes, clothes were always clothes. Her husband's mood was much more important than clothes.

"I think my captain did a bad job," Yang Chuanwu said. "After so many years of work, the villagers still don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes."

Liu Kailan comforted her husband and said: "Don't think so, you have done a good job. To be honest, the conditions in our village are not good, but now we are better off than we are. Even outside, there is no one better than us." "It's much better. Although they harvest a lot of food, they also pay a lot. We don't have to pay. It's not easy to fill our stomachs and not starve to death in a year."

Yang Chuanwu waved his hand: "Is it good if people don't starve to death? For the same Zhuangzi, look at the lives of Gu Siwei's family, Guo Shengshou's family, and Liu Fulin's family, and what life is like for other families."

"You can't compare like this. That's the fourth-dimensional ability of others. Those places are God's reward for food. It's wrong if you compare like this. Everyone has their destiny after birth. Some people get promoted and make money, and some starve to death. It's all their fate. Liu Kailan said.

Yang Chuanwu continued to shake his head: "No, Gu Siwei is more capable than me. Even if we don't have the land, if we dump some things to the factory, our family can still have enough food and clothing.

In the past, compared with other Zhuangzi, I felt that I was doing well, but the more I think about it now, the more I feel that what I did was really not that good.”

"Is this what you were thinking just now?" Liu Kailan asked.

Yang Chuanwu nodded: "Well, that's what I'm thinking about. I was thinking that I should let Gu Siwei do this captain earlier."

"Let him do it? Even if you want it, the superiors must agree. Stop thinking nonsense. He is not qualified. He is too young. The township won't care what you think. If you think it will work, now the village chief It's you who should do it, not Wei Changzheng." Liu Kailan hit Yang Chuanwu's words seven inches straight.

Who the captain is is not decided by him, Yang Chuanwu, or even by the current village chief Wei Changzheng. It's still possible in the villages outside, but it's not that easy like the villages in the mountains.

As for why it is not that easy, it is also very simple. The mountain people have a criminal record. For hundreds of years in this area, every peasant uprising has been spearheaded by the mountain people, but the most courageous and ruthless ones are often these mountain people. .

The living conditions in the mountains are too difficult, which has created their strong characters. Whether you say that the poor mountains and rivers produce unruly people, or that there are many bandits in the mountains, in short, the people in the mountains are relatively stronger and more courageous than those who live in the plains.

In order to prevent these people from getting together to cause trouble, village chiefs and team captains are directly appointed by the township. Only those who perform well and move closer to the right path can be appointed.

Gu Siwei was far away from the trust of his hometown.

"Then we have to find a way. I think this boy Gu Siwei must have a way to lead the villagers to live a life without worries about food and drink. It's just that this boy is lazy and the kind of person who can't be pushed around. Let him be the captain and take care of everyone. Only when the team members' food, drink, and food are tied to him, will he lead them forward.

I don't have the ability.

When he becomes the captain in the future, I will fill in the gaps for him and act as a junior, which is also good," Yang Chuanwu said.

"Did you ask Gu Siwei what he thought?" Liu Kailan asked.

Liu Kailan does not fully support her husband as the captain. Although the team has a small population, there will be trouble wherever there are people. Some things are actually not a problem at all, but your captain has to worry about it. In the past, when Yang Chuanwu was not the captain, he still had time to play cards and chess. Now, except during holidays, his husband never has time to rest.

"He definitely doesn't want to do it. Didn't I just say that if you don't pull him away, you won't be able to do it. My idea is to make him have to do it," Yang Chuanwu said.

Liu Kailan said: "Don't make people anxious. It's just Siwei's temper. If you are really anxious, you will not recognize your relatives. Don't do bad things with good intentions."

Yang Chuanwu laughed and said, "I know him well. Even though he pretends to be like that, he is actually passionate in his heart and generous in character. Although he is a bit jealous, he must retaliate, but as a human being, it is his ability to be happy with his grudges.

Don't worry, his heart is actually not that hard, especially when it comes to his own people."

"Anyway, don't make him anxious." Liu Kailan was still worried.

Now in the village, one person leads another, and no one dares to make Gu Siwei anxious, because everyone knows that he can really beat people up, and he will not be polite at all.

But at the same time, Liu Kailan also admitted that this was a sign of Gu Siwei's prestige in the village.

In the countryside, if you can't control people, then your words in the village will be like farting, and no one will listen to you.

And many times, when you can't explain it, some people either don't understand, or they just pretend not to understand and don't want to listen to you. Even if what you say is right, he won't listen if it's for his own good.

At this time, someone with authority needs to come forward.

For example, what does Yang Chuanwu rely on? Relying on the large number of people in the family, if someone really wants to be unreasonable, he will definitely not be able to deal with his brothers and cousins ​​in the Yang family. Therefore, as long as Yang Chuanwu can level the bowl, many things will be solved.

And what does Gu Siwei rely on? Fists, yes, real fists, could easily knock Lu Tieshan down. Not to mention in Shimo Village, who in the nearby villages would dare to look at him sideways?

What's more, everyone knows that if you mess around with him, Gu Siwei will mess around more than you.

Thinking of this, Liu Kailan suddenly felt that Gu Siwei was really good as the captain.

At this time, Gu Siwei didn't know that someone was trying every possible means to get him to be an official. He was concentrating on planting cherry trees at the moment.

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