
Ma Youpeng asked.

Gu Siwei waved his hand and said: "I thought of a new game. I will write it and apply for a patent later."


Ma Youpeng was a little confused, and thought to himself: Boss, can you stop being so incompetent? If you want to continue working here, the company will simply not need designers, and you can just go into battle.

Ma Youpeng doesn't know much about Gu Siwei's game design standards. He thinks these games are quite simple. Whether it's the boss's bead game or the California cube, they are not very good.

That's right, Gu Siwei is so shameless. He changed what was clearly Tetris into California Cube.


Because the old America and the old Soviet Union are at war now. A Chinese is making a game called Tetris in the United States. Does Gu Siwei take such a political risk? Since he wants to live in California, he has to be shy. A smiling face, making money, no shame!

So in this time and space, Tetris is gone and California Cube is born.

At this moment, the secretary came and said: "Boss, Manager Guan, they are here."

Gu Siwei and Guan Youpeng looked up and found two young men coming in at the door, both in their early twenties, one with a medium build and a chicken coop on his forehead, looking a bit slovenly.

The other one also looks very ordinary, but he looks much cleaner. He has no special features, and he is the kind of person who can't be distinguished among the crowd here.

As soon as Gu Siwei saw this person, he felt that this was the standard practitioner who was kicked.

It just so happened that the short winter melon was the protagonist of this interview, Mr. Joe Hawkins.

"Joe, this way"

Ma Youpeng stood up and waved to the two people at the door.

When Qiao saw it, he smiled at Ma Youpeng and walked over.


This is considered a greeting.

"This is my friend, Gil Amelio."

Are you applying for a job and bringing your friends here? Gu Siwei thinks these old beauties are really interesting, but the main thing here in Silicon Valley is not only spontaneity, but creativity.

After shaking hands politely, everyone sat down.

The few people who ordered some drinks started chatting like a chat.

Now when we talk about games and arcades, we can’t escape the popular pong. As we chatted, everyone ended up talking about this game.

Ma Youpeng threw out EA's pioneering masterpiece, which is the pinball game designed by Gu Siwei.

When Qiao heard Ma Youpeng's explanation, his eyes suddenly lit up. He couldn't wait to pick up the things Ma Youpeng had painted and looked at them carefully, thinking as he read.

"this game?"

"This is our company's first game. Don't worry, we have applied for a patent for it," Ma Youpeng said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qiao opened his mouth and said: "I want to know how the new company's treatment is."

Ma Youpeng didn't say much and just talked about the company's treatment, not only salary and bonuses, but also equity incentives. If you are playing with Americans in Silicon Valley, you will definitely have to follow their plans.

Gu Siwei really doesn't mind using these Americans as mules, but he really doesn't dare. As a foreigner, he wants to do whatever he wants here. Gu Siwei believes that the U.S. government will not take care of him because of I am a foreign investor and I am soft-handed. On the contrary, the stick must be the cruelest and heaviest.

I didn't plan to do anything messy in the first place, and with the new company, the treatment offered by Gu Siwei was naturally good, at least it was better than the previous ones.

"I don't have a problem!" Joe said with a smile.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei extended his hand to Qiao: "Qiao, welcome to EA."

After shaking hands with Gu Siwei, Joe Hawkins pointed to Gil next to him and said: "Let me introduce again, this is my friend Gil. Although he is lacking in technology, he still has experience in management. Yes, I want to partner with him."

"Sales market?" Gu Siwei hesitated.

Americans are good at tying people up, but Gu Siwei will not tolerate it if the company's top executives do it. If the company becomes a one-spoken company, then he, the boss, will have to be on tenterhooks.

"No, it's project management," Joe Hawkins said.

Hearing that it was project management, Gu Siwei relaxed a little.

After asking about Jill's resume, I learned that Jill worked for Fairchild Semiconductor. Fairchild is not well-known in the minds of ordinary people in later generations, but now it is the first microchip manufacturer in Silicon Valley. Of course, if it were to be given another name, it would be impossible for computer students not to know it - Fairy Child.

How about it, have you blinded your krypton gold dog eyes?

He will blind you, but he will not blind Gu Siwei. He knows the stupid Fairy Boy. He does not know the reputation of Fairy Boy in the semiconductor industry in the future, but he knows that Fairy Boy is a very powerful existence at the moment.

Thirty-year-old Gil Amilio was the president of the famous Rotten Apple during Gu Siwei's era. Although his shine was overshadowed by the gang leader, when he took office, Rotten Apple faced the prospect of no funds available in a few weeks. , when he was ousted by the gang leader, he left dozens of dollars in funds to Rotten Apple and the gang leader. Without this money, the gang leader would have made a huge change.

If Gu Siwei really understands IT, Gil must be a god. His godhood is not as high as that of the gang leader, but he is definitely a demigod.

It's a pity that Lao Gu didn't know, otherwise it is said that horses with a thousand li are often used, but Bole is not often found.

However, Lao Gu was very interested in Jill's work at Fairchild, which was the development of microchips. Gu Siwei didn't feel sleepy when he heard this.

It was impossible for Jill to reveal any secrets, but Gu Siwei listened with great interest.

After listening to it, Gu Siwei said to Jill: "On behalf of EA, I would like to invite you to join."

How can games be made without hardware? He also desperately hopes to have someone who makes hardware, even if it is someone who understands hardware, to join in. Since people have already come to his door, how could Gu Siwei not want it?

Jill's life in Fairchild is just average at the moment, neither good nor bad, otherwise she wouldn't be hanging out with her friend Joe.

"Please give me time to think about it." Jill thought for a moment and decided not to make a hasty decision now. Let's see what the Asian is going to do first.

People in their early thirties, regardless of whether they are older or younger, can no longer hang around like young people.

Gu Siwei was not in a hurry. After chatting with the two for a while, he asked his secretary to take them to see the office space prepared for EA.

Gu Siwei and Guan Youpeng have to wait for Ron Hayek.

Ron is a little older. Forty years old is the golden age of a man's career, and Ron left his original company to find better opportunities.

As soon as the secretary over there left with Joe and Jill, Ron arrived.

This time we mainly talk about Guan Youpeng. Gu Siwei is really not very good at business matters, but Guan Youpeng is indeed a good player.

Half an hour later, Guan Youpeng gave Gu Siwei a signal, which meant that this person was good.

So Ron joined EA and became EA's sales manager.

What Gu Siwei didn't know was that Ron had been unemployed at home for several months at this time. As for Ron's resume, if the headhunting company's words were to be believed, then the hell it was a ghost, and there would be a word that would be packaged and sold in future generations. , is it possible that people nowadays are so stupid that they won’t do this?

That's certainly not the case. Ron's resume is far from as good as what the headhunter wrote.

Originally, Ron was a bit arrogant and had good sales results. He thought it would be easy to change jobs, so he left his last company quite hastily, thinking that he would be able to find a new company soon.

Unfortunately, reality soon hit him in the face and no one wanted to hire him. Someone wanted to hire him, but the salary offered was not acceptable to him.

It is not easy to go back to the original industry because of the industry terms involved.

If someone had told Ron a few months ago that a company owned by an Asian wanted to hire him, Ron would most likely not have come for an interview because he felt it was unreliable.

But now, Ron really doesn't have a good choice.

At this moment, Ron joined EA with the mentality of riding a donkey to find a horse.

Gu Siwei also has the same mentality here, temporarily looking for someone to set up the airs, waiting for the airs to be set up, the stage is up, and if it is not suitable, then replace him.

In short, both parties have small calculations, which is a normal thing. No one is determined to walk away from each other, get married or divorce, let alone start a career together as soon as they meet.

When a small company opens, there is nothing to choose from. Even if you choose, people who are famous will not come. No one is a fool. No one thinks that you are the protagonist of this world. They will bow to you when they see you. No one. , so now someone has to put up the company's frame and produce the first-generation product. That is the most important thing.

After settling on Ron, Gu Siwei and Guan Youpeng rushed to EA's office with him, where they met Jill and Qiao who had not yet left.

At this time, Gil saw the company's office building and saw the huge EA characters on the lawn at the door. He felt that this company was really impressive. When he saw that such a large office was all used by the company, he felt that I already have a tendency,

At this moment, EA's office conditions can be said to be quite good, and it looks impressive no matter how you look at it. Moreover, it will soon start preparing to develop the first product, and the financial support of the parent company is also quite strong.

All this made Gil think he should take a gamble.

Deciding to bet, Jill accepted Gu Siwei's invitation when she saw her.

Sometimes, fate is so wonderful. With a simple interview and a normal meeting, EA's three carriages are all in place.

The next step is to recruit people and purchase equipment. This is the advantage of the company being in Silicon Valley. It is very convenient to buy many things, whether it is chips or electronic equipment. If it is not available here, it will probably not be available elsewhere.

As people from Silicon Valley, Joe and Jill naturally knew a lot of technicians, so a group of technical backbones soon gathered together to cooperate with the recruitment of new graduates, interns from nearby universities, and the like, and EA officially opened.

There were no firecrackers, no lion dance, and no flowers. A small IT sampan like EA set sail in a stylish abandoned factory building and sailed towards the sea of ​​the market.

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