Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 487 Tightening the Fence

Gu Siwei's mood has calmed down at this moment. After all, all he is thinking about is "Star Wars". In the words of later generations, this is a big IP, and it is directly the best harvesting weapon. Gu Siwei has read a report before, saying that the commercial value brought by "Star Wars" exceeds 50 billion U.S. dollars, and Lucas in 21 At that time, Forbes ranked him more than 300 people in the world with a wealth of US$7.1 billion.

It's unlucky for Lao Lu to meet Gu Siwei. He may be an excellent director in this life, but he will never have so much money. If he still wants to compete with Spielberg in this life, he must be more diligent. Got some filming done.

Gu Siwei felt that he was doing it for Lao Lu's benefit. If he had no motivation, he would have no results. What's the point of lying on "Star Wars" and sleeping all day long?

Gu Siwei believes that without the sudden wealth of "Star Wars", Comrade Lu would have been able to produce better works and bring greater joy to people around the world, especially his fans!

Huh~! Here Gu Siwei applauds himself.

When you think of "Star Wars," "American Graffiti"'s $100 million box office is just desserts.

Yu Wei said something at this time, which almost shocked Gu Siwei: "Looking at his results now, I even want to vote for his movie about fighting in the sky."

"In that case, you come and invest. Three million U.S. dollars first, but I have agreed with you that you will have to invest later, and it may reach 12 million or more in the end. In other words, you must at least prepare Four million US dollars, playing with technology is a waste of money," Gu Siwei said.

Now Gu Siwei was really afraid that Yu Wei would get hot-headed, so he immediately crossed his thigh and said to himself: Isn't it just four million US dollars, I invested!

In fact, Yu Wei just said that Gu Siwei thought that he had not done his homework. In fact, Yu Wei had already understood the matter thoroughly.

It is precisely because of understanding Tongtong that Yu Wei does not dare to invest this money at all.

Because before "Star Wars", Hollywood had no interest in making this kind of film. First, the scenes were too grand and the technology at this time could not express them at all. Second, many directors lacked imagination. When shooting in space, they were stunned. The feeling of being able to shoot a World War II documentary is like a battleship sailing into space.

You said that for such second- and middle-income films, their parents would no longer recognize them. Hollywood is the most realistic place. If a film makes no money but loses money, will they invest in it?

Obviously not!

It is precisely because of this that Yu Wei said at this time that he was just talking fast and had no intention of investing at all.

What's more, the movie hasn't even been filmed yet, so he has to build a production company, and he has to do everything with nothing. Yu Wei is not stupid at all, so there is no way he would jump into this pit.

"Forget it. Seeing as you like this movie so much, I'd better not overwhelm others."

When Yu Wei heard that Su Siwei seemed to be serious about it, he waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he had a small appetite and even less courage, and could not chew this big bone.

Gu Siwei glanced at Yu Wei and thought: Bah! A good NPC is not a follower, you must have your own opinion. This is your own fault. It’s not that I don’t take you to play. Don’t regret it in the future!

As soon as he heard that Yu Wei would not invest any more money, Gu Siwei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Jingle Bell!

The phone on the table rang. Gu Siwei walked to the table, reached out and picked up the phone, leaning on the table comfortably, feeling very relaxed.

The call was from Guan Youpeng, and the content was very simple. Now Lucas has been involved in the work of "Star Wars". While improving the drama industry, he is discussing the performance of science fiction scenes with the newly established special effects team. .

Industrial Light and Magic has set up a special effects team. In addition to a few old employees, the remaining dozens of people are newly recruited, including software and hardware engineers, painting artists, mathematicians and a series of majors. personnel.

This special team was established to give Lucas the responsibility of developing all the special effects production requirements for "Star Wars".

The purpose of the call was to ask for money.

The funds for the special effects team did not come from Industrial Light and Magic, but were included in the development costs of the film. How could Gu Siwei suffer this loss?

I also learned this from Lucas, using other people’s money to do his own thing, but Gu Siwei is kinder than Lucas. He used his own money to do his own thing, but he borrowed it for free during the whole process. It's just Lucas' brains and talent.

What's so bad? You have to look at the problem from another angle to be comprehensive, that is, Gu Siwei gave Lucas a chance to show himself!

From this point of view, you will find that Lao Gu is very brilliant. If Lucas was sensible, he would even donate the director's fees.

The purpose of the phone call was to ask for money. Obviously, the initial one million was burned before it lasted for a month.

Originally he just wanted to burn money, but now "American Style Painting" has earned back the money he spent. What else could Gu Siwei be reluctant to part with? He waved his hand: Here!

Not only did he give it, Gu Siwei directly threw another three million US dollars into the special effects team's special funds.

Very generous!

After answering the phone, Gu Siwei still wanted to talk to Yu Wei, but there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Gu Siwei said towards the door.

The door opened, and Gu Siwei's ugly secretary came in. He stood at the door and said to Gu Siwei: "Boss, Mr. Chen Shangli from Nanzhou Commercial Bank is here."

"Quick, please come in!"

When Gu Siwei heard that the God of Wealth was coming, he immediately asked his secretary to come in.

When Yu Wei heard that people from Nanzhou Commercial Bank were coming, he knew that it was not appropriate for him to stay any longer, so he stood up and said to Gu Siwei, "I have nothing else to do and I'll go do my business first."

Seeing Gu Siwei nodded, he left Gu Siwei's office.

In the corridor, I happened to bump into Chen Shangli. They both knew each other. They smiled at each other, said hello and then left.

"Manager Chen!"

When Gu Siwei saw Chen Shangli coming in, he smiled and asked the big benefactor to sit down.

"Mr. Su, congratulations on your outstanding investment achievements in Hollywood." Chen Shangli congratulated Ku Siwei on the sales of "American Style Painting".

"Thank you!" Gu Siwei smiled and said politely: "I'm just lucky."

Chen Shangli smiled and said: "Luck is also a kind of strength. Unfortunately, our luck is not very good."

What Chen Shangli was talking about was what his brother Chen Shangren came to discuss with Gu Siwei. Originally, the Chen family was planning to take part of EA's shares, but at that time, Chen Shangren felt that 8% was too little and the price was too expensive, so he was prepared to wait for a while. Let it dry for a while.

As a result, there is no need to wait any longer.

Because the current sales of EA game consoles have exceeded everyone's expectations!

You know, a game console is not cheap at the moment. Atari's PONG costs 1,200 US dollars, and EA has launched an arcade game console with a joystick that is easier to operate and priced at 1,400 US dollars. Hundred dollars.

You must know that this is an arcade machine, and EA's Bead Ball and Bean Eater are separate. In other words, one console has one game, and many customers must have just a few.

Of course there is another channel, which is sharing.

When a customer provides a place, EA provides a console, and EA splits the share. However, this model is rare because many people quickly realize that this method is 'unprofitable' to them because EA and EA have no production capacity at the moment. You want to share equally. Don't know how long to wait.

So they bought the console one after another.

The current orders for both consoles exceed 15,000 units.

This is not the end, because 15,000 units is the current annual production capacity of Industrial Light and Magic, which means that it is not that there are no more orders, but if you place an order now, you will get the product almost a year later.

Of course, this is an estimate. The production capacity of Industrial Light and Magic is climbing, and the production base in Hong Kong is also being built. There are also more orders, and large companies are willing to produce. So as of now, this 50,000 The delivery of an order of 1,000 units can be completed in about three months. If I hurry up, I might be able to finish it in two and a half months.

In the current situation, if Gu Siwei lets the Chen family in again, he will be mentally ill.

I have an order for 15,000 units, which is 21 million US dollars. The deposit received alone is 3 million US dollars. With the order and I can get a loan from the bank, I have money anyway, so why bother? Exchange for shares.

Even if Industrial Light and Magic wants to expand production, even if it wants to build a production base in Hong Kong, the money from Lao Gu's pocket will no longer be used, so the Chen family's money is meaningless.

You are a fool to sell shares now. Gu Siwei is waiting for someone like Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley to take his listing to the US market to make money. It is so clear, and letting the Chen family come in, isn't that the same? Send money to others?

The popularity of the two games far exceeded Gu Siwei's estimate. He originally thought that 5,000 units would be enough for today, but who would have thought that the market would react so violently.

Besides, EA still hasn't released the powerful "California Cube". If it were to be released, the effect wouldn't be explosive. No one would be able to put it in at this time. Even if it was put in, it would have to be affordable. Money, or a strong man who can lead Siwei to the US stock market.

Chen Shangli also sighed secretly in his heart. In fact, the two brothers regretted not listening to their father's words. They always thought that they were already good. Who would have thought that through this comparison, they would realize that they were still far from the old man's vision. .

A young man is not as good as an old man in feeling new things, which makes both brothers feel a little ashamed.

Then I heard that Su Siwei invested in American movies and made another huge profit.

Only then did the two brothers understand what the old man at home had been telling them: nothing in this world can be as profitable as investors!

The person the old man in the family wants to invest in is Su Siwei in front of him. He is a bit too young, but his vision is superb.

It's a pity that the Chen brothers did not catch up with the best time.

But it’s not too late!

If you can't reap the dividends of sending carbon in the snow, then you should rely on it. After all, the old man waved his hand and provided low-interest loans. It is also a reward to operate with heart.

Therefore, this time Chen Shangli came, and he came with great sincerity.

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