Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 492 Paving the Way

The biggest thing that came to Hong Kong City this time was Chen Shangli's funds. Now there was no problem with Chen Shangli. Gu Siwei stayed for more than half a month, made several trips to the United States and worked as a transportation captain for a while, and then returned to the village.

Being in the Hong Kong city was a busy job, but returning to the village was like a vacation to Gu Siwei, and time suddenly slowed down.

The weather is getting colder. The first thing Gu Siwei does every morning when he gets up is to sweep the leaves. The leaves of the camphor tree have fallen a lot. If he doesn't sweep them for a day, there will be a layer of fallen leaves.

And the number of fallen leaves of Gu Siwei's camphor tree is several times that of ordinary trees. There is nothing we can do about it. The tree is so big. In the summer, it is like a big green umbrella. It is very enjoyable. At this time, you have to work harder. What?

The fallen leaves mentioned here mean that more leaves fall than usual. It does not mean that the camphor tree will be bare and only the poles are left in winter. Gu Siwei has never said this.

In fact, the camphor tree in Lao Gu's family is evergreen all year round, but the degree of greenness varies in different seasons. For example, in winter, the leaves of the camphor tree become darker.

Swish, swish, swish!

Gu Siwei slowly waved the broom and swept up the fallen leaves bit by bit. After piling them into a small pile, he turned to another place and continued to wave the bamboo broom in his hand.


Gu Siwei was busy here when he suddenly heard his son calling him. When he looked up, he found his eldest brother Bo Qi running towards him out of breath.

"If you don't stay in school properly, why would you come back here?"

Gu Siwei leaned on the broom handle in his hand and asked his son with a smile.

The child has not yet gone to school, but no one in the village cares about him. Anyway, now everyone throws their children into school. Hu Yanqiu, the principal of the primary school, has almost become the king of children.

"Brother Jiangu is here with his wife. My uncle asked you to go to their house. My uncle went to school and told my mother that she asked me to come back and let you go. She doesn't have time. She has to go to the third team later. Pick up some books on the side."

Bo Qi was panting heavily, and it looked like he had been running a lot along the way.

When Gu Siwei heard this, he knew that it was Luan Jiangu who had returned with his wife. It was a big deal for a new daughter-in-law to come to the house, and someone with a high profile in Zhuangzi would definitely be invited.

It stands to reason that Luan Jiangu's father should come in person, but the place where Gu Siwei lives is really not accessible to ordinary people, so it is understandable that the task of treating guests will be left to Bo Qi in the second half.

Gu Siwei put down the broom, clapped his hands, went into the house, took a towel and wiped it on his clothes twice to drive away the dust that had just fallen on his clothes. Then he went out and held his eldest son's hand, and the two of them walked towards the edge of the cliff together. .

After getting off the cliff and getting on the boat, the boat landed in Zhuangzi smoothly. Before Gu Siwei could stop the boat, Bo Qi jumped out of the boat in a hurry.

"What's the rush? Be careful not to fall," Gu Siwei said.

Bo Qi said: "I have to go to the class to teach you how to do this. I don't know how much I have taught you."

As he spoke, the villain suddenly jumped out several meters.

After hearing this, everyone must have thought that Bo Qi's grades were good. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Bo Qi had no talent at all in studies.

To be honest, this is the first time that Gu Siwei has seen a child who is serious about everything, but cannot learn well. At first, Gu Siwei thought that Bo Qi was pretending to be serious, but when he saw him writing seriously, every child When the words were written one stroke at a time, this view changed.

The eldest son is a bit stupid in the eyes of others, not only in the eyes of others, but also in the eyes of Hu Yanqiu, his own mother, who thinks that the eldest son has a low IQ and is a bit stupid. Although he studies everything seriously, his comprehension ability is too poor.

It may also be that part of the boss's share was given to the second child Zhonglin and the fifth child Zhongyi. These two boys are very smart and can learn anything easily. They can learn almost anything you teach them and can do it quickly. He drew inferences from one example and was very liked by his mother, Hu Yanqiu.

But Gu Siwei liked the boss the most. He often said with a shy face that the boss was like him, honest, honest and down-to-earth.

As for the third, fourth and sixth children, the couple also likes them, but they are not as favored as the third ones.

Of course, the couple are both normal people. It is impossible to like them just because they like them, and to abuse those who are not favored. These are their biological sons, and the couple gave birth to them by themselves. But relatively speaking, these three are more popular. Just pamper her a little.

After throwing the anchor ashore, Gu Siwei jumped from the bow of the boat to the shore and walked toward Luan Jiangu's courtyard.

Luan Jiangu is already eighteen years old this year, and the wife he is looking for is an educated youth who jumped in line. He is not only an educated youth, but also an educated youth from a big city. Later generations will call it a first-tier city in the Great Demon City.

At this time, it was very common for boys from the countryside to seek out educated youths, and for young girls to marry educated youths.

Decades later, there was a saying on the Internet about several major misfortunes. One of them was that educated youths who went to the countryside married into the village. This girl now falls into this category.

Before Gu Siwei reached the door, he heard that the yard was as lively as a vegetable market.

When Gu Siwei appeared at the door, someone immediately called to Gu Siwei: "Siwei, come on, come and sit here."

Gu Siwei saw that it was Guo Xiangping who was talking to him, so he smiled at him and waved his hand. They were all from the older generation, and they were all over sixty. Gu Siwei didn't want to go there. No common language, boring.

Just when Gu Siwei wanted to squeeze in among the younger people, Yang Chuanwu walked in.

Yang Chuanwu saw Gu Siwei squeezing into the crowd of people in their twenties, and immediately waved to him: "What are you doing over there? Come here! You have something to say."

Now Gu Siwei had no choice but to follow Yang Chuanwu to a group of old men.

When Guo Xiangping saw Gu Siwei coming over, he chuckled: "I asked you to come over a long time ago. Why are you so busy?"

Gu Siwei didn't say anything, just smiled, pulled a bench and put it under his buttocks, where he sat firmly, waiting for Yang Chuanwu to say something important.


When Gu Siwei heard someone say something, he looked up and saw two people coming out of the main room. One was Luan Jiangu. This boy was almost a head and a half taller than when Gu Siwei saw him for the first time. He originally looked like a child. , he has grown into a young man in the past few years.

He is much stronger than his brother Luan Jianming, and he has two pear dimples on both sides of his cheeks when he smiles. He is quite attractive.

She must look good, or else can she charm a female educated youth?

The female educated youth next to Luan Jiangu is not short, about 1.6 meters tall. She has two big braids that are very common nowadays. She is wearing a green military uniform. The military uniform is lined with thick clothes and looks bulging.

Most people are like this now, and the Gu Siwei family is like this when they go out, but their clothes are ironed better than others.

The girl was a little shy, and her face was as red as a piece of red cloth when she came out. In addition, some of the villagers were making noises, which made the woman even more at a loss.

Luan Jiangu repeatedly begged for mercy to the big guys.

However, everyone only cheered a few words.

It's not the day for the two to officially get married yet, but the matter has been settled. Luan Jiangu takes the girl to meet everyone. Usually by the time we get to this point, everyone has already assumed that the two of them are a couple. Normally, unless something big happens, the marriage will definitely happen. There is no mention of getting married tomorrow. I found out I don’t like it today, and the wedding will be canceled tomorrow.

If a girl, or a boy, dared to do this, Tumo Xingzi could drown him.

Luan Jiangu and his girl brought fried peanuts and melon seeds to everyone, just to entertain everyone.

Gu Siwei and other old men gathered together and sat at a small table, chatting while cracking melon seeds.

After a while, Yang Chuanwu said: "I want to discuss something with everyone."

Hearing what Yang Chuanwu said, everyone concentrated their energy.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yang Chuanwu said: "There is a batch of materials in the quarry over there that do not meet people's requirements. They are very cheap. I am thinking about using the village's money to buy the materials, and then buy everyone The road in front of the house was paved to avoid rain, and when everyone walked, their feet would be covered with mud."

Gu Siwei felt strange when he heard this, and thought to himself: Is the village so rich now? They are all ready to pave the roads in the village with stone slabs.

Soon an old man asked Gu Siwei's question: "Is the village rich?"

Yang Chuanwu said: "It's not just the money for the machines. The machines in the village can now run a lot of machines a day. Also, when Laiya and Jiandong heard that the village was going to pave roads, they also spent two months on their machine rooms. The income was donated."

Nowadays, the computer room in the village is a big business. Gu Siwei has successively purchased three or four more machines in the past few years, all of which are outdated.

But clichés are clichés. This kind of machine is really suitable for people nowadays. Because of its simple structure, maintenance is naturally simple. There are few parts that have problems, and you can tell where it is broken just by looking at it.

Not to mention that machines with simpler structures are more durable and less likely to break.

"Siwei, what about you? What do you think?"

Yang Chuanwu's eyes swept across everyone's faces, and finally fell on Gu Siwei's face.

Gu Siwei said: "Do you have any opinions? As long as the village has money, it would be better to pave the stone road. But what kind of stone is it? Do you know whether it has radiation or something?"

"What, what is the shot?"

Yang Chuanwu was stunned by Gu Siwei's question. He had never even heard of it.

How do people at this time know the dangers of radiation?

Gu Siwei said: "There are different types of stone. Some stones can be used inside the house, some stones can only be used outside, and some stones are not even suitable for use outside, because this kind of stone contains radiation, which will affect the health of the house over time. There will be an impact on people’s health.”

"Siwei, do you have any basis for what you say?"

An old man obviously didn't believe it. Can rocks hurt people?

"Everyone has heard that stones can hit people, but it's the first time I've heard that stones can hurt people when laid on the ground. Hehe!"

Gu Siwei said sternly: "I'm really not talking nonsense. If this kind of radioactive stone is spread on the ground, over time, it will be impossible to give birth to a child or not."


When everyone heard this, they immediately became serious.

Being hurt is a trivial matter, but not being able to have a child is a big deal nowadays. There are three types of unfilial piety, the biggest being not having children.

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