It was a sudden idea, and it was very difficult for himself, but Gu Siwei enjoyed it.

Things in Hong Kong are almost done, and Gu Siwei has to leave for the United States. First, to see the situation of EA, and more importantly, to see the progress of Industrial Light and Magic. Of course, the most important thing is Luca. The visual development team led by Si.

Gu Siwei took the right path, that is, by flying (note: those who bought the tickets were not like the people who used to pick up trains and planes). Along with him were secretary Zhou Meiqi, Guan Youpeng and Guan Youpeng's secretary, and Pan Baofeng. This driver.

Lao Gu can enjoy it now. It always feels boring to ride in someone else's car, so when going to the United States, he has to take Pan Baofeng with him, and Pan Baofeng also brings people, Pan Baofeng's wife and children, to go to the United States with him.

As Gu Siwei's driver, Pan Baofeng naturally has this power.

The group of people almost booked the first-class cabin. When they arrived in San Francisco, Jill and others had been waiting at the airport for more than half an hour.

After getting in the car, Pan Baofeng drove Gu Siwei, Jill, Guan Youpeng and others straight to EA. As for Pan Baofeng's family, they were sent to the hotel. Naturally, someone arranged for the family to take a look around during this time.

There are many people here at EA. The office that originally looked empty is now almost full of people. The original old house has now been renovated to be full of industrial style. What makes Gu Siwei most happy is that in front of the big EA sign at the door. There were actually fans who came to check in.

Qiao took Gu Siwei and others around and introduced the development of the new game.

New game development is divided into two parts, one is hardware and the other is software. Due to the technical conditions at this time, many games in Gu Siwei's mind simply cannot be realized.

The development of new games is also inseparable from the technological progress of Industrial Light and Magic. At the same time, Lucas's special effects team also has a considerable promotion effect on the new games. After all, Lucas wants to show fake scenes in the movie. This It's the same thing as gaming.

EA took a look here, and Gu Siwei left for Industrial Light and Magic.

When Gu Siwei arrived at Industrial Light and Magic, he discovered that Lucas was actually here, but he came here to scold people. Maybe many directors have bad tempers and will scold people if they don't get what they want.

Seeing Gu Siwei coming, Lucas simply complained directly to Gu Siwei.

"Boss, the efficiency of Industrial Light and Magic is really outrageous. I want a very simple part, but they haven't made it even after two weeks of delay. I want to apply to set up a separate department..."

After catching Gu Siwei and his team, Lucas turned on the hair dryer mode and sprayed Gu Siwei hard on Industrial Light and Magic.

Gil is very embarrassed, because he is now the CEO of Industrial Light and Magic. As for EA's affairs, Qiao is mainly responsible for it. It is estimated that the result of Gusiwei America's trip this time will be the time when the leadership redefines the sphere of influence.

Gu Siwei was not angry. Although Gu Siwei was a little tired after flying for more than ten hours, but for some reason, when Gu Siwei saw Lucas working hard, he couldn't feel any fatigue at all.

It's probably because I feel a little embarrassed to dig into other people's spoons.

"Well, let's set up a new company. Let's call it... well, let me think about it... let's call it Searchlight. Searchlight is a company that specializes in film special effects. The team you have now will go directly to Searchlight. In addition, Add another hardware group...".

Gu Siwei was so generous that Lucas could not help but nod with satisfaction after hearing this. He wanted to make Lao Gu a close friend for a while, but he didn’t know if he knew that Lao Lu had stolen dozens of dollars of property from him based on his memories of his previous life. For the most part, he could still smile so brightly.

"Okay, let's talk about the specific things later, let's go and see it together," Gu Siwei said with a smile at Lucas. Lu

So everyone visited Industrial Light and Magic together.

Industrial Light \u0026 Magic is obviously busier here. First of all, production capacity continues to expand. Although the factory in Hong Kong has started construction, the scale expansion of the factory here is still in progress. There is no way, the market demand is too strong Well, the American people's demand for electronic dental tablets, oh, no, it's video games, is too urgent. Gu Siwei decided to meet the growing spiritual needs of the American people at all costs.

Especially young people.

Gu Siwei has no mental burden on this, because in many American public schools, children go to school just to play. Most of them, if they don’t study now, in the future, the only way out is to work as a clerk in a fast food restaurant, and skilled workers will not be able to do it. to them.

It's all like this. It doesn't make any difference to them whether they play games or not. They just play games during class and sleep time. It doesn't affect their study at all, not at all.

Therefore, Gu Siwei almost responded to Industrial Light \u0026 Magic's expansion requirements. Where is this? The U.S. market is not the only one. There are also Europe, Japan, and... How many uneducated people there are? The children are waiting for Lao Gu to save their boring lives.

If this old man doesn’t work hard, can he do it?

Gu Siwei and his party came to the laboratory co-built by EA and Industrial Light \u0026 Magic. Gu Siwei was patiently listening to Gill's introduction. Suddenly a tall figure appeared in Gu Siwei's sight, and made Gu Siwei He was stunned for a moment, feeling a little incredible, and even rubbed his eyes.

Gill noticed something strange about Gu Siwei and looked at Gu Siwei's gaze.

"Oh, that's the young man who just came to work at EA this year, Steve Jobs. He has great ideas about computers..." Jill really knew this young man.

However, Gu Siwei knew more and more deeply than Gill. This person in front of him was not Gang Leader Qiao. No matter what Gu Siwei thought, he never thought that Gang Leader Qiao would come here now.

How old is he now? Gu Siwei thought for a moment and couldn't figure out why he appeared in EA at this time.

What Gu Siwei doesn't actually know is that Lao Qiao should be at Atari according to the path of his previous life, but now Atari is facing a company like EA that carries plug-ins. It has no power to fight back. Originally, at this time Atari should be skyrocketing.

Now I'm still rushing to launch a joystick, but I found that the damn thing has become a patent of Dabidou, and EA has bought out the rights to use it in the US market for ten years.

The development of new games is not enough in front of EA. Now EA randomly comes up with a game and completely scorns Atari's products.

This thing has no way to play with EA. No current game company can compete with EA, because any game that Gu Siwei can remember is not a classic, and which one is not an evergreen tree that will last forever. , not to mention anything else, a California cube, is it invincible when you take it out?

The game industry is still in the exploratory stage. How can Atari compete with EA without plug-ins? Not even a shadow can be seen, the market reaction has said everything.

The original best-selling Atari arcade machine, now no one is willing to buy it even if the price is reduced, because with the jewel of EA in front, who will buy Atari's outdated table tennis game.

Gang Leader Qiao!

Gu Siwei looked at him and felt that his eyes were shining with golden light.

Seeing that Gu Siwei was very interested in this young man, Gil simply called Gang Leader Qiao over.

Let Gu Siwei ask a few questions.

After waiting for it to end, Gu Siwei reached out and patted Gang Leader Qiao on the shoulder: "Do a good job, young man, I'm optimistic about you!"

Good guy, I am so satisfied and have a sense of accomplishment!

But that’s it!

As for mentioning the promotion of Gang Leader Qiao, Gu Siwei has never thought about it. His personality is destined to be an entrepreneur + dictator, and he will not tolerate anything that goes against him. Gu Siwei has no interest in quarreling with him all day long. Of course, it's good to invest in him.

When Gu Siwei was leaving Boss Qiao, he said to him: "If you are planning to start a business, I think I am personally willing to invest in you."

With that said, Gu Siwei took out a card from his pocket. This was Gu Siwei's personal card, and the person he contacted was Gu Siwei's secretary Zhou Meiqi.

He took two steps forward and put it in Gang Leader Qiao's hand: "Call me when the time comes."

Gang Leader Qiao was immediately confused.

Seeing Gang Leader Qiao's appearance, Gu Siwei burst into laughter and walked away with a group of people. He immediately packed up the small coin.

Next, Gu Siwei and others entered the core laboratory of Industrial Light and Magic, where the most cutting-edge things were studied.

The only ones who can come in here are Gu Siwei, Jill and Lucas, not even Guan Youpeng and Zhou Meiqi are qualified to come in.

Everyone here, except Gu Siwei, has signed a confidentiality agreement. Even if they leave their jobs within five years, they will not be able to re-enter the industry, which can be said to be the top priority.

What is developed here is various hardware that can meet the needs of new games. It is more like a small factory than a laboratory. Everything in it is the most advanced. As long as new machines appear, they will be purchased here.

Gu Siwei was a little confused after hearing the engineers' introduction.

He came here decades later and doesn't understand why many things are like this.

How do you feel when you use the computer? It must be the CPU, graphics card, sound card, motherboard, hard drive, etc., each doing their own thing, but there is no such term now. It’s like a game. All the episodes are live on one board, and you can’t change the game. If you want to, If so, you have to replace the entire board, and even the display screen, because if the screen is different, the instructions displayed may be different.

Gu Siwei then said: "Can it be more convenient? All components can be divided into several pieces. For example, the control display is made on a small board. A specially designed interface is used to plug the small board into the big board. The big board The components on the board can send instructions to make the small board work and display content on the display screen.

Similarly, the sound can also be controlled with a dedicated board...".


Lucas listened nearby and clapped his hands without waiting for Gu Siwei to finish: "Yes, in this case, if you update the new display device, you don't need to replace the entire board, you only need to replace the old board. If there are not enough computing units, if there is an interface, you can add units directly without having to redesign the board..."

Lucas became more and more excited as he talked.

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