Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 523 The college entrance examination is coming

As we enter the new year, the headlines appearing in newspapers are a little dizzying. It seems that there is more news this year than in the past ten years.

Gu Siwei was flipping through the newspaper at the moment. The date on the newspaper was October 22. The first article was a reprint of the daily article "Major Reforms in College Enrollment."

To put it bluntly, the country is going to resume the college entrance examination.

Song Rui was sitting in front of Gu Siwei at the moment.

Gu Siwei was looking at the newspaper, and Song Rui was looking at him. He now felt that the expression on Gu Siwei's face was much more exciting than the newspaper.

Reinstate college entrance examination?

It has nothing to do with Song Ruizhen. None of the young and old in their family can match this number, so he is not very interested in the news about the resumption of the college entrance examination.

But Gu Siwei is different. He has been thinking about this for a long time. Sicui and Hu Yanping will definitely take the first-level college entrance examination this year, and Gu Siwei is also confident that these two children cannot be admitted to a great university. .

The reason is very simple. There are a few serious people in China who have gone to school. Even those who went to school before have almost forgotten it now, let alone people like Sicui and Hu Yanping who have been immersed in learning for several years. If he fails to pass the exam, it's not the child's problem. It must be something taught by Gu Siwei, from another world.

Gu Siwei put the newspaper away and saw Song Rui looking at him with a smile, so he reached out and wiped his face: "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Song Rui replied: "No, I just feel strange, why are you so happy?"

"Our family is about to have two college students. How can I be unhappy?" Gu Siwei said confidently.

Song Rui nodded directly: "Then, when others are posting newspapers outside and going to the mountains and countryside, the two children, Sicui and Yanping, are already immersed in studying. Let's not talk about anything else. I'm afraid this textbook alone is Most people can’t get it.”

Gu Siwei burst out laughing. He was very satisfied with Song Rui's little flattery, and the pictures were just right for Lao Gu's taste.

"Fourth dimension, fourth dimension!"

Yang Chuanwu's voice came from outside.

Hearing Gu Siwei's response, Yang Chuanwu started shouting before he entered the door: "Siwei, the country is going to resume the college entrance examination."

After he finished speaking, he entered the house and saw Song Rui there, so Yang Chuanwu smiled and said, "So Song Rui is here too."

Song Rui joked: "I have the most leisure time in the whole village. Where can I go if I'm not here?"

"You should be able to transfer back, right?" Yang Chuanwu asked.

How long has Song Rui been staying here? If his salary hadn't been paid every day, everyone would have almost forgotten that Song Rui was a member of the public family, a serious man carrying the public bowl.

I'm afraid even Song Rui himself is used to living here.

Song Rui said with a smile: "It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. Let him go. It doesn't matter to me whether he's transferred or not. I'm getting paid here and living a good life. I think it's pretty good." satisfy!"

He said this, but everyone knew that Song Rui definitely wanted to go back. Apart from anything else, just saying that it was more lively outside than in the ravine was enough to attract people.

Yang Chuanwu comforted him: "Don't worry, you will be transferred out soon and reunite with your wife, so you don't have to run here and there."

After saying that, Yang Chuanwu asked Gu Siwei: "Can the eldest son of our family take the exam this year?"

Gu Siwei was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked: "How old is the eldest boy in your family? He will take the exam this year? Can't you move back a little?"

The eldest son of the Yang Chuanwu family is only fifteen years old now, and he is still weak. There is no need to worry about such an older child.

Besides, to be honest, if the two men didn't look so similar, Gu Siwei would have suspected that he was mistaken. Although Yang Chuanwu had no education, he loved learning very much. As for the eldest son of his family, he would fall asleep as soon as he put a book in his hands, and he would also fall asleep in a real sleep, not a nap, but a sleep that could make loud noises when snoring.

"I'm afraid this guy will lose his advantage the further he goes..."

Emotional Yang Chuanwu also knew that his children were really bad at studying.

"I am also mentally prepared. I just want him to touch it. If he does, it will be great. If not, forget it. Just go home and plant cherries honestly," Yang Chuanwu said.

Speaking of cherries, Yang Chuanwu turned his attention to his own cherries and asked Gu Siwei: "These cherries will grow next year. Do you have any plans?"

The cherries planted in Zhuangzi have begun to bear fruit one after another. Next year, half of the cherry trees will enter the fruit-rich period. By then, the cherries in Zhuangzi will no longer be consumed by the factory.

In the past two years, the cherries in Zhuangzi mainly exchanged some things with the factories there, usually non-staple food, cloth and other daily necessities. The money was exchanged for very little, and the reason was very simple. The money at this time was not complete money. It doesn't matter if you have money to buy something, you need to have a ticket, so people who don't have money don't take it seriously.

Not all the cherries in the village are exchanged with the factory. Gu Siwei has strict requirements for every cherry. Therefore, almost 25% to 30% of the cherries are directly fed to sheep or something. From every year From April to mid-June, it can be said to be the happiest time for the sheep in Shimo Village, as they all eat the meat grown from cherries.

Not everyone in the village had opinions about Gu Siwei, but Gu Siwei didn't care about these little noises at all.

"How many people will decide to sign in the village this year?" Gu Siwei asked.

Yang Chuanwu said: "They must all sign it. If not, who can they sell it to in the village?"

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "Maybe someone will want to sell it themselves in the future."

As soon as the spring breeze blows that reopening will resume next year, many people's hearts will also live up to it. However, the re-opening has not been smooth sailing, and there have been twists and turns.

However, Gu Siwei was ready to overcome this setback. He owned an import and export fruit company in Hong Kong, and he didn't mind using the US dollars, which were in short supply at home, to buy the village's Golden Crown, first-grade and second-grade cherries.

"Let's get down to business, how are you going to sell it this year?" Yang Chuanwu said.

Gu Siwei said: "Let's look at the needs of the factory first. Don't worry about the rest. I already have a goal here. Just put your heart in your stomach."

"Oh, then I'll wait for your good news." Upon hearing this, Yang Chuanwu knew that Gu Siwei was sure, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

“What do you say about the stone over there?”

Gu Siwei asked.

The village's funds were a little surplus, so Gu Siwei thought about repairing the roads in the village. At least a stone road should be paved in front of each house from east to west, so as to avoid being crowded when people leave when it rains. The legs are covered in mud.

"The good ones from other countries are all exported. What they can give us is the same quality as last time, and you don't want it," Yang Chuanwu said.

Gu Siwei said: "That thing is harmful to people if you want it, don't want it!".

Gu Siwei originally thought there was no problem, but who would have thought that things would go wrong here? He thought for a moment and asked, "Have you found anyone or something?"

Although Gu Siwei didn't want to mention this matter, the situation is now in front of him, and the matter must be resolved. At this time, sending something, looking for connections, etc., maybe the matter will be settled.

Yang Chuanwu said directly: "You think I haven't done it? But there is nothing you can do over there. Every piece of stone excavated is exported, so there is no left for us. Let me see, you are not willing to use that kind of stone, just We can use cement, but that thing will kill us..."

Cement is very expensive now, and the little money that Zhuangzi has now is of no use at all.

The market is so strange at this time. Stone is cheap, but industrial products such as cement are very expensive.

Gu Siwei could make cement, but where was his excuse?

"Then I'll think about it again," Gu Siwei scratched his head and said to Yang Chuanwu.

Yang Chuanwu wanted to say something else, but he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

"Let's focus on the college entrance examination during this period. Let's take a look at these things later." Gu Siwei was preparing to show off his talents. Who knew that as soon as he started, he would be strangled by the extreme imbalance between the market and demand.

When Yang Chuanwu saw Gu Siwei standing up, he asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Gu Siwei raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "Go home for dinner. It's almost eleven o'clock now. Shouldn't you go home for dinner?"

After hearing this, Yang Chuanwu reached out and grabbed Gu Siwei: "Come to my house to eat today. This morning Erchen gave me a hare, which is fat and big. It's just right for cooking and drinking."

Gu Siwei said: "Forget it, you should eat it yourself. I will prepare it when I get home."

Yang Chuanwu said: "Hu Yanqiu is still in school, and your family has already cooked the food? You are too clever. If you think your sister-in-law's cooking is not delicious, I will ask her not to cook it, and the rabbit meat will be cooked for you. Bar?"

Gu Siwei said: "That's not what I meant."

"somebody is coming!"

Hearing Song Rui's words, the two people who were still chatting together looked outside and saw a boat coming on the river.

An ordinary boat is no different from Gu Siwei's boat. It is a wooden boat with a black awning and a four-legged anchor in front of the bow.

It is not unusual for ships to come here now, because there is a mill here, and every now and then a ship will dock here. Bags of cloth bags of various colors are dragged from the ship and dragged into the engine room not far away.

But this ship is different.

What's different? There is no cargo on this ship. It's all people, about five or six people.

Why does it say there is no cargo? That's because the ship's draft is very shallow. If there were cargo in the hold, the ship would not be like this.

Five or six people came over by boat, and all of them were presentable, which meant that these people did not look like ordinary farmers, but more like public servants sitting in offices.

"Let's go, they might be looking for us."

Yang Chuanwu pushed Gu Siwei and asked him to go ahead to meet these people.

Yang Chuanwu was right. People dressed like this must have come here to see Siwei, and they would usually have nothing else to do.

But Yang Chuanwu guessed wrong today.

When the two people stood at the bow of the boat, the people on the boat asked them questions before the boat had stopped.

"Is this the sixth group of Shimo Village?"

"Yeah, who are you looking for?" Gu Siwei asked.

"I'm looking for Zhou Guangxian and organize him to be promoted."

This person didn't say much and took out the tissue with one mouthful.

As soon as Gu Siwei heard this, he knew that Zhou Guangxian's hard life was over. In today's terms, it was over.

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