Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 525 Reluctant separation

The three of them returned to the room and began to pack their things.

Gu Siwei stood at the door, looking at the house, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. He thought that when he asked Lao Yu and others to come over, Gu Siwei was a little utilitarian, but as time went by, he really The relationship developed, and everyone lived together, playing and having fun, just like a family.

Now, the chaotic time has finally passed, and society is about to usher in great development. The country's national strength is about to flourish and it is heading towards the glory of a great country. But at this moment, Gu Siwei is a little confused and a little reluctant to let everyone leave.

The same goes for the three people in the room.

Zhou Guang first packed up his clothes. Only then did he realize that he had so many extra clothes. He thought that when he came here, it was just a small bag with two items in it. A coat, and a pair of shoes. He remembered clearly that there was a hole in the big toe on the left shoe, which was repaired by Hu Yanqiu.

When he thought of the big toe hole that Hu Yanqiu helped him patch, Zhou Guangsheng couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, because Hu Yanqiu's needlework skills at that time were really amazing, and I don't mean to praise him here.

I don't know when I got used to the life here, and I suddenly forgot a lot of things. Maybe it wasn't because I forgot, but because the sweetness of life made him subconsciously try not to think about those unpleasant things.

But now, the days here are finally over, and he still has to return to politics. There is hope, but at the same time, those bad memories have come back again, always reminding him to concentrate.

Naturally, the two original bags couldn't fit these things. Let alone such a bag, even two more bags couldn't fit it.

So Zhou Guang first decided to give up something. The decision was easy, but what should he give up? This put him in trouble again. This dress was newly made and he had only worn it twice, so he definitely had to bring it with him.

This one was made last year and has only been worn four or five times. This one is definitely a must-have. Then you must bring this one, because it is a cotton-padded coat, and the cotton inside is new cotton, also made from last year's wadding, so you can't do it without it.

You should also bring that one, because this one is work clothes, it is the most comfortable to wear, and the old clothes are also comfortable against the body...

As a result, Zhou Guangxian discovered that when he started all over again, he was finally willing to give up two or three items. One was a towel for wiping his feet, and all of them had lost their hair.

So Zhou Guangxian decided to make another great sacrifice.

As a result, I got stuck again and still didn't give up on anything.

"Fourth dimension!"

At this moment, Zhou Guangxian heard Lu Yan calling Gu Siwei.

"Do you have a bigger bag? If so, find me one. A big bag will do. There are too many clothes and there are no bags to put them in," Lu Yan said.

Gu Siwei's voice also rang out: "What's so difficult about this? You use a backpack. Anyway, these are the things you use all the time. If the backpack is not enough, then use sheets. It's just a bedroll. .No, you won’t even take away the quilt, right?”

Lu Yan said with a smile: "It's cold in the north now. If I don't bring a quilt, what will I cover myself with at night?"

"The school doesn't distribute this stuff?" Gu Siwei asked.

Lu Yan said: "What if it doesn't happen? Moreover, the quilts here are good, soft and warm. It would be a pity not to bring them. You can't be so careful. You can't even part with the quilt. You know I have to leave." ”.

Gu Siwei joked: "I'm not marrying my daughter, so why would I be reluctant to leave! It's best if you leave. I have to eat three large steamed buns in one meal to satisfy my master. I'm almost eating as much as Da Mao. My family is going to be destroyed." You are poor.”

"You boy!"

Lu Yan was very happy after hearing this, but soon he became serious. He looked at Gu Siwei and said, "Now that we are gone, I don't know when the next time we will meet."

"What, you want to go with a crane?" Gu Siwei teased.

"Fuck you, you brat can't spit out ivory from his mouth," Lu Yan said with a smile.

Gu Siwei replied: "I'm not an elephant. Only when I spit out ivory do I become a ghost. Go there and work hard. Don't be like you who can't do anything here. You'll be the first to eat!"

Lu Yan laughed after hearing this. With a smile, Lu Yan turned his head away. He didn't want Gu Siwei to see the tears in the corners of his eyes, so he wiped them quietly, lowered his head to get the backpack, and started to pack it up. got up.

Zhou Guang listened first and was stunned for a while. Then he also took the backpack and put the clothes in one by one. After filling the backpack, he packed the sheets, bedding, quilts and so on. burden.

Now, everything in my little house has been packed into bags except for the agricultural tools.

Carrying baskets on his back, one carrying a bag and the other carrying a large bundle, Zhou Guang went out first.

When he was about to close the door, Zhou Guang was stunned for a moment, glanced in along the crack of the door, stopped his hand in an instant, and gently pushed the door open.

Looking at the house he had lived in for several years, Zhou Guangxian felt empty in his heart.

After opening the door, Zhou Guangxian walked in again, walked to the edge of the empty bed, put down the things in his hands, and sat back on the bed.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed it a few times on the rough bed.

The bed was made by himself, and was not as skilled as You Xugang's. Zhou Guangxian's wooden bed was not very pretty, but Zhou Guangxian felt that it was the most comfortable to sleep on.

Thinking of his son, Zhou Guang stretched out his hand and patted the edge of the bed twice, then stood up with determination, put the basket on his back, picked up his bag and went out again.

He still paused at the door, but this time, Zhou Guangxian did not turn around or stop, but strode out quickly.

When Zhou Guang came out first, Lu Yan and You Xugang were still in the room.

"They haven't sorted it out yet?" Zhou Guang asked first.

Gu Siwei joked: "I guess these two people want to move all the houses."

Now Gu Siwei's heart is also full of sadness, but it is ugly for a grown man to shed tears, so Gu Siwei makes this kind of joke to distract himself and forget that he is about to part with them now.

How could Zhou Guangxian not know this at such an old age, so he put down the bag in his hand and gently patted Gu Siwei on the shoulder.

"If my work goes well, I will bring my children and Yan Qiu over to see me as an old man whenever I have time. You two and six little bastards will now be like my children and grandchildren."

"Hey, old man, let's go back and forth, why are you taking advantage of me?"

Zhou Guangxian smiled and said: "I took advantage of your ass!"

"We are all equals, you want to be my father now, why don't you take advantage of me? If you like being a father so much, why don't you go talk about cross talk? Remember to find someone named Yu as your partner when you talk about cross talk, otherwise they will beat you up." Gu Siwei smiled.

"Go away!" Zhou Guang scolded Gu Siwei with a smile.

After saying that, Zhou Guang shouted into the house: "Can you two hurry up? They are still waiting for us over there!"

"Come on, come on, it's like urging me, Lao Zhou, I haven't seen you active before." Lu Yan came out with his things at this time, complaining as he walked.

Lao Zhouyi looked at it and said immediately: "You brought so many things?"

Zhou Guang originally thought that he had enough things, but he didn't expect that Lu Yan would have more.

When Gu Siwei saw it, he immediately reminded Lu Yan: "Old man Lu, your paintings are all mine. Don't take them away. I'm paying for your meal!"

Lu Yan smiled and said: "I kept them all for you. I didn't even take away the little practice essays. My paintings are not worth much. They can't be exchanged for a few pieces of meat."

Gu Siwei said: "Of course it's not valuable now. Maybe it will be valuable when you burp your fart. We have many sons, so I have to save something for my children.

You must work hard when you go out. Do you know that my grandson will still eat bran-pharynx vegetables in the future, and half of it will be on you."

"Fuck you, I don't know how long I will live, how can I still care about you?" Lu Yan leaned forward and backward with a smile.

Gu Siwei thought to himself: Among these people, I know you best. According to the previous era, you old guy was just a living turtle. I don’t know how many artistic rivals I have killed and quarreled with others in my later years. Even when I was talking, I was still full of breath.

"I...I said Xiao Lu brought enough things, but I didn't expect you...".

Zhou Guang first saw You Xu just coming out and was shocked by what he brought.

"Siwei, you young man has such a lack of eyesight, come here and help," You Xugang said to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei said: "You didn't really pack the bed, did you?"

Zhou Guang first said: "Why am I packing the bed? There are some tools in here. The tools I made here are easy to use, and I don't want to change them. You have no use leaving them here anyway. I can't use them too much if I take them away, right?"

"It's not too much. I will bring you the account book when I go to Beijing another day and settle the accounts with you. I think selling you this tool for more than three hundred is not too much," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Youxugang laughed after hearing this and said: "You don't need money, but you need your life! I'll take the things, and I'll tell you when to come and get them... Well, I won't give them either."

I don’t have the money, do you want the five-way card? "

Wuluchaopai is the local dialect here, which means slap, which means hitting someone.

"Hey, you're a university teacher, are you a bit popular?" Gu Siwei said with a smile.

You Xugang said: "In two days, when my child is going to take the college entrance examination, he must come to the capital to take the entrance examination. It is best to get admitted under my pupil. The fourth boy, Boren, is good, and Shu Li is also very talented."

"Hey, Boren is my student, and so is Shu Li. You are not authentic," Lu Yan protested.

"It's useless to argue about who will become famous in the future," Gu Siwei said.

"Go aside!"

Lu Yan and You Xugang said to Gu Siwei at the same time.

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