Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 529 Gaining momentum

Gu Siwei was a little strange. He looked at Zheng Liangyu curiously and asked, "How did you find this place?"

Gu Siwei's heart was not as agitated as Song Rui's now. Not to mention that he had already known that people like Li Fanghai were waiting for the wind of the times to change and they would immediately become turbulent figures. Even if he didn't know, he was now the chairman of Marvel. Zheng Liangyu was really There is no qualification to make him excited.

If it were an elderly person, it might be difficult to tell. If people like Zheng Liangyu and Gu Siwei, who are not often seen in the news decades later, were agitated, it would be okay.

Zheng Liangyu said with a smile: "My wife works in the factory over there. I haven't fulfilled my duties yet. I have been busy moving these two days. I happened to visit my father-in-law. I met Guo Shengshui from your village, so I asked him casually. In other words, I originally thought that I would come to ask for advice when I got here, but who would have thought that as soon as I said you were here, I would come over."

Zheng Liangyu's lover worked in a factory, so he was familiar with people like Guo Shengshui, so after going around, he found that Gu Siwei and Song Rui were both in the county town, so Zheng Liangyu naturally drove over.

"Come in, come in!"

Song Rui saw that Gu Siwei was still asking, so he immediately greeted him.

Gu Siwei really forgot about this. He raised his hand and made an invitation gesture: "Come in! Let's talk about it after entering the room. You see, I was so happy that I forgot to ask you, the guest, to come in."

Zheng Liangyu smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here for a surprise visit, but I don't have much time here. Secretary Li told me when I came here that time is tight now and the tasks are heavy..."

After talking, Gu Siwei and Zheng Liangyu entered the house.

"This is my lover," Gu Siwei introduced.

Zheng Liangyu said: "I've seen it before. I just saw it."

After hearing this, Gu Siwei glanced at Hu Yanqiu curiously.

Hu Yanqiu explained: "He said he was looking for you, and he didn't say anything. When he heard my answer, you should be back soon, so he went to the door to wait."

Gu Siwei understood as soon as he thought about it, Hu Yanqiu was the only woman here now, and it was really inappropriate for him, a grown man, to stay here.

People nowadays are very sensitive to this kind of thing. How could Zheng Liangyu make such a mistake? The best way to deal with this kind of thing is that the man is not at home, so it is best to wait outside.

It wouldn't matter if he was familiar with him, but in his situation, outside is the best option.

Hu Yanqiu said, pouring water for Zheng Liangyu.

"Would you like some tea? The tea we grow at home is not good tea," Hu Yanqiu asked.

Zheng Liangyu said: "Are they the old tea trees growing on that mountain?"

Seeing Hu Yanqiu nodding, Zheng Liangyu said: "Yes, I definitely want it. I drank it at Secretary Fang Hai's house last time. The aroma is still lingering in my mind."

Gu Siwei couldn't help but smile a little after hearing this. In the past, not many people drank this tea. Even at the beginning, Li Fanghai was a little uncomfortable with it. But now that Li Fanghai is used to it and Secretary Li is here, Zheng Liangyu regards it as a treasure.

Sure enough, the King of Chu has such a thin waist, and the land of Chu is full of hungry bones.

Hu Yanqiu opened the tea jar he brought, scooped a spoonful of tea leaves from the inside with a wooden spoon and put it into porcelain cups. Put tea leaves in all three porcelain cups, poured boiling water from the water bottle, and handed the three cups to Gu in turn. In the hands of Siwei, Song Rui and Zheng Liangyu.

After taking the tea, Zheng Liangyu put the cup to his nose, sniffed it gently, and then said, "This is the smell, it's so fragrant."

"If you like it, I'll send you some later, but there's not much left now. There's only one jar, so you're welcome," Gu Siwei said.

Zheng Liangyu said: "I was just about to say this, but now I'm not polite."

Zheng Liangyu knew that the person in front of him was a benefactor in Secretary Li's heart. As for Song Rui, Secretary Li only mentioned it at that time. As for the Gu Siwei couple in front of him, Secretary Li was very eloquent when they came together. There was joy in his eyes, which showed the position of this family in Secretary Li's heart.

As an old man who follows Li Fanghai, Zheng Liangyu knows the temperament of his leader. He is a very straightforward person. He likes whoever he likes, and dislikes whoever he dislikes. He never pretends to be pretentious or hypocritical.

And he is extremely protective of his shortcomings. If he didn't have this problem, he would most likely be able to move up two levels now.

In order to improve the relationship with Gu Siwei's family, Zheng Liangyu also put some thought into it.

Everyone was interested in continuing the conversation, and the atmosphere soon became lively. Starting from the children taking the college entrance examination, the conversation gradually involved the current situation in the county.

Gu Siwei really doesn't understand much here, because how can he focus on a small place like the county now?

But Gu Siwei didn't know, Song Rui really knew, and in a few words he explained the current political ecology of the county.

Zheng Liangyu listened very carefully, and while listening, he also thought about it. He also had other sources of information. How could Zheng Liangyu, who was sent to clean up the stall, be an ordinary person, and how could he listen to Song Rui all the time.

If that's the case, does the seat under Zheng Liangyu's butt belong to him, Zheng Liangyu or Song Rui?

Zheng Liangyu actually has a certain understanding of the situation in the county. Don't look at what he said about time being tight and not understanding the situation. If you really believe it, there is something wrong with your mind.

After listening to Song Rui's words, Zheng Liangyu asked a few questions. Song Rui only answered two, and the rest could only shake his head: "I really don't know. With my level, I am not good enough for them. But what I know here is that the boy from the Liu family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I heard that several female workers in the light bulb factory got pregnant because of him. In the end, Liu arranged for him to work in the light bulb factory and suppressed the matter. ".

Damn things like this happen all the time, and they happen now, but the news doesn't spread quickly. If everyone in a few decades has a mobile phone, if someone in the county farts very smelly today, it won't take five minutes to stop immediately. can spread.

"I've heard about this too." Zheng Liangyu nodded.

After speaking, he paused and said to Song Rui, "How about you come over and help me."

After hearing this, Song Rui was stunned for a while, then opened his mouth and asked, "Me?"

Zheng Liangyu nodded and said: "Well, you, you have been in the public security system for many years. You are an old comrade. You are also good at politics, have a good vision, and have good ability to do things...".

Gu Siwei, who was standing next to him, almost laughed out loud and thought to himself: Zheng Liangyu wants to use someone close to him, so you don't have to be so blatant, right? You want to return old comrades in the public system? This kid didn't even enter the public security system a few times before he was kicked to Shimo Village to see the wild ducks. He was too good at deceiving people just to show his taste and do things.

Song Rui was a little confused for a moment. He used to dream of leaving Shimo Village, but now that the opportunity was right in front of him, he suddenly hesitated again.

Zheng Liangyu was not in a hurry. While sipping the tea, he looked up at Song Rui with a smile from time to time.

Song Rui didn't let Zheng Liangyu nod. He immediately stood up and said to Zheng Liangyu, "Since the leader needs me, I will do my best!"

"Okay!" Zheng Liangyu patted his thigh: "At this critical moment, we must have the momentum and the courage to fear nothing."

After speaking, Zheng Liangyu looked at Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei thought: What do you see me doing? When it comes to anger, who can be aggressive? I, Lao Gu, are much better than you. We are people who broke into a military camp and stole arms. If this is not called angry, it is called aggressive, so what is it called?

"Have you ever thought about going out and doing something?"

Zheng Liangyu said to Gu Siwei.

Just now, it was just to lure Song Rui out. In fact, firstly, Zheng Liangyu really needed manpower now, and secondly, it was also to lure out Gu Siwei. He can be said to be Li Fanghai's confidant, how could he not understand what Secretary Li meant.

Needless to say about work, the other meaning behind his words is: Liangyu, when you go over there and become a parent official, you have to take care of Gu Siwei and his family for me. I, Lao Li, owe me a debt. It's still a great favor.

As for why Li Fanghai had such feelings, after returning, Li Fanghai was actually the same as Zhou Guangxian. When he met his old friends and colleagues, he found that some of them were no longer there, and they died in the past ten years. Even if they were not killed, The rest of the body has more or less problems of one kind or another.

That's him, who now looks like he can kill a cow with a single punch.

It's okay if there is no comparison between the two, but with this comparison, how can Li Fanghai not be grateful for the care of Gu Siwei's family over the years, not to mention Gu Siwei, the villagers on Zhuangzi, Li Fanghai is thinking of them.

Li Fanghai is such a person. He remembers the kindness of others and the hatred of others. He repays kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. He is a person who is not ambiguous at all.

Gu Siwei immediately waved his hand: "Let's forget it. I'm really not suitable for government work. I have such a temper and there's nothing I can do about it. Thank Secretary Li for me when I see him."

Zheng Liangyu smiled and said: "Secretary Li told me that when I see you, let me tell you that I will send him some when the fruits are ripe in the spring next year. He and his family are waiting to eat the fruits." .

Zheng Liangyu's heart was full of envy when he said this. With just this sentence, he knew the position of this family in Secretary Li's heart. It was all about something. With Li Fanghai's temperament, it must be someone very close to him who would say such a thing. Come on.

Zheng Liangyu listened happily and said: "No one is born to do things. You have to give it a try."

What Zheng Liangyu means is: Come here, Gu Siwei, and I will arrange a job for you. This way, you will have something to talk about when you meet Secretary Li in the future. Even though he was born close to Secretary Li, there must always be communication between people, and there must be comings and goings before they can keep kissing. Li Fanghai is Zheng Liangyu's political tree, how can he not be careful.

"Forget it, I really thank you." Gu Siwei refused again.

Now Zheng Liangyu stopped persuading him.

After drinking tea and chatting for about half an hour, Zheng Liangyu said goodbye and left.

Gu Siwei looked at the little jeep leaving and thought to himself: We men have become a force now. Zheng Liangyu came to pay homage to the dock. Doesn't that explain the problem?

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