Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 538 Who is the helper?

How did Gu Siwei know these things? He was now thinking about how to contact Yu Yingzhi, but before he could think of a way, Yu Yingzhi's son came over and picked up Gu Siwei and the Guo family together. Go up and get directly to the small courtyard where Yu Yingzhi's family lives now.

As for Zheng Liangyu, Yu Yingzhi's son stopped talking after a few polite words and kept talking to Gu Siwei and others. Yu Yingzhi's son talked to Guo Liuye more often than Zheng Liangyu. Parents officials say a lot.

It’s hard to say what it means to be taken home, but the reasons given by Yu Yingzhi’s son are also sufficient. No one else can believe it or not. These people took care of my father in these difficult days. Who can say anything else? ?

When they arrived at Yu Ying's house, Gu Siwei and the others waited until after nine o'clock before they saw Yu Yingzhi who had returned.

As for what happened, how could Yu Yingzhi not know about it? He just brought back a volunteer form when he came back.

Originally, Yu Yingzhi didn't care about how the children in Shimo Village did in the exams.

It's not that he doesn't miss the past, he really wanted to care about it, but he was too busy during this period and didn't have time to think about these things. Today he cared about it, but he was shocked.

Among the children in Shimo Village, except for one Yang Shansong who passed the taillight exam, the rest were all within the top four hundred. This made Yu Yingzhi think this was too impressive, but Yu Yingzhi thought about it for a while, It doesn't feel strange at all. If you are prepared to fight against the unprepared, it is not surprising that you win.

In terms of weirdness, Gu Siwei's life experience is much weirder than the child's test results.

Although Yu Yingzhi was extremely curious, he still didn't ask, didn't even show his interest at all, and just pretended not to know about it. After knowing some things, both of them felt uncomfortable talking about it.

When I went to the capital to meet the leader, he was quite enthusiastic, but he didn't say much about it, and he didn't even ask. Yu Yingzhi decided to observe it. Although he was panic-stricken now, Why is this so urgent?

People who are on a higher level are not doing things like Zheng Liangyu. If they bump into each other randomly, it will be bad if others see them.

This is actually the reason why Li Fanghai said that it would be a good idea to let Zheng Liangyu come over to try his luck. Now one is at the provincial level and the other is at the prefecture level, but it is really hard to say who will be better in the future.

"Spring is coming soon. Almost all the fruits in the village should be bearing fruit. It's also the peak harvest period. What are you going to do?"

Yu Yingzhi asked about the fruit situation in the village.

Gu Siwei said: "I'm wondering now if I can sell the fruit."

"Sell it?" Yu Yingzhi felt that Gu Siwei was worthy of being a person who had drunk foreign ink, and he suddenly thought of selling the fruit for takeout.

Gu Siwei nodded: "Yes, I want to sell the fruit abroad."

Gu Siwei didn't just think so, he planned to do this. Let the company in Hong Kong take over, wait for the country to open, and send people over there to buy cherries, then package them and sell them at a high price, etc. It must be more expensive than the cherries of Gu Siwei's time, that is, cherries. Gu Siwei would feel embarrassed if he didn't get a dollar a pound.

"Tell me what you think?" Yu Yingzhi asked with a smile.

He was not interested in selling fruit, he was interested in Gu Siwei.

It is impossible for Yu Yingzhi not to be grateful to Gu Siwei. If Gu Siwei or his descendants come to ask for help one day, Yu Yingzhi will try his best to repay the gratitude.

Again, sometimes the status is different, and the relationship between people will naturally change. If Gu Siwei is really a farmer in Shimo Village, Yu Yingzhi will take care of him and provide him with help. Gu Siwei found an iron rice bowl and lived comfortably for the rest of his life, so he could repay the kindness he had shown to Yu Yingzhi in the past few years.

The world is not like in novels, where a drop of kindness is repaid by a spring. I would like to lend a hand to you to give you a comfortable life and keep you safe.

If there is someone who feels unsatisfied and feels that the kindness cannot be repaid, no matter how ignorant the benefactor is, he will not be cruel to one or two benefactors. This is what it means to be as generous as an enemy.

But now that Yu Yingzhi is sitting in this position, it is impossible to regard Gu Siwei as just a benefactor.

Gu Siwei really didn't know what Yu Yingzhi was thinking at this moment. If he knew, he would have walked away without looking back.

It's a pity that there are a few people who have a thorough understanding of the human heart.

"No, that's what I think," Gu Siwei said directly.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Yingzhi was stunned. After a pause, Yu Yingzhi smiled and said, "You, what do you want me to say? Foreigners are fools. People will buy whatever you sell?"

"I don't think they are that smart," Gu Siwei said happily.

"You, you!"

Yu Yingzhi didn't know what to say.

Gu Siwei smiled and thought to himself: They are not stupid, but we, Lao Gu, have seen so many tricks to fool them, why can't we fool them anymore?

Does Gu Siwei consider the ideas of foreigners? Isn't that nonsense? If he opens his mouth, someone below him will run away and break his leg. If he waves his ticket, what kind of publicity can't be done?

At this time, when it comes to advertising, is there anyone with more ideas than Gu Siwei?

Lao Gu had made a plan in his mind, waiting for the door to be re-opened. He would invite a fruit company from the Hong Kong City to buy cherries, and then go to the Hong Kong City to sell them. He would advertise them first, soft ones and hard ones. Come on all of them and give him a moisturizer without any sound.

If it doesn't work, then when Xiao Ma goes to Shanghai to take a photo, Xiao Ma reaches into his arms and what he pulls out is not a gun, but a bunch of cherries from the Stone Mill Sixth Team.

If that doesn’t work, just say that the World Fruit Association has tested the cherries from Shimo Team 6. Oh, no, these are cherries. They rank first among all fruits in terms of trace amounts of nutrients needed by the human body.

Men eating half a catty a day can delay aging, and it is very beneficial to bed matters in the long run. Women eating half a catty a day can beautify their skin, and their husbands can go home every day.


There is no fruit association in the world? If Lao Gu established one by himself, the organization would have to be located in New York, so he would build two floors in the Rockefeller Building, two entire floors! A blond and blue-eyed scientific research institution.

Not to mention people, even ghosts will have to believe it when the time comes. This is a formal organization under the United Nations.

Yu Yingzhi felt that Yu Laogu was talking nonsense, and was firing cannons at him. He thought to himself that he might as well say something else, so as not to continue talking to this kid and endanger himself.

"The children in Zhuangzi did well in the exams," Yu Yingzhi said.

"We have already passed the preliminary selection line, but we don't know the specific results," Guo Liuye said.

Unlike Gu Siwei, after knowing Yu Yingzhi's identity now, Guo Liuye didn't talk like he was talking to Yu Yingzhi in the village. His tone was obviously cautious and tentative, and he was more flattering. .

Yu Yingzhi was very familiar with this kind of attitude, but he also knew that it was only natural, and not everyone was worthy of Siwei's background.

Yu Yingzhi said: "Everyone did pretty well in the exam, except for Yang Chuanwu's family, who was a little behind. Others can probably go to any school they want to go to, so there is no need to worry too much."

To be able to say this, Yu Yingzhi has said enough. After all, he cannot tell how many people have passed the exam and which school they can apply for. Yu Yingzhi is not from Shimo Village, and because of the nature of his work, he can say This is already very interesting.

But others can't say it, but Sicui and Hu Yanping can. It's not a secret at all. .

It goes without saying that Yang Shansong did poorly in the exam. Being able to pass the primary election was a big surprise to the whole village. As for what happened next, everyone no longer cared.

Master Guo Liu wanted to ask what kind of results his grandson got, but he was scared now. How could he have the courage to hear what position Yu Yingzhi held? If the person in front of him hadn't been Ying Yuzhi, before In the village, we can squat on the ground together, eat cigarettes, chat and talk about the mountains. I am afraid that his calves are trembling now.

What is the biggest official he has ever seen in his life? He is the township chief. Even if he sees the township chief, he has to shake off.

As for saying that the mountain people are violent, that doesn't mean that everyone is violent. Master Guo Liu belongs to Shun Da Liu. If everyone is violent, he will be violent. If everyone is not violent, he will become coward faster than anyone else.

"I didn't expect that Sicui would be the provincial champion. He is much more capable than you. You are also a master who does not seek to improve. If you have to take the exam this year, you can go to university. If you go to university together as brothers, then you can also go to university. A nice story, isn’t it?”

Since he pretends not to know, he should pretend to the end. Yu Yingzhi also talked about Gu Siwei.

"Sicui wanted to study medicine and chose Daxie Medical College in the capital. As for Yanping, he is just a fool. He has no idea what he wants to do in the future. His sister asked him to go to Qing University to study electronics." Gu Siwei said.

Yu Yingzhi nodded and said: "They are all good schools, but Sicui wants to be a doctor. This is something I never thought of. I have never heard the girl talk about this before."

"Who has heard of it? I haven't heard of it either, so forget it. My original idea was for her to go to Capital University, study for a few years and then find a chance to go out and see the world," Gu Siwei said.

Yu Yingzhi smiled and said: "After all, your arrangement is good, but the expenses abroad are high, and you have to save money soon. When it comes to saving money, we have to talk about fruits. I think the fruit cultivation in Zhuangzi is good. I I'm here to help you think of a way out, but I can't guarantee it."

Why would Gu Siwei care about this? He is his own business. Don't say too much. If he spends half a million dollars a year to buy Zhuangzi's fruits, then Zhuangzi is worried about development. Besides, he is not doing charity by buying fruits. He also has to package and build a brand.

Items cultivated in space are not suitable if they are not five or ten times more expensive than the top fruit. Not only will the price drop, but the status will also be lost!

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