Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 540 Without talking about it

The car had just passed halfway up the mountain when it met a big driver. Old Laurie's seat was none other than Yu Wei and Young Master from the movie Friends, but now we can't call him the young master. At this time, Yu Wei, the movie People in the circle call him Uncle Wei and Yu Sheng, and they are considered well-known figures.

Gu Siwei originally voted for the Old Friends movie as a joke and had no intention of doing anything. But that was not the case with Yu Wei. He really raised Old Friends as his own son. Therefore, the development of Laoyou can be said to be extremely rapid. Now my old friend is a film company that can compete with Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest.

Therefore, Yu Wei's role cannot be underestimated.

Gu Siwei looked back and said to Pan Baofeng: "This man can't murmur. If you murmur, the creditor will come to your door."

After hearing this, Pan Baofeng glanced at the watch in the car and said: "Boss, you forgot, we must pass by the boss's house when we go home, and it is boss Yu's working time now. If we don't meet him, it will be a disaster." It’s weird.”

"Is life so regular?"

Gu Siwei asked jokingly.

Pan Baofeng said: "Isn't it true? The boss's error in when he gets off work and when he goes to work every day can be more than three minutes at most."

"With such accuracy, we are not afraid of encountering robbers. If someone takes a chance on our boss Yu's pocket, wouldn't he be able to catch them all at once if he is so accurate?" Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Pan Baofeng said: "I really forgot to tell you that last month, or not last month, but half a month ago, someone had this idea, and it turned out that Boss Yu's bodyguards were not vegetarians either, and all of them came Of the six people, three died on the spot, and two others died of their injuries after being caught."

When Pan Baofeng said that, he deliberately aggravated the seriousness of the injury. Gu Siwei understood the meaning, but he didn't care about it. If you want to rob someone, it's your ability to succeed. Just ask for whatever you want. Yes, it’s not unreasonable to lose one’s life without calamity. What’s there to say?

That is to say, Jie Yuwei. If it were Jie Gu Siwei, it would be difficult for him to die so easily. If Lao Gu didn't let them have a good time, he would have learned the methods from the Bay Island spies. Not named Gu.

Two cars entered the yard of Gu Siwei's house one after the other. At this time, Gu Siwei's house could no longer be called a simple mansion, it was a small manor.

Gu Siwei raised his feet and got out of the car, followed by Yu Wei who got out of the car behind him.

"I said your car should be replaced. It has been driven for many years and it no longer suits your status. Look at me, all I smoke are hand-rolled Cuban cigars!"

Yu Wei got out of the car and started talking to Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei looked at him and couldn't help but feel happy. Nowadays, there are very few people who can talk to him like this. He meant in Hong Kong City, not counting those in the village. In the village, he was the captain. Although the villagers were a little afraid of him, they were still Not to the point of fear.

Of course, it can't be called fear here, it can't be called wealth and wealth. Now Gu Siwei not only forced a group of so-called rich people to dare not stab him in front of him, but also forced the governor to turn a blind eye to certain things.

There is no way, as many workers as Gu Siwei has in his hands, how much power he has to speak. This is something that even a fool can understand. Today the Governor has made Ku Siwei angry. Tomorrow, countless convenience stores across Hong Kong will close down and go on strike, and workers in Tai Po will also take to the streets.

Think about this posture, which governor would have the guts to shout at Gu Siwei like before.

Not to mention Gu Siwei, when Pan Baofeng went to the police station to do something, all the people behind him who nodded and bowed were British foreign devils. As for the Chinese, it was not that they were unworthy, but that they were not high enough to bow and bow to Pan Baofeng.

"It's not broken. Why should I replace it? Besides, it's been with me for so many years. From nothing to now, it has feelings~"

"Last time, Mercedes-Benz said they would give you a new one, the latest hand-customized one. You don't want it yourself," Yu Wei said.

This thing is easy to say. There are so many rich people in Hong Kong, and some of them are not big laborers. After all, they are produced by British people, and this is a British colony. Things from the mother country sell well. That makes sense.

But Gu Siwei drove a Mercedes, and the Mercedes had 9413 on it, so it was hard not to see it.

"What do you think they mean?"

How could Gu Siwei take advantage of this? As the saying goes, if you take advantage of a small advantage, you will suffer a big loss. Moreover, Mercedes-Benz did not say that it would give away a car for free, but it wanted Gu Siwei to endorse him. Now Gu Siwei’s net worth is that he will get one for every endorsement. A car?

That damn thing is too cheap. At this time, I would rather buy one than ask someone to give it away. What a loss.

Yu Wei naturally knew that this was just nonsense. The reason why Yu Wei talked so casually with Gu Siwei was because the two were both partners and friends.

As for the former Yu Jianmin, he is now a little behind and can't keep up with Gu Siwei and Yu Wei. The reality is this. If you can't keep up with your friends, or if you make a mistake at a certain step, you will naturally be rejected by the small group. .

This kind of rejection is not explained, but you fall in naturally. The three of them will sometimes drink tea together, but Yu Jianmin will never be able to talk to Gu Siwei like Yu Wei now. status.

"By the way, I heard that you were almost robbed a few days ago?" Gu Siwei asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Yu Wei said angrily to Pan Baofeng: "You are the only one who speaks fast!"

As he said that, he turned to Gu Siwei and smiled and said: "A bunch of petty thieves think they are great after watching some movies. They follow the windbreaker bandit's example, but they don't even have the skills of others."

The windbreaker bandit mentioned by Yu Wei is just a confusing name. As for who the windbreaker bandit is, to be honest, he is far away in the horizon and right in front of his eyes. Gu Siwei is the windbreaker bandit in Yu Wei's mouth.

The British and the rich British losers in Hong Kong hated him to the core, while the people at the bottom of Hong Kong felt that the trench coat gangsters were not gangsters, but heroes, knights who stood up for the poor.

In short, there are often huge differences between different classes for the same person, but Gu Siwei doesn't care.

"It's better to be careful," Gu Siwei said casually.

The people around Yu Wei are good at skills, but no matter how good their skills are, there will be times when they make mistakes. He, Yu Wei, does not live up to the four-dimensional space. Gu Siwei has never tried this thing. Anyway, he feels that even if he wants to kill himself, he will It’s a bit difficult, let alone anyone else.

Yu Wei nodded sternly: "Well, I understand, so I asked a professional security guard to take charge. Don't just blame me, you have to be careful here too, you The quality of the security personnel nearby is also very poor. I would say that I would arrange it for you, but it is not appropriate. You are afraid that I will put nails in your place, so you can find it yourself. You really can’t find any good people. Look at your home now. Who are they recruiting?"

"What's wrong? What I want is their reliability," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Gu Siwei's family was so big that he was naturally afraid of gangsters. He was not afraid, but should he consider the safety of the people in his family? So Gu Siwei hired about 20 retired soldiers. The leader was Zhang Cheng's comrade, who was also recommended by him. In terms of loyalty, it was pretty good for now.

However, Gu Siwei's security is not completely controlled by one person. If one day this person loses control, it will not be the end. Therefore, Gu Siwei still uses the management company's method of delegating and decentralizing power, both strict control and warmth.

For example, the salary is sufficient, and some benefits are given to the family from time to time. As for if you protect Lao Gu and die, then Lao Gu will raise your children until they are adults and help them find wives and get a house to live in.

This is a Hong Kong city. Giving your child a house means giving your child a chance to live alone!

With such treatment, there are countless people who want to die for Gu Siwei.

"Forget it, you are really, the wild boar has never eaten fine chaff. If you don't say anything else, just these people in your family, the two people behind me were all taken care of in five minutes, and they would be embarrassed to live here for one more second. "In the world" Yu Wei blew up the conch.

Gu Siwei truly believed this, but he also felt that it was completely unnecessary. He was really qualified to use such people to deal with Gu Siwei, and he didn't even bother to do so.

If you really want to do this, you will definitely not have the people with such means.

The reason is simple, this is not a level that people who run around in the world can achieve.

Don't mention that there are masters among the people, and masters are among the people. If there are really masters among the people, why don't we see these grandsons come out during the war of resistance? Everyone is a master, so why are they still hiding and refusing to take action in the face of a national crisis?

Gu Siwei couldn't care whether others believed this nonsense. He didn't believe it at all, and felt that it insulted his intelligence.

"I can't explain it to you." Gu Siwei really didn't want to talk about this mess with Yu Wei.

How could he pick important people from Wandao? He is short of people here, but it is really hard to find people now, and good people are even harder to find. But it will be easy to find them soon, because Gu Siwei understands that we will soon The little neighbor to the south feels that he is good enough and wants to jump out and give the thousand-year-old brother a try.

After this battle, many of the soldiers of that generation retired from the war. If you don’t look for people like Gu Siwei, why should you look for those guys from Wandao? To be honest, Gu Siwei looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, it was too watery.

The two of them entered the house while talking nonsense, and took the elevator to the fourth floor. The entire floor is the master space, with a bedroom, a super cloakroom, a reception room, a study room, and a billiards room, plus games. room, which contains the latest EA arcade machines.

The space on the whole floor is very large, but Gu Siwei's sleeping place is not very big, it is about forty square meters. There is a large red sandalwood canopy bed with a new design that can accommodate people on both sides, a imperial concubine couch, and an extra large of floor-to-ceiling windows.

It can be said that this is the least luxurious place in the whole house, but it is also the most luxurious place. It's not luxurious because there are few things here, but it's luxurious because everything here is priceless.

Not to mention anything else, I just want to talk about this bed. All the materials are not spliced ​​together. Think about it. If you want to take such a large piece of headboard material, what kind of opportunity will it take? There is only one, and others don’t know it, but Gu Siwei planted this thing in the space. He planted it seventy or eighty times. More than six hundred plants were planted before one plant came out, and only a high and low headboard came out. Think about how precious it is. .

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