Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 544 Promotional Materials

Gu Siwei was noncommittal. Of course, he was far less interested in stumbling upon others than an old official like Yu Wei. Gu Siwei knew this very well.

Gu Siwei's usual methods are very simple and the process is very concise and smooth: Anger starts from the heart - evil comes from the side of courage - when the matter is over, throw away the clothes - leaving a corpse on the ground!

The main focus is a fast food-style processing method.

"Forget it, do whatever you want, just don't hurt any of our own people, and let the workers be careful when they march and don't conflict with the police or anything like that," Gu Siwei said.

Yu Wei replied: "Don't worry about this. Haven't the British always put money in their own faces and said that they can travel here by themselves? Let's give them self-tourism. You can see in two days."

"I can't see it. I'm going to go to the United States tomorrow," Gu Siwei said.

Yu Wei said: "Go to the United States? Attend the premiere?"

Gu Siwei said: "No, I went to see Lucas. I heard that he was sick."

Yu Wei immediately burst into laughter: "I'm talking about Siwei, you and his foreign devils are playing the trick of a polite corporal. Do you think he can understand?"

"Is the human heart grown from flesh? I have to go and see it. Besides, it's worth a visit," Gu Siwei said.

How can Yu Wei understand that Gu Siwei attaches great importance to Lucas? Yu Wei still doesn't understand what digital projection is, and what great changes this series of changes will bring to the film industry.

Some of them are not only in the film industry, but also in the game industry. They are also faced by many industries in the development of this era.

Gu Siwei actually doesn’t know much about it, but he knows that Lucas’ pursuit of technology is an important step ahead of his peers, so he can’t lose Lucas now because he doesn’t understand movies or anything else. Something like IMAX can only rely on technology geeks like Lucas.

Yu Wei smiled and said: "It's up to you. By the way, how about I go with you this time?"

"Huh?" Gu Siwei was a little surprised: "Are you okay here?"

"What's the big deal? There's nothing big except death, didn't you say that? Besides, I was really troubled in the past. I want to get the two of them to Hollywood to make a career," Yu Wei said.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei made a comment: "If you expect some handsome guys and pretty girls, then don't go, it's just a waste of money. Although these people talk nonsense about equality, they are the ones who discriminate the most. Especially in Hollywood, when our faces are over, everything is inferior. If you push a star, isn't that just like a meat bun that will never come back? I advise you not to spend this unjust money."

"Are there no exceptions?" Yu Wei asked.

Gu Siwei thought for a while and said: "Unless you are like Bruce Lee and make kung fu movies. Otherwise, you will die in other movies without knowing how."

After hearing this, Yu Wei said: "It's just a Kung Fu movie!"

Gu Siwei didn't say anything, but thought to himself: Kung Fu movie? Not everyone can fight. Except for Bruce Lee, Cheng Long came out. Bruce Lee is Kung Fu, while Cheng Long is comedy Kung Fu. The two of them actually have the same pattern, which is to fight, fight in a fancy way, and fight like a foreigner. stunned.

However, there is still knowledge in this fight. If you become a martial artist and foreigners don't like to watch it, you have to be able to punch well and feel good, so that it suits the taste of foreigners.

Gu Siwei knew this, but he was not interested in saying it. Again, Gu Siwei didn't think much of the money his old friend earned.

One year's dividends are not enough to cover one month's expenses at King's Polytechnic in Tai Po. He doesn't have the time or energy to devote to this.

"Didn't we sign two boys before? They have come out in recent years. I am going to take them to Hollywood to give them a try," Yu Wei said.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said casually: "Who is it?"

"Did you recommend Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long before?" Yu Wei said.

Gu Siwei was really stunned now: "Both of them?"

"No? They are both very obedient now, and they are serious about their work. I think they are both talented people and the company should praise them."

Yu Wei was a little nervous when he saw Gu Siwei's expression. Now Gu Siwei has always been a 'wise and powerful' investment and has not failed, so when Gu Siwei is not confident in something, Yu Wei will definitely not dare to operate.

Gu Siwei said: "I didn't say no, I just think these two people went to the United States to test the waters? Your vision is quite special."

Yu Wei breathed a long sigh of relief: "Don't gasp, okay? I think our aesthetic is different from Hollywood's. What we think is handsome here, such as the ones named Hua Zai and Fat Zai who are coming out now, can be put in Hollywood They will definitely not recognize it, so instead of denying it, we should send someone with special characteristics, and whether it is Hong Jinbao or Cheng Long, it can be said that he is one of our own people now, who else will we take care of if our own people don't take care of it?"

After hearing this, Gu Siwei looked at Yu Wei, thought for a while and said: "Sometimes... forget it, just give it a try. Success is gratifying, but failure is not terrible."

Yu Wei said: "As long as I have you, it will be done. I don't want to be too good, just half of Bruce Lee will be enough."

"I don't know how many companies in Hong Kong want to hire another Bruce Lee, but which one have you seen appear so far?" Gu Siwei smiled and shook his head.

He didn't tell Yu Wei that even if you make Bu two people famous, it won't make any difference, because once people become famous and stand on a new level, they will naturally have new ideas.

Both Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long are obedient now, but who knows if they will still be obedient when they become superstars?

But according to Gu Siwei's estimation, he would probably not listen to Yu Wei's words, because Yu Wei is just the boss of a film company, and at most he is only one-third of the world in Hong Kong. Without his old friend, he can still join Shaw Brothers , of course, Shao Laozhao’s name is displayed there. It is estimated that the two of them will not go as long as they are not stupid, and more may go to Jiahe.

However, Gu Siwei had no interest in reminding Yu Wei that there was no way he could stop this kind of thing.

Because human nature is like this!

If you make Hong Jinbao popular, Cheng Long will end up like this. If you make Lu Jinbao popular, Cheng Long will be the same. In short, people's ambitions rise step by step.

If nothing else, let’s just say that Gu Siwei is also like this. What did Gu Siwei think when he first came to Hong Kong? Buy land, build some houses, collect rent, and give your children and grandchildren a job to hold in your hands.

What is the size of Marvel now? It’s not just a step-by-step rush. If we didn’t have the idea of ​​coming to Hong Kong to enclose land for rent, how could there be such things as Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, DreamWorks, and Dabidou now?

So this ambition was not big from the beginning, just like Lao Zhu, Zhu Yuanzhang, when he called Zhu Chongba, holding a bowl and begging for food, would he think that I would be the emperor one day?

Isn't that nonsense? He must be thinking about how to fill his belly with food, not becoming an emperor.

"I think the idea of ​​the movie you mentioned is very good. Comedy Kung Fu. The two of them have made quite good movies in recent years. They make money every time. It's just a matter of making more or less. They are very popular in the market... ..." Yu Wei said.

"Oh!" Gu Siwei said.

Yu Wei saw that the boss was not interested, so he changed the topic and turned the conversation to Zhang Lin, the former Zhang Xiaomei.

Speaking of this, Gu Siwei is really interested. Of course, it's not that he has any thoughts about Zhang Lin. If he likes to play with female stars, Gu Siwei must first change his name to Liu Siwei, or he can call him Gu Liangqiu.

"My wife often mentions her. How is she developing now? By the way, is she in a relationship? She is not too young anymore. She is the same age as my wife. Now our children can play soy sauce. She doesn't even have one here. There are no men?" Gu Siwei asked.

After hearing this, Yu Wei asked: "I haven't met your wife and son yet, so we can be considered as members of the same family, right?"

"It's coming, it's coming, wait another year or two," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Yu Wei really wanted to meet the children of Gu Siwei's family, because he also had a daughter who was about the same age as the sons of Gu Siwei's family.

Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a good personality.

Yu Weina is as loving as his eyes. He thought that if the children of Gu Siwei's family were good, then the two families would get married or something.

Such thoughts are normal for Yu Wei. What? Free love? Don't be ridiculous, Yu Wei knew that if he allowed his daughter to fall in love freely, there was a 100% chance that he would find a scheming opportunist for him. Relatively speaking, both of them knew very well that if this marriage could happen, it would not be much better than the guy outside who had no roots and no bottom, and was only focused on climbing up.

"Okay, let's have dinner together then," Yu Wei said. "As for Zhang Lin, it's not easy for a beautiful girl to get along in the entertainment industry. To be honest, if we hadn't taken care of her, her bones would have been eaten long ago. It’s gone. There are still people with evil intentions like this.”

After hearing this, Gu Siwei said calmly: "It's just a matter of pursuing an honest pursuit, playing tricks, etc. How can a man chase a woman without putting in some effort? But if he does those messy things, help him look decent." For a moment, don’t care who he is, even if he is the governor, you must make him decent.”

The tone of the words was soft and the tone was not high, but the words contained an unbreakable energy.

Yu Wei said: "How about this? If you say she is your woman, no one will dare to touch her. A new movie will be released soon, and I just have some materials here..."

"Stop doing this to me!"

Gu Siwei was directly amused by Yu Wei. He didn't know before, but now he knows that he has been tied up by Lao Yu countless times over the years.

About now, ordinary people in Hong Kong look at him, Gu Siwei, oh, no, Su Siwei, he is a lecherous evil spirit. As long as he is a female star, Lao Gu will make an appointment to talk about acting in the female branch. Wrong, it is acting.

Some tabloids even have a column called Dasu Fortress. Good guy, Gu Siwei himself was shocked by his own 'strength', he couldn't even say it, he would be so outrageous if he said it.

"Why do you need a good reputation if you are so rich? Are you planning to rebel?" Yu Wei said with an indifferent expression.

"Does that mean you can't do it?"

"You're talking about me, wasn't it me who was used for the last film promotion? I was even featured in a third-grade tabloid, and I even took photos," Yu Wei said.

Gu Siwei said: "What the hell, your wife really blocked the door!"

Gu Siwei was really furious.

"In this life, don't care if it's true or false! Men, you think there's something wrong with all of them looking like you, but there's something eccentric about them. If you think these women are dirty, you should learn from me, fraternity! Always remember first What about the Prime Minister’s words?”

Yu Wei smiled and looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

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