Gu Siwei listened for a while and then asked in confusion.

"I know the situation in the north, but you seem to be your Chen family's business. What do you mean by telling me? It's not necessary, right?"

Gu Siwei feels that there is absolutely no need to tell me about this matter. This is your Chen family’s business. Although I have provided breeding chickens and breeding pigs, there is no restriction that your Chen family can only use it for Somewhere.

As long as you pay the patent fee, I'll do whatever you want.

After hearing this, Chen Shangli smiled and said: "My father thinks that you may also be interested in investing in the domestic breeding industry, so let me ask."

Gu Siwei finally understood that the Chen family was taking care of his mood and seemed to want to discuss this matter with him.

"That's not necessary. I'm not very interested in breeding right now!"

Gu Siwei originally wanted to do this, but now where does he have the energy to do this? He is already busy enough with the enterprises in his hands, but he also wants to raise pigs?

He had thought about it, but he really couldn't think about it now.

Chen Shangli continued: "My father means that the two of us will set up a joint-stock company to expand business in the north."

"Establish a joint-stock company?" Gu Siwei was a little confused.

In Gu Siwei's view, entering Beifang now is a matter of getting both fame and wealth. When it comes to treating investors, if we are second, no one will be embarrassed to say that we are first.

Of course, except for those shameless countries.

Chen Shangli continued: "What my father means is that we invest together and make it bigger all at once. His idea is to build one in Guangdong first, one in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and one in Beijing, Tianjin and Tang... . If the stall opens all at once, our family’s cash flow is a bit tight right now, so I wanted to come over and ask to see if you are interested in joining.”

Is there anything else that is not easy to understand now?

Gu Siwei himself felt that he had figured it out: The Chen family wanted to go north to invest, but they had no concerns about going north. Who wouldn't be afraid that their property would be confiscated if they were doing something here.

Although the Chen family says they are optimistic, you can't deny that this risk exists.

Moreover, the outside world generally demonizes red countries. It is normal to have such a hand. If the old man of the Chen family just ignores and invests money in it, it is definitely unrealistic. This is about the fate of a family. Do you think the person at the helm didn't think carefully about it?

Now the old man of the Chen family wants to help him even if he dies, so a big-headed guy like himself just wants to join him as a partner.

The Chen family is not interested in their own money. To be honest, how can the Chen family be short of this little money? That's impossible. The Chen family is interested in the growing influence of its own Marvel.

"Let's do it together?" Gu Siwei thought about it and became interested.

At first, Gu Siwei was not interested because he thought it was troublesome. He had to find someone to look at an additional account and so on. But now that someone is standing up for him and he is waiting for the money, he doesn't feel troublesome. Of course, the account book is still It depends, but if you cooperate with the Chen family, it is unlikely that the Chen family will do anything.

Because once such a family loses its credibility, it will never be able to regain it, and they will not do this for petty profits.

Besides, it is impossible for Gu Siwei to do nothing and start a company as a partnership. It must be clearly stated in black and white from the beginning.

At this level, who can fool whom? Don’t look at those business war movies that are made like battlefields and full of gunpowder. But at this level, who do you think I tricked today? Who will fight with me in the future? When you do business, don't you think about it?

Everyone is smart, but you can’t play smart with your partners. As Li Chao said, when I do business with people, I always want to make my partners earn more, because once they make money, they will be happy next time. Do business with me.

As the same saying goes, business is not about fighting and killing, it is not about cheating and cheating, it is about human nature.

"Tell me what you think?" Gu Siwei asked.

Chen Shangli came here to persuade Gu Siwei. Naturally, he was fully prepared. The conditions offered to Gu Siwei were also good. The investment in each of the three factories was between 60 million Hong Kong dollars, which is definitely the best in China. It was a sky-high price, but in Gu Siwei's eyes now, it was nothing.

The total is less than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. Even if the second and third phases are included, it is only 3.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. If the Chen family says they are short of this money, isn't that funny?

"In principle, I agree, but I think the scale is too small. What can we do with only 10,000 heads a year?" Gu Siwei said.

Gu Siwei paused and looked at Chen Shangli: "I think the first phase of each factory project must be upwards of 120,000 heads. This is a bit small. Let me say that one factory needs at least 500,000 heads a year." .

Chen Shangli was stunned for a moment. He felt that his father was already brave enough to gamble. Why did he get here and another madman appeared in front of him?

Investing in a breeding farm does not mean that 10,000 pigs will cost 100,000 yuan, and 20,000 pigs will cost 20,000 yuan. It is completely different. For 20,000 pigs, your construction capital may be 30,000 to 40,000 yuan.

Of course, if the initial investment is large, the production cost will also come down in the later period due to the scale effect.

"So big all of a sudden?" Chen Shangli asked a little doubtfully.

Gu Siwei said: "This is still big. Do you know how many people live in the north now?"

"But they can't afford it now!" Chen Shangli said.

Gu Siwei shook his head after hearing this: "You think they can't afford it!"

Gu Siwei lived there and knew the factory very well. Chen Shangli thought that workers could not afford it, but in fact, workers now dared to spend the most.

what is the reason? Workers have no pressure in life. Don’t look at how little they earn, which is only a few dozen yuan a month. But they also have few places to spend money. Almost every family has savings. In a few years, they will have savings. When these people spend their money to buy Japanese electrical appliances, you will be stunned.

After hearing this, Chen Shangli asked, "Tell me about it."

"I think you don't quite understand. You can't compare their income with Americans. But you haven't thought about it. Their cost of living is not like that in the United States. And now everything is paid for by the state. They are not There is no money to spend, but there is nothing for them to spend money on, do you understand?..." Gu Siwei told Chen Shangli what he knew.

The information that Chen Shangli got was all summarized by others. He and they also guessed it by looking at it casually and by blind people. It's hard to say how true it is, but they definitely didn't know Siwei thoroughly.

"You mean they have the spending power?" Chen Shangli said.

Gu Siwei said: "Not only do they have spending power, but this power will become bigger and bigger. Since we are entering and want to bet, let's play with the big ones. What's the point of picking the small ones?

An investment of one to two hundred million Hong Kong dollars? Where to play? Let's invest 100 million or 200 million together? I am not afraid of others laughing at me. Let me tell you this, I am planning to go north to build a hotel. As long as they nod, I will immediately take the money and go north to build a hotel in the capital, Magic City, Yangcheng, Jinling and other places.

It’s not just a hotel, I call it a comprehensive integrated leisure consumption shopmall..."

Gu Siwei directly boasted about Fa Luo.

It’s not all lies, Gu Siwei is still telling the truth. Although there is some moisture, it’s not too big. Gu Siwei is really prepared to do this.

He couldn't afford to buy a house in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangchen before, but now that his old friend is back, why don't he seize the time to acquire the land?

As for funds, do you still have to worry?

Besides, the second oil crisis is coming soon. Will Gu Siwei still be short of money?

Although this time the oil fluctuations will not be as big as the last time, Gu Siwei's strength is not comparable to the last time. With such a sum, it is at the current domestic level. Not to mention more, 300 million U.S. dollars, Gu Siwei In the central areas of the mentioned first-tier cities, if he couldn't build a plaza in each city that would be Lao Wang's small target in a few decades, then Lao Gu would have to kill someone.

Why? The money must have been put into someone's own pocket. Even if you kill people, you won't be able to forgive them, and you have to skin them.

Chen Shangli came here to trick Gu Siwei, but now that he was listening to Gu Siwei's nonsense, he suddenly felt that his old man was not even a chicken if he showed his courage in front of this person!

This one is really brave.

So when he came, Chen Shangli was a handsome old man, but when he came back, his face was shiny, and he couldn't help but sweat while listening to Gu Siwei's talk.

He kept scolding Gu Siwei as a madman in his heart, and he scolded him all the way home.

When he got home, Chen Shangli went into the study and told the servants not to come in. He picked up the phone and called his brother and father in Dama respectively.

The old man of the Chen family laughed loudly when he heard his son relaying Gu Siwei's words on the phone, and said directly: "I am not alone in my ways!"

After a while, the old man sighed again: "What a pity. We are married, and the relationship between husband and wife is quite good. Otherwise, your seventh sister will have a good husband!"

"..." A black line appeared on Chen Shangli's forehead, and he thought to himself: Dad, your thinking is as good as Gu Siwei's. How can this be different? You are talking about business matters. Why are you talking about Qimei? And now How old is Seventh Sister? She's only sixteen!

"Go and ask him tomorrow if he is interested in finding a partner for his business. Our Chen family wants to ride on his coattails," said the old man of the Chen family.

Chen Shangli said: "Since he can speak, I think it is okay. This Gu Siwei has nothing else but a big heart. It is rare in our Chinese circle. Looking at the managers of his companies, they are all local emperors. , but he did a good job.”

"He is not only rare, but this is the first time I have seen such a person in all the years I have been in business. He has a very sharp eye. To put it bluntly, he is more intelligent than a demon.

And if you let go of people, many people are not outstanding. Whether it is Guan Youpeng or Huang Jiasheng, or Dave McCollum and Joe Hawkins, they are all above average in ability. In other words, Gil Amilio is still a person. .

And these people all have one thing in common, you know what it is? "

The old man took the exam again for his son.

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