Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 551 Certificate of Surrender

"If you really think about it, even if they have to work overtime, there is no machine to help them work overtime." Gu Siwei waved his hand.

When he was a worker, what he hated most was working overtime. Now that he has people under him, it's not like he can't make money here, so why should he take a little profit from the workers? If he really has something to gain, he will bring trouble to others , Gu Siwei would never do it no matter what, always thinking about earning a little unconscionable money from the fingers of his own workers.

After hearing this, Guan Youpeng knew that his boss had misunderstood him, so he explained: "It's not that I want it, but some workers have found me. They feel that the factory is so busy now and many young people are novices. They want to Work in the factory a little longer."

Gu Siwei said: "Is there still such a thing? Our workers have a high level of consciousness!"

Hearing what Guan Youpeng said, Gu Siwei became happy again. He really didn't expect that the workers in his factory, and they were old workers, would actually ask to work overtime without any wages.

Guan Youpeng saw that Gu Siwei was in a better mood and said with a smile: "They are also thinking of you."

Guan Youpeng said this sincerely, but Gu Siwei waved his hands after hearing this and said: "Stop flattering me, I will treat them better now. They work eight hours a day, I pay, and after eight hours it will be theirs." It's time, let's follow the law, no one owes anything to anyone, you can't work here, I have to make them grateful, that's not a thing."

"There are so many things out there. I don't want to say anything else. I just want to say that my former boss should not talk in our ears every day about how good he was to us. We should do more for him. If I don't talk about things like work five or six times a day, I probably won't be able to sleep even when I get home. Why don't you ask Huang Jiasheng? He feels it more than I do, because his family has a large population, and every time he wants to invite Any kind of leave has to be taken a long time, and the money has to be deducted. If you take a day off, you will deduct one and a half days of wages..." Guan Youpeng said.

Gu Siwei smiled, but he did not refute, because he knew it was true, let alone Hong Kong today, even in the mainland a few decades later, such bad things would be common.

Haven't you seen the news about someone who worked for half a month and still owed the boss several hundred yuan at the end of the check? Why do such people exist? Isn’t it because even if you are caught, the treatment is painless?

These people are not afraid. They admit their mistakes when facing the camera and avoid the camera. They are no better than the landlords and capitalists in the old society.

In today's Hong Kong city, that's because the British don't care at all. What they do is control a group of Chinese people and let these Chinese people control other Chinese people. The British are superior. I guess in their hearts, The Hong Kong people at the bottom are actually no different from pigs in a pigsty.

But things have changed since the establishment of Gu Siwei's Marvel. At first, Gu Siwei only took care of people who had recently come over, and had little impact on other people or companies.

But as there are more and more people in Dabu Industrial Village, and the treatment of Marvel workers has been exposed, many factory bosses have felt the crisis, because among the technical experts in their factories, who is willing to follow them? They do it.

Everyone comes out to make money, not to be grateful to the boss. Even if the technical talents you train have skills and capital, you have to pay according to the market price.

Anyone who asks for gratitude without mentioning treatment is a bastard!

Therefore, many factories were forced to increase the wages of technical personnel. Do some of them hate Siwei? There must be some, but no one has the guts to do anything about it.

"Over the years since Marvel started, I have seen that workers' treatment has improved a lot. Now some factories have begun to provide a free working meal. Although the quality of the meal is not very good, it is finally available," Guan Youpeng said.

Gu Siwei smiled and waved his hand to interrupt him: "Okay, don't put money on our faces. Just ask about overtime and find out if it is really necessary. If not, it is really necessary." Forget it, everyone has a life, tell them that I thank them for thinking about the company, but tell them that work is not the main thing, work is for a better life, life is the most important, and you will have more time to go home. I spend time with my wife and children, and take the whole family for a walk around the area if I have nothing to do.”

Guan Youpeng nodded: "I understand."

"Also, please pay attention to the protests over there. Let everyone pay attention to safety. Be careful not to be misused by some people, and don't make any extreme reactions. Remember, everyone is here to protest. Don't do anything. Violence, as for some people with bad intentions, you have to pay special attention, these people... Haha!"

Gu Siwei sneered.

A demonstration on the abolition of Mandarin language education is currently being held in Hong Kong. The workers here in Tai Po are the main force. Apart from the workers in Tai Po, the largest number are actually - well, black gang members.

Didn't you think of this?

The main one is Yun Hua Hui under Zhao Sanle. In addition, there are some old ones. Everyone comes from the mainland. Many of them can't speak Cantonese. The boss was originally unhappy, but now that he sees someone taking the lead, he also jumped out. .

The British are playing dumb these days.

It's not like they didn't do anything. The British initially blocked some of the newspapers that complained the most. When they heard that the newspapers had been blocked, Zhao Sanle immediately held a large demonstration.

Of course, Zhao Sanle has been invited to drink tea several times by the British.

Fortunately, the British have no reason to arrest him, but please believe that even if the British have some reason, Zhao Sanle will be sentenced in three days at most.

There are some gangsters who want to collect dirty information about Zhao Sanle and please the British.

However, Zhao Sanle's men are not vegetarians. If we say that these gangs in Hong Kong are still Jianghu gangs, with big blades as the main force, then Zhao Sanle's men are mafia-level figures, and it does not mean that locals commit crimes locally. It's a cross-regional crime.

For example, if there is something that needs to be done here in the Hong Kong city, then someone from Mexico may come over and do a job, and the plane will come and go within a few days.

The United States needs people to do things, and Hong Kong may organize manpower to go there.

When you get to the place, people will naturally provide weapons and help in various ways.

Those who worked did not know who provided them with weapons, and those who provided weapons did not know who did the work. They didn't meet each other twice, all were one-way contacts, and many people didn't even know that the person they were contacting was here to commit trouble. To them, he might just be picking up an individual traveling.

How do you ask the Hong Kong police to investigate this?

Besides, gang members, who knows how many enemies they have.

Of course, those people with bad intentions that Gu Siwei mentioned cannot refer to these old gangsters in Hong Kong. In fact, although some old people say they have committed crimes, they still know that they are Chinese because they are not natives of Hong Kong at all. .

It was because of Cantonese education that isolated Hong Kong from the mainland, which led to many situations later. At this time, Mandarin films were the mainstream in the market, and Cantonese films and Cantonese films were almost unable to fight back.

It was precisely for this reason that the British resorted to this trick.

But in this life, how could Gu Siwei let them play so comfortably.

"I know, some students over there in Jingshi..." Guan Youpeng mentioned another thing.

Gu Siwei frowned after hearing this: "Those students in Jingshi, just tell them, if they want to engage in politics, then ask them to go to another school. Jingshi is a school for science and does not cultivate politicians." , nor do we train social activists, we only train scientific talents.

If they want to take to the streets and join the parade, then please take off Jingshi’s school uniform and Jingshi’s school badge first! "

"Boss, young people are also passionate." Guan Youpeng felt that this was a bit too much.

Gu Siwei said: "I know, but when I founded Jingshi, I had one requirement, that is science, basic science. A person who wants to go to the streets and do this and that cannot bear to be lonely. Instead of letting They are itching to stay here, so why not get together and relax!"

Regarding this point, Gu Siwei does not allow others to discuss with him. Although Jingshi is now a professor, Gu Siwei established a joint professor meeting in Jingshi to let these professors manage Jingshi Institute of Technology.

But this does not mean that Gu Siwei, the investor, has nothing to say.

Although Lao Gu understands the enthusiasm and impulsiveness of young people, and sympathizes with their patriotic enthusiasm, when it comes to them taking to the streets, Gu Siwei still says, no!

During the entire parade, Jingshi Rigong, even if it was a dog, had to stay in Jingshi. As long as he walked out of Jingshi, he would be separated from Jingshi.

"Tell them that they haven't reached that point yet and let them study with peace of mind!" Gu Siwei said.

Guan Youpeng nodded.

At this moment, Gu Siwei heard the noise outside. He came to the window and looked outside. He saw the dark crowd below holding up slogans. The slogans read: Oppose to segregated education, oppose Cantonese to replace Mandarin, oppose Discrimination in civil service recruitment!

Gu Siwei stared outside blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment. He didn't know whether he was right or wrong in letting these people take to the streets, whether he took advantage of them, or kidnapped them.

Suddenly, Gu Siwei had a little doubt about his actions.

Just when Gu Siwei was confused, Zhou Meiqi walked in.

"Chairman, Mr. Lawrence wants to see you!"

Gu Siwei looked at Zhou Meiqi at the door, smiled and said, "Invite him to the living room."

Gu Siwei knew that the British guys couldn't hold back their anger, and they were ready to talk to him.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. When things have reached this point, there is no possibility anymore. No one has pierced this layer of paper. The British did it. They can pretend not to know. But now that the paper has been pierced, it will be useless to pretend not to know. Shameless.

Gu Siwei is even less afraid. What can the British do? Shut down Marvel's factory? He doesn't dare to give courage to the British. All the goods are shipped to the United States. Are those American businessmen looking down on the British?

Maybe a hundred years ago, now? Bah, slap the British guy in the face with a thick mouth, and then curse a grandma!

Besides, after a year or two, Gu Siwei will rush north with a big flag, not to mention not caring about the British.

This time, Lao Gu will be considered a prostitute!

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