Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 556 Meet Gu Minjun again

"Only yours?"

Gu Siwei asked casually.

Shuichi Kusakabe said: "It's not just us, there are several people who have moved here who also have this plan."

There are several Japanese researchers at Togōji, who are also old employees of Togōyoshi. Most of them are from Ryukyu. They seem to be preparing to become Hong Kong citizens just like Osamu Kusakabe.

Gu Siwei didn't know what to think after hearing this. He just nodded and turned around and got into the car without saying anything.

Shuichi Kusakabe helped close the car door and watched Gu Siwei's car leave before turning back to the workshop and starting to work.

He and Ku Siwei are completely different people. Shuichi Kusakabe pays attention to front-line work. He spends a lot of time on the front line every day to communicate with workers and front-line employees, listen to their ideas, and observe the entire production.

Let's put it this way, people like Kusakabe Shuichi are the mainstream entrepreneurs in everyone's mind, and they are also the template for successful entrepreneurs that East Asians believe in.

People like Gu Siwei are at most a rich second generation, a kind of trousers boy.

Back at the headquarters, Gu Siwei had just entered his office when he saw Zhou Meiqi coming over.


Gu Siwei looked at Zhou Meiqi and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The people from the news agency came over and said they wanted to meet you."

Gu Siwei was a little confused and opened his mouth and said, "Didn't we meet some time ago? Why do we still meet?"

Zhou Meiqi smiled and didn't say anything after hearing this. Naturally, she didn't know what to say. She couldn't hear the boss say this. She followed up with something like this. That wouldn't be a small talk. At this time, she was the best as a secretary. The solution is to smile and say nothing.

"Is the person still there?"

Gu Siwei asked.

Seeing Zhou Meiqi nod her head, she said, "We are all waiting in the guest room."

"How can you make people wait? Let them go into the living room. I'll go over right away, change my clothes, and go to the factory. I smell like shit," Gu Siwei said.

Now Gu Siwei has a smell on his body. It's not that he dislikes the smell of factory workers, but his nose is now very sensitive to this unnatural smell. The slightest smell can make him feel uncomfortable, so naturally he has to change first. I still need to take a shower before I can meet the guests.

After struggling for almost five minutes, men can take a bath and change clothes very quickly. When Gu Siwei came out, he had already changed into a light gray plaid suit, which was not very business or casual style.

Here, Gu Siwei is the king. He can wear whatever he wants. Even if he wears shorts, no one will do anything to him. Therefore, Gu Siwei usually focuses on comfort. Of course, he still wears a suit most of the time. After all, it is In the office, it’s better not to do anything too casual.

Arriving at the door of the living room, Gu Siwei reached out and pushed open the door, and a sentence immediately popped up in his heart: Yo! There are so many people here today!

There are about seven or eight people sitting in the living room now, including two ladies.

When Gu Siwei's eyes fell on one of the ladies, he couldn't help but froze, because one of the ladies was really familiar to him.


Gu Minjun.

It was the person who claimed to be his sister in this body. Yes, it was the woman who followed Wu Daorong to his home last time and caught him and questioned her secretly.

At this time, Gu Minjun also saw Gu Siwei. The moment she saw Gu Siwei, the smile on her face froze.

No matter how she thought, she never expected that her 'brother' would actually appear in front of her at this moment.

She didn't believe it, so she rubbed her eyes and looked at the tall young man standing at the door. She felt that he was right, it was Gu Siwei, her half-brother.

At this time, the colleague standing next to Gu Minjun noticed Gu Minjun's reaction. Seeing her losing her composure, he reached out and gently pulled her.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu!"

Gu Minjun came to his senses and smiled awkwardly at his colleague. This smile was uglier than crying.

Gu Siwei, who was standing at the door, was stunned for a moment. As for whether it was embarrassing or not, he didn't expect this. Now he was on his home court. If he was embarrassed, it would be embarrassing for others. He, Gu Siwei, was embarrassed.

As for what year he was exposed, is Gu Siwei still afraid of this now?

"Sorry, I just had something to do. I was busy for a while. Please take a seat." As soon as Gu Siwei entered the room, he took the initiative, smiled at everyone, shook hands one by one, and motioned for everyone to sit down.

When Gu Siwei got hold of Gu Minjun, he smiled at her and said "Long time no see", which immediately made Gu Minjun's colleagues a little surprised. They were probably thinking: How do these two people know each other? They didn't hear Gu Minjun say that. ah.

Is this Xiao Gu being dishonest to the organization? !

"Long time no see" Gu Minjun could only say this.

"Do you know each other?" The middle-aged man in his forties who was leading the team was worried about how to find an opening. Now that this happened, why not use it, so he asked.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "There was a misunderstanding before, but everyone made it clear."

"Misunderstanding? Xiao Gu, when did you come to Hong Kong City?" the team leader asked curiously.

Gu Minjun said: "It's not the Hong Kong city where I came, but he was in the north at that time."

"Were you in the north before?" The leader looked at Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei didn't hide it and said with a smile: "My family is still in the village. I just come here to have fun."


After hearing this, the people sitting in the circle didn’t know how to answer this question. Listen! He just came over to have fun and made such a big splash that even the Governor couldn't do anything about him?

Since the founding of New China, it is estimated that no less than 300,000 to 400,000 people have come here, and I have never heard of another person who can achieve such results.

"You are too modest," the middle-aged man who led the team said with a smile.

"Small business" Gu Siwei is now a little addicted to loading coins. He waved his hands and acted like it was no big deal. The guy was just like buying a green onion at the market.

But is Marvel an onion? If Marvel is a loser, then which company in Hong Kong can say that it is a loser? Real estate? Don't be ridiculous, that thing has no technical content at all. What it sells is land and steel and cement, and it has a rough technology.

In the era before Marvel, these real estate developers could still be proud, because they did drive the prosperity of the entire Hong Kong city, and they were indeed very deceptive.

But now, the emergence of Marvel has given many people another thought, that is, the development of industry seems to be a greater driving force than real estate, and its contribution to the economy is more solid and has sufficient stamina, unlike real estate. If a generation buys a house, it will not touch it for decades, and most of the money has been used to pay off the mortgage. How much is left for consumption?

Without consumption, how many years can the economy be stimulated by selling houses alone?

The middle-aged people began to praise Gu Siwei and praise him for his positive role in the Cantonese incident. Of course, Gu Siwei must wear the title of patriotic businessman.

Gu Siwei deserves it. He is not patriotic. How many people in Hong Kong dare to say that they are patriotic?

For those of us who were born in the 1990s, our main focus is to be patriotic and love to use domestic products. Lao Gu is very confident about this. It’s not like many people now agree that foreign products are good.

Of course, there are specific reasons for this, and another one is the habit of our Chinese people, a very bad habit, what is it, that is, giving good things to guests, which Gu Siwei doesn't like very much.

In addition to praising Gu Siwei, the middle-aged man also discussed some social issues with Gu Siwei. What Gu Siwei can say here is basically haha.

To be honest, he didn't have much contact with the businessmen in Hong Kong. The main reason was that Lao Gu didn't bother to associate with some of them. In Gu Siwei's eyes, most of these people were the lackeys of the British. In the words of later generations, they were the British flatterers. Wang Min wants to be the queen.

Gu Siwei Zhenshang was too lazy to deal with these people, and there was no need for them. These people only played with relationships and favors, and they were still using the same old methods. How could Gu Siwei tolerate this.

Gu Siwei is happy when others praise him.

But he also understood that after this incident, another voice would come out, that is, the person named Su was afraid that it would be difficult to deal with him in the future.

This kind of voice is too common. Anyone who is familiar with Chinese history will know that after a person has a certain degree of influence in a place, he will definitely be noticed by the higher-ups. It is not easy not to notice.

It’s not anyone else’s fault. We Chinese people are born with the gene of rebellion. No matter who it is, as long as someone is powerful and there is social unrest, the first thing that comes to mind is to make an emperor.

But at this time, Gu Siwei had no way to explain it. Even if he explained it, someone would still have to believe it.

The current situation is like this. The British really have no good way to deal with him. If they really had a way, how could Lawrence come to see Gu Siwei.

Which government would like someone who can bring hundreds of thousands of people to the streets to protest at any time?

To be honest, no one will like it, including the United States, which is now known as the self-traveling master of the underworld (note, not a few decades later, but the current lighthouse country. At this time, he still wants to be shameless. A few decades later, he is purely self-defeating. Face).

We chatted for about forty minutes, and nothing important happened. In the words of the media, both parties had a sincere and friendly exchange, and both parties were quite satisfied with the results.

As for the outcome, I didn't say anything, and neither party involved knew it. It was just that everyone was talking and laughing and the atmosphere was good. In short, that's it.

After seeing off this group of people, Gu Siwei guessed that these people were here to pay their respects to the pier. In other words, they were exploring the way and becoming familiar with each other first. Once they became familiar with each other, the rest of the matter would be easier to discuss.

Is Gu Siwei thinking wrong?

That’s right!

But Gu Siwei forgot that Gu Minjun had sneaked into the team this time, and now the whole nature was completely different.

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