Hu Yanqiu was lighting things by himself, looking at the list one by one.

Gu Siwei was not interested in reading anymore. Since last night, he has clicked back and forth seven or eight times. If something goes wrong, it can only be God's arrangement.

As for the admission notices for the two children, where else could Gu Siwei hide them?

Hu Yanqiu finished counting everything on his hands, and then asked Gu Siwei: "Where are the admission notices for the two children?"

"Don't look at it. I've taken it out several times. Something is really going to go wrong this time. Keep your heart in your stomach. Even if you lose it, you can still find Lao Zhou in the capital. If he has no other choice, I will take my children and live in his house," Gu Siwei joked.

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said: "You are the only one who can talk nonsense! Oh, bring the tea leaves. The old man likes to drink old tea, and the old leaf tea has a stronger taste."

"Bring it, bring it, it's all in the bag," Gu Siwei said.

"Don't be impatient. It's better to be in trouble than to save trouble now. Don't forget this and lose that. Remember, you must pay attention to the quilts and so on. As soon as the weather is good, take them out to dry..."

Hu Yanqiu gave instructions to the two children again.

Hu Yanping and Sicui nodded and listened carefully.

After saying it again, Hu Yanqiu said to Gu Siwei: "Go ahead and cook the dumplings for everyone. After you finish eating, you can go to the village."

"At this time? Isn't it a little too early?" Gu Siwei was a little suspicious that his family had gone to the village after dinner, and there might not even be a ghost.

Hu Yanqiu, on the other hand, was full of confidence: "Just do it if I ask you to do it. Also, the weather is cold, so you can bring your things with you. There is also a place for hot things on the train. You can bring everything I prepared and wait." Eat it when you get on the train.”

"I know, I know!"

For the first time, Gu Siwei realized that his wife was a bit nagging now. He was not annoyed, but he just felt that his life with his wife was becoming more and more like that of an old couple.

Waiting for Gu Siwei to go out to cook, Hu Yanqiu grabbed his sister-in-law Sicui and his brother Yanping, and pulled them to sit next to him.

At this moment, Hu Yanqiu was very reluctant to leave her. The two children had always been by her side and had never traveled far. Although she knew that her husband was reliable, she was still a little worried. She didn't know why.

If it weren't for her physical condition not being suitable for going and the train tickets being difficult to buy at the moment, she would really have gone along.

But even if she couldn't go this time, she would still go to the capital to visit the city after the baby was born. Moreover, her husband said that when the little girl was born, she would take the family to visit Hong Kong.

Her husband talked a lot about what happened in Hong Kong, but Hu Yanqiu just listened. In fact, she didn't really believe what her husband said. She felt that men often like to brag about such things, and her husband might be a fool. Yes, for example, there is a small company in Hong Kong.

There is also a big house in Hong Kong City.

How big is the house? According to Hu Yanping's imagination, it is almost the same as the middle-level cadre room in the factory, with three rooms and one living room reaching the sky.

She thought so in her heart, but whenever Gu Siwei said something, she always listened with interest. As a woman, she felt that the smartest thing was to learn to listen. It was also an obligation to listen to her husband's bragging.

These are not important. Whether it is the size of the company or the size of the house, it means nothing to Hu Yanqiu. She is quite satisfied with her current life. She likes living here, being the principal of the children, and everything she is doing now. As for She has no interest in anything like a rich lady.

"I will go to the capital to see you when I have time!" Hu Yanqiu held the two children's hands and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing this, Sicui smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, don't cry. Now that your little niece is in your belly, you must be in a good mood. If you are in a bad mood, my brother will be in trouble."

Hu Yanping was very happy after hearing this. Although he said he didn't think highly of his brother-in-law, in fact, he respected this brother-in-law the most in his heart. If nothing else, he was really nice to his sister.

Nowadays, it is very normal for people to beat their wives. Even Guo Shengshui of Wu Meiling's family beats her twice a year. But Gu Siwei, the brother-in-law, seems not to be angry when facing his sister. Sometimes it is her sister who is causing trouble. Yes, even Hu Yanping was angry, but my brother-in-law could always smile and didn't have the bad temper towards outsiders at all.

Hu Yanping felt that his brother-in-law was so ruthless outside but just a fool at home. This was a real man.

"Brother-in-law, forget it? It's just cartilage... uh, just pretend I didn't say it."

Seeing Sicui glance at him, Hu Yanping immediately swallowed the rest of his words.

Seeing his brother and sister-in-law like this, Hu Yanqiu couldn't help but want to laugh.

This reminded her of what her parents had mentioned to her on this trip home. What was it? It's very simple. Since the two children are old enough and they both know the basics, and now they are in college together, we might as well just let the two children stay together.

Hu Yanqiu also had this idea and talked about it with Gu Siwei. However, what Hu Yanqiu didn't expect was that he was strongly opposed by Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei's words are that if two children like each other, then being together is okay. If they don't like each other, or the relationship between the two children is just friendship and family, then being together is not happiness, but suffering.

Hu Yanqiu didn't understand it, but she respected her husband's wishes and did not continue to interfere with the matter.

Now that she saw the interaction between the two, she felt in her heart: There is something going on!

It's a pity that Hu Yanqiu's words don't count, and Gu Siwei's words don't count. Only when the two children are happy do it count.

"Auntie, uncle, when will you come back from the capital?"

"Are you going to see Chairman Mao?"

"You are going to university. How big is the university?"

Hu Yanqiu looked at the two children happily, but several boys from the family came over and started asking questions again.

Sicui couldn't bear to part with these little nephews. In her eyes, these little nephews were the top of her heart. Thinking that she had seen these little guys for a long time, Sicui couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He picked up one of them and kissed it on the face. Then he put this one down and picked up that one again, touching each face for a moment.

Hu Yanping said at this time: "Stop kissing, look at the child kissing, saliva... I didn't say anything."

"Uncle, you are also going to college. Do you understand what you are going to college for?"

"Uncle is just a fool!"

Hu Yanqiu's eyes widened after hearing this: "Shu Tong, don't be so rude, why are you talking to uncle! Are you feeling itchy?"

"I didn't say it, it was grandpa who said it," Shutong winced and defended in a low voice.

Hu Yanqiu glared at his son again: "Grandpa can say that he is an elder, but you can also say?"

My uncle stopped talking.

"Hey, my little nephew." Hu Yanping tore his uncle's cheek.

Suddenly, Hu Yanping said: "I don't know if the nephews and nieces in my eldest brother's family are as tall as my uncles and other children."

Hu Yanqiu also became worried when he mentioned his eldest brother.

"I don't know if my eldest brother will be able to come back in a while. Logically speaking, he should come back. He has been married for several years and is on the verge of returning home," Hu Yanqiu said.

"Sister-in-law, it's okay. Brother Yanming will definitely be back soon," Sicui said comfortingly.

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said, "Well, for sure!"

I don't know whether this was in response to Sicui or to comfort myself.

"Let's all have a meal."

At this time, Gu Siwei came over and asked everyone to go out for dinner.

So everyone went to the dining hall together.

The dining hall at this time is no longer the former dining hall. The former dining hall was large and there were many people. Almost every meal was attended by more than a dozen people. Now there is only Gu Siwei's family, which is far less lively than before, so it is not in the big dining hall now. Instead, we eat in a small room. There is only a small round table in the small room, which can seat ten people, and all of them must be adults.

This morning’s meal was dumplings. There is no explanation of what dumplings are on the bus and how to get off the bus. But nowadays, as a gift or something, the best thing is dumplings, so the whole family went out last night and made a lot of dumplings, which I will cook today. For breakfast.

There are two kinds of fillings for dumplings, one is leek filling, and the other is vegetarian filling, which is made from several kinds of melons grated into shreds.

There are two ways to do it, one is boiling it normally, and the other is frying it. The boiled one is eaten now, and the fried one is reserved for taking on the train.

Hu Yanqiu had arranged this last night, and Gu Siwei didn't dare to be careless about this matter.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the kitchen, the first thing Hu Yanqiu did was to check the results. There was nothing wrong. Hu Yanqiu nodded with satisfaction and joined the army of dumplings.

Every meal in Gu Siwei's family is like a war. Six sons are six bottomless pits. Especially when eating, good guys, either this one is added or that one is ordered. In short, Gu Siwei doesn't wait for these little ones. It is impossible for our ancestors to eat a meal safely when they are full.

Of course this morning was the same.

The dumplings on the two curtains were just pulled up and down, as if they were poured out, and then they were gone!

Even the sludge has not been mixed into the whole dumpling. Do you think these guys are bottomless pits?

After the whole family had eaten and drank enough, they took their luggage with them, and the family of ten got on the boat with great momentum and sailed all the way to Zhuangzi.

Gu Siwei originally thought that everyone in Zhuangzi was asleep now, but who would have thought that when he came to Zhuangzi, he saw, What a guy! Brightly lit.

It can't be described as brightly lit. There are no electric lights now, let alone street lights. There are only a few gas lamps in the village, and today they were all hung up.

All the villagers also got up, and everyone looked excited.

Gu Siwei was just about to say something when he heard someone shout: "Siwei's family is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of enthusiastic gongs and drums.

"Dong~! Dong~dong! Clang! Clang!"

This sudden appearance shocked Gu Siwei.

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