A large pot of vegetables was stewed in the pot, and even the meat and vegetables were all brought over by Gu Siwei. There were no fresh vegetables at this time, and all they brought were dried beans and the like.

Even these things, Zhou Guangxian also ate with gusto.

Unlike Li Fanghai's family, Zhou Guang didn't persuade him to drink, and Gu Siwei didn't drink either. They all ate a big pot of food together, eating steamed buns while chatting about how the oil sludge was doing, whether Caohua and Cube were happy at this time, and Da Mao woke up. There is no such thing, it is a daily routine that I could encounter every day in the past.

It's just that at this time, Zhou Guang has no way to experience it anymore. His position determines that he will never have the same time as before. If he wants to live such a comfortable and leisurely life, it is probably his turn to retire. .

As for when to withdraw? This is a bit hard to say. Zhou Guangxian estimates that he will have to use his remaining heat in the end.

This is all for later, but in short, everyone was very happy whether eating or chatting.

"It still tastes right!"

Zhou Guang first put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth as before, and said to Gu Siwei with satisfaction.

Gu Siwei smiled and said: "You really have never eaten good food. In a few days, the cherries at home will be delivered to you."

"Can that thing come in a hurry?"

Zhou Guangxian likes to eat cherries, but he also knows that cherries are quite delicate, not easy to transport, and not easy to preserve without touching them. Generally speaking, it only takes a day or two to pick cherries. As for refrigeration and so on, it can take longer, but there is no such condition over there.

"Just build a cold storage and build a few refrigerated transport trucks," Gu Siwei said.

When Zhou Guang heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't know how many people will scold me behind my back if I do this."

"You think it's just for you, but you're overthinking it. Last time I told you that I was going to sell the cherries in the village abroad, but I was serious. First, I had to build a cold storage in a nearby town, and then A cannery..." Gu Siwei and Zhou Guangxian brought up old matters again.

Sicui and Yanping were confused when they heard it, and looked at Gu Siwei with open eyes. They felt that they understood every word Gu Siwei said, but when they put it together, they had no idea what Gu Siwei said.

Zhou Guang first glanced at the two children. In later generations' words, there was a clear sense of stupidity in their eyes.

"Don't they know?" Zhou Guangxian pointed at the two children with a smile and asked Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei nodded: "What do they know?"

Hu Yanping immediately felt that there was something wrong with this, and he opened his mouth and asked, "What don't I know? Brother-in-law, do you have another wife outside?"


Gu Siwei was stunned when he heard that his brother-in-law was here.

"Sure enough!" Hu Yanping immediately pulled a long face.

"What are you thinking!" Gu Siwei was amused by this kid. He directly pulled his hand over and pointed at his forehead: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Then you often go out and don't come back for more than ten days. Isn't there another woman outside?" Hu Yanping asked.

"How dare you think of me like this?" Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Zhou Guangxian said to Hu Yanping at this time: "You boy, I don't know if your brother-in-law has anyone outside, but I know that your brother-in-law has created a big industry in Hong Kong City, and the famous tycoon in Hong Kong City is you. Brother-in-law.”

"Hong Kong Monopoly?"

After hearing this, Sicui looked at her brother and asked, "Really?"

Seeing Gu Siwei nodded, Sicui said oh, but his expression didn't change at all.

Zhou Guang met Qidao first and said, "Girl, do you know how much that is? You can't imagine it!"

Sicui said: "How much does it matter? He is still my brother, and I think our family is pretty good now. Why do we need so much money?"

"Did you see that, this is my sister?" Gu Siwei praised his sister for her calmness.

Hu Yanping was very curious: "How much is it?"

Zhou Guang first looked at Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei was a little embarrassed, because he had never actually calculated it. To be honest, he only knew a rough idea. For example, there was no way to calculate the value of a large coin pocket, and how could it be calculated since it was not listed on the market.

"It's really hard to calculate, but it's just a lot," Gu Siwei said.

"Oh, it's the kind of thing where you don't know how to spend it, right?" Hu Yanping said.

Seeing his brother-in-law nodding, Hu Yanping said: "Oh, so you are so rich. If you are rich, my sister is rich. So my nephew is also rich now?"

Gu Siwei didn't know how to comment on his brother-in-law's logic for a while, so he could only say: "Your sister and I are rich, but as for your nephews, they are relatively poor and are paupers like you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there are ways to live with more money, and there are ways to live with less money," Hu Yanping said.

Zhou Guangxian smiled and said: "This kid doesn't have any idea about money now."

People at this time really didn’t have much concept of money. They had a stronger concept of workers and farmers, because in China, as long as you surpass the working class, everyone’s life will not be much different, even if you are a cadre, compared to Ordinary workers are not much better off.

In a sense, everyone is really equal at this time.

"It's good if you don't have it," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Zhou Guangxian looked at Gu Siwei and smiled. He felt that if Gu Siwei couldn't handle it well, he would be very troubled in the future. First of all, he had a family fortune and six sons. Think about what it would be like to make a fuss. lively.

But that's what he thought. After all, it's still too early for Gu Siwei's child to reach adulthood. Even if the child reaches adulthood, Gu Siwei is only forty. It's when a man is in the prime of life. Even if such a thing happens, it will have to be... When Gu Siwei's eyes were dizzy, Zhou Guang would definitely not be able to see it, even if it was so hot and stuffy.

"Cold storage is not mature yet," Zhou Guangxian said.

Gu Siwei nodded. He was already prepared for this kind of situation, and then he came up with a solution very calmly.

"Companies in Hong Kong are ready to use U.S. dollars to acquire them," Gu Siwei said.

Zhou Guangxian was stunned: "US dollars?"

"Yeah, dollars." Gu Siwei nodded.

What is lacking in the country at this time? U.S. dollar, dollar for dollar, dollar for dollar, for such a big country, the current foreign exchange reserves are only a little over one billion U.S. dollars.

This is not as high as EA's current market value.

And what time is it now? Americans and us are almost wearing a pair of trousers. Many good things are sold at reduced prices as long as they are paid, but now the country cannot afford them. They are so greedy for these good things that their mouths are watering. The ground fell to the ground, and when he took out his pockets, his heart immediately became cold.

"What price are you going to charge?" Zhou Guang first heard the US dollars, but he was still calm.

Gu Siwei said: "Ten cents a pound!"


Zhou Guang first took a breath after hearing this: "You are really willing to spend money."

In Zhou Guangxian's view, Gu Siwei's fruit harvest is purely to help the villagers live. A cherry is ten cents, which is one dollar per pound. At this time, the RMB to the US dollar is one dollar to one dollar and five RMB. This is the official price, but it doesn’t really make sense.

If this thing can be exchanged, then what can we not afford?

The real price is far more than that. At this time, it is like our peninsula neighbors decades later. The official price of the North Korean currency to the RMB is one, but in fact it is another price. No one is stupid enough to use the official exchange rate. We It's impossible to recognize it.

The United States and us now are just like us and our neighbors on the peninsula a few decades from now.

"Then I'll react again," Zhou Guang said first.

In fact, regarding the matter of Gu Siwei, Zhou Guangxian is advancing with a very positive attitude. However, at this time, there are still a lot of debates, some noise, and some resistance. Regarding the matter of Gu Siwei, there are some The old comrades support it, but some old comrades are against it, and their opposition is quite strong.

Zhou Guangxian had no choice.

Gu Siwei also knows that historical changes do not happen overnight and must have a development process, so he is not in a hurry. If he throws out the hook of US dollars, he will have to wait slowly.

Anyway, he just needs to do his own thing well. Over there, everything is ready in Hong Kong City, just waiting for the spring breeze of reopening.

From Zhou Guangxian's words, Gu Siwei also understood that things did not go as smoothly as he thought, so Gu Siwei stopped mentioning it.

Everyone sat together and chatted until about ten o'clock.

By this time, both children were sleepy. The two children at home had also fallen asleep at this time before. Seeing that the two children were sleepy, Zhou Guang took them to the room prepared for them and settled the two children.

Gu Siwei saw that the rooms were very warmly decorated. Sicui's room had a distinctly feminine feel, while Yanlai's room had a military feel.

After the two children entered their rooms, Gu Siwei and Zhou Guangxian sat back in the main room.

"Thank you," Gu Siwei said.

Zhou Guang first glanced at Gu Siwei: "What do you mean, we still need to thank each other? These two children are like my children now, so what's the point of saying thank you or not?"

When Gu Siwei heard what he said, he smiled and nodded: "Then their student life here will be left to you."

"No problem!" Zhou Guang responded immediately: "When the six little guys grow up and are admitted to universities in the capital, I will still reserve rooms for them. When they get to the capital, they will live in my house, or not!"


"What's wrong?" Zhou Guang heard it first and said, "You think my place is small?"

Gu Siwei said: "That's not it. I'm planning to buy a few courtyard houses here if I have a chance. I want serious courtyard houses, not large ones."

"Just think about it!" Zhou Guangxian smiled.

Even Zhou Guangxian doesn't know at this moment that it won't be long before courtyards can be bought and sold, and in a few years housing will be commercialized.

Gu Siwei didn't argue with him, smiled and stopped talking about the courtyard.

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