"Kid, what's your name?"

Seeing this boy, Xiao Shuping knew that he must be his little nephew in front of him, or to be precise, he was his wife's nephew.

The kind that is serious and straight-forward, with no twists and turns at all.

It's a pity that this matter is now a bit complicated by my own daughter-in-law.

"Why are you asking? I won't tell you because you are strangers. Fortunately, you are in the village. If you were outside, I would have asked Da Mao to bite you."

The little kid who took the lead said.

As soon as the little kid finished speaking, a little head stuck out from the yard next to him, directly revealing the little kid's name.

"Brother Zhongyi, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to call Grandpa Zheng for something. Why are you climbing on the wall? Come down quickly, or your mother will see you and spank you." Zhong Yi said to the little kid lying on the wall of the courtyard.

"So your name is Zhong Yi," Xiao Shuping said with a smile.

"Well, my name is Gu Zhongyi." Xiao Zhongyi looked back at Xiao Shuping and asked, "Excuse me, what is the name of the guest?"

The little man pretended to be presentable, but he was a child after all, so it was a bit funny. However, Xiao Shuping teased the child specially and cupped his hand towards Xiao Zhongyi: "My surname is Xiao, Xiao Shuping, and the tree belongs to a big tree." Tree, flatness is the flatness of peace.”

"Oh, I have admired you for a long time!"

Ha ha ha ha!

Luo Yugang, who was next to him, could hardly stop laughing: "You little guy, you are still smart. You know how to grow up? If you are still so smart when you grow up, I will marry my daughter to you."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhongyi looked Luo Yugang up and down and said, "Let's forget it!"

"Hey, you think I'm ugly?" Luo Yugang smiled. He really liked this ghostly child.

"Zhongyi, who are you talking to?"

As they talked, they had arrived at the school gate. It was now class time. Zhong Yi was making quite a noise talking to Luo Yugang. Hu Yanqiu had not heard Luo Yugang's voice, so he came out to have a look and ask.

"Mom, the two of them came here to find my dad. This gentleman's name is Xiao Shuping. The other one hasn't asked yet," Xiao Zhongyi said.

After hearing this, Hu Yanqiu looked at the two of them and asked, "Looking for the fourth dimension?"

"Well, you must be Mr. Gu's wife."

Seeing Hu Yanping, both Xiao Shuping and Luo Yugang suddenly became serious.

As soon as Luo Yugang became serious, his carefree temperament suddenly disappeared and turned into a relatively calm look.

"Who are you two?"

Hu Yanqiu asked.

"We are looking for Mr. Gu to discuss business, the fruit business," Xiao Shuping said.

When he arrived, he was told not to reveal Gu Siwei's identity to others. People think there must be some reason why Gu Siwei hid his identity, and everyone has to respect Lao Gu's opinion.

In fact, Lao Gu has no idea. He thought about hiding his identity a long time ago. Now he still needs to hide his identity. However, it is impossible for the public to know about this matter. In other words, does the person above know about it? It doesn't matter, as long as the general public doesn't know everything, then Gu Siwei will have no problem.

After hearing this, Hu Yanqiu said: "Okay, please wait here, I will go home and call him."

Just like that, Hu Yanqiu arranged for Xiao Shuping and Xiao Shuping to sit here at the school, while she drove the boat home.

As soon as he got home, Hu Yanqiu saw Gu Siwei lying here basking in the sun, with tea and fruits on hand. Apart from the landlord and rich man in the movie, the only thing missing was a maid fanning him and a concubine feeding him fruits. .

"Fourth Dimension, wake up."

When Gu Siwei heard his wife's voice, he thought for a moment that he was hallucinating. When he heard the second sound, Gu Siwei sat up. Seeing that it was his wife, he asked curiously: "Why are you back? "

Hu Yanqiu said: "Follow me back to the village. Someone outside comes to see you, saying that he wants to talk to you about fruits."

Gu Siwei thought for a moment and understood that there might be some new news, so he stood up directly: "Let's go!"

"Who are they?" Hu Yanqiu said: "Judging from the way they dress, they don't look like children from ordinary families. At least one person in the family must be in charge."

Gu Siwei smiled and told the story about the two of them.

Hu Yanqiu was stunned after hearing this, and followed Gu Siwei until she came off the cliff. Then she asked: "You mean, everything you told me is true?"

"What's real or fake?" Gu Siwei was confused by his wife.

Hu Yanqiu said: "You have a big company in Hong Kong, with tens of thousands of people under you."

Gu Siwei smiled and said, "You just realized it."

"Is it true that you have airplanes, cars, and a luxurious mansion on the top of a mountain?" Hu Yanqiu was a little out of his mind.

Gu Siwei said: "What I have, we have."

Suddenly Hu Yanqiu was upset. She originally thought that her husband was bragging to her, but who would have thought that this was actually true.

Gu Siwei discovered something unusual about his wife, but he didn't say anything. This matter had to be digested by his wife, so Gu Siwei didn't speak all the way.

When the boat landed at the gate of the school, Gu Siwei got ashore.

Xiao Shuping and Luo Yugang had already paid attention to the door. When they saw the boat stop, a tall man jumped off the boat, and they both stood up.

"Oh my goodness, this looks so similar!"

Luo Yugang said in surprise when he saw Gu Siwei jumping off the boat.

Luo Yugang had met Xiao Shuping's father-in-law. When the old man was still alive, he often played with the children in the yard, especially at Luo Yugang's age, so Luo Yugang remembered the old man's appearance very well.

Xiao Shuping was shocked when he saw Gu Siwei at first sight. He just felt that the Gu Siwei in front of him looked like he had stepped out of a photo of his father-in-law when he was young.

Gu Siwei didn't feel anything. He saw the two people walking out of the yard, so he smiled and extended his hand.

After the introduction, Gu Siwei said: "Let's go into school and talk."

Xiao Shuping nodded, and the three of them entered the school together. The place where they discussed the matter was Hu Yanqiu's office.

Principal Hu's office is not big, about ten square meters, with a desk and two cabinets, but not much space for anything else.

After a few polite words, Xiao Shuping explained the purpose of his visit.

"We will coordinate between you and the Foreign Trade Bureau. Other conditions will be as originally negotiated. We will draw a certain fee from it, but the transportation costs will be borne by you..."

Xiao Shuping explained the conditions for bringing him new.

After hearing this, Gu Siwei nodded: "That's good, it will save everyone some trouble!"

"Then..." Xiao Shuping wanted to ask, if this is the case, is it time to sign the contract.

Gu Siwei also thought about it and said, "You just need to sign the contract with Guan Youpeng. He knows about this."

"In addition, there is also the matter of Jingshi Polytechnic's admission of mainland students. There are also new instructions from above," Xiao Shuping said.

Gu Siwei nodded gently.

Xiao Shuping said: "In addition to students, we also want to send some young technicians to Jingshi for short-term study. I wonder what you mean?"

Gu Siwei said: "This is no problem. If the number of people is small, within fifty, I can provide them with accommodation and food and accommodation in Jingshi during their study period."

Gu Siwei naturally strongly supports this matter. He has never been afraid of competition. What's more, even if he is eliminated by the competition, the meat will rot in the pot and will not flow elsewhere.

Of course, Gu Siwei is also cautious. You must know that the whole country will soon be short of money. The country's power is limited at this time. It has to decide which projects should be developed first and which projects should be developed later. For example, in the electronics field, at this time, was abandoned, the country chose to give priority to solving the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation problems.

Think about it, the country's foreign exchange is now over one billion U.S. dollars. If it were spread evenly, it would be the same as nothing. In difficult times, you must be willing to give up.

"One more thing, we want to send people to study in your Industrial Light and Magic, you see" Xiao Shuping raised a new cooperation issue.

This time Gu Siwei did not agree immediately, because many of Industrial Light and Magic's things are patented technologies, and at this time, it is estimated that many people in China still don't know what patents are.

"Many parts of Industrial Light and Magic are not suitable for display outside the company, because these things are patented and cannot be opened or made public. Please understand this," Gu Siwei said directly.

Xiao Shuping nodded after hearing this. He had been in Hong Kong for a few years and naturally knew about patents. He didn't originally think that this would be possible because there were always people who thought they should be selfless. In short, Xiao Shuping felt that these people actually didn't. Keeping up with the times, we are still stuck in the social relationships of the past.

The next thing to talk about is much easier. Regarding the performance troupe going to Hong Kong, some comrades have been gathered together these days to discuss this matter. Everyone here is doing the best and choosing the best. Therefore, the artists who will perform in Hong Kong this time are all very talented.

Competitions were also held among the private sector. There were more than 200 people making candy alone. They gathered together and held two or three selections. Just think about the level of the two people selected in this way. ?

Let's put it this way, it is estimated that if there is a parallel import among them, it will most likely be Zheng Youcai.

It's just that Old Man Zheng is related to Gu Siwei, so he doesn't need to participate in any selection at all. He takes the through train.

But now Old Man Zheng doesn't even know that he is going to Hong Kong City soon. He is now walking towards the school with his hands behind his back, humming a little tune, followed by his apprentice Sun Mingshi.

Originally he said he would not accept it, but in the end the old man could not withstand the offensive of Ma Chunya and his wife and accepted Sun Mingshi.

Now Sun Mingshi's craftsmanship is still far behind Zheng Youcai's, but it is much better than Liu Dezhu's before. Liu Dezhu did things carefully, but was too rigid. Sun Mingshi is smart and likes to use his brain and ponder, and sometimes he has different ideas. , which made Zheng Youcai particularly satisfied.

Guan Jian was still a member of Ma Chunya's family, so he really took Zheng Youcai as his elder to support him, which gave Zheng Youcai a lot of face.

Zheng Youcai was coming this way when he looked up and saw Gu Siwei sending the two of them out.

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