Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 585 Find a place to live

Two horses, two frames made of wood and bamboo, each frame has a flat basket on both sides for carrying things. This thing was made by Zheng Youcai himself, and it fit perfectly on the back and belly of Dafa and Lizi.

Put the things in and it will be almost full.

With Dafa and Lizi's physical strength, it would definitely be a waste to carry things on their backs, so two horses had to carry people on their backs. It was very simple. There were eight people in total, and each horse could carry four.

Gu Siwei took the three younger ones and sat on Lizi's back, while Hu Yanqiu took the three older ones lightly and sat on Dafa's back. The family just set off in the direction of the factory.

After walking for an hour, the sky had already darkened, but no one felt tired. Of course, the horses didn't feel tired either. Whether they were fat or chestnuts, they didn't care about the things on their backs, and walked briskly one by one. With his footsteps, the rocks under his feet made a clear clicking sound, which spread far away in the quiet night.

Hu Yanqiu was telling the child about the time he played with his brother when he was a child.

"Mom, did uncle also wear crotchless pants when he was a child?"

The little guy didn't know why his mind turned in this direction.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Wear it, my mother wore it when she was little, and we grew up just like you..."

"Then you also beat your younger brothers? My brothers always beat me."

This is obviously a minor one, so I will sue my brothers by the way.

"Who has nothing to do to hit you?"

Being an older brother is a bit unpleasant.

"If the eldest brother doesn't hit me, everyone else will."

Gu Siwei heard things like this eight times a day at home, so he didn't pay much attention to it. As for why the big one hit the small one, this matter is very complicated. When it is a small itchy skin, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail.

As soon as he heard this, Gu Siwei immediately looked up at the stars at a 45-degree angle.

Hu Yanqiu was very patient and began to slowly reason with the children. Of course, the reasoning made sense today, and the final ending was very happy.

If the truth didn't make sense, Hu Yanqiu would have to wave his hands and shine on his sons' little buttocks to say hello. The main point was that if something didn't make sense, he could only get through it.

As for saying that children cannot be spanked and must be educated or something like that, if the person who said this is not trying to make money, he is a very patient person.

You have to understand one thing. If a child is obedient all the time and can listen to what you say, then he is no longer a child. He understands the truth and can listen to what people say in a nice and angry manner. Do you have such a child? There must be at least three feet of green smoke rising from the family ancestor's grave. Ordinary children are actually ordinary children. Sometimes they are angry and have to be beaten.

There is no Internet now, and there are not so many moral ladies jumping out to brandish their own truths and knock them out randomly, so it is very normal for everyone to educate their children to hit them a few times.

Gu Siwei usually doesn't fight, Hu Yanqiu is the main one who does it, and the couple is mainly a strict mother and loving father. That's not right. A strict mother is a strict mother, and a loving father is also a loving father. However, when the child is beaten, Gu Siwei, a loving father, is always the first to leave.

Sitting on the horse, Gu Siwei rarely spoke, firstly not to interrupt his wife's memories, and secondly because he wanted his children to get to know this uncle they had never seen before.

Hu Yanqiu became more and more excited as he talked. Now he wanted to fly back to his in-laws' house next to the factory to see his brother, sister-in-law, and nephews and nieces.

But the children couldn't hold on any longer. They used to go to bed long ago at home at this time.


The fourth boy, Boren, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Gu Siwei glanced at his boys and said, "If you feel sleepy, just sleep on your stomach. Wife, please button up those boys."

Zheng Youcai is very skillful with his hands and is willing to think about things, so there are many thoughtful little designs on this shelf. For example, he knew that Gu Siwei’s family had many children, and Hu Yanqiu often brought his children back, so he designed them. Buttons on the back that are less likely to fall off.

Only then did Hu Yanqiu realize that his children were very sleepy, so he immediately looked for the buttons. After searching for a while, he found that the buttons were already buttoned up.

The two adults didn't speak, and the four children fell asleep within a short time.

After waiting for the child to fall asleep, Hu Yanqiu lowered his voice and asked Gu Siwei: "Siwei, do you think I won't leave when I come back this time?"

Gu Siwei said: "Probably."

Gu Siwei didn't know anything about this, but he didn't say anything disappointing and followed his wife's tone and told her what she wanted to hear.

So Hu Yanqiu talked to Gu Siwei again.

Gu Siwei still didn't interrupt much, he just put on his ears and listened quietly.

He also said that it was almost midnight, and Hu Yanqiu was also sleepy. After all, she was pregnant with the child now. It was not like before. When she was full of energy, she could stay up all night. After finishing her work, she would take a nap and wake up. After that, I was full of energy. Now it's no longer possible. Without the support of the children, Hu Yanqiu has a fight under his eyes.

"How about we take a break?"

Gu Siwei said to his wife.


Hu Yanqiu cheered up: "Just wait until you get home before going to sleep. I can still hold on now."

Gu Siwei didn't say anything after hearing this, but now he didn't dare to let Hu Yanqiu sleep on the horse, so he started talking to her non-stop, talking about his home in Hong Kong City.

"Give me some essential oil."

Hu Yanqiu couldn't hold on anymore, so he asked Gu Siwei for Fengyoujing, and prepared to put it on before persisting.

"Did you bring it?" Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanqiu said: "Take it with you. There is a small gray cloth bag in your basket over there. Look for it." Hu Yanqiu directed Gu Siwei.

Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and touched it, but he couldn't touch it anywhere. As the old saying goes, one person hides something and ten thousand people find it, which means that it is difficult to find something that others put there.

Hu Yanqiu couldn't stand it anymore, so he patted Dafa gently and said softly: "Dafa, stop for a moment."

After hearing this, Dafa stopped steadily. After stopping, he turned his head and looked at Hu Yanqiu.

When Gu Siwei saw that his wife was about to dismount and come to look for him, he immediately called to Lizi. Actually, there was no need to call, Lizi stopped as soon as the big fat stopped. The two horses had developed a habit of being inseparable.

Gu Siwei jumped off the horse and trotted over to help his wife off the horse. While Hu Yanqiu was looking for Fengyoujing, Gu Siwei started to feed the horse, took a small iron box, and beat it in it. I bought two eggs and fed them to Dafa and Chestnut respectively, and then fed two carrots.

He thought that after doing all these things here, his wife's Fengyoujing would be found. Who knows that Gu Siwei pulled a handful of grass around, wiped the box, and fed the grass to Dafa. Still looking for her Fengyoujing.

"What's wrong? Haven't found it yet?"

Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanqiu said: "I obviously put it in this bag, but why can't I find it?"

Gu Siwei didn't say anything to disappoint you, telling you to just let it go. You can't find it now. Instead, he said with a smile: "If you can't find it, don't look for it. Now is the time to look for something in the dark. Look, now Are you tired of being made such a fuss about?"

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said, "You are the only one who can speak."

"Okay, come here, I'll help you get on the horse, let's keep walking, we're almost there."

Gu Siwei looked at the faint hilltop ahead. After climbing over the hilltop, he could see the factory. There was still nearly an hour to go.

Hu Yanqiu nodded, put away the flashlight, put it back to its original place, and returned to Dafa's side. Before getting on the horse, he reached out and gently stroked Dafa's neck, and then Gu Siwei supported him back to the horse. on the back.

After such a fuss, the two of them felt less sleepy and whispered along the way. An hour passed quickly and the couple was already standing on the road to the factory.

Gu Siwei looked at his watch and said to his wife: "How about we go to the radar station and wait until dawn? If we go home at this time, everyone will be in trouble. Maybe my eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't sleep much at all. OK, let them have a good sleep?”

The radar station has a small courtyard next to the factory, where the families of some technicians mainly live, and there is also a small guest house belonging to them.

The purpose of setting up a small guest house is probably to arrange the work of the military families and to make the technicians at the radar station feel more at ease.

Anyway, that's what happened, so there was the military guest house here in the factory town.

Normally, no one comes to stay. The main person is an arranger. Gu Siwei has come here a few times, but he has never stayed.

But today is different. At this time, I can’t live anywhere, and that’s the only place where people are available 24 hours a day.

I used to think this was not a joke. There were almost no places where people lived and there were three shifts. The guest house here at the factory was closed and locked at ten o'clock, but there were night shift workers at the front desk of the military guest house. This was not the case. Are you stupid? There is a ghost coming to live here.

Now that I think about it, Gu Siwei feels that he is the ghost.

Hu Yanqiu nodded: "Yes, I think so too, but will it be too troublesome to go to the radar station?"

Gu Siwei said: "What's the trouble? I don't owe you this time anyway."

Gu Siwei is very familiar with the radar station. The main reason is that Lao Gu's support for the army is really good. If Gu Siwei bears fruit, he has to send it to the radar station to the soldiers. A batch, not only for everyone to hold and eat, but also to try something new is always enough.

Moreover, except for the winter, Gu Siwei doesn’t have much fruit in the year, and the remaining three seasons are full of fragrant fruits. How could such a gift be unfamiliar?

I came to the guest house with my wife and sleeping child.

The facade of the guest house is quite plain. All the store signs now are probably to tell people what kind of store it is. There is no design or fancy things. It is just a wooden board painted with white paint and it says "XX store" on it. Category.

Gu Siweila opened the door and walked into the store, and found that there was no one at the front desk. He went over to take a look, and then realized that it was not that there was no one, but that someone was sleeping on his stomach.

This guy was sleeping, and there was a pool of drool on the table.

"Wake up, wake up, sister-in-law of the Zhang family!"

Gu Siwei reached out and pushed gently.

With a sigh, this person changed his position, facing inward, and began to fall asleep again.

Gu Siwei continued to push, but who knew that she just couldn't wake up, so Gu Siwei stood at the front desk for a while and looked at her and couldn't help but laugh.

Hu Yanqiu, who followed in, couldn't help but feel happy when he saw it.

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