Everyone entered the house, and the living room suddenly became a little crowded. The living room was still the same living room, but now there were more people.

Hu Yanqiu's family has six, and Hu Yanming's family doesn't give much, with five children, two boys and three girls.

They were not multiple twins, they were born one after another, unlike Gu Siwei and his wife who tried to save trouble and completed the feat of six in two.

Because they were born one by one, the children are older and younger. The older one is only more than a month younger than Zhongyi. The younger one cannot speak yet and is lying on the bed in the house drinking milk.

Hu Yanming was holding his two little nephews, while Hu Yanqiu was holding his two little nephews. The two brothers and sisters were talking together.

"Sister-in-law, what ethnic group are you from?" Hu Yanqiu was curious after all, so he asked.

"I am Russian".

Hu Yanming smiled and said at this time: "Your sister-in-law is not Russian, but she is Chinese now. My father-in-law brought her here when he came over...".

Hu Yanming briefly talked about his wife's situation. Things at this time are very interesting. People who can make such a decision at this time are actually quite courageous. This is not just a few decades later, almost everyone is free to come and go. If you want to become an American citizen, there is no problem. As long as the Americans want you, you can go out here.

But it’s different now. Russia, the former Big Brother, has fallen out with us. If he can make such a decision, then Hu Yanming’s father-in-law is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Brother, are you and your sister-in-law still leaving after your trip here?"

Hu Yanqiu asked.

Hu Yanming said with a smile: "Of course I'm leaving. I'm bringing your sister-in-law and children to meet you. In five or six days, your sister-in-law and the others will have to go back. I'm going to study here. I'll study about In about half a year, I have to go back to my original employer."

"Brother, what does your unit do?"

Hu Yanqiu asked casually.

Hu Yanming smiled and said: "It's not that I won't tell you, it's because we have discipline and can't tell you."

"Then just pretend I didn't ask." Hu Yanqiu didn't really want to know. She actually just wanted to know whether her brother was doing well these years.

Judging from the current situation, my brother is doing well. When he was here before, he was a bit pedantic, but now he has obviously been tempered. His temperament is firm and calm, and he has changed from the young boy to a man.

Hu Yanming said with a smile: "I am going to the capital this time. I may stay in the capital for several months. My employer sent me to study."

"When you go to the capital, why don't you take your sister-in-law and children with you? Your sister-in-law has never been to the capital, right?" Hu Yanqiu asked.

Seeing his sister-in-law shaking her head, Hu Yanqiu said, "Brother, why don't we take them with us?"

"If we wanted to get together, it's a pity that we can't buy tickets." Hu Yanming spread his hands, looking helpless.

Hu Yanqiu smiled and said: "That's easy, leave it to Siwei. Do you know those old men in our family have all returned to their original workplaces. I'm afraid it won't be a problem to help buy some train tickets..." .

Gu Siwei didn't know what to say. He thought, well, the youngest official is the secretary of a region. Are these big guys buying train tickets for you? You are so creative.

Why does Gu Siwei bother others about this matter? Don't you have two partners now? How many train tickets are there for them to get? Is that still a problem?

"Easy?" Hu Yanming seemed to really want to take his family to the capital. When he heard that he could buy train tickets, he immediately became excited: "Any ticket is available, whether there is a seat or not."

Gu Siwei said: "There should be no problem. Just tell me when your ticket is due. I will find someone to buy it for you in a while. Just give me the ticket as well."

Hu Yanming nodded and took out his wallet from his pocket, took out his ticket and handed it to Gu Siwei's hand.

"Sorry to trouble you, Si-D."

"Why are you so polite now? Brother, we are all family members." Gu Siwei smiled and put the ticket in his pocket.

Everyone was chatting here, and the children there passed the stage of being curious about each other. They started chatting word by word. After chatting for only a few words, they quickly became familiar with each other.

When Hu Yanming saw him, he said to his child: "Go, go out and play with your brothers, don't run too far."

Hu Yanqiu saw it and said to his family: "When you go to play, hold the hands of your younger brothers and sisters. Don't do dangerous things. Don't climb trees and don't play in the water... Do you hear me?"

Listening to what his sister said, Hu Yanming and his wife couldn't help laughing.

After the child walked out of the door, Hu Yanming said to his sister Hu Yanqiu: "You are really good. You opened your mouth so abruptly and came out. After all, you are now the principal. It is different."

Hu Yanqiu said happily: "Anything without a principal is just a school attended by Zhuangzi. As for this, those in our family, except for the eldest brother, are like monkeys without penises. They can go crazy in anything. If you don't Please explain in detail, I will block you for any reason and make you angry to death..."

Speaking of his sons, Hu Yanqiu felt both love and headache.

After hearing this, Hu Yanming laughed and said: "Okay, this kind of child is good. Our family is a bit bored and we can't play with many children. Today, I just behaved a bit abnormally with these few."

"We are related by blood after all," Hu Yanqiu said with a smile.

After chatting together for almost half an hour, Hu Yanming's wife went into the house to feed her child.

Seeing his sister-in-law enter the house, Hu Yanqiu said to Gu Siwei: "Go and see the child."

Gu Siwei understood that there must be a lot to say between the brother and sister, so he stood up with a smile: "I'll go check the tickets and see if I can solve it. Brother, I'll go out for a while."

"Don't trouble others too much," Hu Yanming reminded: "If it's not easy to handle, forget it. Your sister-in-law's unit is actually quite busy."

"No trouble!"

Gu Siwei said and went out.

After returning to the guest house, Gu Siwei made a call to the radar station using a dedicated line. The moment he put down the phone, Gu Siwei understood why the two of them wanted to stay at the radar station.

Isn't this obvious? Apart from the radar station, there are no places with telephones here.

There is one at the factory, but it is not suitable for someone of Zhou Guangxian's level to use it. The army line is better.

Is the matter resolved?

That was naturally solved. When Gu Siwei mentioned it, the other side responded and said that someone would send the tickets to the factory in two days.

When the matter was settled, Gu Siwei hummed a tune and walked back with his hands behind his back.

He didn't ride a bicycle, because Gu Siwei knew that the brother and sister had not seen each other for so many years, so they must have a lot to say.

Although he is his brother-in-law, he is actually an outsider, and is not suitable to be used as a wooden stake with no regard for others.

"Gu Siwei!"

Just as Gu Si was slipping away, someone called him.

Gu Siwei turned around and saw that it was his old friend Xu Congwen.

Seeing Xu Congwen, Gu Siwei looked behind him.

"What are you looking for, Lao Zhu?" Xu Congwen asked with a smile.

Gu Siwei said: "Yes, where is Lao Zhu?"

Xu Congwen said: "Lao Zhu has become a grandfather. He has gone to see his grandson. He will probably be back in a few days. Are you here because my uncle is back?"

"You know it quickly," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Xu Congwen curled his lips after hearing this: "You forgot, your uncle was my apprentice before! As soon as he came back, he stayed at home for a while and then ran to my house. This kid is good, I have taken good care of him before..." .

Gu Siwei couldn't help but feel happy: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, keep an eye on the ball!"

Xu Congwen couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this: "You kid always exposed me, but he is different now. In the past, he was kind of stupid and dumb, and could choke people to death with his words. He is different now. Get out." If you really practice it, this kid will definitely have a future in the future, at least he will be better than your kid, who just doesn't do his job all day long!"

Hearing this, Gu Siwei was happy. It wasn't that he looked down on his uncle or anything. He didn't smile, but he laughed at the old man Xu Congwen, who now wanted to take his apprentice.

"You have also changed. Now you rely on your apprentice to support the flag. Where is the old Xu?" Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Xu Congwen patted his chest: "Now Lao Xu can still eat a pound of meat in one meal and is in great health. Some people who wanted me to die are almost exhausted by me now. I will live for a few more years and try to survive as long as I can." Zhao, that old guy is dying."

Before meeting Lao Xu, Gu Siwei thought that scientists were all gentlemen, just like jade. However, after meeting Lao Xu, Gu Siwei realized that scientists only recognized their knowledge. The dime has nothing to do with it.

There are also flatterers among scientists, there are also some who are petty, and there are also some who are vicious and vicious, and there are more of them, such as minor conflicts and so on.

There are many people who disagree with Lao Xu. Some have different scientific opinions, some have purely personal grudges, and some are even love rivals.

You tell me, at such an old age, these guys still can't get over what happened when they were young.

From Gu Siwei's point of view, this is also the endearing aspect of Lao Xu, at least better than his magnanimity. Frankly, don’t pronounce these two words like the way ordinary people read calligraphy in a few decades. In that way, you will pronounce it as Tang Fu.

Both magnanimous and tangfu can be scientists' personalities. Divide people into time periods.

"Come to my house for a drink at noon?"

Before Gu Siwei could answer, Xu Congwen patted his forehead: "Look at my memory, I just said that your uncle-in-law is back, so I forgot about it. Okay, come and have a drink at home when you have time!

Forget it, I will go to your place to stay for two days and have some fun."

"Welcome, but do you have time? Isn't it said that the organization has arranged a new job for you?" Gu Siwei was a little surprised.

Has the sky changed now? The mountain that has been pressing on Lao Xu's head has almost been blown into rubble.

Xu Congwen nodded his head: "I'm a little stuck. Sometimes the more I think about it, the less I understand. It's usually helpful to find a place to relax and think again."

Gu Siwei nodded. He didn't know anything about science, so he just nodded casually.

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