Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 593 News spreads fast

After returning to the guest house, the couple tidied up and waited until dawn the next day. They said goodbye to Sister-in-law Xu and others here and rode back home.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, Gu Siwei discovered that there was something wrong with the smell in Zhuangzi today. Everyone looked a little weird to him.

Gu Siwei is weird here.

"What happened today? Did you see a ghost in broad daylight?"

Gu Siwei asked.

Hu Yanqiu also said after hearing this: "Yes, why do they all have this expression?"

Gu Siwei glanced around, stretched out his hand and said to a boy: "Come here!"

When the boy saw Gu Siwei calling him, he immediately made a grimace, twisted his body and came towards Gu Siwei, and then shouted with a very reluctant look.

"Uncle Siwei, do you have anything to do with me?"

"What's going on, everyone? Don't say you don't know, or I'll beat you up. Do you believe it or not that your parents still dare not come to me after beating you?" Gu Siwei threatened the boy.

How could this kid not know that if Gu Siwei beat him, it would be in vain.

"That that that that that".

"That egg!" Gu Siwei raised his foot and made a gesture of kicking him.

The boy immediately softened after taking a look, and said directly: "Aunt Lan Bing said that Wei Changzheng was originally going to be transferred to the countryside, but you gossiped about me, and now you can't be transferred, and her father can't be the secretary of the brigade." ".

After hearing this, Gu Siwei couldn't help being stunned.

"Did Zhou Lanbing say that?"

The boy nodded.

Gu Siwei said directly: "Publish my words and say that Wei Changzheng's matter has nothing to do with me. If I really want to deal with the people named Wei, Wei Changzheng will have to take a bullet. What the hell is this? ".

Gu Siwei was really depressed. He met his stupid apprentice at the factory and got sick, and now he met Zhou Lanbing, a female 250. Gu Siwei really didn't know what to say. Could it be that he shouldn't stay in Zhuangzi these days? , why don’t you encounter good things?

At this time, Luan Laoer, who was slurping stick noodle porridge from a bowl in his hands, came over from the wall next to him.

"Let me tell you, Siwei, you can't do this. You just hit the door based on your temper."

"You...I said you should eat your food." Gu Siwei was even more speechless.

Hu Yanqiu was happy now.

The couple continued to move forward, but before they had walked a few steps, someone asked Gu Siwei through the wall of his house: "If Wei Changzheng doesn't leave, won't Zhou Lanbing's father be unable to become the brigade secretary?"

"You're asking me this, I'm from the Organization Department, aren't you talking nonsense?" Gu Siwei said.

"Hey, Zhou Lanying's tail has been flying high in the past few years. I don't know if she thought her father was going to ascend the throne."

The woman who came out with the bowl immediately became happy.

Not many people in Zhuangzi wanted to see Zhou Lanbing, but Zhou Lanbing felt that he was very popular and powerful in Zhuangzi.

"She, Zhou Lanbing's father, can't be the brigade secretary. What does that have to do with the fourth dimension of our family? Next time I meet Zhou Lanbing, I have to ask, what's the matter? He can talk nonsense with just one mouth open."

At this time, a big head of a wise man protruded from the wall next to him.

"It's not jealousy. Jealous of Siwei, you pushed Old Man Zheng and Mingshi to go to Hong Kong City. She was thinking about her family's Dezhu matter, but now...".

"Isn't that nonsense? It was she who didn't let Dezhu continue to learn. Not only did she not let Dezhu learn, she also dragged Dezhu to her village, acting like a son-in-law."

"Yes, yes, now Dezhu is in their village. To be honest, he is like the third grandson. Who can look up to his son-in-law?"

"Okay, stop talking."

"This is a fact, how can you still...oh, Uncle Fulin?"

Liu Fulin happened to come over at this time. Hearing what others were talking about, he could only pretend not to hear what he could say.

"Siwei is back?" Liu Fulin looked at Gu Siwei with an embarrassed look on his face.


Gu Siwei was still polite, and there was no big change towards Liu Fulin as before.

"Uncle, I have no face to see you. I can't control young people anymore when I get old." Liu Fulin had nothing to say to his grandson and granddaughter-in-law.

The old man has never seen such a stupid pig-like person in his life. It would be fine if he were someone else. He doesn't care whether he dies or not. But these two pigs that look like humans, one is his grandson and the other is his grandson-in-law. You Tell me how the old man feels.

"Uncle, you are you, and Dezhu and his wife are Dezhu and his wife," Gu Siwei said with a smile.

Regarding Liu Fulin, Gu Siwei actually sighed in his heart. The old man had been worried about his whole life. His son and daughter-in-law died early, and he finally raised his grandson. Now he met a troubled grandson's daughter-in-law.

In everyone's words, what kind of evil things did Liu Fulin do in his previous life, and he will receive such retribution in this life.

"You, drink when you have free time, now it's time to enjoy yourself," Gu Siwei said.

Liu Fulin smiled, not to mention how awkward it was.

After chatting for a few more words, Liu Fulin left with his hands behind his back.

The person who just spoke reached out and patted his own mouth: "Hey, my mouth is so...".

"If you don't say it, you still have to say it."

"Isn't it time to catch up?" This person explained for himself.

"Siwei, Uncle Cai is really going to Hong Kong City. I heard that he will be there for several days and everything will be provided by Hong Kong City. Is this true?"

Gu Siwei replied directly: "Ask me about this, who should I ask? How about you ask Old Man Zheng?"

"Uncle Youcai said it was you who recommended them, and he said it himself."

Gu Siwei said: "What I recommended is true, but I didn't pay for it. How about you ask the person who paid for it?"

Gu Siwei really couldn't stand the gossip of these villagers.

But this is actually understandable. The furthest these folks have been is the county town, and some of them have barely left the mountains in their lives.

For the distant port city, it is a legendary place, roughly equivalent to the legendary Yaotai Island in the minds of outside scholars.

As soon as they heard that Zheng Youcai was going, and what Guo Shengshui had heard from Guo Shengshui about all the good things about Hong Kong, everyone was envious.

The most prosperous people in the village these two days were Zheng Youcai and his apprentice Sun Mingshi.

"You can wait until Uncle Zheng comes back to ask questions. He will see the situation in Hong Kong and the city soon."

Gu Siwei really didn't want to stay here anymore, so after speaking, he took Li Zi and headed towards the school.

Seeing Gu Siwei's displeasure, everyone stopped asking.

If Gu Siwei's temper was ignited, everyone felt that they couldn't bear it, so they simply waited for Gu Siwei to leave, then started holding bowls of stick noodle porridge and thinking about the beautiful life in Hong Kong.

When she arrived at school, Hu Yanqiu continued to be her principal, and the children returned to the classroom to attend classes. Gu Siwei naturally returned to her previous happy state.

He really has the demeanor of a hermit.

However, Gu Siwei had not been hiding here for a few days when things happened again.

Someone came to the door. Who was it? Wei Changzheng.

Gu Siwei's words two days ago finally reached Wei Changzheng's ears. Originally, Wei Changzheng didn't take it seriously. Not only did he not take it seriously, he also felt that Gu Siwei was not treating the brigade secretary as a cadre. So I made a note in my mind and waited for the right time to deal with him.

As for when is the right time, Wei Changzheng doesn't know. He is currently living with his tail between his legs.

The transfer to the countryside was unsuccessful. He originally wanted to come back and continue to work as brigade secretary, but the township head asked him to wait, which made Wei Changzheng a little restless.

Wei Changzheng thought this was a bit strange, but he had always been just a brigade secretary. He had never experienced anything, and anyone who said he was engaged in politics would laugh at the word "politics".

But human instinct can still detect a little danger.

Besides, Wei Changzheng’s job as brigade secretary over the years was not in vain, and he had a wide range of contacts. Although everyone was not high-ranking, in the bigger counties, with just those individuals and such things, he could always meet people who could listen to them. To the wind.

So someone clicked Wei Changzheng. There is a man named Gu Siwei in your village. I heard that he is very familiar with Secretary Liangyu. Secretary Liangyu always greets him at the door when he sees him.

Wei Changzheng was immediately shocked. How could he catch Secretary Liangyu? Not to mention Secretary Liangyu, even the village secretary could make him wander around. Now he could actually have Secretary Liangyu greet him in his own village. People going out?

No wonder Wei Changzheng was not well-informed, but people like Zhou Guangxian kept a low profile when they left, and the villagers thought they were just businessmen.

Now there are no mobile phones, let alone mobile phones, and even televisions are not widely available. Even if you tell him that Li Fanghai is now the secretary, he still has to ask which secretary and which Li Fanghai.

Wei Changzheng originally thought that Song Rui's popularity was because he knew Secretary Liangyu, but now that he thought about it, it was possible that the secret was there.

Wei Changzheng broke out in cold sweat as soon as he figured this out.

He didn't do anything else except slap him in the face when he met Zhou Lanbing again, and he slapped him in front of many people.

After the beating, he specifically said: "I want you to be so ridiculous again!" Did I say that Gu Siwei killed my township chief? Huh?

How could Wei Changzheng tell Zhou Lanbing this? In fact, Zhou Lanbing used this matter to vent his dissatisfaction with Gu Siwei.

She just felt that Gu Siwei was bullying her family's virtue. Otherwise, why didn't Gu Siwei recommend her family's virtue to go there, but recommended Zheng Youcai, who didn't even have a few breaths, to go there?

There are such shameless people in this world, and Zhou Lanbing is like this now. In the words of the villagers, he is like an unfamiliar dog.

Zhou Lanbing received a slap in the face, and everyone surnamed Zhou pretended not to notice. Even Zhou Lanbing's father was shrinking his neck at this time, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

After giving Zhou Lanbing a slap in the face, Wei Changzheng just wanted this matter to reach Gu Siwei's ears.

So after waiting for a few days, Wei Changzheng came to the door.

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