Life in a quiet village in Xianshan

Chapter 80 There is work to do

The brother and sister chatted for a while, and Gu Siwei started chopping firewood, while Sicui went into the vegetable garden and started mending the fence and building the pergola. In short, the little girl did her job in a decent way, no worse than Gu Siwei at all.

"Brother, should we build a chicken coop?"

"Brother, let's make a goose nest, and we'll hatch it ourselves when you encounter goose eggs next time."

While working, Sicui's little mind kept spinning, and she made countless requests to Gu Siwei in no time.

Gu Siwei naturally agreed. If he lives here permanently in the future, he still has to raise the poultry that should be raised. Although he has not been able to get chickens yet, Gu Siwei still has some pheasants, but these pheasants have been Gu Siwei had cut off his wings and could not fly far. As long as they were still in the gourd valley, they would be his meal.

Next, the brother and sister began to discuss poultry houses and pig pens. In short, the two of them got together and discussed slowly.

When the sun was about to set, Gu Siwei cooked fried rice and heated up the braised eggplant left over from noon. The brother and sister each had a large bowl of fried rice with eggplant and pickles. After eating happily, they went to bed. sleep.

In the early morning, when Gu Siwei opened his eyes, it was already bright outside.

Without getting up immediately, Gu Siwei turned to his side, hugged the quilt, and looked out the window. Outside the window was half of the Calabash Valley. Through the window, he could see a blue sky, a green mountain, and a piece of uncultivated fertile soil in front of the house. .

The sun has just emerged, and the sunlight is not dazzling yet. It is slightly golden and looks very warm and soft.

When I pricked up my ears, I could vaguely hear the chirping of birds in the trees. They kept chirping, making the morning come alive in an instant.

Gu Siwei decided to enjoy his new home and enjoy the peace and tranquility that he had rarely enjoyed in the past thirty years.

I gently got up from the bed, stood in front of the window, and directly opened the two small windows in the middle. The early morning valley breeze, carrying a trace of moisture and a little fragrance of earth, came from the two small windows at once. People squeezed in from the door and stood directly in front of Gu Siwei, which made Gu Siwei feel refreshed.

"What a wonderful morning".

Gu Siwei wanted to sigh, it would be best if he could recite a beautiful poem. Unfortunately, the nature of an engineering man made him scratch his head, and he could only sigh with emotion: Zhen Tema is so good-looking.

Just as he was preparing to have a gentleman's day to examine himself and torture his soul, a clear child's voice pulled Gu Siwei back into reality.

I stretched my head out and saw that Sicui and a group of monkeys were doing something in the ditch.

With curiosity, Gu Siwei put on his clothes, walked out of the big house, and stood at the door of the big house. He held the railing with one hand and scratched a little itchy spot on his back with the other.

"Sicui, don't tease the monkeys so early in the morning."

Gu Siwei shouted at Sicui.


Sicui didn't understand it all at once.

Gu Siwei repeated it again: "I said, don't tease the monkeys when you have nothing to do. These guys are just half-faced. I don't know when they will get impatient."

Although monkeys are hierarchical group animals, it does not mean that all monkeys have no individuality. Some monkeys are born with inferiority. Gu Siwei feels that he can still suppress it, but Sicui wants to annoy the monkeys. Being tickled is just a small problem. If the monkey takes one bite, it will be a big deal.

"I'm not teasing the monkeys, brother, I'm flooding the fields with water," Sicui replied loudly.

"Letting water flood the fields?"

Gu Siwei walked over with curiosity.

When I arrived at the field, I found that a lot of water had been put on the Sicui side. Almost one-third of the field to the east was soaked in water.

Now Gu Siwei is no longer the novice he was when he first came here. He knows what water is used for. Now when water is released into the fields, it is to prepare for planting rice. Generally speaking, after the water is flooded for a week, rice can be planted.

"You want to grow rice?" Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui looked at her brother and straightened up, and replied with a hum, "I want to plant all the land here."

"How can we plant if we don't even have any seedlings?" Gu Siwei said.

Sicui straightened her waist: "I know how to raise seedlings. I saw a big bag of rice at our house, and each one was full of ears. It was better than the rice I saw in other people's villages outside. It was so good. The rice is the best for raising seedlings. Brother, don’t worry, I’ll leave this matter to me.”

As she spoke, the little girl patted her chest.

Gu Siwei laughed and said, "You little girl, are you so confident?"

Gu Siwei didn't know how to raise seedlings. Although he grew up in a small town, he had never planted any land. Even if he had seen others farming, they had always bought seedlings and delivered them to the fields. The farmers only had to place the seedlings. Go to the rice transplanter and drive the machine around in the field, then the rice seedlings will be planted.

This is obviously not how it is done now. Not only is the breeding done manually, but people are also needed for transplanting rice seedlings and so on. Even an adult cannot bear such a trip, let alone a ten-year-old child.

"I'm confident," Sicui said firmly.

Gu Siwei said: "We can't let you do it alone, I have to come with you. Let's not be greedy for everything. We can't finish such a large piece of land with just the two of us, and we can't even think of cultivating it intensively. That way It’s unrealistic. Let’s just use the seedling-throwing method, which is almost enough.”

Sicui nodded after hearing this, and asked one more question: "Brother, do you still know how to throw rice seedlings?"

"I haven't eaten pork and I haven't seen pigs running away. They are planting rice and weeding everywhere these days. I can tell just by looking at it," Gu Siwei said.

I only saw people planting them, but I didn’t see how they sent the seedlings, so Gu Siwei was only half-hearted.

So just like that, the brother and sister began to discuss planting rice again.

About five or six minutes passed, and Gu Siwei heard Sicui's stomach growl.

"Are you hungry? When did you get up?"

Gu Siwei asked.

Sicui was a little embarrassed, rubbing her belly and said: "I always feel that such a beautiful place is not real. I fell asleep very late last night, and this morning I couldn't fall asleep before dawn, so I had to get up and think about it. Find something to do.”

"Then you thought of growing rice?" Gu Siwei said with a smile.

"What else?" Sicui thought this was a matter of course.

"Okay, if you want to work again, you have to eat enough first. Come on, let's make breakfast." Gu Siwei stretched out his hand and rubbed Sicui's head gently.

Sicui followed Gu Siwei happily, but the little girl was a child after all, and the path she walked was not a road. Instead, she walked along the narrow canal dam, giggling as she walked.

Gu Siwei turned around and glanced at her, but instead of scolding her, he asked: "What do you want to eat in the morning? Noodles or pancakes? If it's pancakes, let's cook shredded pork and vegetable soup. If it's noodles, Let’s just eat shredded pork noodles.”

"Noodles, I want to eat noodles" Sicui immediately made her choice.

Gu Siwei said: "Okay, let's eat noodles."

Back in the small kitchen, Gu Siwei made noodles while Sicui took a small basket into the vegetable garden and began to cut the green vegetables that had just grown in the ground. After cutting them, they washed them directly next to the ditch.

Gu Siwei also rolled out the noodles very smoothly. There were only two of him, so he only used a small scoop of flour, added a little water to mix the noodles, and started kneading the dough, rolling it out into a large dough ball, and sprinkled some flour on it. To prevent the skins from sticking together, overlap the skins.

clang! clang! clang!

With the sound of the knife, the noodles were cut out almost neatly and smoothly, and all the skin became noodles. Gu Siwei reached out and grabbed the cut noodles, shook it gently, and the noodles fell apart.

At this time, Sicui was already in place, and the fire at the bottom of the stove was already burning.

Put some oil in the pot, and there is only a handful of wild boar shreds in the space that has been cut. Throw it into the pot and you will hear the sizzling sound of frying. Add some spices, add a little dark soy sauce, and add some flavor. A little bit of sugar and a simple topping is ready.

Take out the toppings, add water directly to the pot, put all the noodles into the pot after boiling, cover the pot and simmer directly. After the water boils twice, open the lid and see that the tumbling noodles are already cooked. .

Pick it up, run it through cold water while it's still hot, quickly add water and take it out instantly. This not only washes off the flour on the noodles, prevents them from sticking together, but also cools down the noodles, making them more delicious to eat.

After the two bowls of noodles were put in and the toppings were poured on them, the little aroma suddenly appeared.

"Here, I'll give you this bowl."

Gu Siwei handed the bowl in his hand to Sicui.

Sicui didn't care about anything else at this time. She held the bowl and used the pot stand as a table and started sucking.

Gu Siwei wasn't much better either. The sound of his slurping noodles was no quieter than Sicui's.

Two bowls of noodles were definitely enough. At this time, Gu Siwei no longer mentioned the theory of eating less staple food and eating more vegetables.

Three strikes, five divides two, and the wind blows and the clouds remain!

In less than five minutes, the brother and sister had wiped out all the noodles in their respective bowls.

Ha ha ha ha!

After eating, the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Are you full?"

Gu Siwei asked Sicui, "If you're not full, let's make another pot."

Sicui wiped her mouth and said, "You're full. Brother, you're full. I'm definitely full. Not only full, but also a little stuffed. Listen to me."

The little girl patted her belly and made a thumping sound.

"Well, I'm full."

Gu Siwei also reached out and patted his stomach. The same sound was not bad at all.

So the brother and sister had fun together again.

They ate too much noodles in the morning, so the two of them had to take a break to eat before washing the dishes.

Unexpectedly, the two of them moved the small bamboo bed under the camphor tree, each with a small bed. After a while, they fell asleep one after another.

When the two of them opened their eyes, the sun was already in the center, and the time was already ringing.

have to! It's time for lunch again.

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