97 – The Terrifying Person

We were able to find our way back safely at the end of our journey eastward through the forest.

The place where we were teleported was a forest far away from the capital city in the northwest of the kingdom.

After passing through a small village midway, we took a carriage to go back to the capital city, Piphnelo, and then to Kubero.

I wondered if Mireya would stay in the capital city, but she ended up following me to Kubero.

Inside the returning carriage, Mariel and Sylphy seemed a little uncomfortable in front of Mireya.

I had forgotten about it because we hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

Just by being there, Mireya made people feel uncomfortable because of her characteristic lack of expression and her imposing presence.

The same went for Mariel and Sylphy, so the four of us hardly spoke in the carriage together.

I guess I’m the strange one who can casually strike up a conversation with Mireya.

I’ve thought she was scary before, but there has never been a time when I couldn’t speak because I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

I became curious about what would happen when Guild Master Algot and Milaia had a conversation in the same room. Algot has the ability to shake people up, so I wondered if she would also become docile in front of Milaia. Well, Algot may not be much different from Marielle, who always does things at her own pace and can even shut her mouth in front of Milaia. Since we were still quite far from Kubel, I purposely spoke up to lighten the tense atmosphere because of Milaia. “By the way… that guy called Bloodstain… he’s amazing.” “….” The three of them turned their gaze towards me in an instant. “If Marielle hadn’t used magic on the spur of the moment, it would have been really dangerous.” “That’s right.” Milaia echoed my words. But Marielle and Sylphy remained silent, just looking at me quietly. What’s with this atmosphere… It’s become even more suffocating than before I spoke. Although Milaia is not really that scary. Even though she solves everything by charging in and using force, and she lacks common sense, it’s not a big deal if she talks. Now that we’re all in this narrow carriage together, I can understand a bit of the kind of loneliness Milaia has been experiencing. If I were to just glance at her and make various excuses, causing people to run away or shut their mouths, I would feel like an outcast in the world. In the midst of that, Milaia might have been happy to meet someone like me who didn’t hesitate to speak bluntly, to the point where it might lead to a slight obsession. “By the way… Milaia, that man… was he a hero?” “Yes.” “So, the hero died?”

“That’s right.”

It seemed impossible to lighten the mood of the conversation with Milaeya’s strong presence. So I decided to ask her about the thing that had been bothering me.

A warrior died from Bloodstain’s strike.

As far as I knew, it was the first time in history that a warrior had died while confronting the Demon King.

I didn’t ask Milaeya for details about why she was in a place where warriors were being abducted.

But now that a warrior had died, it was necessary to think about what would happen next.

“So, isn’t this a big problem?”

“Even if he had been alive, he wouldn’t have been able to fulfill his duties as a warrior.”

“I see…”

Milaeya said firmly.

I heard that he was a trash warrior without any precedent in history.

The rumors about this warrior were so widespread that there was hardly anyone who didn’t know how despicable he was.

But apart from his personality, was he really such a low-ranked warrior that it was considered impossible to defeat the Demon King…?

“Um, can I say something?”

Marie, who had been listening to my conversation with Milaeya, spoke with a slightly trembling voice.

Is Milaeya really that terrifying? Sylphi, who was sitting next to me, had turned a little pale and was just looking outside.

“Speak freely.”

I answered in order to make Marie feel a little more comfortable.

Maybe it would have been better to rent another carriage and go separately.

Mariel glanced at Mileia with a sidelong glance and then looked back at me.

“So far, there is no record of a hero being defeated by the demons. So… no one knows what will happen now that the hero has been defeated.”

Of course, that’s true.

The hero is already dead.

But no one in this world knows what that will bring about.

“First… the kingdom should hope for a new hero to emerge. Just like when the hero was first appointed. But even if they do that and a new hero doesn’t appear, and if this hero is the last hero of this era…”

From Noble mtl dot com

“Humanity will perish.”

Mileia said expressionlessly.

There’s no point in intercepting such a terrifying remark.

Mariel closed her mouth tightly, making a gulp sound.

Humanity… perishes…

I don’t like that at all…

In my mind, the memory of the hero swinging his sword and releasing a blade of light to save Mileia came to mind.

“The kingdom that has lost its hero has lost the means to resist the power of the demon king.

Yunoa hesitated, wondering if she also had a responsibility for the blade of light that she had sent to the hero.

If the hero disappears and the kingdom and humanity perish on the continent, who is responsible for that?

Objectively speaking, Yunoa couldn’t deny that she had a share of that responsibility.”

No, but there was nothing else I could do.

Mileia was about to be stabbed by that worthless hero without any hesitation.

So, should I have saved the hero and let Mileia die?

“But even if the hero were alive, as Milaea said, there was no possibility that the hero could safely defeat the Demon King.

It was a destiny that those who should not become heroes became heroes. “

Whether dead or alive, it was certain that they would be defeated by the Demon King.

What on earth happened?

The existence of a hero is like the ultimate weapon chosen by the goddess to defeat the Demon King.

But if the goddess chose such a guy as the hero, does that mean humanity has been abandoned by the gods?

“Yunoa, why are you like this? Is there something bothering you?”

As I thought about various things in my head, Milaea asked me while looking at my face.

Is my head hurting because I’m thinking about various things that are difficult to handle?

The hero is already dead, and there is no answer that comes out of thinking about the great fate of the world and the survival of humanity.

“No, it’s nothing.”

I deliberately smiled and replied.

Yes, I don’t know much about the complicated circumstances of this world.

I only happened to learn about the old stories about the hero and the Demon King and the history of the demons.

Let’s be grateful that we are able to save Milaea safely and go back.

If we solve the tasks in front of us one by one, somehow things will work out.

Taking care of the people who are considered my own, like Algot.

With that in mind, I turned my gaze to the scenery outside the carriage.

* * *

After various twists and turns, we returned to Kubel and each went back to our own tasks.

Mariel returned to the Bellafork Mansion, to her own magical research laboratory.

Sylphy went back to her adventurous life, taking on daily quests to make a living.

Mireia sent a letter to the Central Church, informing them of the warrior’s death, and returned to her activities in Cubel.

And I… went to Guild Master Algott’s office and told him about everything we had experienced.

I also mentioned that the warrior was killed by the demons.

“Such a thing… the warrior is dead… Hm.”

Algott listened to my story with a serious expression.

“Well, it has happened. I don’t know what will happen from now on.”

“What has happened cannot be undone.”

“Your reaction is surprisingly calm.”

“Being flustered and afraid of the dark future that comes with each significant event is against my way of life.”

Her way of handling things might be wise.

Panicking and being afraid of the impending dark future just because the warrior died wouldn’t be helpful.

“By the way, I’d like to be introduced to this Mireia.”

“Come to think of it, have you never met her before?”

“No, I’ve only heard rumors.”

Algott asked me.

Since she enjoys building strong connections, she would probably want to become close with Mireia as well.

There was no reason for me to refuse, as I knew them both.

Besides, Mireia was currently in Cubel as well.

The next day.

I took Milaeya and returned to the guild office.

Just walking with her made people miraculously clear the path as if parting the sea.

I wondered if Algot would be able to have a proper conversation with Milaeya.

I had already explained to her about Algot in advance.

I said that they should have a good relationship where they help each other with various things.

Milaeya listened to me seriously and accepted without questioning when I asked her to meet Algot.

I remembered the time when Milaeya used to believe and follow almost everything I said.

I wondered if she still has the mindset of listening to anything I say.

Because it had been a long time since we last met, I couldn’t know what Milaeya was thinking now.

“Well, this is Algot, the new guild master of Kuber.”


After entering the office, I introduced first.

Milaeya stood expressionless, staring at Algot.

Algot also stared piercingly at Milaeya without saying a word for a while.

“Ah, hello. M-Milaeya, right?”

Rarely, Algot stuttered.

Milaeya’s aura was indeed intimidating, not sparing anyone.

I even felt that people’s attitudes towards Milaeya had become even harsher than before.

Yunoa’s thought that the attitude of people towards Mireia has become more severe than before was not just a feeling.

Mireia, thinking that Yunoa was dead, was consumed by intense anger and hatred towards the demons.

Perhaps because of that, the terrifying aura she emanated had sharpened even more, as if it were alive.

…Was it real?

In the strange atmosphere where Mireia and Algott silently stared at each other, I didn’t know what to do.

In my perception, Mireia wasn’t really scary enough to be that devastated.

“At this moment, Algott thought to himself. This woman, her eyes are incredibly terrifying!… he thought.”


In response to the narration, I glanced at Mireia’s eyes again.

They seemed cold enough to send chills down one’s spine on her expressionless face.

But still, it didn’t feel that scary to that extent.

Is it because I have a peculiar constitution, or because I have a close relationship with Mireia?

In the end, the first encounter between Algott and Mireia ended with just a greeting and without any further conversation.

After Mireia was sent away because the conversation couldn’t progress at all, Algott took a deep breath in his office and said,

“Phew… she’s an extraordinary person. It’s been a while since I felt this nervous.”

“I never expected Algott-san to have such a reaction.”

“Yunoa-san, aren’t you unaffected? It feels like being a herbivore facing a carnivore.”

“At first, I was a little scared too, but now I’m fine.”

“Hmm… is that so.”

Alcott looked at me as if I were fascinating and said again, “But someday… I want us to become closer. We should find a way.”

There was a strong determination emanating from Alcott as they spoke.

I couldn’t understand why this was such a burning desire, but that’s what they said.

* * *

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