Life In DXD

Chapter 111 - Numbers are still growing

The whole room was completely silent everyone in the room even Tatsuya's group was scared of the look in Tatsuya's eyes.

Tatsuya who noticed that reduced the coldness in his expression but was still glaring at Xenovia.

After he relaxed his expression a bit all of them feel a bit relaxed as well.

Xenovia now also glared back at Tatsuya and said, "Why are you siding with the witch?"

Tatsuya got angrier and said, "What right do you have to call her a witch?"

"If she isn't a witch then what is she? For a person referred to as saint, to side with the devils. She even has the powers to heal devils and fallen angels."

"Oh then what about you, do you mean to say that your oh so great holy sword can't hurt a person who is a follower of God."

At this Xenovia gritted her teeth and then said, "That's not what I mean to say, what I meant was that she used her powers to heal a devil while she was a saint."

"It was not her fault that she healed an injured person that came in front of the church she was staying in. The higher ups from your church has never taught her about how to differentiate between races. And just tell me, how can a devil enter the headquarters of the church and you exorcists just let them roam freely. In my opinion all the fault lies with you exorcists who allowed a devil to get away and instead of accepting your faults you all just banished her from the church. Not even a single one from your pathetic bunch came forward to help her."

Xenovia got agitated when she was called pathetic and said, "She was a saint, she don't need help from anyone, she don't need any friends. She can just live on her faith in God. If she just wanted friends then she should have never become a saint in the first place."

Tatsuya's glare intensified and he said, "Oh, so now you are saying that saying that she don't need help because she was a saint. Looks like you are misunderstanding something here. Asia never asked to become a saint, she was MADE a saint and do you know why. Because the higher-ups of your pathetic bunch didn't want to let go of her after seeing their ability. They gave her the title of the saint not because they thought that she was blessed by God. They gave it so that they can get hold of her."

Xenovia gritted her teeth and said, "She have suffered because her faith in God of fake and must be banished because of the same reason."

"Oh now you say because her faith in God was fake, then why did you people labeled someone whose faith was fake as a saint."

Xenovia was then left speechless. She didn't had any way to retort to him and just stayed silent.

Tatsuya who saw that smirked and said, "And even if I say that I believe you that her faith was fake, do you think that the church will take claim of you if I report that two of the church officials and holy sword weilders at that were found in a devil territory without any prior permission. Because seeing that the church only sent two people to claim their precious holy swords, I can only guess that they sent you to not be in any kind of suspicion."

Hearing that Xenovia gritted her teeth and said, "There is no way that the church would do something like that."

Tatsuya smirked again and said, "Do you think that a person who is capable of stealing the holy sword from right under the nose of the church would be someone weak to be dealt by only two people of your level. It's obvious that they don't want to take any risks and sent you here on a do or die mission. They must have said some crap like, only an Excalibur can fight against an Excalibur or even if you are not able to retrieve the sword make sure to destroy them so that they are not left in the hands of devils and fallen, right?"

Xenovia was shocked on hearing what Tatsuya said as these were the same words that the church officials said to them before sending them on the mission.

Tatsuya who saw her remain silent said, "Looks like I was correct, the church indeed said those words. Honestly how pathetic of you to actually believe in them and take this kind of mission. The church dare to call of a good and pure person like Asia a witch when the people who are having the authority there are monsters."

Xenovia was Now very angry and pointed her huge sword which was still coverd in bandages at Tatsuya and said, "You, just what are you to Asia?"

Tatsuya put a hand around Asia's waist and pulled her close to him making her blush and said, "I her friend, her family, and the one who is going to protect her from the church and people like them who are taking advantage of her kindness. Just lay a hand on her and see how I f.u.c.k you up."

As he finished that the girls from Tatsuya's group said, "You do look cool but you forgot the 'I am the one who will marry her in future' part."

Tatsuya looked back at them and said, "That was not needed here" and then looked back at Xenovia and said, "Yeah, and what they just said now as well. I will be marrying her in future."

At that moment Tatsuya could feel Irina releasing killing intent at him but he ignored her.

Xenovia who was still glaring at Tatsuya said, "Are your words directed only to us or you are making a declaration against the whole church?"

She then smirked thinking that Tatsuya will feel scared. But opposite to her expectations Tatsuya simply smiled and said, "This is neither directed to you or the church, it is directed to the whole world and dont think that I am just feigning it. If I were to get serious believe me none of the so called factions will be in existence." he said the last part in a cold voice making all of them shudder in fear, except for Asia who was in a pure bliss while being in Tatsuya's embrace.

Xenovia then looked at Gremory and said, "How can you let a mad person like him live in your territory?"

Tatsuya chuckled making Xenovia glare at him and then said, "You seem to not know this, so I will tell you. It is not Gremory who is letting me live in her territory, it is me who is allowing her and the Sitri heiresses to live and supervise the town in my stead."

At the sudden information both Xenovia and Irina were shocked.

Tatsuya then said, "You know I was willing to let you do your work in the town but now I think I should just report you and let you get banished from the church." and gave a sincere smile full of amus.e.m.e.nt.

But to Xenovia and Irina his smile looked very dangerous. If it was before they couldn't have thought that the church could banish them but after hearing Tatsuya's reasoning, they thought that their was a possibility of getting banished.

Tatsuya who was looking at Xenovia with a confused expression suddenly felt a tug on his clothes and turned his head to see who was asking for his attention.

When he turned his head he saw Asia who was still in his embrace looking up at him. Tatsuya forgot all about the argument that he was having with the exorcists and hugged her tightly and said, "Oh, Asia you look so cute~"

Just when Tatsuya hugged her Asia's blush deepened and then fumes started to one out of her when he called her cute.

Asia then composed herself and said, "Don't report them and get them banished, it will hurt someone who have faith in God, a lot. I know this from experience, it feels very bad to be asked to stay away from the only thing that you have been taught for your whole life."

Miyuki then came closer to him and said, "And even though I don't like her she is still a friend(I guess)" while pointing at Irina. "You won't want her to go through trouble right?"

Hearing both of them Tatsuya sighed and then said, "Just go and do what you want, but remember this you even try to harm someone close to me, you will live a life that will make dying look pale in comparison."

Hearing that both Irina and Xenovia looked at Tatsuya and said, "Thanks a lot." Xenovia then looked up and said, "But the conditions are still the same, don't interfere or we will kill you."

Tatsuya and his group snorted at her and said at the said time, "Like you ever could."

Hearing them Xenovia gritted her teeth but controlled herself and said, "We should be taking our leave then." Irina then came near Tatsuya and hugged him and said, "Sorry for all this trouble."

Tatsuya hugged her back and said, "It's ok the church has just made both of you narrow minded."

Irina then separated herself and pinched Tatsuya's waist and then said, "Don't badmouth the church, I will not forgive you even if you are the person I like."

Suddenly Irina remembered something and asked, "By the way I just heard earlier that you are going to marry Asia-san" Tatsuya just said, "yeah"

Irina continued to smile and said, "Then what about Miyuki, are you not going to marry her."

This time Miyuki came forward and said, "Did you hit somewhere or what? Of course Onii-sama will marry me."

Irina then looked at Tatsuya and said, "How many girls are there that you are going to marry?"

The girls from Tatsuya's group then said, "About twenty for now and the numbers are still growing."

Tatsuya looked at the girls and twitched his lips.

Irina who heard that was shocked and said, "You have become way to corrupted Tatsuya. For all the time I left you here alone you became a bad person."

Seeing her dreadful expression Miyuki smirked and said, "Oh just so you know, Onii-sama and I did the things that husband and wife do after marriage."

Hearing that Irina snapped and said, "Unforgivable, unforgivable, you come out right now, I will purify you with my holy sword while pointing at Miyuki." who just laughed in seeing her expression.

Seeing them Xenovia said, "Irina just leave them, we have more important things to do."

Irina glared at Xenovia and said, "Xenovia, right now this is the task of utmost priority."

Xenovia sighed and said, "Seriously you want to fight them."

Kiba who saw that there was a chance to fight against the Excaliburs came forward and said, "Why not I take you up on the challenge." with his killing intent fully set in the the Excaliburs.

Xenovia looked at Kiba and said, "Who are you?"

Kiba just smirked and said, "Your senpai".

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