Life In DXD

Chapter 118 - Valper Galilei

After Tatsuya was done persuading(using mind control) on police men that he was not doing anything shady both him and Koneko immediately ran away.

After confirming that no one was nearby Tatsuya put Koneko back on the ground and both sighed in relief. He then looked at Koneko and said, "That was really unexpected." Koneko looked back at him and said, "Yep, agreed."

Both of them then reached his restaurant and soon the other devils came along with the exorcists. All four of them glared at Tatsuya and Isami said, "How could you leave us behind?"

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Hey it's not my fault, we got in some trouble."

Isami looked at him with a confused expression and asked, "What trouble?"

Koneko looked at her and said, "Senpai got stopped by the police who were thinking he was a lolicon."

Hearing that all four of them looked at Tatsuya with a weird expression. Tatsuya looked back at them and said, "What? I am telling you this before hand, I do not regret it a single bit, Koneko-chan was very cute." He said that in a very determined expression making all of them sweat drop and Koneko blush.

Tatsuya then said, "Anyway first of all sit down and have something to eat a d then we will talk." At this all of them sat down and then ordered their food. Irina then looked outside the window and after observing for a while said, "This place looks kinda familiar."

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Of corse it does, it was your home earlier afterall."

At this Irina became shocked and then started to look around through the window and after confirming that what Tatsuya said was true she sighed and looked at Tatsuya and said, "So someone bought this place huh. Sigh, I was thinking of buying this place when in future when I became older and had substantial money for it."

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "To tell you the truth I am the owner of this place."

At this Irina was surprised Once again and said, "You were the one who bought this. Why?"

Tatsuya just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well the area was quite large and it was just beside my house as well. And don't worry I have stored the house in which you used to live just as it was. So you just have to ask for the house and I will sell it to you."

Irina still felt a bit bad about it but then let it go and decided to but the house later.

Soon the food was served by one of Tatsuya's clones and all of them except Isami were shocked on seeing another Tatsuya. All of them looked at Tatsuya with a confused expression and Tatsuya said, "They are just my clones, they help me run this place. Don't fret too much and start eating."

All of them looked at him for a while a d then started eating. Just as they took the first bite of their food, they became shocked on Seeing how delicious it was All oftl them started gobbling up the food without taking care about the manners.

After they were done eating Xenovia looked at Tatsuya and asked, "So what do you want to talk with us?"

Tatsuya also looked at her with a serious expression and said, "I will get straight to the point, the deal we made yesterday about not interfering in your task. I take it back, we are joining as well and we might also destroy the Excaliburs in the process."

At this the atmosphere turned tense and Xenovia then glared at him and said, "And do you think that we will let you interfere in our mission." Tatsuya glared back at her and said, "It seems like that you are forgetting that you are in my territory. I can simply execute you and no questions will be raised about it. I have already told you before your church have already prepared themselves to get rid of you if you both get exposed. They do not care whether you are Excalibur users or not."

At this Xenovia fell silent and began thinking what to do and after a while sighed and said, "Fine, I agree to the deal, but if we are able to secure an Excalibur then-"

She was about to continue but Tatsuya interrupted and said, "I cannot promise that. That decision lies with Kiba, afterall he is the only one who want to destroy those swords among us."

Xenovia glared back at him and gritted her teeth but still nodded her head.

Seeing Xenovia nodding her head, Irina became shocked and said, "Hey what are you doing? How can you let these non-believers and devils cooperate in our mission?"

Xenovia looked at Irina and said, "I know that but remember that our chances of returning back are very less and the higher-ups sent us fully prepared to sacrifice ourselves for this cause."

Irina nodded and said, "I know that but isn't that the only thing that we the believers yearn for?"

Xenovia shook her head and said, "My faith is not that deep I agree that I do believe in God, but before that I am a swordsman and I definitely don't want to die before I can take my revenge from him." and pointed at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya was surprised by that and said, "Ho, I am impressed that you still have the motivation to fight against me after that defeat."

Xenovia gritted her teeth and said, "Just you wait, I will defeat you soon." Tatsuya just waved his hand and said, "Sure sure, whatever."

He then looked at both of them and said, "Now then since we have agreed then let's start the operation." He then took out his phone and called Kiba to confirm his location and at once all of them went to him.

They all met in a park and after everything was discussed all of them started the operation with Tatsuya's team responsible for guarding the town and the devils and exorcists along with Tatsuya as the tracking team.

Later that night the exorcists separated from the group and so did Tatsuya who went his own way to find the Excaliburs.

While searching he came across many stray exorcists and fallen angels who only fell into the hands of total annihilation. Tatsuya didn't showed any mercy to them and killed them without second thought. He had enough of these kind of trashes invading his territory and if the devils are not sufficient for the cleaning he decided to do this on his own. He was very angry to see that most of them had made permanent hideouts in the town which only showed how inefficiently his territory was managed.

He was very enraged by this but what angered him more was that these hideouts were also being used to do many shady businesses quite oftenly making it sure that the devils were not doing their work properly. Tatsuya who saw the records that he gathered from these hideouts decided to give both of them a chance and if the results were to be the same then he would reclaim the rights that he had over his territory. He did not care whether Sirzechs would be pissed by this act or if Sona will start hating him. He had enough of them playing ruler and now he was not going to keep enduring all these things in his territory no matter what.

Soon he recieved a message from Koneko that they had found an Excalibur. Hearing that Tatsuya stopped his extermination and teleported to Koneko's location.

Seeing him teleport there all of them stopped and looked at him and once his figure was clearly visible Freed pointed his sword at him and said, "Ah! it's the distracting dog shit Human-kun."

Tatsuya looked at him and said, "Nice to meet you again you 'priest of shit'". Hearing his mockery Freed laughed maniacally and said, "Ah! you are still the same. Annoying as hell. I will kill you first with my new baby." and showed his new sword to him.

Tatsuya looked at him and said, "What happened to the old one, you dropped it somewhere?"

Freed looked at Tatsuya and said, "Most probably someone took it. We are not able to find it's exact location." Suddenly he realised something and said, "Hey don't ask such questions to me, I am not allowed to give you such answers."

Tatsuya looked at him with a smirk and said, "And who gave you those orders?" Freed showed an evil smile and said, "Master Kokabiel" and suddenly many Freeds appeared around him making all of them surprised.

Tatsuya immediately activated his sharingan and saw that all the Freeds disappeared only leaving behind one of them. Tatsuya then thought, 'That must be Excalibur nightmare able to create illusions and nightmares to people.'

Freed smirked on seeing that all of them were shocked on seeing that all of them were surprised on seeing the illusions.

He then saw Kiba slashing through the illusions and smirked and jumped towards him to attack. But just as he was about to slash him Tatsuya said, "Kiba the one behind you is the real one." and Kiba immediately slashed behind him making Freed block the attack.

Freed gritted his teeth and jumped back and looked at Tatsuya and said, "You really piss me of."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "I know that. Ain't that fun." Freed then glared at Tatsuya and then raised his sword and said, "I have decided now you will be the first person this sword will f.u.c.k up."

Tatsuya shook his head and said, "Sorry that is not possible." Freed then pointed his sword and said, "Why you, you think that I am not able to attack you?"

Tatsuya looked at him with a neutral expression and said, "That too and also I like to be the one who f.u.c.ks not the other way around." and smirked.

Freed who saw the smirk on Tatsuya's face got annoyed and said, "I will wipe that smirk of your face." Tatsuya just continued to smirk and said, "You are free to try."

Hearing that Freed jumped while shouting, "Take this Human." He was approaching towards Tatsuya but Tatsuya just remained standing at his place.

Freed looked at anger and said, "Why you, atleast be scared, there is no fun in killing you like this." Tatsuya ignored him and looked at his side and nodded.

Just as Tatsuya nodded Saji who understood what to do made a black coloured dragon gauntlet appear on his hand and shouted, "ABSORPTION LINE" and a blue coloured shining rope launched from the gauntlet and entangled Freed in it.

Freed looked at the the rope restraint him and said, "What is this?"

Tatsuya looked at him and said, "Oh nothing, I just thought that you would like some bondage play. I hope that it is to your liking."

Freed glared at Tatsuya and said, "No way in hell can I like something like this."

Tatsuya looked at him with an astonished expression and then smacked his hand with his fist and said, "Oh, I know this much must not be able to satisfy you." He then looked at Isami and Kiba and said. "Hey Isami give a boost to Kiba and Kiba used that energy to help our friend here to relieve himself. Slash him, cut him, pierce him with your swords. Do that till he is satisfied. I don't care whether you stick your swords in his ass, just make sure that he is completely relieved."

Hearing that all the devils looked at him with a weird expression and Freed looked at him and said, "Hey what the hell do you think you are doing? I am not into that."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "But don't you always say things like that to others, so why not try it for yourself. You never know what can make you feel relieved. Just try it, who knows that you find a new path to your life."

Freed who saw his expression on his face knew that Tatsuya wasn't kidding. He was seriously planning to do what he just said.

Freed then got panicked and started attack the rope with his sword but all that effort was in vain.

Seeing that Freed has started attacking the rope Kiba and Isami got serious and did what Tatsuya told them. Kiba don't want to lose the opportunity that Tatsuya and Saji has created for him and was Now ready to attack.

Isami finished boosting up and transferred energy to Kiba.


After that Kiba felt a surge of energy in him and smiled and said, "Thanks, i will use this energy to the fullest." He then pushed the sword in the ground and shouted, "SWORD BIRTH" and a number of swords started to appear from the ground around him and slowly and slowly started emerging in Freed's direction.

Freed who saw that got panicked and stopped attacking the the tongue tied on his hand and started to destroying the swords around him.

While he was busy in destroying the swords around him Tatsuya felt someone nearby and said, "Won't you come out and join us?"

As he said that all of them got attentive and started looking around to see who was there.

After waiting for a while when the man did not came out Tatsuya glared in his direction and said, "Come out while I am still being nice."

Seeing the glare the man shuddered and immediately came out of hiding.

Tatsuya then stopped glaring and became neutral making the man sigh in relief.

Everyone then looked at the man wondering who he was and then Freed said, "Valper-jiji" Hearing that all of them were shocked except for Tatsuya who now looked at the scene in front of him.

Kiba glared at Valper and said, "Valper Galilei" with venom in his voice.

Valper looked at him and said, "The one and only at your service and I see that you are one of my test subjects from 'that' time. Sword Birth a truly great sacred gear indeed, but none the less you were still unable to wield Excalibur."

Kiba gritted his teeth and and looked at Valper with an angry expression.

Valper then looked at Freed and said, "And why are you suffering against a bunch of kids."

Freed who kept on destroying the swords pointed at his tied hand and was about to say something but Tatsuya interrupted him and said, "Oh we were just going to do something kinky, don't mind him. By the way I have a question for you shaved Santa-san."

Valper then looked at Tatsuya and said, "And you there you are still a human yet your aura is still more refined then most of the supernatural beings, you will be Avery good test subject. Oh I can't wait to dissect you. Hey tell me what ability do you have? Do you have some sort of sacred gear?"

Tatsuya just laughed lightly and said, "Sorry I am not interested in my body getting touched much less dissected by an old man like you." He was about to say something but Isami interrupted him and asked, "Where is Kokoballs?"

All of them looked at her with a confused expression and Valper asked, "Sorry but who is Kokoballs?

Tatsuya then said, "I will do you one better, Why is Kokoballs? And yes, where is Kokabiel?"

Valper just started laughing and said, "Do you really believe that I will tell you where master Kokabiel is? Do you think that I am an idiot?"

Tatsuya didn't even wait for a second and said, "Yup" making Valper sweat drop at that.

Valper then coughed and said, "Anyway leaving that aside, Freed pass your aura through the sword and then try cutting." Freed nodded and then then passed his aura through the sword making it glow which made all the devils around him feel a bit nervous because of the holy aura.

Freed then smiled and said, "Oh, shiny" and then he slashed the rope cutting it without any problem.

He then looked at the sword and said, "Oh, yeah I like it" he then looked at the others and said, "Shitty devils and annoying human let's continue the cutting." and then launched at Kiba and slashed at him only to be blocked by another sword.

All of them were surprised by the new sword that blocked at attack and looked at the person who blocked the attack and saw Xenovia standing there.

She then glared at Freed and said, "Freed Sellzen, the heretic priest who even killed his allies, truly a despicable person."

Freed then showed an embarresed expression and said, "Oh, don't say that, it's making me blush." Xenovia then gritted her teeth and pushed him away making him fall back.

"Hi, you called for us?" all of them turned around to slee Irina in her pskin tight uniform.

Isami looked at her with surprise and said, "How did you know that we were here?"

Koneko then said, "I called them, it was the plan afterall."

Isami looked at Koneko and said, "Good job Koneko-chan."

Valper who now saw two more holy sword users got worried and said, "Freed" Freed then looked at Valper and said, "What now jiji?"

Valper then said, "Your job was to take care of the spies of the Church but now that more Excalibur users are here let's get away."

Freed looked at him with a dissapointed expression and said, "So soon, but I wanted to slice some of them apart."

Valper then narrowed his eyes making Freed sigh and said, "Fine jiji, Let's go."

He then looked at the others and said, "See you later shitheads." and then threw a flash bang on the ground eloping both him and Valper in a blinding light but before they were able to get away Tatsuya again took his sword and stored it in his storage.

Once the light died down Kiba and the exorcists gritted their teeth and ran away searching for them.

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