Life In DXD

Chapter 144 - I win

After Ophis made everyone clear about her 'seat' all of them got serious Once again and both the sisters were now ready to confront each other.

Koneko looked at Kuroka for a while and then said, "Onee-sama, what are you doing here?"

Kuroka only showed a playful smile and said, "I am here to visit my mate Tatsuya nyaa."

Koneko's lips twitched when she heard that and this was not left unnoticed by Kuroka. Koneko sighed and said, "Can you be a bit more serious?"

Kuroka acted to be hurt by her comment and said, "You think I am joking here nya? Well you will have the proof in a few months when you will become the aunt of my kittens nya." and looked away.

Hearing her answer all the girls immediately looked at Tatsuya who was not even bothered by what Kuroka said and was happily eating cake along with Ophis.

Seeing that most of the girls sighed except for Koneko who gave a glare to Ophis to which she replied with a victorious smile on her face.

Koneko was about to lash out at her but soon turned her head when she felt her surroundings getting cold. She saw Miyuki releasing a lot of her magic Power and had ice formed around her.

Miyuki then looked at Kuroka and said, "Ara, Kuroka-san you should know that there are some matters that you should not joke about, right?" with a 'friendly' smile on her face.

And suddenly Kuroka jumped from her seat and everyone saw a huge ice spike where she was sitting.

Seeing the ice spike most of the girls there had cold sweat on their foreheads and Kuroka immediately grabbed her butt which would have been penetrated if not for her jumping away.

She looked at Miyuki with a smile with her lips twitching and sahe said, "Miyuki nyaa you should not get angry at jokes nyaa. We are friends nyaa."

Miyuki also kept her 'smile' on her face and said, "Make a joke like that again and all of us will be mourning on our friend's death." with the same smile on her face.

Hearing that all of them looked at Miyuki and thought at the same time, 'F.U.C.K.I.N.G SADIST'.

Miyuki then looked at Koneko and said, "Oh, Koneko-chan sorry for interruption. Please continue." and then turned back to her 'normal' mode.

Koneko looked at her friend for a while and then nodded and said, "Why did you left me Onee-sama?"

Before Kuroka can answer Tatsuya interrupted them and said, "Oh wait a minute." He then took out the journal that he got in the Naberius territory and placed it on the table.

He then looked at Koneko and said, "You sisters can sit together and go through that journal. I guess most of your questions will be answered from that."

Both of them looked at the journal and then at Tatsuya and at Tatsuya a d asked, "What is that?"

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "It is the diary of a lolicon."

Hearing his answer all of them looked at him with a dumbfounded expression but it immediately changed into the ones of trying hard to hold their laugh when they heard a voice.

"What will they know by reading your diary?" Tatsuya's lips twitched immediately and said, "I am not a lolicon. I only like cute, fluffy and beautiful." and looked at Ruyaa who was looking at him with a smirk on her face.

Ruyaa then sighed and said, "Well whatever." Tatsuya just ignored her and looked at Koneko and said, "Go and read that you will know why she did that back then." He then looked at Kuroka and said, "You can use it as a proof to clear your name as a stray as well." and smiled.

Kuroka who now understood what it was immediately jumped on Tatsuya and and said in a joyful tone, "Tatsuya nyaa I love you nyaa." and hugged him while pushing his face in between her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Tatsuya who was enjoying the feeling of the softness on his face had a smile on his face but soon decided to push her away as he was having problem to breathe.

But before he was able to do that Kuroka was immediately thrown away by Ophis who was sandwiched in between the two.

She then looked at Tatsuya and stared at him for a while before asking , "Do you like her b.o.o.b.s?"

Hearing that all the attention was now on Tatsuya who didn't know how to answer the Dragon God's question.

While this was going on Koneko was going through the journal given by Tatsuya and looked at Kuroka who was rubbing her head after coming out of the crater formed by her when she was thrown by Ophis.

She then looked at Koneko and when she found her looking at her as well she just gave an apologetic smile and walked towards her.

She was about to hug her but Koneko stopped her. Seeing what Koneko did made Kuroka slightly dissapointed but she didn't showed it on her face and said, "Sorry Shirone nya, I hope that didn't made you feel uncomfortable nya."

All of them then looked back at the sisters curiously waiting for her response.

Suddenly all of them were surprised when they saw Koneko punching Kuroka's stomach with all her power and even though Kuroka didn't moved her face still had a painful expression.

Some of the girls were going to intervene between them but Tatsuya raised his hand and made them stop.

Koneko then lifted her head and with tears in her eyes asked, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE? WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU? DO YOU KNOW HOW SAD I WAS FOR ALL THOSE YEARS?"

Kuroka just looked at Koneko with a pained expression on her face and immediately hugged her. Koneko who felt Kuroka hugging her tried to free her out of her grasp but was unable to do so. She then heard Kuroka crying and then stopped.

Kuroka who now didn't feel any resistance from her sister hugged her tighter and said, "I am sorry Shirone. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry."

Kuroka kept on apologising without any care and hearing her Koneko started to cry harder.

Seeing the two of them the others started to feel sad for them as well.

Tatsuya who saw how the situation was in the room sighed and said, "Let's leave the two alone for a while. They will be able to sort out their feelings easier." and then stood up along with Ophis and left the room and the others followed him soon.


All of them were waiting silently for the sister to come out of the room and were looking at the door intently. Soon they saw the door opening and both the sisters coming out with this time Koneko having her cat ears on her head.

Seeing the two along with Koneko's ears out Tatsuya smiled and said, "So everything got cleared between you two, huh."

Both Kuroka and Koneko smiled at that Kuroka said, "Thank you very much Tatsuya nyaa. I don't know how can I ever repay you nya."

Tatsuya just shrugged his shoulder and said, "Just let me enjoy you tails and ears in return."

Hearing that Kuroka made a mischievous smile and said, "Of course I don't mind nya, but you do know that you have to take responsibility for that, right nya?"

Tatsuya who heard that just gave a smile in return and said something to her telepathically making her blush and have a happy expression on her face.

Koneko then came closer to Tatsuya and said, "Senpai, did you know about me and my sister from the beginning?"

Tatsuya looked at Koneko with a neutral expression and said, "Yeah".

Seeing no change in his expression Koneko's ears twitched which made Tatsuya's brow twitch as well because of how cute Koneko looked at that time.

Koneko then did a pout adding more damage and said, "Then you should have told me so, I hate you Senpai." and looked away.

Tatsuya just gave a wry smile and said, "I cannot do that, it should have been Kuroka herself to tell you about all this."

Koneko then looked at Tatsuya and stared at him for a while and then said, "I am very grateful for this Senpai."

Tatsuya just waved his hand and said, "You don't need to mind that, I am your Senpai afterall. It is my duty to help my cute Kouhai."

Koneko looked at him for a while and then bowed her head and said, "I W-w-will let Y-Y-You touch my e-e-ears for a while in return." and started twitching her ears.

Tatsuya who saw the two white ears moving to and fro in front of him unconsciously moved his hand and started rubbing them with a satisfied smile on his face while Koneko was making small m.o.a.ns because of the pleasure.

Seeing the smile on Tatsuya's face the other nekoshou took out their ears and tails as well and then sat around Tatsuya letting him drown in fluffiness.

The others who were left behind and were forced to watch them were looking at the other girls hatefully except for Ophis who didn't know what was happening.

After a while when Tatsuya was completely satisfied he let the others go who were taking deep breaths to calm themselves.

Koneko then looked at Tatsuya and said, "Y-Y-You will have to take r-r-responsibility for this Senpai." Tatsuya who heard that immediately hugged Koneko and said, "Then from now on you are my kitty."

Koneko who was being hugged by Tatsuya was in a bliss and had a happy expression on her face. She then looked at Ophis and gave a victorious smirk to her.

Ophis who saw the smirk didn't know why but somehow she felt angry by that.

She then pulled Tatsuya's sleeve making him focus on her.

Seeing that Tatsuya was now looking at her she put both her hands in her head imitating the cat ears and while tilting her head said, "Nyaa~"

Tatsuya was then left motionless and a stream of blood was coming out of his nose which made all of them shocked as this was the first time that they saw Tatsuya having a nose bleed.

Ruyaa immediately put a serious expression on her face and said, "See it all of you, I am hurt to say this but looks like Ophis is the last boss among us."

All of them who heard her statement nodded their head and decided to make sure to not let Ophis get ahead of them.

Ophis then looked at Koneko and with a small smile said, "I win."

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