Life In DXD

Chapter 156 - Eat it

After that Tatsuya was somehow able to convince Gasper once again to come out and lead him to the main hall.

Tatsuya took a seat besides Koneko while Gasper was standing in the centre. Suddenly he felt that his phone started ringing and he took it out and noticed that it was Himari who was calling him.

Tatsuya excised himself and got out of the room and picked it up.

"Yeah, Himari?"

"Tatsuya can you come at my location immediately?"

"What happened?"

"Your predictions were correct."

"You wait there I will be there in an instant."

Tatsuya then ended his call a d informed the others that he had some work to take care off. He then looked at Akeno and sent a telepathic message to her making her slightly surprised but soon she turned serious and nodded her head.

Tatsuya then formed a magic circle and teleported away to Himari's and others location.


Tatsuya suddenly appeared in an abandoned alley and he looked around the alley only to find some marks which showed that a fight took place here.

Tatsuya then looked at the girls and asked, "What happened here?"

Kagura came forward and said, "Just like you told us this morning, there were some devils who followed us on the way here and once they found a chance 'tried' to ambush us. Though we beat the hell out of them, but the important part here is that there were some fallen angels involved as well."

Hearing that a Tatsuya looked at the corpses lying here and there on the ground. He looked at the girls and said, "You could have atleat spared their heads so that we can recognise them."

Hearing him all the girls snorted and Shizuka said, "They were even 'trying' to 'play' with us, they should be grateful that at least thei-"

Tatsuya cut her speech and said, "You should have cut their manhood first , and then you should have killed them slowly." with a 'smile' on his face.

Seeing his smile all the girls gulped their saliva and thought at the same time, 'These devils were lucky that they did not face him.'

But their thoughts were interrupted by Shuri who walked towards Tatsuya and said, "You have a great mindset, you will go very far in life."

All of them looked at Shuri and weren't sure what to say.

Tatsuya sighed and said, "Anyway, you atleast let one of these insects run away right?"

All of them nodded their head and Miyuki said, "Yeah, We were 'not able to stop him' and he escaped 'somehow'."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Good, I want the boss of these insects or at least some higher ranking insects come out of their holes. They have lived far too long."

A maniac like grin appeared on his face and he said, "Things are taking an interesting turn now, I will make sure to make full use of it."

He then looked at the girls and asked, "What was the level of power that you all showed to the enemy?"

Ingvild said. "Some of us showed our powers to be of mid-middle class to the peak-high class level."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Good job there, now escort Shuri back home and make sure to cover all evidences of fight, I don't want the other areas like the one here, An expert can easily tell from the marks left behind that the winning side was holding back a lot."

The girls nodded and then started walking back. Tatsuya used his magic to clear the area and then stored the dead bodies.

He then decided to talk to Azazel about this matter and then tracked his energy signature, which made him greatly surprised as he was currently in the Kuoh Academy.

Tatsuya then teleported there and started walking towards the location where everyone was gathered.

As he got close to their location he heard Azazel's voice, "You do know that even if all of you were to attack together, it will still not make an effect right?"

Hearing that Tatsuya smirked and said, "So how about we try that now, with me included of course."

Hearing his voice all of them turned their heads and saw him walking towards then with his hands in his pockets.

Noticing him Azazel's lips twitched and he said, "Now now let's not do that, you don't want to bully this friendly neighborhood fallen right?"

Tatsuya smiled and said, "Haha surely you jest Azazel, why would I want to bully you?"

Hearing that Azazel smiled and said, "Yeah I tho-"

Before he was able to finish Tatsuya said, "I will just rip pf your wings and will make fried fallen wings for you, extra spicy at that?"

Hearing that Azazel took a step back and said, "Even though I am a fan of your food I don't like the idea of being a part of the ingredients."

Tatsuya's face became neutral and he said, "You all can keep your guard down, he will not harm you."

Hearing him the remaining ORC members along with Saji lowered their guard but were still keeping a close eye on Azazel.

Tatsuya then asked, "So why are you here?"

Azazel calmed down as well and said, "I heard about a holy demonic sword user here and you know my curiosity?"

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Unfortunately, he is not here at the moment."

Azazel sighed and said, "Well it cannot be helped." He then turned his gaze which fell upon a tree behind which Gasper was hiding.

"Yo, Vampire." making Gasper shriek out.

"Forbidden Balor View, a sacred gear which can be very dangerous if the user is not able to control it."

He then looked at Saji and said, "And the dark draconic pulse, Absorption line is it? You can train that half-vampire there by sucking out the excess power from it."

This made the rest of the people surprised and Azazel said, "Seriously, you didn't know that, boy don't underestimate that sacred gear, that gear has the power of the evil black Dragon, Vritra, the prison dragon of the five dragon kings."

Azazel then put his hand on his goatee and said, "Ah, there is a much faster way to do that, by drinking the red dragon's blood. Afterall Vampires are made to drink blood. Well all that is left for you all to do is to try every method I just told."

And Azazel started walking away. Seeing that Tatsuya narrowed his eyes and said, "Azazel there is something that I want to ask you?"

Azazel slightly turned his head and stopped. Tatsuya then said, "Are there any fallen angels here in the town that you called for?"

Hearing his question Azazel made a confused expression. Seeing that Tatsuya closed his eyes and sighed and said, "Forget it. See you later then."

Azazel looked at Tatsuya for a while and then shrugged his shoulders and said, "See you then." and walked away.


Later that night everyone of them were in the gymnasium in their PE uniform while Gasper was in girl's uniform and had the Absorption line attached to his head.

Tatsuya looked at Saji and said, "Suck out more out of him."

Saji nodded and said, "Yes, Aniki" and started absorbing more power from Gasper making him m.o.a.n.

Tatsuya looked at Gasper and said, "Stop m.o.a.ning like a girl, this instant."

Gasper looked at Tatsuya and shyly nodded his head.

He then turned his head and saw Koneko rubbing something on the dodgeballs and asked, "What are you doing Koneko?"

Koneko looked at Tatsuya and said in her monotone voice, "Coating these balls with Garlic paste." making Gasper Shriek out and try to run away only to be brought back by Xenovia.

"Isami throw it without mercy. He have to man up a bit."

Isami nodded and said, "Don't hate me Gasper, this is for your own good." and threw the garlic covered dodgeball towards Gasper.

Gasper who saw the ball coming towards him freaked out a bit and his Sacred gear activated and the time stop for all of them except for Tatsuya and Gasper tried to run away.

Suddenly the time started running normally and Gasper was brought back by Xenovia.

Isami looked at Gasper and said, "You have to stop the ball, not us."

Koneko looked at Gasper and said, "If you cannot stop the ball then get hit by it in the face."

"Uwaaaaaa Koneko-CHAN is bullying me."

Isami looked at Tatsuya and said, "Why don't we try the other method, that drinking my blood method."

Hearing that Gasper started freaking out and said, "No, I don't like blood."

Isami looked at Gasper and said, "But aren't you a vampire?"

Gasper shook his head and said, "No no no, I don't like anything raw."

Seeing him whining Koneko looked at Gasper and said, "Good for nothing vampire." and Gasper started crying once again.

Seeing him Tatsuya sighed and walked towards him and crouched down to his level and said, "Gasper look at me."

Gasper slowly lifted his head and saw Tatsuya looking at him.

Tatsuya looked in Gasper's eyes and said, "Do you want to be like this forever, whining like this. Didn't you say that you will become a man."

Gasper sniffed and said, "But Senpai, I don't like blood, I don't like outside, I am scared."

Tatsuya placed his hands on Gasper's shoulders and said, "And when are you planning to overcome these fears, a man is not like this, a man never gives up and even if he is scared of something he never shows it to others and face it head on. Don't you want to be like that?"

Gasper looked at Tatsuya for a while and then nodded his head and said, "Yes, I want to be a man."

"Are you really sure?"

"I am sure."

"It will be very though."

"I am ready for it?"

"Are you ready to become strong?"

"Yeah I am ready for it."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Good, if you do not give up then I promise that I am not going to give up in making you a real man."

Gasper nodded his head and said, "Yes, I will become strong."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "Do you know what the greatest hero said, when his disciple was resolute just like you?"

Hearing the question Gasper shook his head.

Tatsuya then pierced his finger with a fine needle and some drops of blood trickled down from his finger and then Tatsuya used his magic to turn them into pills.

He then took the pill and showed it to Gasper and suddenly Tatsuya's face complete changed such that his eyes were not visible and his face became a bit angular, just like All might, "Eat it."

Gasper immediately freaked out on the sight of blood and ran away while screaming like a girl.


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