Life In DXD

Chapter 17 - Festival 4

After killing all the Youkai in the room Tatsuya went towards the room from where he felt Yasaka's and Kunou's presence. He got closer to the door and kicked it open. When the dust cleared Tatsuya saw what was happening in the room and got enraged.

He saw both Yasaka and Kunou tied up and were restrained by some sort of chains. But the thing which made him enraged was that the man in front of him was about to **** Yasaka. Tatsuya looked at the man coldly and had decided that he would not give an easy death (like the one he gave to other Youkai) to him.

The man who was about to **** Yasaka was shocked when the door was broken and a man came but he was confident that he could defeat him as he was just a human, but when he noticed the cold glare that Tatsuya gave him he shudered and began sweating.

Even though he was a bit more serious than before but he still believed that he could beat Tatsuya. He looked at Tatsuya with anger and asked, "who the hell are you bastard, how dare you ruin my fun time with this bitch." And just like that he kept on spouting nonsense and bad-mouthing Yasaka.

Tatsuya who was getting more and more angry kept walking towards him.

Seeing that Tatsuya was not going to answer him the man started to release his aura. Feeling the pitiful amount of aura that the man was releasing to intimidate him, Tatsuya stopped on his tracks, looked down and started to think of a way to give him the worst death possible but to the others it seemed that Tatsuya was scared.

Seeing him stop Kunou and Yasaka started shedding tears as they were feeling bad for involving Tatsuya in this mess. The man who saw that Tatsuya stopped thought that he got scared. The man had a smirk on his face but it immediately turn into a frown by the next action that Tatsuya did.

Tatsuya who now had thought of a plan couldn't help but give a sinister smirk. Seeing his smirk the man got enraged and said, "you dare to laugh at me... the great ME!!"

The man shouted and launched an attack towards Tatsuya. Seeing the man attack Tatsuya Kunou and Yasaka closed their eyes as they didn't want to see him die.

Suddenly a loud shriek was heard by them but the voice didn't belonged to Tatsuya. They both looked towards them and saw that Tatsuya was holding the man's fist and was crushing it while looking down and the man was on his knees and was trying to endure the pain.

Tatsuya then looked up and directly looked in the man's eyes with his RINNEGAN activated.

The man and the other two were surprised at this development. The man who was being stared at by those eyes thought that those eyes could see through his soul.

Tatsuya who was crushing his hand released him and opened his palm aiming at him and said, "Shinra Tensei" and the man was thrown towards the wall with a great force. Tatsuya walked towards Kunou and brought her close to Yasaka. He looked at both of them with a reassuring smile and said, "Wait for a bit I will free you after killing this shit soon."

He stood up and walked towards the man while both Kunou and Yasaka kept on looking at his back.

The man who was smashed in the wall stood up and was now completely serious. He looked towards Tatsuya with a hateful expression and said, "I will kill you" and used his senjutsu to attack him. Tatsuya once again pointed his palm in the attacks direction and absorbed them. The man was stupefied by this act and was now thinking of a way to get out of this situation but his thought was cut off by Tatsuya who said, "you cannot get out of this situation." Tatsuya who heard his thoughts with his telepathy thought of scaring him a bit.

The man when heard Tatsuya's word had become pale. He understood that Tatsuya could hear his thoughts as well. Tatsuya smiled at him but this smile gave him deep chills. As if the man had some doubts about Tatsuya's mind reading were cleared when Tatsuya said, "Yeah I can hear." The man knew that he was in deep shit now.

Tatsuya again gave him a glare but this time he also released his killing intent as well. The man who was experiencing all this was now literally pissing his pants.

Tatsuya absorbed all the chakra present in his body with his RINNEGAN and started smashing him to the ground or wall by his telekinesis but stopped after a while, the man's face was now unrecognisable.

The man was lying on the floor with all his bones broken and his body covered in blood. Tatsuya walked to the man and grabbed his head by his hair and looked directly in his eyes but this time activating his EMS and used Tsukiyomi on him.

Even though it was Tsukiyomi but it was Tatsuya's Tsukiyomi and there is only one thing that could be said about his Tsukiyomi...It was a man's greatest nightmare. Tatsuya can use the normal Tsukiyomi as well but he has also created his ow special torture Tsukiyomi as well.

Inside the man's mind he could see and feel the the pain of his **** getting chopped off and his body pierced with swords for three days but outside only ten seconds have passed. The man got back his consciousness was breathing very heavily and looked towards Tatsuya with fear in his eyes.

Tatsuya looked at the man for a while and thought that it was enough for him. He stood up and started walking away much to the relief of the injured man, but before he could celebrate Tatsuya again looked back at him and said, "Amaterasu"

The man was engulfed in black flames and was crying and shouting in pain. Tatsuya went towards Yasaka and Kunou and freed them and was immediately hugged by the both of them. Both Yasaka and Kunou started crying in his embrace but he didn't said anything and let them cry to their heart's content.

After a while they had stopped crying and Tatsuya looked down and saw both of them sleeping in his embrace. He gave a tired sigh and gave a telepathic message to Kurumi telling her about the situation and also told them to come back to the hotel soon as he was going to take them back there as he didn't knew where they lived.

Tatsuya used his time alteration(Saiki's skill) and fixed their clothes and appearance and teleported back to his room.

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