Life In DXD

Chapter 182 - The council

After Tatsuya confirmed that the devil was dead he teleported back at the venue hall and noticed that all the devils were looking at him with both awe and fear.

Tatsuya then looked towards Diodora and decided to hear what he was thinking.

'That attack was certainly powerful, but I think that was the power of the sword itself, also it being a holy sword was also a reason for the death of the devil.....anyways I have the power of Ophis I will not have any problems with some small fry human.'

Hearing that Tatsuya internally smirked suddenly he felt some devils coming towards him and turned his head and saw the devil council walking towards him with Lord Bael leading them.

Lord Bael then stood in front of Tatsuya and looked at him with a stern expression and said, "You certainly posses a powerful weapon."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "Oh, I am honoured to hear your praise."

Lord Bael then said, "But you should know that killing a member of the council will certainly make you our enemy, even though you are in an alliance with us."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "I think you are mistaken, me and my group are not in an alliance we have been neutral from the beginning. Besides was he really a member of the council?"

A devil who was standing at the back of the group said, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!! OF he was a member of the council?"

The devil then became confused.

Hearing Him the other members of the council became confused as well and started to discuss among eachother.

"Hey was he really the member of the council?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"The one that the human brat just killed."

"Oh that one I don't know? Which family did he belong to?"

"Ummmm...I don't know?!?!"

The commotion started to get louder and louder and seeing that Tatsuya smirked and thought, 'Mind control is simply awesome. In just an instant they even forgot about the devil.'

Then one of the devil said, "T-Then too you killed a devil in front of us. Do you think that you can get away with that!!!"

Tatsuya just chuckled and said, "Then going by that logic, you won't mind if I take actions for all the humans that were killed in my territory by the devils right? I don't mind swinging my sword a few more times a 'little' bit stronger this time." and then the sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing the sword which was releasing a holy aura far stronger that they have ever experienced from a holy sword all the devil's became tensed and took a step back.

Lord Bael looked at Tatsuya with narrowed eyes and said, "Do you think that you can threaten us in our own territory."

Tatsuya looked at him with a deadpan look and said, "Umm....hello I am literally doing that."

Lord Bael looked around then noticed the devils around them and then snorted seeing most of them getting scared. His gaze then fell on Sirzechs and once both of them looked into each others eyes Sirzechs vigorously shook his head in denial.

Seeing that Lord Bael's eyes widened in surprise on seeing that even Sirzechs didn't want to mess with Tatsuya.

Tatsuya then put the sword back and said, "Relax, I am not going to fight here. I was just angry because he dared to berate Sona in front of me."

Hearing that the council's eyes widened while Sona blushed on hearing him.

Lord Bael then asked, "And why would you be getting upset to that extent for miss Sitri. Going that far for a frie-"


Lord Bael who was about to continue stopped and looked towards Tatsuya with an astonished expression and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "I said that she is my Fiance....Serafall as well."

Lord Bael and most of the devils in the room got shocked and looked at the two sisters who were just mentioned.

Both of them who were now the centre of attention had different expressions. Sona got embarresed and looked like she just wanted to hide somewhere, while Serafall was puffing her chest proudly with an expression which said, "How about that?" She then glanced at Grayfia who was standing behind Sirzechs and smirked.

Grayfia who saw Serafall's expression smirked back remembering the thing that happened back in the Gremory mansion. Seeing the expression Serafall hot a bit panicked and looked at Grayfia with a glare which said, "What happened between you two?"

Grayfia as if understanding what Serafall was asking showed a cheerful smile on her face and then looked away.

Serafall who saw that was about to attack Grayfia bit stopped herself after realising where she was and thought, 'I will deal with that maid later.'

Some of the devil from the councill then looked at Serafall and Sona and said, "I didn't know that both of you will fall so low that you will get engaged with a human. Both of you have really degraded the reputation of us devils."

Hearing that both Sona and Serafall glared at Lord Bael who didn't even flinched at that.

Tatsuya looked at those devil and then thought, 'Looks like there is going to be quite a news in tomorrow's underworld newspaper.'

Sirzechs who noticed Tatsuya's expression thought, 'Looks like my work is going to increase by a large scale.' and slumped his shoulders.

Tatsuya then clapped his hands becoming the centre of attention once again and said, "Now now don't scare my fiancees, otherwise there might be something 'funnier' happen here." and took out Excalibur and started charging the Magical energy in it making its blade glow.

The council men who were standing closest to Tatsuya took a few steps back and then except for the Bael the rest of them started to flare out their auras.

Tatsuya who noticed the 'huge' amount of aura that was coming out of them yawned and passed more energy in the sword and moved his hand upwards and once again a huge golden beam started forming above its blade making all the devil including the mauous panic at the amount of holy aura.

Tatsuya then said, "I don't mind if you want to have a go with me you have the guts?"

Hearing him openly insult the council the devil got shocked and looked towards the council.

The council men themselves got angered by the insult that Tatsuya threw at them and glared at him.

Some of the members were about to argue to him but Lord Bael then raised his hand making his fellow council men stop and then said, "We should not let the matters escalate, we don't want the young devils to die this early." He then turned around and said, "I will pretend that such a thing didn't happen here and I hope that we don't meet again huma- Tatsuya Shiba."

Seeing him the other council men also followed him while gritting their teeth.

Tatsuya who heard Bael's thoughts muttered, 'He seriously is an interesting bastard. Just because most of the devil's here were 'pure' he left, he didn't even had an intention to back down from the fight. He truly posses the pride of the devils."

Tatsuya then put back his sword and said, "I am going to the washroom and then left the hall leaving behind the people completely silent.


The devil council who were walking back to were complaining to Lord Bael about Tatsuya.

Bael who was silently listening to their complaints looked back at them and said, "Then do any of you have the strength to stand against his attack."

Hearing the question all of them got silent and lowered their heads.

Lord Bael looked at them for a while and said, "Only speak about this when you have some kind of idea." and started walking again seeing which the others started following soon.

All of them then entered the room but once the last member entered the door got closed on its own and then disappeared from the devil's sight.

Seeing that the devil's started panicking but stopped once they heard a voice.

"Good, now that you all are here let's start the discussion."

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