Life In DXD

Chapter 197 - Big treatments take longer to cure

TIMESKIP: 10 days

After ten days of intense training/torture Tatsuya's group along with the two dragon sacred gear wielders were allowed to take a day off from the training.

They all were so glad about it that Saji and Isami even shed some tears of joy while the other girls nodded on seeing the two and remembered the first time they started training. For them it was nostalgic on seeing their juniors acting like that.

During these 10 days Tatsuya made them go through so much physical tortures that their bodies were now resistant to some amount of pain. For Saji he can take on any attack from mid-low class level being like they are nothing and was himself at High mid-class level and that is if he is not using his Sacred gear.

Isami too have improved but her training with them from earlier made her capable of fighting low-high class being without her Sacred gear and with her Balance Breaker she can now take on peak High class beings with ease though people like Sairaorg and completely serious Riser were still in another league for her but she can easily handle Rias.

The girls from Tatsuya's group who have been on a bottle neck for more than an year Finally broke through and were now all of them were satan class beings though low Satan class.

Ingvild and Kurumi who were already in Satan class level made great progress as well as Ingvild broke through and became mid-satan class level and Kurumi was at the bottle neck of her peak-satan class level. Both of them were very glad because of the increase in their powers as both of them had been stuck on their previous levels for past two years and that is not considering the time that they spent in time chamber.

Ingvild also was Now able to control her super class Power effectively though for a short amount of time and now could go to low-super class level for half an hour per day. And just like other super class devils she too changes her form. In her super form her violet hair turns blue with a glow coming out of her body of the same colour as well. She also gains a Leviathan's tail and her skin gets covered with Leviathan's scales making her look more like a humanoid leviathan.

Seeing that Ingvild getting back to her Super form the rest of the teammates were happy for her and congratulated her with Kurumi being the most enthusiastic among all of them as both her and Ingvild have been close in strength for quite a long time and consider each other as their rivals.

Seeing that her rival got a hang of her original power Kurumi felt a little left out since she required to enter Tatsuya's body inorder to go to her tailed beast form. Hearing her problem Tatsuya just stared at her for a while and said, "You really are an idiot aren't you?"

He then lifted his shirt which revealed his chiseled body to all of them making the four girls who have been going on with him during the night daily blush a bit.

Tatsuya ignored the looks that they were giving to him and focused on his body and soon some blacks inscriptions appeared on his belly.

Tatsuya simply released the seal but didn't remove it because if he did Kurumi will be immediately sent back to the Astral plain.

But Kurumi who didn't knew that widened her eyes in shock and immediately grabbed Tatsuya's hand in order to stop him and said, "What are you doing?! Don't you know that a person will die if a failed beast is removed from its body!!!!!" and immediately tried to put the seal back on him.

But Tatsuya grabbed her hand and said, "Whoa whoa, wait a bit. I don't have any intention to die and for your information I have only released the seal not remove the seal you are still a part of me. So don't stress too much about it. Besides do you think that something like removing a tailed beast from my body will kill me?"

Hearing that all of them remained silent for a while and Kurumi felt embarresed by thinking that something like this could harm him.

Ruyaa who have standing on the sides chuckled and said, "A person who have been keeping up with me in bad for 10 days would not suffer from something like this."

But immediately all the girls who have been training for the pat ten day looked at her making Ruyaa and smirk at them while Grayfia, Kuroka and Tiamat smirked as well.

Seeing their smirk the others immediately glared back at them and then dragged Tatsuya along with them to his bedroom.


There was no news from any of them for three days after that incident.


Three days later the door of Tatsuya's room opened and Tatsuya came out of the room while stretching his body. His muscles felt a bit sore from all the 'hardwork' that he did for all those three days not to mention he put a time dilation barrier around the room at that.

He then silently went towards the bath room and thought, 'It took 12 days to make them pass out huh, looks like the training is effective in more than one way.'

After he was done with his bath and was feeling refreshed he went out of his mansion and saw Grayfia and Venelana teaching Millicas how to handle his demonic energy while Saji would take out any excess energy that he had with his Sacred gear.

Once Tatsuya's figure was visible to them Saji immediately greeted him followed by the others with Millicas immediately rushing towards him and asking him to play with him.

Tatsuya just smiled and agreed to the adorable Gremory's request and decided to take the ones whi were still awake to the amus.e.m.e.nt park in his dimension. Saji declined though since he wanted to rest up a bit more knowing that his training will begin soon and went inside the mansion.

On his way Millicas who was in Tatsuya's shoulders asked, "Onii-chan where are Miyuki-san and the others."

Tatsuya whose smile wavered for a bit controlled himself and said, "After all that training they all felt a bit sick so I gave them the 'medicine' and now they are sleeping to recover."

Millicas looked at him for a while and then asked, "But you took three days."

To his question Grayfia said, "Big dic- *cough**cough* treatments take longer to ple*cough* cure Millicas-sama."

Hearing that all the people who knew what 'treatment' was going on looked at her and then stared towards Tatsuya's lower half and immediately Koneko and Rossweisse had a intense blush on their faces while Venelana just kept a hand on her mouth and said, "Ara ara."

Tatsuya just ignored the looks he was getting and went with Millicas to the rides he wanted to go while the others just enjoyed on their own.

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