Life In DXD

Chapter 200 - Return to Kuoh

After the duel with Xenovia Tatsuya and the others went inside for dinner and after resting for the night decided to go back to the human world which made Millicas, Grayfia and Venelana very sad but they knew that they had to go back to their normal lives. Millicas though said that he would soon come to meet him in Kuoh to which Tatsuya consented with a smile on his face.

Tatsuya and the others thanked everyone in the Gremory mansion for their help during the past few days and then decided to say their goodbyes to the other friends like Sairaorg and the others as well.

While visiting Sairaorg's mansion he asked for a duel from Tatsuya who decided to entertain his friend for a bit.

After the duel was over he went to the Phenex mansion much to the surprise of Riser and his family, though Ravel was very excited and immediately went in the kitchen to bake some sweets for Tatsuya.

They all talked for a while and Isami also took some notes from Jessica Phenex about controling manipulating her fire.

After they were done they left for the train station and met up with Sitri peerage who was accompanied by Serafall much to Sona's displeasure.

Serafall immediately hugged Tatsuya like a Koala and tried to make him stay for a few more days only to be shot down by Tatsuya which made her feel sad.

Tatsuya who saw her looking depressed, sighed and said, "Hey, Sera how about we put up a Magical girl even like the last time at my shop. Of course Sona will be working as well."

Hearing that both the sisters looked towards Tatsuya one with fear and the other with excitement.

Serafall immediately nodded her head and said, "Sure let's do that, I will prepare the cutest costume for my Magical girl So-tan."

Sona tried to make them give up on the idea but the two totally ignored her making her crouch down in corner with a depressed aura around her. Seeing that Tsubaki and Rias started to comfort their childhood friend.

Once their train arrived all of them git on it and started their journey back to Kuoh.

On the whole way their was discussion among both the peerages about how their training went during which Isami and Saji just kept quiet, not wanting to remember the torture they went through and just sat in a corner.


Once they all were back home Rias and Sona reminded all of them that they should make sure that their Holiday homework is complete of not the reputation of their clubs will worsen.

Hearing that both Isami, Xenovia and some girls from Sitri group and Saji got shocked as they just remembered about that stuff and were panicking.

Only Tatsuya and his group were calm about the situation and it was not because they had already done the homework, no they haven't even started it yet. The fact that they were not panicking was that they had a private time chamber in their house coupled with their shadow clones. It would just take them a few minutes of real world time to be done with it.

Isami and Xenovia immediately teleported back to the Gremory girls'dorm leaving behind the others, who left soon as well after saying goodbyes to Tatsuya and the others.

Tatsuya made a clone of himself and instructed it to go through the homework while he was going to check how well did his new secretary do her job.

Tatsuya then teleported to the office he had given to Rossweisse which was just a soundproof room in his house.

Once he came in the room Rossweisse who was sitting in her desk and doing some stuff freaked out and pointed her sword at him but soon panicked when she noticed that it was her new boss who she was possible pointing her sword at.

"Kyaa!!! Tatsuya-sama sorry about this, I was not expecting you to suddenly appear in front of me!!! Please don't fire me!!!" and immediately lowered her head.

Tatsuya looked at her overreacting secretary and said, "No need to worry about that, I am not bothered by it, so raise your head."

Rossweisse looked up and had some tears in her eyes seeing which Tatsuya offered her a handkerchief which she gratefully accepted.

Tatsuya then said, "Now then if you have calmed down. Give me the report on everything."

Rossweisse immediately went to her secretary mode and nodded her head and handed some doc.u.ments to Tatsuya while she also explained him some of the points in her reports.

Tatsuya who saw the compiled reports was a bit surprised seeing how well she had done her work and was happy to know that she made a good choice in making her his secretary.

Once they both were done both of them gave a tired sigh and leaned back on the sofas.

Tatsuya looked at Rossweisse and said, "Good job Rossweisse, you did stood up to my expectations."

Rossweisse who heard Tatsuya's words got a bit embarrassed as she was not used to hearing praise for her work and said, "I-I-I am happy that I was of use to you."

Tatsuya just chuckled and said, "No need to be so reserved. You can give yourself more credit. Anyways-" and then stood up from his seat and asked, "It is almost time for dinner. Is there anything that you want to eat. Ah, and no need to hold back today is the celebration of you joining our group so you can let your imagination run wild."

Hearing that Rossweisse felt happy. She was not treated this good ever since she started working as a Valkyrie and seeing him giving this much importance to someone who just joined them was something she was not used to. She teared up a bit but soon wiped her eyes.

Tatsuya then offered her his hand and said, "Well let's call the others and head off to the restaurant."

Rossweisse nodded happily and then stood took his hand and went with him to where the others were.

Tatsuya then stopped in front of a door and said, "Oh! And Rossweisse, since you have joined our ranks there is one thing that you should make sure of."

Tatsuya looked at her and with a 'smile' on his face said, "The things we talk about amongst ourselves or the things that you see, should not be leaked to the others, not even your family, if they are not a part of our group...or have my permission. Understood."

Rossweisse who saw Tatsuya's smile felt a shiver and immediately nodded her head. Even though her new boss was very nice, he is very dangerous as well.

Tatsuya then smiled as well and said, "Good, just so you know if I come to know you have given someone information either intentionally or unintentionally then be prepared for the worst." and then knocked on the door.

Rossweisse who heard the warning took a step back and resolved herself to not even say a word to anyone. She was happy with her life and didn't plan of giving up on living any time soon.

Soon the door was opened by Tatsuya's clone who on seeing Rossweisse and Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "Don't worry they have almost finished their work."

Tatsuya nodded and went in the room and saw multiple clones of his girls working on their homeworks while those who didn't have any to begin with were just lazing around.

Tatsuya and Rossweisse then took a seat near them as well and Tatsuya took out a fan of beer and gave it to Rossweisse who immediately forgot the threat that Tatsuya just have her and started gulping down the drink.

Seeing her the other three chuckled and started drinking theirs as well and waited for the others to finish their homework.

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