Life In DXD

Chapter 223 - Contract

The next morning Tatsuya felt some movement on his chest put the console that was in his hand back to his storage and waited for his secretary to clear her mind.

"Ahh, my head head hurts like hell."

Rossweisse sat up while grabbing her head with her eyes shut complaining about her hangover.

"I told you to dilute it a bit."

"Sorry my ba-" buy suddenly she opened her eyes widely and looked at Tatsuya and soon her cheeks started to get redder.

"Before you start to complain about s.e.x.u.a.l harassment or anything else, let me tell you, you were the one who pushed me down and got on top of me after you were drunk. So I am the victim here."

Rossweisse who got the sudden information was totally shocked and said, "W-w-what are you talking about there is no way I would have done something like that!!!!!"

Tatsuya looked at her with a frown and said, "So now you are going to act like that huh, even though you did all that in the name of taking responsibility for that incident and now after doing all this you are refusing to take responsibility. How can you be such a horrible person. You even made me forcibly sign some paper that you summoned with you r magic circle. You are really cruel."

Rossweisse immediately got off from Tatsuya and said, "There is no way that I would do something like that and what doc.u.ment are you talking abo-"

She paused midway and her expression immediately changed, as if she realised something. She then formed a magic circle and summoned a paper once again and stared at it intensely.

After staring at it for a while her body felt weak and she fell on her knees and the paper fell from her hand.

Tatsuya who already knew what the paper was still took the paper to fit in the role more correctly and read it.

"You actually had a marriage certificate completely filled except for the my signature. How much desperate were you for a boyfriend." Tatsuya thought to himself.

He then looked at Rossweisse who had an expression of disbelief in her eyes. Her gaze met with Tatsuya's and both of them stared at each other for a while. Tatsuya who thought that he had messed with her enough was about to tell her about what actually happened but out of no where Rossweisse bowed in front of Tatsuya and said, "I am sorry for defiling you with this body of mine. I know that I cannot ask for forgiveness about such a situation but I promise that I am going to take full responsibility for my actions."

Tatsuya sighed seeing how serious his secretary was. He was about to say something but once again Rossweisse interrupted her and said, "You may have already seen that certificate now, and yes, it is a legitimate marriage certificate given to me by my grandmother and since I have forcibly made you sign it I am going to go through it to the end. Once again I ask for forgiveness for my actions while I was drunk."

Tatsuya just stared at Rossweisse who was staring back at him but soon a blush appeared on her cheeks and she looked away and said, "D-Don't stare at me like that."

Seeing her acting like that Tatsuya really wanted to tease her more but didn't gave in to his temptations and asked, "Are you really sure with this, I mean if you want we can just tear apart this contract and then-"

Rossweisse looked at Tatsuya and said, "I am totally fine with this, I have no intentions of going back on my word, besides you don't have to feel guilty that I am doing this without my will, I will be totally honest here, except for you having a harem part you are totally my type. A handsome young man with a bright future who takes care of his partner, I am totally satisfied with this and I am even ready to share you with the other girls since this is my fault."

Tatsuya just signed and said, "Just hear me out." and started telling her about what actually happened.


After Tatsuya was done telling her about what actually happened Rossweisse was backing her head with the roof of the Kyoto tower while having a blush on her face.

Tatsuya who saw this just let her do what she wanted till she was able to calm herself. After waiting for a while Tatsuya stooped her started healing her swollen and bleeding forehead.

"Just calm down now, it was partly my fault for giving you alcohol at that time."

Rossweisse who tears in her eyes was looking at Tatsuya with a slight blush and a bloodied forehead.

Seeing her expression Tatsuya sighed and wiped the blood off her face and said, "There, back to your beautiful self."

Rossweisse who was totally embarresed by the current situation was not able to look at Tatsuya properly but still managed to look in his eyes.

She gulped his saliva and said, "T-thank you."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "No problem, I was at fault as well. So shall we go back."

Rossweisse just meekly nodded her head and stood up and patted the dust off her clothes.

Tatsuya stood up as well and said, "So shall we destroy this pa-" but Rossweisse immediately snatched the paper from Tatsuya's hands and said, "NO NO NO DON'T!!!!!"

And both of them continued to stare at eachother.

Rossweisse gave a fake cough and said, "T-This is not a simple marriage contract."

Tatsuya who heard that scanned the contract and immediately his eyes widened in surprise and said, "Why the hell are you carrying such a cursed item for marriage hunting."

Rossweisse started shaking her head and said, "No No No, I am not at fault here...well I am a bit at fault here but still that's not the problem. This thing here is made by my grandmother who made this when I was fussing too much about having a boyfriend to the point she got annoyed and made this contract."

"Your grandmother made a contract for death if this is ever destroyed or the rules are not followed for your marriage....I really want to meet such a loving grandma."

"So I don't think that it would be wise to destroy this."

Tatsuya thought for a while and said, "Seems the best choice to me, this is even more well made than the one I was blackma- *cough**cough* requested to make by the other girls and it looks like nullifying this will have the same result. Seriously, your grandma is hella scary. I don't want to get on her bad side."

Rossweisse blushed in embarrasment and then said, "T-Then d-does that mean we are a couple from now on."

"Duh, what else would you be after you made him sign something like that."

Suddenly a voice was heard by the two which made Rossweisse surprised and Tatsuya sigh in annoyance.

"So you finally decided to join us, huh Kurumi." and in an instant Kurumi materialized beside Tatsuya.

"Welcome to the inner circle Secretary-san, no Now you are a sister huh. So Rossweisse "

Rossweisse pointed her finger at Kurumi and asked, "Since when you were here?!?!"

Kurumi tilted her head to the side and said, "I was with you all since last night's dinner. You really can go wild while being drunk."


Kurumi placed a hand on her shoulder and with a 'smile' on her face said, "You are going to take responsibility for what you did right?"

Hearing the word responsibility Rossweisse immediately became serious and said, "Yes, I am ready to take responsibility and as I said earlier I am very happy to be in a relationship with him...Huh..."

Kurumi patted her back and said, "Good Good, now then let's tell the news to the others Tatsuya got a new wifey." and teleported away.

Rossweisse blinked in surprise and said, "W-w-what just happened."

Tatsuya looked at Rossweisse band patted her head and said, "You just got a ticket to spend your first wedding night with me, future wife Ross-chan."

Rossweisse blushed on hearing that and immediately tried to separate herself from Tatsuya but stumbled on the roof.

Tatsuya immediately caught her hand and said, "Now now don't be that nervous, you said that I was your type, right and we have known each other for quite a while now so don't get fl.u.s.tered so easily." and pulled her back and made her stand properly.

Tatsuya then bowed his head a bit and then said, "Well I am a but late but still let's do this, Rossweisse, will you ho out with me? Although you literally have no choice in this case. I promise that I won't cause you any trouble...well except for the training part."

Rossweisse also bowed her head although a bit in a hurry and said, "Yes, I am happy let's get along in future....Wait a minute what are you doing?!?!"

Tatsuya looked at her and said, "Giving you a proper confession although it is meaningless as you made me sign that contract but still I thought that you would be happy if you got a proper confession."

Rossweisse stared at Tatsuya for a while and then sighed and said, "The first confession I ever got was one where I had no choice about it. I really am unlucky in these kind of things."

Tatsuya chuckled seeing Rossweisse's expression and patted her head and said, "Don't worry even if you were not so lucky in this situation, I promise you that you won't regret it in future."

She looked at Tatsuya who was patting her head and asked, "Why are you patting my head?"

"Well, it is calming."

She just stared at him for a while and then let him pat her head as it was indeed a bit calming.

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