Life In DXD

Chapter 264 - On the way to heaven

A few days passed by since Tatsuya had his deal with the gods from Mt. Olympus which was followed by Rossweisse's date, needless to say that it ended with them staying the night at the hotel doing indecent stuff, and no we are not talking about hand holding.

Rossweisse who had her first time during her first date felt conflicted since even though she felt happy about it the fact that it happened on her first date was still a bit bothering to her. If not for the fact that both of them were enjoying so much and had drunk to the limit they could which led them to that situation.

Also the fact that she was being teased by the fellow members of the Shiba residence was not helping her out a bit.

Tatsuya himself had no problems with it but still felt that deactivating his alcohol resistance so that he could enjoy was a bad move on his part, he was confident that he had enough self control but, it seemed like a drunk Rossweisse who had taken off most of her clothes because of feeling 'hot' was too much for his not so well sanity. Also taking the fact that she was the one who initiated the kiss which led to all that drove his desires further was also there.

Tatsuya also got the necessary doc.u.ments from Mt. Olympus about the deal that they made which were delivered by Apollon and Artemis. Tatsuya also invited them for dinner that day and he to admit seeing Artemis having a foodgasm was the best feeling he felt since meeting her. He made sure to record that and send it to her at a later date.


Currently Tatsuya was on his way to heaven along with Isami and Xenovia. Since the day Rossweisse got Samael as her familiar, Isami was made to train against the dragon slayer, and during those times her Ascalon got severly damaged by the dragon slayer's poison. Xenovia too had he sword damaged very badly when she asked to spar with Himari who cut the Ex-Durandal in half using her flame sword making her feel guilty about it and continuously apologizing to Xenovia.

Tatsuya who could easily repair the swords, thought that it had been a long time since met Gabriel and the others decided to let them deal with this while he would tour around heaven. Since it was his first time going there.

"Hey Xenovia, have you ever gone to heaven before?" asked a curious Isami looking towards Xenovia.

Xenovia who heard that question looked towards Isami and said, "I had a few chances to go there along with my master when there were some serious missions that we needed to take, but the only places that I have seen there are the reporting rooms where I used to get the job, information and other things like that? So my experience is same as yours."

"Hehh, then let's look around once we reach there!!!"

"I would like to get my Ex-Durandal get repaired as soon as possible." said Xenovia.

Hearing her answer Isami snorted and pouted. She then jumped towards Tati and caught his arm and said, "Then what about you Tatsuya!!! Wanna look around with me!! We haven't gone on a date together for quite a while as well!!!"

Tatsuya who looked at the excited Isami smiled a bit and said, "Hmm, fine its my first time there as well so sure, let's look around together."

Hearing his answer Isami's smile widend as she said, "Yeah!!! A date it is then!!!"

Xenovia who looked at the couple forming plans about the date remained silent for a while and said, "I will just drop my sword by and wait for them to repair it, since I don't think it would be that quick." She too then latched onto Tatsuya's other arm and said, "You guys don't mind me accompanying you two, right?"

Hearing that both of them looked towards her with a slightly surprised look on their faces. Soon Tatsuya thought about what she asked and didn't answer it immediately, he looked towards Isami who stared at Xenovia...more specifically the arm to which she was clinging to. Soon a sly smirk appeared on her face and said, "Oh! Don't tell me, You want to go on a date with Tatsuya as well."

Xenovia hearing that nodded her head and with a slight unnoticeable blush on her cheeks said, "Yeah, I want to go on a date."

Hearing her answering without the reaction she was hoping for Isami clicked her tongue and said, "Act a bit shy will you!!" but soon her smile came back on her face and she said, "...But sure, I don't mind at all!!! A double date it is then!!!"

Tatsuya who saw both of them having fun smiled and said, "Don't get overexcited here, or you might get tired there and not enjoy to the fullest."

Isami and Xenovia looked at him and Xenovia nodded her head in approval, but Isami had a teasing smile on her face and said, "Oh~ don't worry about me tiring out. You do know how much 'stamina' I have right~?"

Which immediately earned her a smack on her head from Tatsuya as he said, "Also, don't try to 'corrupt' any angel there. I don't want to be the reason for the large increase in fallen angel population. Understood?"

Isami who rubbed her head because of the pain nodded her head in approval and didn't say anything.

Tatsuya smiled and stopped walking once he noticed that he has arrived at the location that they decided to meet at, which was a huge church.

Soon three people came there who most likely were their escorts on their way to heaven.

Amongst the three of them Tatsuya knew two of them as they were none other than Dulio and Gabriel on the other hand there was another beautiful woman who most likely was in her twenties, wearing a nun's outfit.

She was someone that Tatsuya have not met earlier, but by direction of her eyes, which was looking towards Xenovia, who inturn was looking away with her face totally covered in sweat made him aware of who might the new lady be.

Once the three of them were close enough to Tatsuya and the other two Dulio immediately greeted the three of them, while Xenovia started to fidget around more on seeing the new woman's gaze.

Tatsuya too saw something different as he noticed that there was slight nervousness on Gabriel's face, he was about to use telepathy to know what she was thinking but she immediately said, "Don't read my mind, please Tatsuya." with a slight blush on her face.

Seeing that the most powerful detection ability, the women's intuition had already perceived his actions, Tatsuya didn't use his telepathy to respect what she asked was not because of the fact that the blushing Gabriel was too adorable to look at which made him stop. Definitely not.

Seeing that the atmosphere turned quite awkward between them Dulio took charge and introduced himself to the two new people whom he met for the first time.

"Nice to meet you all, and even though Tatsuya-san already know me, for the two ladies who are meeting me for the first time, let me introduce myself. I am Dulio Gesualdo, a reincarnated angel. Nice to meet you."

"Ah where are my manners, let me introduce myself as well, I am Griselda Qurta, a reincarnated angel as well, also you may have noticed it already, but I am Xenovia's guardian as well." She then looked at Xenovia and with a 'smile' on her face said, "Let's have a talk later, alright? Afterall, it's been a 'long' time since we met."

Xenovia who heard the 'sweet' words coming out of Griselda's mouth gulped her saliva and reluctantly nodded her head.

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