Life In DXD

Chapter 27 - Two years and spar

The next day when Sona woke up and saw Tatsuya she gave him a death glare. Tatsuya who saw this smiled and gave her a thumbs up and said, "it looks like you enjoyed a lot." Hearing this Sona snapped grabbed his collar and started shaking him and said, "Like hell I enjoyed, you idiot."

Serfall who looked at them smiled and said, "looks like you both are getting along well." Hearing this Sona looked towards Serfall and shouted, "No we are not!!" Tatsuya then hugged her from the back and placed his head on his shoulder and said, "don't be like that, we can played chess yesterday don't you have any fun." Sona who heard this turned her head and looked at him who was resting his head on her shoulder. Sona sighed and said, "yes I did enjoy that and I am sorry for snapping at you, now lift you head off my shoulder and stay away." Hearing her Tatsuya smiled back and said, "I am glad to know that you enjoyed it, the next time you come here I would let you bath with Sera." Sona got embarrassed and again started lashing out at him.

Seeing her sister not being cold, Serfall smiled and enclosed both of them in a hug which made Sona's blush even deeper.

From that day on Sona too came with Serfall whenever she visits him. Tatsuya would leave no chances to tease Sona and because of that Sona too would lose her cool and snap at him. Even though Serfall was happy seeing that her sister had started to enjoy more she was jealous of Tatsuya because it was him and not her that Sona would open up to. She would often glare at Tatsuya which he responded with a smile, seeing him smile Serfall would simply sign and let that be as Tatsuya treated her good even though she was childish and clingy, Tatsuya would not complain or fell annoyed by her unlike others. She even thought of asking him to join her peerage but stopped thinking about it as she felt Sona would want to add him in her peerage.

They still didn't knew that all the members of the Shiba house were related to supernatural world and they too decided to not tell them.

Tatsuya also started to train Himari the same way he started with Miyuki. Himari was low High class level at the time she joined them and at the beginning of the training she was overwhelmed by the amount of training Tatsuya made her do and wanted to retort but she stopped when Miyuki said, "heh not even able to do this much, How cute(Shinomiya Kaguya style)".

Everytime she remembered her word along with her mocking tone would ignite new passion in her and stopped complaining about her training. Even though her way was wrong Miyuki still motivated her and was often praised by Tatsuya because of it. But even though Tatsuya praised her she was a bit disturbed as she was helping a rival.

Kurumi also trained her in chakra and senjutsu and her being a Youkai and a nekoshou at that her progress sky rocketed and she gained another tail. She also started to spar with Miyuki from time to time as both of them were around the same level. Tatsuya too tagged along with them in their spar though both of them would be against him as they were still not able to land a hit on him as Tatsuya held back a little less than usual. He again gave the same quest to Himari like the one he gave to Miyuki. If she would be able to land a hit on him, he would give her a weapon.

Knowing that she would get a new weapon she was very excited and trained more seriously than before. Seeing that she was doing good Tatsuya also trained her in ki manipulation which she used along with her chakra to strengthen her body and infusing her ki with Touki made her physical attacks more powerful. She had a bit problem in flying but training regularly made her better in it. She has also started to try to control the dark energy and with Tatsuya's help she was able to control a slight bit of it. She was overjoyed when she was able to control the power which labelled her as cursed. She ran towards Tatsuya and hugged him while silently crying with happiness. Tatsuya did nothing and patted her head and scratched her ears. After a while Himari too started purring and when Tatsuya let his guard down while carresing her ears, she took advantage of it and pulled his head and kissed him. Tatsuya though he was surprised didn't refused her and enjoyed the kiss. Seeing that Miyuki and Kurumi felt slightly jealous but let it go as they knew that Himari was happy for overcoming her curse.

Like others, now Kurumi had something to train. Though she was not able to use magic or ki, she was able to use Touki which Himari taught her. She was very interested in it as it was a new concept to her and tried her knowledge to from her previous world to make it suitable to be used by her.

Like this two years passed. Both Miyuki and Himari at the bottle neck of breakthrough to the ultimate class but were not able to break that cap. They were very dissapointed with it as their progress till now was very fast but now their growth rate had slowed down but they didn't thought about it too much, they just need to train much harder and with time they would be able to breakthrough it.

Right now Tatsuya and the others were in their time chamber having a spar.

Tatsuya had grown taller and now his childish face was a little less evident as he looked slightly more matured. He now has fine muscles but was not ripped. He now looked much more handsome than before that even Sona blushed whenever she saw her smile which made Serfall jealous but she too felt that Tatsuya looked handsome.

Himari has started to become more beautiful and had started to get mature. She also became tall and her b.r.e.a.s.ts had started to grow as well.

Miyuki too has become more beautiful but was still a bit childish. She also gained a bit height and her b.r.e.a.s.ts grew as well though they were smaller than Himari's.

"Is this all you got huh." said Tatsuya while dodging Himari's slash. He jumped back but suddenly felt something behind him. He immediately turned around and swing his sword cutting an ice shard aimed at him. He looked at Miyuki, "Attacking someone's back huh, I didn't knew you would use something like this Miyuki." Miyuki smiled at him and said, "do you think that we have any chance of hitting you if you tried to fight you nicely onii-sama." Tatsuya didn't said anything and gave her a bright smile. Miyuki sighed and then looked at him with seriousness. Tatsuya also stopped and jumped up and avoided the slash from Himari. "Don't forget about me." Himari smirked and also followed him and both of them started clashing their swords. Miyuki didn't wasted anytime and launch multiple ice spears accelerated with wind magic towards Tatsuya. Feeling that the ice spears were coming towards him he kicked Himari who blocked it with her katana but still flew back.

Tatsuya started to store fire energy in his sword and slashed forward releasing a huge wave of fire towards Miyuki, melting the spears in the way. Seeing the wave coming towards her Miyuki stabbed her sword on the ground and a thick wall of ice formed in front of her but immediately flew back when she noticed that her wall would not be able to hold back the wave.

Tatsuya just stood there and placed the sword on his shoulders and said, "what happened, giving up?" Miyuki and Himari looked at him and gritted their teeth. Just as they were about to give up Tatsuya said, "how about this then, even if one of you is able to hit me I would take both of you shopping." Hearing this their eyes lit up. They looked at each other and nodded.

Himari started to add chakra to her katana making it sharper and faster and Miyuki started making multiple spears of ice and again accelerating them with wind magic. Miyuki looked towards Himari for confirmation who nodded in response. Just as she nodded Miyuki launched all the spears towards Tatsuya who again started to store gire energy in his sword but was interrupted by Himari who was cladded in dark energy and slashed towards Tatsuya. Tatsuya dodged but Himari again slashed towards him. He kept on blocking and dodging her slashes.

Suddenly Himari jumped back and many spears came near Tatsuya. Tatsuya gripped his sword tighter and started slashing towards the spears destroying them with the blade heated with fire magic.

Seeing him destroying the spears Miyuki said something to Himari and after listening to her whole plan she nodded in approval. Miyuki started chanelling more mana through her body and made a giant boulder and launched towards Tatsuya.

Tatsuya who just finished destroying the spears suudenly saw her surroundings getting darker. He looked up and blew a whistle before covering his sword with wind and fire and sent a firestorm towards the boulder but just as he sent the firestorm towards the boulder Himari came from behind and attacked him.

Tatsuya who was busy blocking the boulder made another sword in his other hand and blocked her strike. But he was surprised as this time Himari grabbed his hand rather than attacking him again. Soon he felt some.coldness coming towards him and saw that Miyuki was coming to attack him. Miyuki came too close to him and seeing that there was no other choice Tatsuya lifted Himari and threw her at Miyuki.

Tatsuya immediately used this chance and added more power to the firestorm and got rid of the boulder. He then looked at the girls and said, "I guess this is enough." The girls didn't said anything but smiled at him. Tatsuya was confused by it but then immediately looked at the arm which was held by Himari and saw a fine scratch on it and said, "I guess I will take you shopping this weekend." When Tatsuya was busy looking at Miyuki coming closer she used her claws and mad a slash on his arms.

The girls jumped happily and gave each other high five and started discussing about the date. Tatsuya who heard them could only shake his head and sighed.

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