Life In DXD

Chapter 272 - Back from heaven

"...You mean to say that you and Gabriel-san went on and on for three days straight?!" asked a surprised Isami while looking towards Tatsuya. She then looked towards the girl in question and stared at her for a while and said, "...Damn."

Tatsuya looked at Isami from the corner of his eyes and said, "Isami....we are in a public place, in heaven at that, make sure to mind your tongue, alright? We don't want Azazel to have more fallen angels."

Tatsuya who had already made a barrier around them to prevent Isami's 'knowlede' from reaching the angels sighed as he looked at the girl in question.

Isami in turn just nodded her head in approval and after a while started muttering, "...I will try to do a four day straight then....gotta build up my stamina for that....ummm...looks like its time to focus in the Tiamat-san's class. I will ask Kurumi-san as well."

Tatsuya and Griselda just looked at the red dragon empress with a deadpan look on their faces, while Xenovia seemed to be noting something down in a notepad. Gabriel who was elegantly drinking tea encouraged Isami to do her best.

Both of them then sighed and Griselda looked towards Tatsuya and asked, "Are both of them always like that?" and pointed towards Isami and Xenovia.

Tatsuya looked back at her and said, "That's not even their final form, you know."

Hearing that Griselda widend her eyes in surprise and looked towards the two girls.

Tatsuya who was done with his tea, looked towards Isami and Xenovia and said, "Let's get going then, your swords are repaired, and you don't want to face a pissed of Sona for skipping school like this, right?"

Hearing that both the girls frowned a bit as they knew how strict Sona could be regarding these matters.

"Aren't you going to be in trouble as well!! Not to mention that it is your fault that we are still here!!" said Isami pointing her finger towards Tatsuya.

"Hmm nah, I am not in trouble since my grades are not bad at all and even if Sona decides to approach me regarding skipping school....well let's just say we will have a 'heated discussion' to settle things in between us."

Both Isami and Xenovia twitched their lips at that but soon kept that at the back of their mind and prepared to leave.

All of them notified about their departure to Michael and then Tatsuya made a magic circle leading back to Kuoh and teleported away along with the other two.

But just as they teleported Tatsuya felt that something was off and soon found the reason for that once he noticed that he teleported outside of Kuoh.

Tatsuya and the girls looked at each other with surprised look on their faces as Tatsuya immediately searched what was happening. He then took a step forward and knocked his fist on something that seemed to be like a transparent wall.

"A barrier surrounding the whole town, huh. Looks like someone wants to get their ass kicked...very badly at that."

Tatsuya then made a hole in the barrier and went inside along with the other two and said, "Hey Isami, will you do an errand for me?"

But instead of replying Isami changed to her balance breaker and said, "Deal with the mob, that are deploying the barrier, right? No problemo!!"

Xenovia took out her sword as well and said, "I will lend her a hand as well."

Tatsuya nodded his head and then telepathically sent them the location where the people were and the two immediately left to do their job.

Once they were gone Tatsuya looked in front and took out his guns and started flying towards the school while also killing any 'guest' he found on his way.

Once he reached the school Tatsuya was met with a huge army of mages guarding the building and immediately Tatsuya said, "Ah, this feels nostalgic. There was a similar situation during the peace summit of the three factions."

Hearing his voice all of the mages looked towards Tatsuya, but just as they turned their heads Tatsuya used his telekinesis to crush their skull and said, "I did the same back then as well."

He then walked inside the school saw a huge dome inside which many students were lying unconscious while the devils were busy doing something, most probably brainwashing the children.

Tatsuya then got inside the barrier as well and once all of them noticed his presence they sighed in relief and Rossweisse said, " I will fill you up on the situation."

Tatsuya who had already read their minds just shrugged his shoulders and let her do what she wanted.

"Sure, go ahead.....but before that."

Tatsuya looked towards the children whose bodies were floating bin the air because of his telekinesis and changed their memories accordingly and sent them back to their classes, while still being unconscious.

Tatsuya looked at the others who were still there and said, "Check the school grounds to search for more intruders and some of you go and check the town as well, I cleared the people that came in my path but their are still quite a few that are left."

All of them nodded as the student council members started to check the school grounds while the nekoshou from Tatsuya's team decided to check the town.


"....So let's bget this straight, A huge army of magicians suddenly appeared in the town out of nowhere, but were instantly destroyed by Miyuki, after which a few moments later, an army of dragons came and you all started to engage with them, while another group of magicians appeared after the dragons and got in the town because of the distraction various stuff happened, you all dealt with the dragons somehow or some of them managed to escape, then you all dealt with magicians that were threatening the students and during all this commotion, Koneko, Ravel and Miyuki git kidnapped by them...."

Hearing his explanation Rossweisse, Sona and the others who were still their nodded their heads.

Tatsuya remained silent for a while and then sighed and said, "Well, I pity that person who kidnapped Koneko and Ravel kidnapped Miyuki by mistake as well...he must be dead by now..."

"Well knowing Miyuki...she would not do something dangerous, except for when asked by you or it is something related to you."

"But still that person's blood must have been frozen by now."

Tatsuya looked at his teammates who were talking to eachother but then Tatsuya noticed that the barrier started shattering and now knew that Isami and Xenovia were done with their job.

Just as he thought that Isami and Xenovia came back with some prisoners in tow to interrogate them.

"...But, why did you took so long to come back? You should have been back two days ago, right?" asked a curious Rossweisse.

But before Tatsuya could say anything Isami said, "He was busy f.u.c.k.i.n.g a seraph.....for three days straight. Not our fault just so you know."

Tatsuya who was now the centre of attention decided to change the topic and said, "Well let's get Miyuki and the other two back." and then opened a portal.

Once he stepped inside the portal he found himself in a very big space and started looking around. And just as he was LOOK mh around his eyes fell on something that made them widen in surprise.



What Tatsuya saw was a huge nine tailed fox stepping on top of a black scaled dragon with his whole body covered in wounds and his face being crushed by the fox's foot.

"....What the hell was happening here?!?!" asked Tatsuya but none was there to answer him

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