Life In DXD

Chapter 31 - Kuroka

P.S.:- Tatsuya is able to control his telepathy because of the skill PSYCHIC CONTROL he created previously. This is for the people who had doubts why he usually ask questions to others instead of already knowing them through his telepathy.


After all of the magicians and the devils were killed Tatsuya looked towards the two girls and asked, "want some help?" The blonde who heard him got of of her stupor and then looked at Tatsuya as if he was a monster, she was still hesitant of him and didn't answer him.

Tatsuya who was waiting for her to answer sighed and started walking towards her. He squatted down and started to use his magic and to heal her but didn't healed her instantly as he still didn't know what were her intentions.

The blonde hair girl noticed that Tatsuya was walking towards her and wanted to put up her guard but was unable to. When she saw him crouching down and moving his hand towards her she closed her eyes and readied herself for more pain but instead of pain she felt a soothing sensation easing her pain. She looked up and saw that Tatsuya was the reason of that sensation and then she relaxed a bit and asked, "who are you? why are you helping me?"

Tatsuya looked back at her and said in an amused voice, "oh~ now you are willing to talk eh, but you should know that it is common etiquette to introduce yourself first before asking the others."

When she heard Tatsuya she blushed a bit due to embarrasment and said, "sorry for my rudeness, my name is Kuisha Abaddon a devil and I thank you for saving not me and the lady beside me."

Tatsuya nodded and said, "I am Tatsuya Shiba a human and I don't misunderstand I only saved you so as to interrogate you, and if I find you doing something that shouldn't be done here you will experience a similar fate as those men like before."

Kuisha who heard him shuddered on the thought of what Tatsuya could do to her. She looked in his eyes and said, "you don't have to worry I will answer you to the extent I am able to but nothing too personal."

Tatsuya nodded and removed her hand and stood up and said, "I have healed you quite a bit to the extent that you will be back to normal in a week or so and now-"

Suddenly Kurumi appeared beside him. Tatsuya turned towards Kurumi and said, "Take them home and put them in the guest room and don't forget to restrain their magic. I will come back after cleaning the mess here."

Kurumi nodded and carried both the girls on her shoulders and then looked towards Tatsuya.

Tatsuya then formed a magic circle and Kurumi stepped on it and the. teleported to his home. Tatsuya gave a tired sigh and started to massage his temples and thought, 'these type of things are increasing in the town lately, I will ask Yasaka later to let me cuddle her tales and ears as compensation."

Tatsuya then looked at one of the corners of the warehouse and said, "I know you are hiding there so are you coming out peacefully or you want me to do it in a rougher way."

Tatsuya waited for a moment after saying that and when he still didn't receive an answer he moved his hand in that direction and then various ropes made of magic came out of the ground and then launched in the direction. When the ropes reached the corner he heard a loud "Nyaa". Tatsuya motioned through his hands and then the ropes started coming back with a busty girl who was entangled in the ropes.

When the woman was in front of him Tatsuya looked at her with an expressionless face but on the inside was a different story. On seeing the girl wearing black kimono with cat ears only one thought came to his mind, 'HOLY SHITTT!!!! IT'S KUROKA, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT I WOULD MEET HER THIS SOON. TODAY IS DEFINITELY A LUCKY DAY MEETING THREE CHARACTERS ON THE SAME DAY. I REALLY WANT TO RUB HER EARS..... NO NO NO NO NO CONTROL YOURSELF TATSUYA CONTROL YOU CAN DO IT LATER.'

Kuroka looked at the boy in front of her and then asked in her usual playful voice, "Nya you like this types of kinky plays huh~" Tatsuya didn't answered her and pointed his gun at her.

Kuroka who saw the gun got scared as she had seen his power with her own eyes but didn't show it on her face. She looked back at Tatsuya and said, "wait wait don't be too stiff I will talk so ask whatever you like."

Tatsuya lowered his gun and asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here and don't dare lie I will know it instantly."

Kuroka's expression didn't change and she said, "Name's Kuroka a nekomata as you can see, V.i.r.g.i.n and my three sizes-"

Just as she was about to continue Tatsuya again pointed his gun and said, "what were you saying?" Kuroka didn't flinched but on the inside she was very afraid. She pouted and said, "you are no fun nya, I came here to spy on those robed guys which you killed just now to know what they were planning nya."

Tatsuya used his telepathy and knew that she was telling the truth or not and found that she was indeed saying the truth. He looked in her eyes and asked, "which faction do you belong to were you also trying to do trafficking?" Tatsuya narrowed his eyes and glared at her.

Seeing his glare Kuroka for the first time changed her expression into that of panic and said, "No No No we were not doing anything of that sorts, I just came here to spy on them that's all Nya."

Tatsuya looked at her for a while but the. suddenly he heard a growl. He looked at Kuroka's stomach which was making a noise and the looked back at Kuroka who was laughing awkwardly with a slight blush on her face.

On seeing her expression Tatsuya sighed and the put his gun down and then released her.

Kuroka instantly fell on her butt. She looked back at Tatsuya with fake tears in her eyes and said, "is this how you treat a lady nya? you should treat a delicate flower like me with care nya."

Tatsuya scoffed and said, "yeah like someone delicate would be sent to spy on that many and powerful enemies" and offered his hand.

Kuroka took her hand and then stood up while rubbing her butt and said, "hmph who said a delicate person cannot be skilled nya."

Tatsuya sighed in annoyance and said, "whatever come with me you are hungry right let's go, my treat."

Kuroka who heard him hugged her body and said, "oh you want to take advantage of me by making me come with you for food. You pervert nya."

Tatsuya looked back at her and gave her a head chop and said, "quit playing around either come with me or leave, I have many other things to do."

Kuroka rubbed her head and said, "hey didn't I say that I am delicate, handle me with care nya."

Tatsuya ignored her and asked, "you coming or not?"

Kuroka used her senjutsu and knew that Tatsuya didn't have any I'll will towards her. She 'hmph' and jumped on his back and said, "ok let's go."

Tatsuya looked at her and asked, "why are you on my back?"

Kuroka pressed her b.r.e.a.s.ts against his back and licked his ear and said, "what, don't tell me you don't like the sensation on your back nya."

Tatsuya blushed a bit and then looked in front and started walking. Kuroka who saw his blush felt proud of her body. She then started poking his cheek and asked, "By the way what's your name nya, you haven't introduced yourself yet nya."

Tatsuya came out of the warehouse and looked back at her and said, "My name is Tatsuya Shiba a human, Nice to meet you."

Kuroka now saw his face clearly as they were now outside the warehouse and blushed a bit. She regained her composure soon and said, "Nice to meet you as well nya~"

Tatsuya and Kuroka kept on talking to each other while Tatsuya was walking back to his restaurant. Kuroka suddenly hugged him tighter and asked, "So asking you out of curiosity why didn't you kill me were you mesmerized by my beauty nya?"

Tatsuya kept silent for a while and said, "well I felt no malice from you like I sensed from those guys I killed and you even spoke the truth, though you were at gunpoint at that time, but still you didn't lie and you were also able to mask you fear very well and it was also a waste to kill a cute girl like you without any reason."

He then looked back at her and said, "don't misunderstand though, make a wrong move and you are dead."

Kuroka didn't said anything and laid out her head on his shoulder and blew in his ear and said, "oh I am cute nya"

Tatsuya shuddered and blushed a bit and said, "yup you are but don't do such a thing again."

Kuroka smiled mischievously but also felt happy on bring called cute by him.

On the whole way she kept doing various things to tease Tatsuya making him blush and feel embarrassed much to his displeasure.

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