Life In DXD

Chapter 52 - Awakening

After getting refreshed and having their breakfast Tatsuya and Sairaorg's peerage decided to go to the Sitri domain. They rode a carriage and enjoyed the talk along the way.

Once they reached the hospital Tatsuya once again prayed to not meet the sisters and then went inside along with the others.

Tatsuya then entered a room and saw a lady with brown hair lying on the bed. Sairaorg then came forward and went towards her and said, "She is my mother Misla Bael, she has been sleeping like this for the past few years. She hasn't even moved a bit since then." He then looked at Tatsuya and said, "Tatsuya, I beg you even if there is a little chance please save her. It pains me a lot seeing her in such a condition. I can do nothing for her other than pray so please I beg you." and fell on his knees.

Tatsuya then went towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "You don't have to beg me, I will try my best to cure her, just be calm. She would not like to see you like this when she wake you know."

Sairaorg stood up and nodded and said, "Uh, I leave it to you then." Tatsuya nodded and then went towards Misla.

He then placed his hand over her stomach, closed his eyes and started examining her body. All of his peerage looked at him intently, waiting for say his verdict.

Soon Tatsuya opened his eyes and looked at them. The others looked at him as well waiting anxiously. Tatsuya them sighed and said, "Her case is similar to Ingvild so she can be cured and it is also not as old as her's, so it won't take much time to cure her." Sairaorg then gave a huge smile but then looking at his dissatisfied expression asked, "Then what's the problem, why do you look so displeased."

Tatsuya looked at him and said, "There is no problem there, it's just that I have to again sit for hours to cure her, it would be very boring."

All of the peerage gave him a helpless look and didn't said anything.

Tatsuya then sighed and said, "That's it then, so if anyone of you has something to do then feel free to do so." and then started curing her. He then looked at Sairaorg and said, "Oh by the way before I forget get me a few things first." Sairaorg nodded and said, "Sure, Kuisha make a list and ask someone to bring them as soon as possible."

Kuisha nodded and did as she was told. Tatsuya told her the things which he needed and then continued curing Misla.

Soon Kuisha came back and said, "They said that they would be able to provide it by tomorrow, there is no problem with that right?" Tatsuya nodded and said, "No problem."

Few hours passed away with Tatsuya and others talking to each other and most of the peerage leaving because of some work. Only Sairaorg, Kuisha and Coriana stayed behind with Tatsuya.

Sairaorg and Tatsuya then went out of the room as it was the time for Misla to get changed and wear clean clothes. Sairaorg then looked at Tatsuya and said, "Thank you once again Tatsuya." Tatsuya looked at him and said, "You don't need to thank me, I have yet to cure her." Sairaorg shook his head head and said, "No, what you are doing for us is still too much, is there anything that you want in return." Tatsuya looked at him and asked, "Do you think that there is anything of importance that you can give me." Sairaorg looked at him for a while and smiled and said, "Guess not, your eyes say that you are not a person who is in need of something, still if there is anytime that you need my help, I will gladly help you even if I have to face my fellow devils." Tatsuya looked at him in amazement and said, "You are even ready to face your own people." Sairaorg nodded and said, "Yeah, I am ready to face them. Except for a few people none of these people even looked at us when we were in need of help so you who is helping me in my need is of higher importance than them."

He then laughed and said jokingly, "Besides it would be much more fun to fight beside you because if you are in need of help then the enemy would surely be strong." Tatsuya looked at him for a while and then said, "You know, you are an idiot." But he then smiled and said, "But you are not as much annoying as the other idiots out there." He then moved his fist forward and said, "Then i would be looking forward to you support in future, Sairaorg Bael." Sairaorg fist bumped with him and said, "Me too, Tatsuya Shiba."

Soon the others came out and informed them that they were done. Both Tatsuya and Sairaorg nodded and then entered the room and Tatsuya again began his work."


The next morning Tatsuya was still curing her but he could feel that she could wake up anytime now. He then looked at Kuisha and Coriana sleeping soundly on his shoulders. His forehead was twitching seeing them asleep. His shoulders were completely sored with both of them sleeping on them but he didn't complained.

He continued to cure her while also suppressing the cause for the disease. Soon both of them woke up and Tatsuya looked at them and asked, "Looks like you two slept well." Both of them absentmindedly nodded at his question making him twitch his lips. He then formed two glasses of water and splashed it on their faces.

Both of them were completely awake now and glared at Tatsuya and shouted, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" Tatsuya looked at both of them and said, "Punished for making my shoulders sore." Both of them then remembered what happened and blushed. They both then bowed and apologiesed to him and then went to change their clothes.

Tatsuya sighed and continued to cure Misla. Soon both the girls came back and apologised once more.

A few hours later Tatsuya felt something change in her body and just like with Ingvild, he started to increase the supply of magic through her body.

Kuisha and Coriana also got alert by this and started looking at him intently. An hour or so later Misla slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing her open her eyes both the girls started crying silently and Tatsuya too gave a sigh of relief. Soon Misla gained more control over her body and started looking around.

She looked around the room and saw Tatsuya and the girls present in the room. Tatsuya helped her sit up and asked, "Are you feeling well, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Misla shook her head and said, "No, I am fine but who might you be?" Tatsuya looked at her and a

said, "Oh where are my manners, let me introduce myself. I am Tatsuya Shiba a human, I am Sairaorg's friend who came here to cure you Misla-san."

As soon as she heard Sairaorg's name her eyes widen and she said, "Ara, so you ar Sairaorg's friend, where is he? Can I see him?" Tatsuya was about to answer but suddenly the door burst open and Sairaorg came and shouted, "MOTHER" and immediately rushed towards the bed and was about to give her a bear hug, but was suddenly met with a fist on his face sending him flying to the wall. Tatsuya looked at him and shouted, "SHE HAS JUST WOKEN UP, DON'T CAUSE SUCH DISTURBANCE HERE. YOU WERE ABOUT TO CRUSH HER RIGHT NOW!!!"

Seeing her son fly away Misla looked at Tatsuya with widened eyes. Tatsuya looked at her and bowed his head and said, "I apologize for that but you are still not in a condition to receive bear hugs right now."

Misla waved her hands and said, "You don't have to apologize, I was just a bit surprised by it, that's all." Tatsuya nodded and then started to cure her soreness.

Sairaorg then looked at his mother while a single tear fell from his eyes. He then went towards her and was about to hug her but first looked at Tatsuya.

Tatsuya who understood what he was asking sighed and said, "Don't use too much force, she is still recovering." Sairaorg nodded and hugged his mother. He then separated from her and looked at Tatsuya and said, "Thank you Tatsuya truly thank you. I cannot express just how much grateful I am to you right now." Tatsuya sighed and said, "You don't have to worry about that, didn't we talked about it before. Just relax and talk to her to lighten her mood as well. She must be willing to hear about you." Misla smiled at Tatsuya and then looked back at Sairaorg who nodded his head and started talking to her.

He then looked at Sairaorg and asked, "Have the things that I asked for arrived yet." Sairaorg shook his head and said, "no but it will be arriving soon, they will bring it here directly." and then continued to talk to her mother.

Soon the door of the room opened and a person came with the things that Tatsuya requested. Tatsuya turned towards the person and as soon as their eyes met Tatsuya became speechless and immediately turned around.

The person was a girl around his age with black hair. Sairaorg looked at the girl and said, "Oh Sona, welcome why are you here if I may ask."

Sona came out of shock and looked at Sairaorg and said, "Hello Sairaorg-san I am her to deliver the things that you asked for as most of the people working here are busy today." She then walked towards Tatsuya and put a hand on his shoulder and said, "But I am wondering what are you doing here Tatsuya-san."

Tatsuya slowly turned around and looked at her with a smile and said, "Just doing some deliveries, they ordered some food so I came to deliver it." Sona looked at him and asked, "Oh, you came to do delivery in underworld huh." Tatsuya continued to smile and said, "You came here to deliver the stuff right? can you give it to me."

Sona gave the stuff that he ordered and glared at him and said, "We will talk about this IN DETAIL later."

Tatsuya nodded and thought, 'why is my luck so bad, is there anything that can still go wrong.'

As soon as he thought that a magic circle appeared in the room and two people came out of it. One was a twin tailed magical girl and the other was a girl around Sona's age with straight long black hair. Seeing them Tatsuya mentally groaned.

The long haired girl looked at Sona and said, "Sorry Sona-sama I tried my best but I was still unable to stop her from coming here." Then the magical girl hugged Sona and said, "So-tan onee-chan is here. Were you missing me." Her gaze then landed on Tatsuya and she asked in a surprised tone, "Tatsuya-chan what are you doing here?"

Tatsuya was massaging his temples looked at her and said, "Hi Sera, I am busy right now, I will explain you later." Serafall wanted to ask more but seeing the others she stopped but decided to interrogate him properly.

While she was thinking this Tatsuya was in his own thought. He was thinking, "why are things going the other way I want them to go. Sigh well at least nothing more will go wrong.'

Again as soon as he thought that a red magic circle appeared and then a handsome man with bright red hair came out of it. The man looked at Serafall and said, "Serafall save me, Grayfia is making me overwork again."

Then another red magic circle appeared and a silver haired maid came out of it. The maid looked around the room and saw the red haired man hiding behind Serafall.She went towards him and grabbed his ear and said, "Sirzechs-sama you should not be lazy, there is still a lot of work left you have to do as a maou."

Then her gaze landed on Tatsuya and she asked, "Tatsuya, what are you doing here?"

Tatsuya who was mentally crying didn't said anything. He then banged his head on the bed in front of him and shouted, "WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN OPEN MY MOUTH!!!"

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