Life In DXD

Chapter 57 - ORA!!!

The circle continued to glow for sometime and after a while the flames dispersed and three people stood there. One was a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes, another small girl who looked like her daughter with similar features but her hair were done in form of drills, and finally a man with similar blonde hair and a handsome face.

Misla came forward and bowed a bit and said, "Greetings Phenex-san I am very grateful that you decided to grace us with your presence." The woman also came forward and said with a smile, "Don't be too stiff Misla, you can just call me by my name, my friend." Misla also smiled and said, "As you wish Jessica."

Jessica then came closer to Misla and hugged her and said, "I am glad that you were able to recover, how is your health now." Misla separated from the hig and said, "I have been quite good, thanks for your kindness."

The women then went to the side to talk to one another and both the boy and the girl went towards Tatsuya and the others. The girl then came forward and gave a polite bow to the others and said, "Nice to meet you, I am Ravel Phenex from the house of Phenex and the one beside me is my brother Riser Phenex." Riser looked at the others with his hands in his pockets and nodded his head but then his sight fell on Tatsuya.

Tatsuya also looked back at him and then looked away. Riser then pointed his finger at Tatsuya and asked, "What is a human doing here?" Hearing his question Ravel also looked at him curious. Sairaorg came forward and said, "Good evening Riser-san I am Sairaorg Bael, from the house of Bael. This person here is my friend Tatsuya." Tatsuya nodded his head and said, "Nice to meet you, I am Tatsuya Shiba."

Riser then looked at him with a smirk and said, "A human like you must feel proud that you are standing in presence of The great Riser-sama." When he said that all of them had the exact same thought, 'This person is very annoying.'

Riser's gaze then fell upon Kurumi and he licked his lips and approached Kurumi. Kurumi looked at him and asked, "What?" Riser looked at her with an arrogant expression and said, "Woman you are beautiful. Why don't you become Riser's woman." When he said that all of them again had the same thought, 'Great he speaks in third person as well.'

Kurumi gave him a smile and said, "Sorry but I already like someone else." Riser seem to get a bit pissed at this and then grabbed her hand and said, "I was not asking you, I was ordering you to be my woman."

But suddenly his hand was grabbed by someone. He then looked at the person holding his hand and found it to be Tatsuya. Tatsuya gave him a cold glare and said, "I will say this just once, Release. Her. Hand".But Riser who had his holier than thou personality snorted and said, "Release me at once, or you will die by my hands Human."

Tatsuya didn't answered him and suddenly Kurumi's hand was freed and Riser's whole body disintegrated in flames only to form back a couple of seconds later. Tatsuya continued to look at him coldly and said, "I told you."

Riser then became more pissed and fired his flames at him without caring about the people nearby.

Tatsuya immediately pushed the others away using his telekinesis and himself got engulfed in flames.

Seeing him engulfed in flames Ravel got panicked as he saved her from his brother's attack, though she could not get hurt because she herself was a Phenex but still he saved her. She then looked at others and got more shocked. The others who saw Tatsuya getting engulfed in flames thought, 'Riser is a goner now. They all then looked at each other and then all said simultaneously, "Wanna bet on how much time will he take?"

Ravel then went towards them and said, "Are you all out of your minds, your friend just died and you all are betting. How can you call him you friend?"

The others only gave her a helpless look and then Miyuki came forward and said, "Rather than Onii-sama, you should be worried about your brother instead."

Ravel became confused but then the flame surrounding Tatsuya dispersed. All of them looked at him and both Riser and Ravel were very surprised on seeing him unscathed, thought his upper body was completely exposed because his clothes were burnt.

Tatsuya looked at himself and said, "Man, that shirt was brand new." He then looked at Riser and said, "Let's leave that for later and continue what we were doing." Tatsuya smirked at Riser making him more pissed.

Tatsuya then felt that everyone was looking at him, mostly girls. He then looked at them and saw them looking at him with a blush. He even saw Coriana taking pictures of him.

Not minding them he looked in the front and saw Riser making huge fireballs. Riser was about to fire them but Tatsuya negated them and said, "No fire inside the house." and then rushed towards him.

Riser covered his fists with fire and started attacking him and said, "Riser will kill you and will then make that bitch Riser's slave." Tatsuya intercepted his fists with his own. His eyes then changed into Byakugan and he then used gentle fist art to press his pressure points and paralysed him.

Being paralysed Riser glared at Tatsuya and said with difficulty, "What did you do to Riser." Tatsuya smiled at him but then the smile from his face vanished and he said, "What happened? Can't move your body?" He then moved closer to him and then activated his sharingan and used Tsukiyomi on him.

After getting out of Tsukiyomi Riser looked at Tatsuya with fear in his eyes and said, "Release Riser this instant." Tatsuya scoffed and said, "Still arrogant heh, looks like I need to 'teach' you thoroughly."

Tatsuya then held Riser's body up with his telekinesis and then covered his fists with Imagine Breaker and started punching Riser while shouting, "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!!"

The other who saw this scene were horrified. Each punch of Tatsuya was making a massive shockwave and just imagining them to be in Riser's place made them shudder with fear.

Tatsuya stopped punching for a bit and then looked at Riser's face. Riser's eyes were lifeless. He looked at Tatsuya and asked, "Why Riser's body is not regenerating, Riser is immortal. Riser cannot be defeated by the hands of a lowly human like you."

Tatsuya's hand then covered with black and white lightning making a loud noise(chidori with holy and black lightning). Tatsuya then looked at Riser with cold eyes and said, "You say you are immortal huh. So how about it, wanna experience dying once."

Tatsuya then moved his hand back and then attacked directly towards Riser's heart. But just as he was about to stab him he stopped.

He then looked at the person in front of him and the other person trying to stop his hand. He then said, "Miyuki move out of the way." but Miyuki stood there. Tatsuya then started releasing more pressure and said, "Miyuki. I . Said . Move . Out . Of . The . Way." But Miyuki still stood there struggling in his pressure.

Tatsuya then put his hand down and deactivated the black and white lightening. He then looked at Miyuki and said, "Why are you standing in my way and can you leave my hand Kurumi, Ravel." Kurumi released his hand but Ravel kept on clutching his hand. Tatsuya didn't gave it much thought and said, "Explain now."

Kurumi came forward and said, "I guess you have done enough." Tatsuya looked at her and said, "And why do you think so? I surely want to kill him right now." Kurumi shook her head and said, "It is enough see he can't even move a bit and is gravely injured." Tatyana didn't said anything and then again formed the chidori in his hand.

Seeing the chidori in his hand Ravel clutched his hand more tightly and started crying Tatsuya looked at Miyuki and said, "Move aside." Miyuki shook her head said, "I will not move Onii-sama." She then looked at Ravel and said, "Just look at her even though she is constantly being hurt by the holy element in that attack of yours yet she is not budging a bit, only to save her brother."

Tatsuya looked at Ravel and saw all the bruises on her face and body. He deactivated his attack and looked at Miyuki and said, "Move aside."

Miyuki still stood there and said, "Onii-sama please stop, she is a sister just like me and i know how would it feel to see my brother die in front of me."

Tatsuya gave a sigh and said, "You leave me no other choice." He then used his other hand and move Miyuki aside and then punched Riser.

Seeing Riser get punched Ravel immediately looked at her brother. As soon as Tatsuya pinched Riser his body erupted in flames and after a few seconds his body was back to normal.

Seeing that Ravel left Tatsuya and hugged her brother and started crying. Riser hugged her back and let her cry to her heart's content. Once she stopped crying she left his embrace and looked at Tatsuya and bowed and said, "Thank you, Thank you for sparing my brother." Riser didn't said anything and just stood there in silence.

Tatsuya sighed and patted her head and then her bruises started to heal. Tatsuya then looked at her and said, "You don't have to thank me Ravel. And I have to say youu are very brave to stand in my way in order to protect your brother." He stopped petting her and then said, "Besides who said that I spared him, STICKY FINGERS."

At his words everyone's eyes widen and they looked at Riser whose body immediately fell apart through various zippers on his body.

Riser got shocked and then started to get panicked. He then glared at Tatsuya and said, "What did you do to Riser's body Human." Everyone got surprised once again on seeing that Riser was still alive and talking.

Tatsuya then moved forward and then took a part of his body and attached it to his head. When everyone saw Riser the girls covered their eyes and the boys started laughing.

Raiser looked up and then got angry and shouted, "Why did you joined my d.i.c.k there." Tatsuya started laughing as well and said, "Now you are literally a 'd.i.c.khead'"

Ravel who saw his brother's body parts looked at Tatsuya and asked, "Will be back to normal?" Tatsuya patted her head and said, "Of course he will." and rejoined his body.

Riser checked his body and said, "Everything is fine but, WHY THE HELL IS MY D.I.C.K STILL HERE!!!"

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