Life In DXD

Chapter 64 - That business can wait for a while

After defeating the nekopervert and co. Tatsuya returned back to the village. All the Nekomata and nekoshou looked at him with an expectant gaze. Tatsuya looked at them for a while and then gave a thumbs up.

When the others saw the thumbs up they all cheered in happiness, some of them even shed tears of joy and were celebrating among themselves.

Tatsuya looked at the scene in front of him and thought, 'I know that they have the whole right to be happy because they are now safe from devil invasions, but why are they forgetting that now they don't have any place to stay or food to eat. *sigh* Let's wait for a bit and then burst their bubble of happiness.'

And as per his thought Tatsuya waited for them to celebrate a bit more and then said, "You guys seem to be forgetting something?"

As he said that all of them stopped celebrating and then got confused by his question but soon Asumi got what Tatsuya wanted to say and looked at the others and said, "Girls do any of you know a place where we can stay now?"

At her question the rest of the nekos got shocked. Tatsuya could have sworn that he heard thunder in the background. All of them started to get impatient and started discussing what to do from now on but were not able to reach any decision.

Tatsuya looked at the situation for a while and then asked, "Do you want to live under the Youkai territory?" At his question all of them turned their heads and shouted, "For real!!!"

Tatsuya was dumbfound by their sudden change and remain d still for a while.

After gaining back his focus he coughed and said, "Well I can ask Yasaka about it first and then only we could know."

Tatsuya then began thinking about how to deal with the situation. Making the Youkai faction take in some refugees was not too much problem. The problem was that the refugees were originally from the underworld so they might have suspicion on them of being spies.

While Tatsuya was thinking the other nekoshou other than Asumi came forward and asked, "Tatsuya-san, no Tatsuya-sama can we come with you instead."

As Tatsuya heard this he felt that the atmosphere got a little colder(Miyuki) but he shrugged it off. He then looked at the nekoshou and asked, "And why do you all want to come with me instead of going to the Youkai faction as being with your own kin would be much better for you, don't you think so."

All of the nekoshou nodded their heads and said, "Yes, it is better for us to be present among our own kin and the atmosphere around the Youkai territory would be very good for us as well." She then paused for a bit and said, "But we want to get strong." she said with a look of determination on her face and the same was with the others present beside her.

Tatsuya looked at her for a while and then asked, "And why do you all want to become stronger?" Another nekoshou came forward and said, "We have already lost the people who lived with us in our respective villages because of our weaknesses. We would have been dead as well if not for you saving us. So please take us in. We are even ready to be your slaves, just make us stronger so that we would not be in the same situation we were in before."

When Tatsuya heard the word slave a picture of him being in between n.a.k.e.d cat woman came in his mind. He thought that the idea would be good as their ears and tails looked soft an smooth but he threw the idea of his mind and said, "But can't you become strong by being among the Youkai, there must be various techniques that they must have that would make you all stronger."

All of them then looked at Tatsuya and said, "Even if they have some techniques they would be still incompetent against the training style that you have. We know how strong that Himari girl is and that too at such young age and all this was because of your training or as she told us."

As they said that Tatsuya and his teammates all looked at Himari. Tatsuya with curiousness and Miyuki and Ingvild with anger. All these gazes made her uncomfortable and she said, "What, I said that on the heat of moment, I was very happy to meet my friend and that's why I said that."

They looked at her for a bit more and finally sighing and shrugging it off.

Tatsuya looked at the girls in front of him and said, "I will tell you my answer later, it is not a matter that I can thing about in a spur of moment."

He said and turned around making the nekoshou standing in front of him drop down their ears and tails in disappointment but they soon came over it and thought that they were still not rejected.

Tatsuya then went towards the other members of his team and said, "I am going to talk about this matter to Yasaka, you all remain here and protect them and also decide on the matter those nekoshou presented before me right now as it will surely affect our team."

Tatsuya then turned around and took some food supplies and made some makeshift houses. He then turned towards the nekoshou and said, "Stay here for the time being I am going to talk to Yasaka for a bit."

He then made a portal and walked through it.

Soon Tatsuya appeared in front of the headquarters of the Youkai faction in Kyoto. He looked at the guards who bowed their heads when they saw him and Tatsuya did the same. Tatsuya was now recognised by most of the members of the Youkai faction and is respected by them. Tatsuya's strength and the times that he had helped them previously made his reputation grow among them.

Tatsuya started walking Towards the headquarters and soon he found someone sneaking on him by his detection. Tatsuya smiled a bit and then disappeared from his spot.

Seeing him disappear the person following him came out and looked a bit displeased but suddenly that person was strangled by someone and shouted, "Who are you, let me go."

The person who was strangling smiled and said, "Long time no see Kunou." As Kunou heard the voice she smiled and said, "Tatsuya-nii!!!"

Tatsuya let her go and was immediately hugged by Kunou. Tatsuya smiled and hugged her back and said, "So you were trying to sneak up on me."

As Kunou heard him she got embarresed and hid her face I. Tatsuya's chest. Tatsuya chuckled and lifted her up and started walking with her in his arms.

Kunou didn't said anything and simply enjoyed Tatsuya's embrace.

They soon came in front of a huge Japanese styled mansion. Tatsuya came in front of a sliding door and was about to ask to enter but was beaten down to it when Kunou jumped from his arms and entered the room without permission.

Tatsuya looked at her and then bonked her head and said, "Bad manners Kunou, you should not enter someone's room without permission."

Kunou held her head and glared at Tatsuya with a pout and said, "Meanie". Tatsuya looked at her and thought, 'So cuuute!!' and poked her cheeks.

Tatsuya then heard a cough and turned his head. Standing before him was blonde and busty lady wearing a yellow kimono which didn't helped her a bit in hiding her huge chest. The most notable feature about her was two fox ears on her head and nine golden yellow fluffy tails.

Tatsuya smiled and said, "Yasaka, how have you been?"

Yasaka smiled as well and then walked towards him and hugged him and said, "I have been well, but now I am better since you finally decided to visit me."

Tatsuya laughed in embarrasment and said, "Sorry about not being able to meet you more often, but I had been way too busy for sometime."

Yasaka didn't said anything and continued to hug him. Seeing that she had no intention of letting him go for the time being Tatsuya sighed and said, "Look, as much I want to continue what we are doing I have some important business with you so can we do that first."

Yasaka looked at him in the eye and said, "But can't we talk like this." Tatsuya who looked back at her was mesmerized and was unable to hear what she said. Seeing his condition Yasaka smiled and said, "Fu Fu Fu looks like someone is enchanted by me~."

Suddenly they were separated by Kunou who hugged Tatsuya tightly and said, "Okaa-san leave Tatsuya-nii alone."

Yasaka chuckled and said, "But it looks like that he was enjoying it." Tatsuya suddenly got back to his senses and said, "What happened?"

He looked around the room and saw a smiling Yasaka. Tatsuya then felt Kunou tightening her grip so he looked at her and asked, "What happened?" Kunou looked at him with determination and said, "Just wait for me Tatsuya-nii I will become more beautiful in future. So much beautiful that you will not even look at other girls." Tatsuya who was still confused was suddenly pulled and felt that his head hit something soft.

Tatsuya looked up and saw Yasaka smiling at him.

Yasaka got close to his face and said, "Then it looks like I have to make you obsessed with me before Kunou becomes that beautiful." and kissed him.

Tatsuya was confused about what was happening around him and thought, 'I don't know what all happened but I literally don't care about any of that. Right now I feel like I am in heaven.' and enjoyed the kiss.

Kunou who was by their side was covering her eyes but still looked at them from between her finger and said, "T-t-that's is bad Okaa-san that type of thing can only be done once you are married."

Yasaka then looked at Kunou and said, "Ara ara, then it looks like we have to get married soon to this type of thing right Tatsuya."

Tatsuya unconsciously said, "Yeah" but soon he became focused and said, "Wait a bit why the hell am I even doing all this, I still have some busines-"

Kunou the came in front of him and said, "Tatsuya-nii you can pet my ears and my tails." Yasaka came forward as well and said, "Yeah, mine too."

Tatsuya looked at the golden yellow tails swinging to and fro. To him it felt like that those tails were calling him.

Tatsuya gulped his saliva and thought, "That business can wait for a while I guess.'

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