Life In DXD

Chapter 7 - Sister

After becoming Kurumi's jinchuriki two months have passed and during these past two months some things have changed for Tatsuya.

Firstly Saji has changed schools as his father moved to another part of the town so the school life has now become slightly more boring for Tatsuya though he talks to Kurumi during the school but still he felt slight lonely as Saji left the school and Irina was rather busy with Issei.

But the biggest benefit he got after becoming a jinchuriki was that now he could use ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu as he read Kurumi's mind and found all the knowledge on handsigns and the mechanisms of those jutsus, he even created skills after gaining the knowledge that Kurumi possessed.





4) SHARINGAN EYES( he removed the curse on the eyes and is able to ise all the mangekyo abilities)





9) SAGE MODE( gained from Kurumi which got evolved )


11) DUST RELEASE (kekkei touta)



14) SAGE OF SIX PATH MODE( both Indra and Ashura halves)


When he got the power of the eyes Kurumi got surprised and asked him how did he got them to which he simply said, "Looks like the powers of those Outsusuki clan was also present in the astral plane and got absorbed while absorbing your leftover chakra."

Hearing his answer Kurumi thought that it was possible and left it at that.

When Tatsuya heard her question about the eyes he was startled but when he saw her accepting his answer he sighed in relief.

He also went to the astral plane every night and polished his moves and practiced his jutsus. Now he have no fear of any creature in this universe as with his Six path power he could easily annihilate any super class being not to mention Tenseigan with which splitting the even Earth in two parts is no big deal for him. Even if beings like Ophis or Great red came after him he could simply use Kamui and go into his dimension. Just a few years more with his growth rate he would become a freaking SAITAMA with some extra added benefits.

Right now Tatsuya and Kurumi are arguing. It was now time to cook dinner but Tatsuya is out of groceries for now. Tatsuya said, "what's the problem I can just eat cup noodles why are you declining to that idea?" "No you are not eating cup noodles today, you are eating them for the past three days!!" said Kurumi. "What's wrong with cup noodles it just get the work done."

They continued to bicker with each other for a few minutes, Kurumi who was getting tired with bickering with Tatsuya got an idea and said, "Ok if you don't go and buy groceries then you will not be able to eat coffe jelly as you atet he last one yesterday."

Hearing this Tatsuya got shocked and hurriedly went to change his clothes. He doesn't know if this was because of taking Saiki's powers but he have a sweet tooth and just like him he too like coffee jelly the most.

After buying the groceries on his way home he was talking to Kurumi about various things when suddenly he felt a mana burst.

He hurriedly kept his groceries in his dimensional pocket and ran towards the location. When he reached there he found a few people covered in ice and a girl who was crouching while hold her head and crying and saying, "Stay away, leave me alone, I didn't do anything please someone save me."

Hearing her voice a memory came back to me and I immediately rushed towards her and hugged her and said, "calm down it's all right I am here." Tatsuya stroked her head while saying those words to her silently.

As she recognised the voice she looked up to the person and said, "Onii-sama" Tatsuya looked at her and gave a gentle smile and said, "Yes it's your onii-sama Miyuki"

Miyuki started crying once again and hugged Tatsuya back. Tatsuya continued to console her while remembering about the memories he gained.

When Tatsuya first came to this world he tried to find about his other family members. He did find some of them but one member of his family made him shocked. Tatsuya's aunt who was the same person he had seen in the anime. He thought that other familes of the anime might also be present in this world and tried to find about them as well but to his luck there were no other families other then his. Though the only difference between his family and the one in the anime was that he wasn't blood related to any of them as his father was adopted in that family.

After Miyuki stopped crying Tatsuya looked at her and she looked back at him. They stared at each other for a while before Tatsuya broke the silence and asked, "What are you doing here alone and what happened to you to be in this condition?"

On hearing his question Miyuki looked down for a bit and then started to explain the situation to him.

While Miyuki was at her home she recieved the news that her mother died in a plane crash and just like Tatsuya's case his family refused to accept her in their family and was thus put in an orphanage. But the condition in the orphanage and the treatment she recieved there was very harsh. She was bullied, starved and made to do manual labour and that too till she fainted on a daily basis.

Not being able to bear that treatment she ran away from the orphanage. But while she was on the run she came across some men who thought of selling her. When fear got over her a wave of blue energy traveled from her body and froze the ones who were approaching her.

Hearing her whole story to say Tatsuya was angry was an understatement. He was fuming with rage and was thinking of destroying both the orphanage and his family but stopped thinking about that and looked towards Miyuki and patted her head and asked with a gentle smile on his face, "Hey Miyuki if you don't have anywhere to go, why not stay with me?"

Miyuki who was enjoying her head being patted when heard his brother was very happy and tears of joy came out of her eyes and she hugged Tatsuya and said a soft, "yes" and drifted of to sleep.

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