Life In DXD

Chapter 99 - Rias vs Riser 2

Both Isami and Koneko were running towards the sports field where they had decided to meet with Kiba. Suddenly both of them felt an attack coming towards them and both of them immediately juned to their sides.

As soon as both of them landed they saw a huge explosion in front of them and noticed that they were only a few centimetres away from the the explosion's radius.

Both of them then looked up to see who was the who attacked them and found a lady with a purple hair and a huge exposed chest with a cane in her hand there.

Isami narrowed her eyes and said, "You, you must be Riser's queen right?"

The lady who was flying in the air smirked and said, "Yes, I am Yubelluna, Riser sama's queen." and fired another attack at both of them but before it could reach them a lightening was shot at it nullifying it along with an explosion.

All three of them looked towards the direction where the lightening was shot from and saw Akeno wearing her priestess clothes with her wings out.

She then looked at her teammates and said, "Ara, having some trouble. Don't worry I will handle her you two go ahead."

Isami and Koneko nodded their heads and again started running towards the sports field.

Akeno then looked at Yubelluna who was smirking and said, "I was always looking for a chance to fight against you, priestess of thunder."

Akeno just smiled and put her hand over her mouth and said, "Ara Ara, the pleasure is all mine Bomb queen-san." and a yellow aura started to come out of her body and seeing that Yubelluna also started to release her violet aura and then both of them started firing their spells at each other.

Isami and Koneko kept on running and then suddenly heard.

"Three of Riser sama's pawns retired."

Both of them smiled and Isami said, "That must be Kiba."

As soon as she said that Kiba came from the side and said, "Yo"

Both Koneko and Isami stopped on their tracks and said, "Kiba why are you here didn't we agree on meeting at the sports field."

Kiba gave a helpless smile and said, "Yes we did plan that but president asked us to wait for a while and regroup first before taking any actions."

Isami and Koneko were surprised by the order and Isami said, "Why, we have to get there sooner or later and as soon as we reach there we can advance forward by attacking them one by one. That will be favourable for us Right?" Koneko also nodded her head and said, "I also think that this plan is better. If we wait and then go, there is a chance for them to attack us altogether and their numbers are already higher than us." Isami nodded and said, "Yes, even though I believe that we can defeat all of them but it will still take a lot of time for us to deal with them and it will be much more tiring than fighting them individually."

Kiba also nodded his head and said, "I know that as well but President thinks that Riser will send all the remaining pieces after us and it will make the path towards their king devoid of enemies."

Isami and Koneko look at him with a weird expression and said, "We know that as well but what good will it do after the path is clear and no one is attacking him. This will only take much more time and it will exhaust us more before fighting the king."

Kiba thought for a while and then said, "I believe that she is planning on taking him head on." Isami and Koneko were again surprised by this and Isami used her transmitter and asked Rias, "Prez are you planning on taking that Riser guy on your own."

Rias who was surprised by the question first calmed herself and said, "Yes, that's why I want you three to deal with the rest of his peerage while Akeno is busy with the queen."

Isami then asked, "But isn't that guy's regeneration too fast? How are you going to defeat him."

Rias then said, "Even though his regeneration is too fast and his body is technically 'immortal' but his mind isn't. We can defeat him if we made his mind unable to process the situation. There is also the fact that regeneration takes both demonic power and stamina to work so if I am able to make him exhausted he will not be able to regenerate."

All three of them thought for a while and then realised that her plan could work. Isami who was now somewhat believing her asked, "But how are you going to achieve what you just said." Rias just said, "Don't worry I have a plan for that. Now you three go to the sports field and engage his peerage." and cut her connection.

All three of them looked at each other and then Kiba said, "Anyway let's go we can only follow her orders now, we have already missed the opportunity to fight them individually."

Both Isami and Koneko sighed and nodded their heads and all three of them started running towards the sports field.


In the ORC room:

Rias who had just cut the connection said, "Now I just have to wait for a while and once the path is clear I will attack him. Seriously my peerage is really strong being able to defeat multiple enemies on their own makes it even clear that I who is their king should be able to deal with him in a one on one easily. I just have to attack him continuously making him regenerate over and over again and once he will be exhausted then it is my win."


In the administration room:

Tatsuya who just heard Rias's plan through the small device that he had placed on all of them before the game for the very same purpose face palmed.

He then said, "This was what I was worried about, she became overconfident because of her peerage's strength. Does she truly believes that Riser will just stand still while she will be attacking him continuously."

The others in the room who also heard her plan nodded their heads and then Sona said, "And even if Riser did according to Rias's imagination I know that her own demonic power is quite less as compared to Riser. She will be the one to exhaust first even if everything goes by her plan."

She then glared at Tatsuya and said, "By the way you do know that it is illegal to plant a spying device on the participants before the game. What would you do if the higher-ups come to know about this."

Tatsuya just smiled and said, "That is only if they hear about it. You think that despite knowing about the rules I would make tiny mistakes like this. They will only know about this as long as this talk don't leave the room."

Sona who heard that nodded her head but then an idea came to her mind and she smirked before as asking, "So what would I get for keeping my mouth shut?"

Tatsuya looked at her with a surprised expression and then said, "Would a date with you alone suffice?"

Sona who heard that smiled and said, "Deal accepted."

Suddenly all the girls except Grayfia raised their hands and said, "we want compensation as well."

Tatsuya just sighed and said, "Why did I even let you all hear that, I should have just kept it to me. *Sigh* Fine I agree to that."

All of them nodded with a smile but then the room suddenly became chilly and all of them looked at the silver haired maid who was sitting beside Tatsuya.

Tatsuya had a wry smile on his face and he asked, "Of course what would it take to keep your much shut Grayfia?"

At that moment all the girls in the room had the same thought, "Your c.o.c.k."

Tatsuya who heard that through his telepathy twitched his lips but didn't say anything.

Grayfia then said, "Then there is a place that I want to go but going there alone would be boring so I would like you to accompany me there."

Tatsuya looked at her for a while and then said, "In other words a date, right? Ok I agree now let's focus on the match."

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